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what's up guys welcome to my channel

this is my first video really really

excited to deliver some really good

content to you guys but my name is

Daniel I live in Los Angeles and this

channel is gonna be about


first and foremost second of all I'm

starting my journey into social media

marketing so this is going to document

that so you guys can see everything that

goes into getting your first client

building your business right now I have

zero social media marketing clients I do

have one SEO client from before but I

decided to go full in into social media

marketing so today we're gonna be

showing some live cold calling I know

you guys are probably like who's cold

calling in 2018 but guys it works I've

been able to in the last week since I

started get about like one two maybe

even three meetings a day just from a

couple hours of cold calling so it was

scary at first I was definitely nervous

even have experience being on the phone

and in sales still this is a whole

different ballgame calling up local

business owners who are busy but I'm

gonna show you guys the raw unfiltered

sort of visceral cold calling at its

finest I'm gonna filter probably bleep

out some of the names the businesses or

whatnot but I just want to show you guys

some stuff I'm not an expert at this I

have taken a course but I think I've

gone a little better and you know of

course you guys want to give some

feedback feel free to do so so again

welcome to this channel and let's hop

right in


hi there hi my name is Daniel I know

you're probably busy and so am I so I'll

make it quick

I run a social media marketing agency

here in LA and I'm looking to help

another jeweler a jewelry store in the

area to get more customers so the reason

for my call is to book 30 you know 20 30

minutes where I could come in and share

some ideas with you well it's a good

question I actually am looking for

brands that have a good reputation and

good reviews online so I was just

scoping it out because then I can really

only work with like one or two jewelry

stores in the area so I saw your stuff

online you have some cool jewelry

I like Game of Thrones too and I saw

that so I would love to I found in the

past though that I like it's super hard

for me to convey that via email so I can

comment feeling literally ten minutes

whenever you're not busy and promise not

to waste your time cool yeah yes I mean

if you have time on Monday you know

later in the afternoon or whatever

you're free I can just stop in for like

ten minutes

introduce myself and and see if you know

if it's a good fit obviously

see on Tuesday I have availability I

could do it in the early in the morning

like at 9:00 or 10:00 or in the

afternoon I get three or four okay okay

three o'clock work perfect look forward

to meeting you Cheers okay was not

expecting to book my first meeting on

the first call so that's pretty awesome

I what you can tell from that is that

I'm just relating to her on a human to

human interaction don't go in with a

Salesman mentality you're not trying to

sell them anything you're just trying to

add value make sure you look up the

business first you can see I saw that

there was a game of Thrones merchandise

that they sell so like she probably was

like oh yeah he knows his stuff he

actually looked me up and he actually

thinks that I'm gonna get fit for what

he does

so yeah let's let's keep it going but

you know you're not gonna buck your

first meeting on your first call

probably you might but just just know

that you're probably gonna have to talk

to you know five to ten people first but

we know when I first started I was just

going with it I have a script and I'm

gonna kind of memorize it now but you

want to make sure that you make it sound

like you like imagine you're talking to

your best friend on the other line and

you're you're you're can you're selling

your best friend and why they should do

something you're not going to go into

this like a Salesman mentality you're

gonna like speak with confidence with

enthusiasm and passion and they can hear

that so don't give up if you're not

there yet but keep that in mind as

you're as you're done so yeah let's do

the next one

and I'm probably gonna blow out these

but if I don't please don't call these

businesses like the last thing I need is

people calling these businesses and

pitching their marketing

good afternoon is available um yeah I

could try back later it's he okay thank

you so much

yeah lesson there's don't leave a


never leave a message why two reasons

one it's probably going to the trash

they don't get to hear you and your

personality and you don't have to come

through and three it kind of doesn't

black list you from going back but they

will start to see your name calling and

they're gonna remember that so like if

you can't get the decision-maker on the

phone just ask when you can call back

and try to do that so just say you

prefer to speak to them

looks like that's not really going

through so let's let's move on to the

next one


so as you can see you're not gonna get

ahold of every person you call

it's definitely either there are numbers


hello hello yeah is this hey um my name

is Daniel and I know you're busy I'll

make it quick but the reason I was

calling you I run a local social media

marketing agency here and I help

businesses get more customers and I'm

looking to take on a jeweler in the next

month the reason for my call was to book

in 15-20 minutes where I could come in

and share some ideas with you you know

I'd love I'm not one of those people who

likes to say I do things if I don't I

don't let me ask you this you say you're

not a social media kind of company

because you're doing ponds but you have

an online store correct right right okay

it's very unique targeting gotcha

okay do you do any pay-per-click gotcha

gotcha okay

okay a pleasure look I mean if you're

ever if you're changing that or Linux is

this the is this the only business you

run okay okay well pleasure thanks for

calling me back


you see how like friendly that was the

guy was really cool um your pitch is

gonna change everything cuz like the guy

was like you know what thank you for

calling me thanks for actually you know

reaching out and offering that most

people don't they're not gonna hang up

on you they're not gonna like hate you

they will do that potentially if you

seven-week if you sound like you're

trying to sell them something if you

sound like someone it does it's not

confident in your services but when I'm

just calling them as a business owner

saying look slowly confidently saying

look this is what I do I want to

potentially help you I don't want to

sell you anything now I want to come to

meet with you and share some stuff you

know 9 out of 10 times people are going

to be cool with that so I'm gonna cut

this video now I don't want to make it

Ronen forever this is my first video on

this channel and I wanted to add some

value I know people are afraid of cold

calling they think it's scary I used to

I thought it didn't work I was sending

out hundreds of hundreds of emails doing

audits doing all that stuff in guys

before this video I booked a call with a

different jeweler I to meetings booked

today and it is 12 o'clock

I spent what two hours that's the

amazing ROI on your time

so keep keep tuned for more I'm gonna

try to release videos let's say once a

week starting out maybe more often let

me know what you think about the video

the quality didn't carry any

my tone of voice every everything you

want to comment on I'm open them an open

book but that's it for now peace

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