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IEP Plan for Elide Lochan

Samantha Clodt

Introduction to Special Education

Individualized Education Plan

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Student's Strengths and Needs

Areas of Strength
1. Elide can identify letters of the alphabet, can count to 100, can spell her name, and
communicate her needs to her teacher and communicate with her classmates.
2. Elide can perform addition and subtraction equations, and multi-step equations, and do
homework and class assignments.

Areas of Need
3. Elide needs assistance with staying on task during class- may require cognitive interventions
that keep her from blurting out and socializing during class time.
4. Elide does not test well without a calculator and/or scratch paper for math tests. She also tests
better on reading or writing tests after being given study guides.

Instructional Accommodations

Writing Skills

5. Allow Elide more time on tests for written responses.

6. Provide Elide with organizational handouts for her to gather her thoughts before developing an

7. Provide Elide with a calculator for math tests, quizzes, and homework.
8. Allow Elide extra time on math tests.

Word Problems
9. Provide Elide with an organizational handout for tests/quizzes that require a written response.
Reading Comprehension

10. Elide will be provided with annotated versions of passages or text that allow her to grasp the
main ideas/themes/etc better.
11. Elide will be able to refer to any notes she created while taking a reading comprehension test.

Cognitive Learning Skills

12. Elide will be reminded to pay attention/stay on task during instructional time or independent
work time.
13. Elide will have assistance in memorizing facts, such as multiplication, addition, or
subtraction to increase her memory capability.

Environmental Accommodations
14. Elide will be allowed to take her tests or quizzes in the environment she feels most
comfortable in (the library, the hallway, etc.)
15. Elide will be allowed to sit away from her classmates to avoid overstimulation/distraction. Or
she can choose to sit next to them.

Assessment Accommodations
16. As stated previously, Elide will be allowed to take her tests or quizzes in the environment she
feels most comfortable in (the library, the hallway, etc.)

Social Skills
17. Develop a system with Elide (raising two fingers) when she has forgotten to raise her hand
and blurted out an answer or is chatting with a classmate during instructional time.
18. Implement a system in reminding Elide to focus on her work.
19. Allow Elide to leave the classroom to take a walk around the school when she gets
overstimulated/ needs a change of scenery or fresh air.
20. Allow Elide to take her tests in the environment she feels most comfortable in (for example
the library, the hallway, etc.)

Manuscript Writing
21. By the end of the annual school year, Elide will be able to write an entire paragraph without
distractions or getting off-task.

Cursive Writing
22. By the end of the annual school year, Elide will be able to write her name in cursive as well
as spell out the alphabet in cursive while having minimal distractions.

23. By the end of the annual school year, Elide will be able to know her multiplication facts 1-12,
as well as be able to solve multi-step addition and subtraction problems with minimal

Word Problems
24. By the end of the annual school year, Elide will be able to solve word problems with minimal
distractions and minimal guidance from her teacher.

Reading Comprehension
25. By the end of the annual school year, Elide will be able to summarize passages/or texts, and
list the main ideas, themes, setting, and other components of the text without help and/or

Cognitive Learning Skills

26. By the end of the annual school year, Elide will be able to stay on task during the
instructional and independent time, as well as improve her memory with facts.
Social Skills
27. By the end of the annual school year, Elide will have minimal outbursts in class and be able
to maintain her urges to socialize or talk during instructional time. Additionally, she will feel
more at ease with her test anxiety after being accommodated. Elide will be at the normal
academic development level of her peers by the end of the year.

Implementing and Monitoring

28. Elide will have overcome much of her test anxiety.
29. Elide will be able to recognize when the appropriate times to socialize with her classmates
30. Elide will have begun establishing goals/study habits that will aid her throughout her
academic career.

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