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1. Dion : "Hello, Ma.

This is my cousin: Erica"

Erica : "How do you do?"
Via : "How do you do?"

What kind of expressions the underlined expression is?

A. greetings    D. leave taking
B. hanking      E. pleasure
C. introducing

Jawaban: C

2. Jaka : "Hi, I m Jaka. What is your name?"

Hana : "I'm Hana."
Jaka : "What are you looking for? could " I help you."
Hana : "I'm looking for a self-help book."
Jaka : "I would like to recommend you this book. This is my favourite book. "

What do they talk about?

A. hobby             D. profession
B. book interest   E. passions
C. address

Jawaban: B

Quation no 3-4!

Mr. Rudi : "Lina, this is Mrs. Wati, the head of purchasing division. Mrs. Wati, she is Lina. She is
your new assistant."
Lina : "Pleased to meet you.”
Mr. Rudi : "Pleased to meet you too. Areyou able to communicate in English!”
Lina : "Yes, Ma'am. I am able to speak English fluently. I am an English Language and Literature
Mr. Rudi : "That's great! I hope we could work together."

3. Where does the dialog take place?

A. office         D. supermarket
B. classroom  E. job fair
C. university

Jawaban: A

4. What does Mrs. Wati like about Lina?

A. grade
B. helpful trait
C. language skills
D. job experience
E. education background

Jawaban: E

Quations no 5-6!

Mr Anton : "Good afternoon, Sir. May I introduce myself? My name is Anton. I am a

technician of PT General Automotive."
The secretary : "What can I do for you, sir”
Mr Anton : "I want to see Mr. Rahmat, the mechanic in the workshop. Is he in today?"
The secretary : "I am sorry, Sir. Mr. Rahmat isn't in today."
Mr Anton : "I see. Well, thank you. Goodbye."

5. What are Mr. Anton and the secretary talking about?

A. a technician of PT General Automotive
B. a way of greetings
C. Mr. Anton and the secretary
D. Mr. Rahmat's hobby
E. Mr. Rahmat's attendance

Jawaban: E

6. "May I introduce myself?" What does the Statement indicate?

A. greeting
B. Advice
C. Introduction of oneself
D. Complain
E. Introducting others

Jawaban: C

Quation no 7-9!

Read the foilowing dialog

Danny : "Hello, Roy."

Roy : "Hi, Danny. It's nice to see you here."
Danny : "Nice to see you, too. How are you?"
Roy : "Fine, thank you. And you?"
Danny : "I am quite well, thanks."
Roy : "Have you met my friends?" This is Nani and Tom."
Danny : "How do you do, guys? Glad to meet you."
Nani-Tom : "How do you do, Danny? Glad to meet you, too."
Roy : "Please, take a seat. I'll ask for the menu to the waiters."
Danny : "1am sorry. I am in a hurry."
Roy : “Oh! Are you? That's bad. Hope to see you again. Goodbye, Roy."
Danny : "Goodbye, everybody."

7. "How do you do, guys?"

Glad to meet you What does the underlined word mean?
A. sad        D. egotistic
B. lazy       E. uninterested
C. pleasant

Jawaban: C

8. "May 1 introduce myself?"

What is the synonym of the underlined word?
A. present   D. annoy
B. deduce   E. dedicate
C. contest

Jawaban: A

9. Who is the mutual friend between them?

A. Roy   D. Danny
B. Tom  E. The waiters
C. Nani

Jawaban: D

10. My sister is Dewi ..... 8 years old.

A. He is    D. We are
B. I am    E. He does
C. She is

Jawaban: C

11. Your friend come to the classroom with a sad face. You notice it.
You : “Is some thing wrong ?You don’t look so happy.”
Your friend : “I lost try phone on my way to school this morning .”
You : “No way that’s awful .How did that happen ?”
Your friend : “I don’t know. I din’t realize that it had gone until I got here.”
You : “oh dear, what an unfortunate event.”

