Statement of Purpose

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I am Catherine Joy Gomez-Idos, a Filipino citizen,28 years old,married, a mom of 2 boys,resident of

Pampanga,Philippines, I am writing this letter to express my genuine intention to study in Canada and I
am accepted as International student in Niagara College,Toronto with the program of Business Sales
and Marketing and the program start on September 5,2023 that will last until April 25.2025.

I am ready and willing to take a big step. I am not afraid to take a big step because I believe I can’t
cross a chasm In two small jumps,” I am encouraged to take a big leap toward my profession and now I
am pleased to apply for a study permit in Canada.
Business people work in fields such as Sales and marketing, finance, accounting, advertising and
management. Some run their businesses some provide services to meet customer’s need and the
competition in this fields is too tight and I am one of those people who want to gain more knowledge
and I am competitive individual in the field of Sales and Marketing especially acquiring International
study and exposure that will help me to understand more the customer need especially in different
nation. With this specific goal of mine, I want to seize and want to learn more in order to redify success
through formal education abroad.

I was 18 when I got pregnant I am second year college then when I failed my Parents all of their dream
is to see me wearing black toga and receive my Diploma during that time I felt devastated I felt
ashamed then my parents told me to stop my studies and focus to my child but because of my desire to
pursue my studies and to reach my goal with no hesitation I continue my studies while working just to
sustain my child’s expenses and my education. In 2016 with the Grace of God, hardwork and
perseverance I earned my Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration Major in Marketing from Don
Honorio Ventura State University, Bacolor,Pampanga, Philippines at a young age I experienced
challenges, challenges that pushed me to be more and to aim high and to follow for what my heart
desires is to be a Well known in the Sales Industry.

After my graduation I resigned and Thank Jollibee Food Corporation for letting me worked as a
Service crew for letting me explore and sustain my studies and my child’s expenses I am beyond
blessed for them since October 1,2015 up to April 29,2016.
And for me to grow more I am very much excited to explore the business world .In June 2016 I
immediately applied as a Sales Forecaster in Filipino-Chinese company,I do data analysis, research,
deliver accurate market projections and anticipated market conditions I really enjoy what I am doing I
always look all the things as a positive.
During that time the market conditions are good but the competition was tight especially to those big
company and our company suffer for this they need a Sales forecaster with a great expertise in the field
so I felt ashamed that I can’t contribute enough in the company so for me to learn more I worked
double time and worked even in my day offs without any additional compensation still not appreciated
by the company after that I take some rest and resigned in June 2017.

In August 1,2017 an opportunity opened to me in a foreign land and I was hired as a Assistant
Operator in Innolux Corporation in Taiwan I carry tons of heavy materials and operate a dangerous
machine.I saw people how they worked in the company , I saw their hardwork and how heavy the work
is I ask one of them “Why you choose to work in foreign land knowing this job is heavy and hard?”
She answered me bravely “We had no funds for me to go to college that’s why this is the only job for
me based on my educational attainment” that word really hits me knowing that I’ve spent 4years in a
University hence I sacrifice to work a tough job, Yes I can saved a huge amount of money the salary
was great as I expected I can pay my bills,send money to the Philippines,I saved a lot of money for me
and for my family and buy the things I needed hence, I felt that my heart doesn’t belong here, I felt the
emptiness, I performed well in my work but there is a big difference when your worked aligned in your
dream and onto your heart. So, In June 19, 2019 I decided to go back to my country to pursue my real
passion where my heart belongs- is to join in the Business world in Marketing and Sales Industry.

