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Rubric Elements
A vision is a larger view of your journey. It is what you want your world to look like. You could possibly describe what you
want your career and life to look like 5 years in the future. Or you may wish to describe how you will progress through your
semester. You may sketch out what values drive your journey.

My vision for the future is…

In the next 5 years I could see myself as a nurse or a paramedic. I would be doing what makes me happy which is caring for
others while being in the medical field. I would be hopefully be finished school and starting placement in a hospital which Student has written
coherent, logical,
would help me get some more knowledge and hands on learning in the field that I’m entering. I could see myself looking for a
meaningful vision
house and car to buy in the future to help jumpstart my life in the future as an independent woman. statement of what
they want their world
to look like &
A mission is what you do in that world. Describe what actions you will take to make that vision a reality. You could begin expressed what they
with: do in that world as a
mission statement.
Why they are
In order to make this vision a reality I will… meaningful is
Continue to strive throughout school and whatever obstacles that come in my way. I will work and study harder so when the expressed.
times come to make my dreams a reality, I am not worrying about anything. I will continue to ask for help/guidance to makes
things clear for me if I don’t already know the answer. I am open to take lot of feedback so it will make me a better person in
the future. In my future I want to make a difference as best a I can and leave a good impact on the people that I meet in life. I
want to know that whatever career path that I choose to follow, I can help makes a huge difference in coworkers or patients’
life, even if it’s a short sentence. I want to be able to makes sure that in life I am the best that I can be and that I won’t give on
my dreams, because I’m really passionate about it.


Identify 3 goals that you can reasonably implement or achieve in the next few weeks that will allow you to meet your SMART Framework
deadlines and obligations. (Please write in full, grammatically correct sentences and be specific—use the SMART goal-setting clearly applied with
concrete examples
framework discussed in class.) and elaborated
1.Times-bound: organizing my living and study space. I have to maintain an organized living and spaces that can help limit
distracts, help me to reduce stress and to help me feel more in my own control in my own environment. I’m going to begin
doing this by making sure my space is neat, in a clean environment whether that is my room or the computer room and setting
small goals for myself such as cleaning more often by using a weekly chore list which will help me maintain a healthy

2.Realistic: having set goals for my success academically, will help me to continue to work hard in all of my classes and
develop more knowledge and skills required for my careers. I will break this goal into smaller, short-term goals like
completing all my homework on time and attending all my classes/labs. This is a goal that will most likely span out for all of
my college/university years and I will modify as school goes on depending on my degree.

3.Achievable: as a think about my future, I am thinking about the many benefits of applying to multiple colleges or universities
so I can expand my search for finding one that is best for me. It will be good to have multiple options when I get the
acceptance letters to see which schools will give the best benefits for my future. I would also have a time limit to when I send
in all of my applications because I know it can take weeks to process.


How will you keep yourself motivated? List 3 rewards that you will give yourself after successful completion of those goals.
Make sure you write about why these will help you stay motivated. (Please write in full, grammatically correct sentences.)

1.Changing my perspective: My perspective can/will set the tone on how I experience my studies. Sometimes I find that some
classes are more important than others, I have to remember that I am taking these classes for a way bigger purpose. The basic
coursework of general topics will serve as a foundation for me down the road. This will keep me motivated because I now and
will continue to remember that every single class that I take is just another stepping stone to reach what I want to accomplish
in life.
Discussed in-depth.
Meaningful and
2. Giving myself downtime: I will make sure I give myself time to rest and to take some time off to do something fun which
concrete. Rewards
the people I care about. This is good to let my brain to rest and I will keep me from burning out before I even start my future, are concrete and will
and to remember that I shouldn’t be afraid of taking a night off to relax and to focus on my mental and physical health. This clearly motivate.
will help me stay motivated because knowing that I am allowed to take breaks to focus on myself once in a while and taking
breaks will help my mind.

3.Finding my support system: Having people who will be my encouragers while I’m in school, is very important to me. These
are people who will see how important is to earn my degree, and knowing that I have some people who I can count on no
matter what will be such a confidence boost for me to continue to keep going. This will help me stay motivated because
knowing that there are people who care about me and want to see me do well is very uplifting.