Which statement is false ?

A. Your friend lost his phone.
B. You don’t care about what happened
C. You ask what happened because you notice your friend’s sad face
D. You care about your friend
E. Your is in unfortunste situation

Jawaban: B

12. Maria : “Sherly, what a nice dress you look stunning!”

Sherly “ .....”

What is the unappropriate respones ?

A. Thanks. This dress would make anyone look stunning.
B. You look great yourself.
C. That’s a very nice of you to say so.
D. Thanks you
E. I am not sure about that

Jawaban: E

13. Kiki : “ Sara, did you have hair cut?.”

Sara : “ I did .“
Kiki : “ .....”
Sara : Thank you I really appreciate it.

No one noticed my new hair cut Except you.

A. Do you really think that cut suits you ?
B. If you think you look beuatiful with that hair, think again!
C. It looks fine, but it will be better if you wer a hat.
D. I hope it grow again sooner
E. Well, it suits you. You look good with that hair cut .....

Jawaban: E

Baca Juga: 40 CONTOH Soal UAS Sejarah Indonesia Kelas 11 Semester 1 Kurikulum
2013 dan Kunci Jawaban Tahun 2022
14. Which statement is a compliment
A. It’s such a shame for you, dear
B. What a brililiant performence you did
C. How disgusting your action is .
D. You should practice more; sweetheart.
E. If you want to be an actress think again.

Jawaban: B

15. A boy : “I heard your speech. That was so inspiring.Superb !”

A girl : “ Really ? Do you think so ?”
A boy : “ Of course. Your topic about humanism was very touching and you handle it well.”
A girl : Frankly speaking. I was very nervous.

Which statement indicate compliment ?

A. I heard your speech
B. Superb
C. Really?
D. Do you think so
E. Of crouse.

Jawaban: B

16. What can you get from the dialoque ?

A. The woman failed in presenting the speech.
B. Her topic of presentation is boring.
C. She was lack of self-esteem in doing presentation.
D. The girl is sharing resposibility with the boy in receiving the compliment.
E. The boy gave the an advice about publict speaking.

Jawaban: C

Quation no 17-18!

Tito : “ Wina I saw you on the debate competition yesterday. That was a heated debat.
Congratulations for your winning! What an amazing victory!”
Wina : Thanks. It was actually a team has a really good skill and talent.”

17. What is the antonym of heated ?

A. Impasstion  D. Ragging
B. Enthusiatic  E. Dull
C. Intense

Jawaban: E

18. What can you get from the dialoque ?

A. She denies the compliment that she receive.
B. She doesn’t want to accept the compliment because she doesn’t feel confident
C. She want people to compliment her achievement.
D. She doesn’t want to sound arrogant.
E. She wants to give the credit to th who deserve it.

Jawaban: D

19. Father : "Honey, come here. I bought you a new pairs of shoes."
Daughter : "Really? Oh my God, thank you so much, Dad. They are so Beautiful! Ilove them "
Father : "Do you really like them?"
Daughter : "Of course I do"
Father : "Listen. I have to go to Rome for business next week. So I wouldn't be here to celebrate your
birthday. I am so sorry."
Daughter : "How long will you be there?"
Father : "I'll stay there for 5 days."
Daughter : "That's too bad."
Father : "But promise you to bring somethig from Rome. What doyou want ? "A doll?""A dress ?"
Daughter : "It's okey, Dad. You don't have to buy me something, just come home safely."
Father : "I will, dear. Hey, why don't you try your new shoes? See if they fit!."
Daughter : "All right!"
Father : "look at you! they look really good on you."
Daughter : "Thanks, Dad."

What is the false information from the text?

A. The daughter is disoppointed to receive a new pairs of shoes as her birthday present .
B. The father can’t celebrate his daughter’s birthday sibce he will be
C. The daughter respons to her father compliment by saying her
D. The daughter return her compliment to her father by saying “ thank You. “
E. The father compliment his daughter when she is wearing the shoes.

