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Doc 1:

List of New Member Orientation Requirements:

 Org Overview
o LT intros
o What senate we’re in
o Senate vs committee
 Organization structure briefing
o Committees
 Membership requirements briefing
o Rep vs Senator
o Retreat
o Cage hours
o Committee attendance
o Senate attendance
 Proxies: what they are and how to do them 
 Parliamentary procedures briefing
 Major documents overview/practice + examples
o Resolutions
o Bills
o Statements

Doc 2:
Links to docs from document review
 Membership requirements
o Org structure briefing:
 Parliamentary procedure:
Doc 3:
Interview questions:

 Why is it important for new members to have an orientation?
 What are some membership requirements that we must ensure our members are aware
 Do you have any documents outlining the orientation process?
 What is the biggest difficulty you face while creating orientation documents?
 What are the most important things for new members to learn when joining SGA?

 Why is it important for new members to have an orientation?
 What are the parliamentary procedures? Do you have a list?
 What is the difference between Robert’s Rules and House Rules?
 Why are parliamentary procedures important?
 What are the most important things for new members to learn when joining SGA?

 Why is it important for new members to have an orientation?
 What is the most difficult thing about orienting new people to the parliamentary
 What is the biggest learning curve that new members face while joining senate?
 What can we add to a new member orientation that could encourage new members to
participate in Senate procedures and SGA?
 What are the most important things for new members to learn when joining SGA?

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