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1. The National Road, .............................. of the first highways in North America, connected the east coast to the
Ohio Valley.
A. which one C. one
B. it was one D. was one
Materi : Appositive
2. .............................., George, is attending the lecture
A. Right now C. Because of the time
B. Happily D. My friend
Materi : Appositive
3. Today used to measure the weight of gemstones or the amount of gold per 24 parts of pure gold, .....................
orriginaly the weight of a seed of the carob tree.
A. was a carat C. which was a carat
B. a carat was D. that a carat was
Materi Nonrestrictive Adjective Clause
A. Nonrestrictive Adjective Clause Adalah salah satu jenis adjective clause yang berfungsi hanya untuk memberikan
keterangan tambahan pada benda yang diterangkan.
Ciri-ciri : - Benda yang diterangkan selalu nama terang, baik orang ataupun benda, semisal; Mr. John, The
National Road. The White House, My car,dll
- Penulisan Nonrestrictive A. C selalu diapit coma didepan dan belakangnya.
Bandingkan: - Nonrestrictive A. C. : Mr. Jackson, who is a professor, is traveling in the Mideast
this year.
- Restrictive A. C. : The man who is a professor here is Mr. Jackson.

Kesimpulannya. : N R A C, dan R A C, merupakan bentuk adjective clause yang pada dasarnya mempunyai
fungsi yang sama, yaitu menerangkan Noun, namun mempunyai perbedaan pada sifat
keterangannya, yaitu antara keterangan tambahan dan keterangan penjelas utama, serta
perbedaan dalam penulisannya.

B. Appositive Adalah sebuah keterangan tambahan layaknya Nonrestrictive Adjective Clause, namun Appositive
berbentuk Noun atau Noun phrase. Umumnya, Appositive adalah hasil peringkasan dari Nonrestrictive
Adjective Clause, namun dalam hal ini peletakkan Appositive boleh didepan atau dibelakang NOUN, dengan
catatan, jika diletakkan didepan Noun, cukup hanya menyertakan 1 comma setelah appositive tersebut.

Contoh: - Nonrestrictive A. C. : The witness, who appeared on television programs, gave conflicting
accounts of what happened.

- Appositive (blkng) : The witness, appearing on television programs, gave conflicting accounts
of what happened.
- Appositive (depan) : Appearing on television programs, The witness gave conflicting
accounts of what happened.
TOEFL Post-Test
1. .............................. with the largest alphabet is Cambodian, with 74 letters.
A. In the language C. The language
B. The language is D. About the language
2. The tetracyclines, .............................. antibiotics, are used to treat an infection.
A. are a family of C. a family of
B. being a family D. their family is
3. Any possible assistent from taking stimulants.............................. marginal at best.
A. it is C. is
B. there is D. as
4. In the late 1880's, Hull House .............................. United Stated first welfare state.
A. to became the C. becoming one of the
B. became the D. it became the
5. Still a noverlty in the late nineteenth century, .............................. limited to the rich
A. was C. it was photography
B. was photography D. photography was
6. Henry Adams, born in Boston, .............................. famous as a historian and novelist.
A. became C. he was
B. and became D. and he became
7. .............................., one of the oldest forms of written comunication, was used as early as 3000 B.C.
A. Cuneiform writing C. Cuneiform writing was
B. In cuneiform writing D. When cuneiform writing
8. .............................., the outermost layer of skin, is about as thick as a sheet of paper ever most of the skin.
A. It is the epidermis C. In the epidermis
B. The epidermis D. The epidermis is
9. ........................... on several different television programs, the witness gave conflicting accounts of what had
A. He appeared C. Appearing
B. Who appeared D. Appears
10. Approximately 500 varieties of insectivorous plants, which trap animals for their sustenance, ..............................
in the world.
A. and their existence C. they exist
B. exist D. that exist
11. John Smith, .................... of economic crimes, tax evasion, and fraud, is being accused of attempted murder now.
A. of that he was accused C. whom he was accused
B. that was accused D. who was accused
12. The Apollo 11 astronouts .................... of the Earth's in hibitabts witnessed on the famouse first moonwalk on
July 20, 1969, were Neil Amstrong and Buzz Aldrin.
A. whom C. were some
B. whom millions - D. whom some were
13. In 1870, Calvin, along with Adirondack hunter Alvah Dunning, made the first known ascent of Seward
Mountain, .................... far from raods or trails.
A. a remote peak C. a remote peak is
B. it is a remote peak D. which a remote peak
14. .............................., Sarah, Rarely misses her basketball shots
A. An excelent basketball player C. Sarah is an excelent basketball player
B. An excelent basketball player is D. Her excelent basketball play
15. .................... behind government secrecy for nearly half a century, the Handford plant in central Washington
produced plutonium for the nuclear weapons of the Cold War.
A. it is hidden C. which is hidden
B. hidden D. the plant is hiding

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