Jawaban: A

20. How does the daughter respond to the father’s compliment?

A. Refusing and accepting
B. Accepting and showing suprise
C. Accepting and showing responsible
D. Accepting and returning the compliment
E. Accepting and giving humorous response

Jawaban: D

21. Your little sister drew a picture of you. She show you the picture. What kind of reaction should
you say in order to encourage he?
A. You’d better quit dreaming about being a great actrist.
B. Your drawing is that good.
C. What agreat picture! You are really a talented
D. Is that me in the picture? Not bad!
E. What picture is this ? I don’t even know who or what you drew.

22. Rudy will ..... to th cinema watch a film.

A. go       D. went
B. gone    E. goes
C. going

Jawaban: A

23. Robbin : “ where will you go tomorrow ?”

Regina : “ .....”
A. I will cut the grass.
B. I wiil you.
C. I will clean my room.
D. I will go to the shopping centre.
E. I will be fine.

Jawaban: D
24. I visit my aunt .....
A. On Sundays   D. To day
B. next week     E. at present
C. yesterday

Jawaban: A

25. Joko : :” .....”

Joni : “ I will watch music concert in Cafe at 11 PM.”
A. Will you music concert in cafe ?
B. What is you plan toninhgt ?
C. What is it ?
D. When will you go ?
E. What did you do yeserday ?

Jawaban: B

26. Do you come to my birthday’s party ?

A. Yes. I do     D. Yes, I did
B. No, I do      E. No, I didn’t
C. Yes, I don’t

Jawaban: A

Baca Juga: 40 SOAL PAS PKN Kelas 12 Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013 dan Kunci
Jawaban, Contoh Soal PAS PKN Kelas 12 SMA 2022

Quation no 27-30!


Wawan is planning o visit his uncle and taking a public transportation like a bus to go there.
The time estimation from his home to his uncle's is thirty minutes by bus. The bus will
depart at 9.15. he is leaving his house at nine because to the nearest bus stop home take
five minutes' walk. At the bus station he buys a ticket. He gets on the bus and sits behind
the driver. Moreover 'what make him excited is the view a long the way. He enjoy seing the
people and the traffic rush. He is planning to stay athis uncle's for a day and he wait to get

27. Where is wawan intending to go ?

A. His uncle’s house
B. His freind’s house
C. Bus station
D. His grandparent’s house
E. The driver’s house

Jawaban: A

28. How will he go to his uncle’s house ?

A. On foot    D. By bicycle
B. By truck  E. By bus
C. By train

Jawaban: E

29. What time will Wawan leave so he will not miss the bus ?
A. At 10 o’clock   D. At 11 o’clock
B. At 8 o’clock    E. At 9 o’clock
C. At 7 o’clock

Jawaban: E

30. How long will he stay at his uncle’s house ?

A. Two days   D. Two weeks
B. A month    E. One week
C. One day

Jawaban: C

1.I………to the school alone yesterday


2.we……in this restaurant 2 days ago


Pria Indonesia Temukan Cara Hilangkan Kebotakan yang Lebih Ampuh



3.I……in this sofa with him

4.We…… each other 2 years ago loving
c.are love

5.I……this scissors to cut the grass yesterday

c.cut cutted

6………he read novel last night?