Currently, I am now a Licensed Financial Advisor in Bdolife Assurance company and a subsidiary
company of the number one bank in the Philippines which is the BDO UNIBANK INC. I was so
enlighten by the fact that I am belong to a big company and well known as a profitable company in the
Philippines I am working in the company for almost 3years now and that 3years of mine was indeed a
blast and a fruitful journey of mine I got different achievements : Bancasurance Excellence
Awardee,Validating Financial Advisor,Affluence Award,Quality Circle awards and many more and I
got promoted as a Level 2 Premiere Financial Advisor.I sell Life insurance to different class of
individual. I met clients and secured their life insurance with me and helped them from their life what
if’s we educate our clients to prepare in every life uncertainty and to have a Plan B always in life and
secured many future widows and orphans I love the fact that I help my client’s need as the time goes by
I met different clients and different nationalities and also experienced discrimination for not having
international background and formal education, I have a limited knowledge of different clients all over
the world I only have a traditional education here in the Philippines and not exposed internationally
meeting different nationalities push me to study more, I want to gain more professional knowledge how
to sell depend on client’s need, how to manage different nationality and also I want to acquire higher
position in Sales Industry in the near future I want to study how to deal and make a sale in different
nations and nationalities.

Like selling life insurance in the Philippines Selling life insurance to Filipino people is a tough job out
of 104 millions Filipino only 52% have their life insurances because of the idea that this is just a
“Liabilities” and not their priority. They don’t have enough idea how it works and the how importance
of it and this reality gives me courage to study more, study how to market the unmarketable, bring the
impossible to possible.

Why Business- Sales and Marketing

As a marketing major and a Sales person I saw how competitive companies here in the Philippines are,
Marketing strategies, Buying and selling process we are beyond too far compare to the international
companies, we have limited knowledge in this field I believe this program will enhance my skills more
and help me strategize market conditions this program is a unlimited learning process for me, giving
idea of discussing different data analysis and a profession that gain an understanding of the buying
process or influence in buyer’s decision through proper and formal education this program also help me
to elevate my knowledge in this field.Apart from the core business principles, I find this program a
timely program aligns to my overall objectives and to focus more in academic learnings about Sales
and Marketing.

Why Study in Canada and Niagara College

Studying in Canada doesn’t mean that I don’t what the academic in Philippines it’s just that the
competition here is too tight and by studying in Canada helps me to expose in International academic
learnings and to excel in my fields and I have a lot of reason why study in Canada. Based in my
research Canada have a world-class education, highly recognized and once your received a degree or
Diploma in any Canadian University it was marked of trust First, track record of excellence and 100%
employer satisfaction for all of individual studied in Canada the country delivers a unique blend of
management and international concept that will train me in the business environment.
One of the main reason why I choose Niagara College because of its Top tier employments rates and
employer satisfaction 90% success rate finding employment and Faculty mentorship and outstanding
student success competing in provincial,national and international sales and marketing competions also
why Niagara College because they provide a unique laboratories and top notch facilities that deliver
excellent learning to their students also they are known for a world-class applied research and that
catch me the most is that their friendly environment that would help me to focus more in my studies.


I want to spread my wings I want to explore new learnings by proper and formal education abroad I
believe that individual who invest in their study will be more marketable and eye catching to different
company especially in the Philippines that will entering International market competition If I will Study
in a foreign land like Canada all of what I’ve learn will be shared to my fellow Filipinos because
there’s a lot of my countrymen dreamed to study in Canada but few are chosen and have the courage to
do it and considering the finances. I’m still young to pursue a great position in my country but taking a
big leap and to be exposed internationally will surely lead me to a great expertise in my country. It’s
been a year since I am discerning and planning for this I aimed to gain professional portfolio in
Business- Sales and Marketing. I want to elevate my skills, academic skills and International exposure I
have decided to consider the educational institution in Toronto – Niagara College Toronto School of
Aside from this, it is the one of the best places for post study employment opportunities where I can
gain experience and skills with Sales and Marketing before returning to my home land. The thought of
having significant exposure to industry specialist and professional.
I want to take advantage the opportunity to study in Canada by means of my hard earned money of
working in Taiwan and to my current employment today I am investing in my study because
international exposure will always have place in Sales industry especially in the Philippines. Taking too
long studying doesn’t mean you don’t want to find a job rather You aspire for a greater job
opportunities after the accomplishment,further qualification and stability.

