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I. Choose the correct gerunds and infinitives to complete the sentences below.
1. I would like to be loved / being loved / to loved by someone.
2. The portrait is thought to be painted / to be painting / to have been painted in
3. She was the first woman to elect / to be elected / being elected president.
4. It's no use to try / trying / try to escape. This is a maximum-security prison.

II. Find the one grammatical error in the following sentences and correct it.
1. You can either go to the cinema or to the restaurant.
______________________________________________________________ ·
2. Not only Sarah hit the boy with her car, but she ran away.
______________________________________________________________ ·
3. You either can watch the movie or listen to music.
______________________________________________________________ ·
4. I can neither remember the time of the appointment nor the place.
______________________________________________________________ ·
III. Complete the following statements.
1. The children can read books.

Books ____________________________________ by the children.

2. Susan has to learn geography.

Geography ____________________________________ by Susan.

3. The dog should bring the bones.

The bones ____________________________________ by it.

4. Tom must open the window.

The window ____________________________________ by him

IV. Unscramble the sentences to form with them the repeated comparatives.
1. There /Asia. /are /and /more /from /more /tourists

2. more /come /from /and /Europe. /More /immigrants
3. is /wine /and /Australian /better. /better
4. more /popular. /more /Surfing /is /and
V. Choose the correct answer to form the double comparatives.
1. ___________________, the more serious the problems become.
a. The more raining it is
b. The less it is rain
c. The more it rains
2. The older he gets, ___________________ friends he has.
a. the less
b. the more
c. the fewer
3. The more you pay, ___________________ the quality is.
a. the more good
b. the better
c. better
4. ___________________ mistakes you make, the better your mark is.
a. The fewer
b. The less
c. The more

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