PDF Pertemuan 13, Skill 5 Memahami VERB AGREEMENT

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MEMAHAMI VERB AGREEMENT / Kesesuaian Verb Dan Subjectnya

TOEFL Pre-Test
1. Among bees ........................... a highly elaborate form of communication.
A. occur C. it occur
B. occurs D. they occur
2. ........................... heated by solar energy have specil collectors on the roofs to trap sunlight.
A. A home is C. A home
B. Homes are D. Homes
Choose the letter of undelined word or group of words that is not correct.
3. Each number in a binary system are formed from only two symbols.
4. Scientists at the medical center is trying to determine if there is a relationship between saccharine and
5. On the rim of the Jilauea volcano in the Hawaian Islands are a hotel called the Volcano Hotel
Subject Verb Agreement adalah penyesuaian antara subject dan verbnya secara benar menurut gramarnya.

Contoh : 1. The boy walks to school

2. The boys walk to school

beberapa persoalan verb agreement yang muncul dalam soal TOEFL diantaranya terletak pada pola-pola kalimat
berikut ini

1. Setelah Prepositional Phrase And Adjective Clause

2. Setelah Expression Of Quantity
3. Setelah Inversi Finit Verb
4. Setelah Beberapa Indefinit Pronoun, Each And Every
5. Setelah Corelative Conjunctions
6. Setelah Collective Nouns

1. Setelah prepositional phrase and Adjective Clause

1. The key to the doors are/is in the drawer
- The key = subject (singular)
- to the doors = object of preposition (to)
Verb yang tepat = is

Ada beberapa expressions yang sering mengikuti Noun phrase yang umumnya berada pada restrictive
adjective clause peringkasan, yang mempunyai makna yang sepertinya mempengaruhi bentuk atau jumlah
subject asli diawal. Namun sebenarnya tidak. Sebagaimana contoh soal berikut

1. The introgation, conducted by three police officers, have/has lasted for several hours

Beberapa expression tersebut adalah:

Along with = bersama dengan among = diantara

acompanied by = ditemani oleh together with = bersama dengan
as well as = disamping juga
- Mr. Robbins, accompanied by his wife and her children , is arriving tonight.
- The actress and the manager are going to one of the television station to have an
2. Setelah Expression of Quantity

Ketika subjek kalimat berawalan Expression of Quantity, Noun setelahnyalah yang menentukan jenis finite
verbnya yang mana mereka bisa dalam bentuk singular or plural noun.
Diantara Expression of quantity tersebut adalah;
- None - No
- All - Half
- Most - A Number Of dan The Number Of
- Some - serta Several, Many, Both, dan Few yang digunakan sebagai pronoun.

Pengelompokkan Pola kalimat masing masing Expression of quantity

a. None, All, Most, Some, Half ( Sebelum Noun diikuti preposition of the)

POLA : Expression of quantity + of the (NOUN) + finite verb

1. None of the book was/were interesting
- None = Expression of Quantity
- of the book = object of preposition (singular)
verb yang tepat = was
1. All of the books was/were interesting.
2. All of the information was/were interesting.
b. No
Untuk expression quantity No sebelum Subject tidak diikuti preposition of the.
POLA : No + singular noun + singular verb
No + plural noun + plural verb
Contoh :
1. No example is relevant to this case
2. No examples are relevant to this case
c. A Number Of and The Number Of (banyak)

A number of Plural Verb

POLA : Plural noun
The number of Singular Verb

Keterangan : Noun yang mengikuti keduanya selalu Plural, namun

bentuk verbnya berbeda. A number of (Plural verb),
sedangkan The number of (Singular verb)
1. A number of students are going the class picnic
2. The number of students is going the class picnic
Exercise :
1. The number of days in a week is/are seven

3. Setelah Inversi
Pastikan pada kalimat Inversi adverb didepan kalimat bentukan dari preposition phrase bahwa noun yang
menjadi subjek adalah yang berposisi setelah verb. Noun yang sebelum verb merupakan bagian dari
Preposition phrase berfungsi sebagai adverb of place.

1. Behind the house were the bicycles that i wanted
2. Behind the house was the bicycle that i wanted
- Behind the house = Prep. Phrase berfungsi sebagai (adverb)
- The bicycle = subject
1. Only once this morning was/were the letters delivered by the campus mail.
2. Garry would be studying the chapters was/were he able to get hold of the

4. Setelah beberapa indefinit pronoun, (Each) dan (Every)

Beberapa kata benda, adakalanya secara makna termasuk plural, namun secara gramatical singular, sehingga
mereka harus menggunakan Singular Verb. Diantaranya adalah;

Everybody Anyone Nothing

Every (+ singular noun)
Everyone Anything Somebody
Each (+ singular noun)
Everything No body Someone
Each of (+ Plural noun)
Anybody No one Something
Example indefinit pronoun

1. Everybody is going to the teather tonight

2. Because of the low number of orders, nothing has to be done now

Example Every & Each

1. Every worker takes unnecessary breaks, precious moments of production are lost
2. Each student has answered the first three questions.
3. Each of the doctors in the building needs to have sparate reception area.

1. The president felt that no one was/were better suited for the position of the chief
staff advisor.
2. Every man, woman, and child in this line is/are required to sign the forms in
order to complete the registration process.

5. Setelah beberapa Correlative Conjunction

Penentu bentuk verb pada penggunaan correlative conjunction untuk menghubungkan noun sebagai
subject adalah NOUN yang Kedua, kecuali pada both ....... and......., conjunction ini selalu dihitung
Jamak, jadi harus diikuti Plural Verb.

Neither noun + nor noun Finite verb

Either noun + or noun Finite verb
Not only noun + but aslo noun Finite verb
Both noun + and noun Finite verb (Plural)
1. Either my sisters or my brother wants to work in office
2. Not only my brother but also my sisters want to work in office
1. Either mark and his friends have/has the book
2. Neither my brother nor my sister want/wants to study abroad.

6. Setelah Collective Noun

Collective noun adalah beberapa NOUN yang merupakan kumpulan orang, benda, hewan yang
dianggap Tunggal, sehingga termasuk dalam singular.

a. Menandai manusia, hewan, dan benda

congress class crowd group family

team organization commitee club army
majority jury government public minority
Flock of .....(birds/sheep) Pride of .....(lions) School of .....(fish)
Pack of ..... (dogs) Herd of .....(cattle)
1. Arsenal team has come two a half hour ago.
2. The crowd was wild with excitement.
1. The family was/were elated by the news.
2. The commitee has/have met and it/they has rejected the proposal.

b. Collective noun yang menandai money, time, and measurement

1. Twenty- five dollars is too much to pay for that bag.
2. Fifty minutes isn't enough time to finish this test.
3. Two miles is too much to run in a day.

TOEFL Post-Test
1. The great digital advances of the electronic age, such as integrated circuitry and a microcomputer, has
been planted in tiny chip.
2. There are many frequently mentioned reasons why one out of four arrests involve a juvenile
3. Kepler's Laws, principles outlining planetary movement, was formulated based on observations made
without a telescope.

4. Only with a two thirds vote by both houses are the U.S. Congress able to override a presidental veto
5. OF all the evidence that has piled up since Webster's paper was published, there is no new ideas
to contradict his original theory.

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