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Subject: English

Lectured: Muh Misbahul Munir AP.,M.PD.

Compiled by:

1. Lulu Ul Jannah (2220110054)

2. Dimas Ajib Muhammad (2220110055)
3. Arbiina Nur Latifah (2220110064)
4. Ma’ruf Hidayat (2220110068)





Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Praise and gratitude for the presence of God Almighty for His grace and guidance so that we can
complete the assignment of the English course. With the title "Parts Of Speech", this assignment was
designed to fulfill the task of English in studying at the Kudus State Islamic Institute. We realize that
there are still many shortcomings and limitations in presenting the data for this paper. Therefore, we
expect constructive criticism and suggestions from all readers for the perfection of this paper.
Hopefully this paper is useful and can add to our knowledge.

Wassalamualaikum wr.wb

Kudus, 28 September 2022



A. Background

What is a part of speech? Parts of speech are types of words that compose sentences into
coherent sentences and provide understanding to the reader/listener. In fact, knowing the meaning
of each part of speech separately is theoretically irrelevant. The most important thing is knowing
how to use it according to the rules of grammar. So these words are the "basic language" in a
"building" sentence, not the "function" word in the sentence why is that? Because a word can have
several (more than one) function in a sentence.

B. Problem formulation

Based on the above background, the author formulates several things that will be explained in
this white paper.





• Adverbs

• Prepositions


• Interjection

C. Purpose

The purpose of writing this paper is to increase my knowledge and experience in understanding
part of speech.


A. Noun
This noun serves to name a person, place, thing, or idea. Generally, nouns are preceded by
the particles a, an, and the. Nouns can also be singular or plural and concrete or abstract. In a
sentence, a noun can function as a subject, direct object, indirect object, subject complement, or
object of a preposition.
Types of nouns and examples:
•Countable nouns (can be counted): Book, car, foot, mountain, tree.
•Uncountable noun (uncountable): English, happiness, meat, milk, snow. •Common noun (general):
Country, desert, physicist. •Proper nouns (specific): Indonesian, Sahara, Albert Einstein
•Abstract nouns (expressing ideas, concepts, feelings, circumstances, traits, or characters): Idea,
honesty, imagination, kindness, love. •Concrete noun (in the form of material or tangible): Cheese,
desk, man, sugar, water.
•Collective noun (name of group or group): Class, deer, couple, furniture, staff.
B. Prounon
Pronoun is used to replace a noun. This pronoun is useful to avoid the repetition of using a
Various pronouns and examples:
•personal pronouns: I, you, we, they, she, he, it. •Demonstrative pronouns: This, that, these, those.
•Interrogative pronouns: Who, what, which, whom, whose.
•Relative pronouns: Who, which, whom, whose, that. •Indefinite pronoun: Another, anything,
everything, none, someone.
•Reflexive pronouns and intensive pronouns: Myself, yourself, ourselves, themselves, herself.
•Reciprocal pronoun: Each other, one another.
C. Verb
Verb is used to show the action of the subject, show events, or circumstances.
Kinds of verbs and their examples:
•Transitive verbs: Ask, buy, hit, make, show.
•Intransitive verbs: arrive, come, go, smile, wait. •Regular verbs: Accept, bake, decide, live, walk.
•Irregular verbs: Bear, choose, feel, send, write. •Action Verbs: Eat, grow, jump, run, work.
•Stative verbs: Adore, deserve, forgive, impress, sound.
•Finite verbs: Transitive and intransitive verbs, action and stative verbs, linking verbs, and auxiliary
verbs. •Non-finite verbs: Present participle, past participle, infinitive, bare infinitive. •Linking verbs:
Act, be, look, seem, taste. Causative verbs: Get, have, lead, let, make.

D. Adjective
Adjective is a word used to describe or modify a noun or pronoun. Example: Old, young,
bad, fat, thick, big, small, pretty, and so on. Adverb (adverb) Usually used to describe or modify a
verb (verb), adjective (adjective), or other adverb. However, adverbs never describe a noun and
usually answer the questions how, when, where, why, under what conditions, or to what degree. Not
only that, adverbs of an adjective usually end in –ly particles, such as deeply, extremely, happily,
fairly, and others, but there are also adverbs that do not come from adjectives such as very,
somewhat, only, quite, and so on.
The kinds of adverbs in English are:
•Adverb of time (early, recently, yesterday, now, tonight)
•Adverb of manner (fast, hard, slowly, softly, quickly) •Adverb of degree (enough, quite, so, too ,
•Adverb of modality (likely, maybe, perhaps, possibly, unlikely)
•Adverb of frequency (always, barely, daily, often, sometimes)
• Adverb of place (away, behind, here, nearby, somewhere)
•Adverb of focus (also , even, just, mainly, only)
E. Adverb
Usually used to describe or modify a verb (verb), adjective (adjective), or other adverb.
However, adverbs never describe a noun and usually answer the questions how, when, where, why,
under what conditions, or to what degree. Not only that, adverbs of an adjective usually end in –ly
particles, such as deeply, extremely, happily, fairly, and others, but there are also adverbs that do not
come from adjectives such as very, somewhat, only, quite, and so on.
The kinds of adverbs in English are:
• Adverb of time (early, recently, yesterday, now, tonight)
• Adverb of manner (fast, hard, slowly, softly, quickly)
• Adverb of degree (enough, quite, so, too, very)
• Adverb of modality (likely, maybe, perhaps, possibly, unlikely)
• Adverb of frequency (always, barely, daily, often, sometimes)
• Adverb of place (away, behind, here, nearby, somewhere)
• Adverb of focus (also, even, just, mainly, only)
F. Prepositions
prepositions Is a part of speech that is placed before a noun or pronoun to form a phrase
that modifies other words in a sentence. Therefore, prepositions are always part of a prepositional
phrase. Prepositions almost always function as adjectives or adverbs.

There are several kinds of prepositions, namely:

•Preposition of time (after, before, during, since, until)
•Preposition of place (above, at, in, on, under)
• Preposition of movement (inside, into, off, toward( s), up)
•Preposition of manner (by, in, like, on, with(out))
•Preposition of purpose (for) •Preposition of quantity/measure (for, by)
G, Conjunction
This part of speech serves to connect words, phrases, or clauses and also to show the
relationship between the sentence elements that are connected.
There are several kinds of conjunctions, namely:
• Coordinate conjunctions (connecting two similar grammatical constructions): And, but, nor, or, yet
• Correlative conjunctions (used in pairs): Between … and, either … or, from … to, rather … than, if
… then.
• Subordinate conjunctions (forming adverbial clauses): After, because, before, although, when.
• Conjunctive adverb (connecting logically two consecutive independent clauses): At last, besides,
however, hence, then.
H, Interjection
Interjection is a word used to express different levels of emotion. Grammatically, it is
usually seen as a part that is not related to the main sentence.
• “Alas, he failed.”
• “Oy! Look at me!”


A. Conclusion
Part of speech in English means word types or word classes. It is called part of speech
because the parts of speech or parts of sentences (remember, basically sentences in language are
sentences that are spoken, not written), because these words are a system needed to form a sentence,
regardless of what their respective duties or functions. There are several types of parts of speech,
namely nouns, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, and so on. Each type has a different meaning and


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