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The growing number of overweight people is putting a strain on the health care system in an effort to

deal with the health issues involved. I totally agree that making more physical education lessons
required in the school schedule is the best solution.

First of all, physical education lessons have positive effect on students health and well-being. Exercising
can reduce the amount of overweighted students and enable children to maintain their weight at
appropriate level. As a result, the number of overweighted children can go down and will lead to
downward trend in the total number of overweight people. Moreover, exercising can encourage
students to become good athletes in the future and increases their self-confidence.

On the other hand, discrimination and bullying can occur among students in relation to differences in
physical growth and movement speed by having physical education lesson. For some children, it can be
lifelong trauma. Furthermore there maybe potential risks of injury due to inadvertence or carelessness
in exercising.

In conclusion, physical education in school curriculum is necessary since it encourages students to

develop good habits, healthy growth and self confidence in relation to create good employees, good
people and a good society in the future.

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