7.We….. to aceh two weeks ago


8.They……. this musc two hours ago

c.listening listen

9.Anita……me in this market yesterday


10.Dona……. this delicious food for us, 1 hour ago

11.I….. this floor yesterday


12.My brother…….this novel yesterday

13.We……to the collage yesterday
c.walked walking

14.My lil bro……..a new motorcycle yesterday


15.I….. sad when my bestfriend left me yesterday sad

16.I……in this office 2 years ago

b.worked working

17.I……my wallet in this market two months ago


18.My brother…….a letter for me

d.was writting

19.My students……hard last night
c.was study

20.When I…….it is raining 5 minutes ago up
b.getting up
c.gets up
d.get up

21.They……about this project in this restaurant yesterday

22.I…….an elephant last night

23.My teacher…… about this mathematic last year


24.I……a cake to your house last night


25.Julio…….an active student last year


Kunci Jawaban

1. B
2. A
3. C
4. D
5. C
6. B
7. C
8. A
9. C
11. A
15. C
17. C
20. A
22. B
23. A
24. B
25. B

1. I ,,, a new motor cycle yesterday. (buy)

a. Will buy c. had bought

b. Buys d. bought

2. My girl friend …. Book to my teacher last time. (give)

a. Gave c. is giving

b. Gives d. will give

3. We … the cat in front of my school last night. (catch)

a. Will catch c. catch

b. Are catching d. caught

4. Did You … In my house yesterday?.(stay)

a. Stayed c. staying

b. Will stay d. stay

5. Did not Tamara and Tania … to Surabaya last month?. (go)

a. Go  c. will go

b. Gone d. going

6. Sabrina is looking for his motor, she can’t find it, She … it. (forget)

a. Forgot c. will forget

b. Forgotten d. is forgetting

7. He ,,,, money  to me yesterday . (throw) 

a. Threw c. will throw

b. Will throw d. is throwing

8. Did you …. Your mother last night? ( call)

a. Call c. will call

b. Calling d. calls

9. You … them a picture yesterday (send) 

a. Sent c. will send

b. Are sending d. send

10. Tamara … a letter to his teacher yesterday. (write) 

a. Write c.writes

b. Wrote d. will write

11. Did Roziqin stay in your village? No he … out yesterday. (go)

a. go c.goes

b. went d.will go

12. Did you make this bread tamara? no, I       it, I bought it yesterday. (make)

a. didn’t make c. will make

b. made d. make

13. My teacher taught me this formula yesterday, But I was confusing, i … it


a. Will understand c. understand

b. Didn’t understand d. am understanding

14. We cooked a fried chicken, but we … it last night. (eat)

a. Ate c. didn’t eat

b. Will eat d. would eat

15. Amira bought a new bag last month, But She …. It . (use) 

a. Use c. didn’t use

b. Will use  d. haven’t use

16. I …your  home last night, but you didn’t at home, (visit)

a. Will visit c. am visiting

b. Visited d. visit

17. Did you …. This floor yesterday?(sweep)

a. Sweep c. will sweep

b. Swept d. are sweeping

18. Mr. Budi  … a bread for us last night. (make)

a. Make c. will make

b. Made d. makes

19. We talked to each other last night, but annisa … with me, (talk) 

a. Talk c. will talk

b. Didn’t talk d. is talking

20. They … your house last month. (repair)

a. Repair c. will repair

b. Repaired d, are repairing

21. Did You …. To Malang last week? (visit)

a. visit c. visited

b. visits d. visiting

22. Did you …. Aminah’s house?. (know)

a. know c. knew

b. knows d. are knowing

23. I didn’t meet my girl friend yesterday, did fadli … her?(see)

a. See c. saw

b. Is seeing d. will see

24. Reza Pahlevi … this building last month.(build)

a. Is building c. built

b. Build d. will build

25. I slept early last night, so I … titanic movie in youtube. (watch)

a. Watched c. will watch

b. Didn’t watch d. watch

Kunci Jawaban

1. d. bought 

2. a. Gave 

3. d. caught 

4. d. stay 

5. a. Go 

6. a. Forgot 

7. a. Threw

8. a. Call 

9. a. Sent 

10. b. Wrote 

11. b. went 

12. a. didn’t make 

13. b. Didn’t understand 

14. c. didn’t eat 

15. c. didn’t use 

16. b. Visited 

17. a. Sweep 

18. b. Made Has made

19. b. Didn’t talk 

20. b. Repaired 

21. a. visit 
22. a. know 

23. a. See 

24. c. built

25. b. Didn’t watch

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