Having the privilege to study in Canada with specific stay I will maximize the time for learnings I will
be more focus in my study I will make sure that no time will be wasted in my stay I will make sure that
my hard earned money that I am investing in my study will be worthy. I will accomplish the program
with flying color.
I am confident that my family in my homeland will be more than happy for me to accomplish my
dream which is to finish my program and earned a international degree, All the knowledge and skills
that i’ve learned will surely shared to my fellow Filipinos I am beyond blessed to have a funds to
sustain my study abroad so that I won’t let to take the chance to share to those aspiring students what I
learned I know there are students out there who want to study in Canada but don’t have chance and
sufficient funds to pursue their profession so I will be the one who will bring the leanings to them.
Lastly, My family will be proud of that finally one of us will bring the bacon of finishing study abroad.
Return Home

Seeing the hardship and reality of life I want to invest more in my education gaining knowledge and
skills is the most advantageous weapon in life and in my career,
In this world full of discrimination and competition the race is too far for me not to grab and do it faster
as I can I dont want to missed the opportunity for me to explore and study in my age I know I can be
more and I can be so much better in my field of profession.
I am forever grateful to Canada for giving me the opportunity to study and experience their academic

After my study I will definitely return to my homeland, I will be leaving Canada with pride and dignity.
I will return to my country bringing the best that best version of myself, bringing my diploma,bringing
the international expertise in my field.
I can’t wait to see and hug my children my two boys Liam and Zach are waiting for me Im sure they
missed the pancake every morning and the popcorn in the afternoon I am excited to tell them how
Canada is a good place to visit and we will definitely visit again soon with the whole family for them to
witness how nostalgic scenery that Canada has. My Mother is waiting for me I’m sure she want to hear
my story about how I dealed in my study. She’s one of the reason why I keep going she is my source of
strength she trust and believe in me because she saw how passionate I am to pursue my goal, Can’t wait
to be with my siblings every sunday morning going to Church and Praising The Lord for giving us the
best family.

I will surely visit my Grandparents and proudly present to them my international diploma and we will
celebrate this achievements in our “Bahay Kubo” (Traditional house in the Philippines) with my
cousins and relatives I will tell them how beautiful Canada is. And for me to apply my knowledge I will
be more confident to join Marketing and Sales Industry in the Philippines and Internationally with this
a competitive position is waving in my way In the next stage of my career I am looking forward for the
opportunities coming in my way. I am finally ready or should I say I am prepared enough to invade the
Business world with my professional knowledge.

I know studying abroad requires emotionally ready and financially preparedness we don’t have any
sponsor since this is our personal decision and we don’t want to be a burden to our relatives. I already
paid my 1year tuition, me and my husband worked for it my husband knew how I love to study abroad
and to exposed in international academics with the help of my husband he gathered all his funds from
Rice farming,livestock and gathered his savings from his 3years working in Japan and together with my
savings we come up P1,926,649.48 (CAD 44,290.79 )
and also I have my own savings that will be invested in my study P731,050 (CAD 16,805.74) a total of
P2,657,699.4 (CAD 61,096.53)
PERSONAL SAVINGS 731,050.43 16,805.74
JOINT ACCOUNT 1,926,649.48 44,290.79
TOTAL FUNDS 2,657,699.44 61,096.53
l hope I clearly express my intention and motivations for pursuing my international
study in Canada. I assure that I will return back to the Philippines and explore the
opportunities in my country after the completion of my course.

I am a law-abiding citizen in the Philippines with no criminal records. Therefore, I can

promise you that I will adhere to the Canadian government’s rules on the terms of my
study permit and Co-op work permit holder. I acknowledge that my privilege to stay in
Canada is temporary. I understand and respect rules, restriction and responsibilities as
international student. I have no intention to stay ilegally in Canada and I am resolved to
leave it after ,y studies.

I declare that all information and supporting documents provided are true and correct
based on my knowledge. Thank you for your time reading my statement of purpose.

Sincerly yours,
Catherine Joy Gomez-Idos

SSS contribution
PAG IBIG contribution
PHILHEALTH – id membership
INSURANCE- certificate of life insurance

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