Looking at the semester as a whole, what will stand in your way? Identify 2 potential roadblocks or obstacles that may affect Roadblocks are
concrete and honestly
Vision, Mission and Planning for Success, Page 2 of 4
your ability to make certain deadlines and meet obligations. (Please write in full, grammatically correct sentences.)

1.Feeling overwhelmed by all of the challenges I face: I tend to be very overwhelmed when I see lots of due dates or
test/quizzes which tends to make completing things hard for me at times. Some courses are more demanding than others and discussed with clear
require more attention so others won't get the same in return.
How to mitigate or
2.Physical and Mental health: Having anxiety causes me to be really overwhelmed at times and sometimes my mental gets overcome roadblocks
really bad to the point where I don’t have motivation to do anything, whatsoever. This has really has taken and negative stroll have clear strategies.
on my life because it caused me to miss a few assignments, not to well with maintain a proper diet, and to impact some of
relationships with family and friends.

Identify at least 2 Durham College resources that may prove useful in ensuring that you make your deadlines and meet your Student has clearly
obligations. Explain why those resources are appropriate in supporting your deadlines, responsibilities, and goals. (Please write researched and cited
2 or more DC
in full, grammatically correct sentences.) resources to support
their journey. How
1.SALS: With SALS this will provide some support with some of my classes such as, math, chemistry, and biology. This is and why, these will
appropriate in support me because these are support systems that I can sign up with that are willing to help me and to find time help is discussed.
through mine and their schedule to do so. They want to see me reach my academic goals which is what I call a every good
support system, someone who is willing to help you with specific topics. Three people are
established and their
role clarified and
2. The learning portal: With this I am able to find resources and information that I will need in order to be successful now and discussed.
in the future. They provide strategies, study skills, and research skills for learning. This is appropriate in supporting my school
career because it will be able to give me some guidance on how to study more efficiently, how to strategize well and how to do
better research which is all very helpful in my classes this semester.

Who is helping you on your journey? List 3 people that are supporting you and how they are supporting you. (Please write in
full, grammatically correct sentences.)

1.My grandmother. My grandmother has been helping me through my journey because she has motivated me to accomplish all
my dreams and wishes and supports me throughout my life no matter what. She has taught me most of the things I know today
and she still does. My grandmother was a nurse for 50 years before she retired and she has told me a lot of things that will help
me on my journey in the medical field when that time comes.

2.My sisters. My sisters have been motivating me to follow my dreams of either becoming a paramedic or nurse. They are both
nurses so they have talked to me about how the nursing is in the real-world and how it comes with a lot of ups and downs.

Vision, Mission and Planning for Success, Page 3 of 4

They really have showed me how to put in hard work when I want to accomplish things in life, and I really appreciate and tell
them every day for helping me with choosing a possible journey for my future.

3.My dad. My dad has always supported my decisions on what I want to do with my life, no questions asked. He has always
motivated me to do good in school and work and that whenever I choose a career that I want to in my life, he’ll help me start
that career and continue to motivate me to do my best no matter what.

Academic Pathways
College is a great jumping off point for continued post-secondary education (college or university). You have a lot of
pathways, bridging programs, credit transfers, application options available to you. Can you research some of these options
and map out a Plan A pathway and a Plan B? Identify some pathways for your academic success and include some research
about applications deadlines, tuition, acceptance requirements etc.

(Please be specific, explain yourself thoroughly, and write in full, grammatically correct sentences. Aim for one full
Both are clear,
What is Plan A? NURSING realistic and include
This course is a 4 -year program (8 semesters), which I can go into from bridging from my pre-health course this year. Nursing researched
is a course that will prepare me for my health-care needs for families, groups, individuals, and being able to experience health, information about
illness and healing. This course is about $ 30, 000 thousand dollars for all years combined. There are other career options I can acceptance to
take from going into nursing such as clinical education, graduate studies, health policy and promotion, etc. If you take this
course you are required to take the written NCLEX-RN exam to become a registered nurse.

What is Plan B? PARAMEDICS

This course is a 2-year program (4 semesters), which I can also go into from bridging from my pre-health course this year.
Paramedics will teach me skills such as more essential communication skills, computer-assisted learning, laboratory activities
and many more. This course is about $18, 194 thousand dollars for both years combined. There are other career options I can
take from going into paramedics such as medical attendant, primary care paramedic, and military medical technician and I
would be working in hospitals, armed forces, emergency medical services, and patient transfer service.

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