Alyssa M. Glace, Tessa L. Dover, and Judith G. Zatkin (2021) - Taking The Black Pill: An Empirical Analysis of The "Incel"

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Psychology of Men & Masculinities © 2021 American Psychological Association

2021, Vol. 22, No. 2, 288–297 ISSN: 1524-9220

Taking the Black Pill: An Empirical Analysis of the “Incel”

Alyssa M. Glace, Tessa L. Dover, and Judith G. Zatkin
Applied Psychology Department, Portland State University

Men who perform hybrid masculinities claim distance from masculine hegemony while actually reprodu-
cing patriarchal power. In this article, we analyze the Incel community through a lens of hybrid
masculinities, as originally proposed by Ging. The Incels are a self-proclaimed group of beta males
who claim a position at the bottom of the social hierarchy due to their continued romantic and sexual
rejection by women. We performed a content analysis of a sample of 400 top-rated posts from the Incel
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

forum on Reddit called r/Braincels. Incels performed a specific version of hybrid masculinity in which they
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

claim lower status than women while also calling other men weak and powerless using comparisons to
women. Incels also showed negative outcomes associated with these masculinities, as evidenced by posts
reporting violent hatred of both themselves and women. This research provides insight into the ways that
masculinities develop in online contexts.

Public Significance Statement

Posters on a Reddit forum dedicated to the involuntarily celibate (“Incel”) community used the language
of social justice to claim that they do not have access to traditional masculine status. However, they also
looked down on other men who do not conform to these same masculine standards. Individuals in this
community also discussed feelings of violence and hatred directed at women and themselves.

Keywords: Incel, involuntarily celibates, masculinities, hybrid masculinity, social media

Twenty-first century understandings of masculinity are evolving, components of Incel ideology. The expansive amount of data shared
informed by the multitude of social contexts in which individuals by Incels on public internet forums and the largely online nature of
develop and contribute to ideas of what gender is and should be. One this community make the internet an ideal context in which to
such context is the internet, which allows individuals to anony- examine the thoughts and beliefs of this group. In this research, we
mously congregate even when similar others are far away and systemically examine the online Incel community and elaborate on
uncommon. This context has given rise to the involuntarily celibate the application of hybrid masculinities theory to this group.
(“Incel”) community, a group of men who have bonded over their
shared perceptions of their romantic and sexual failure (Beauchamp, Incel History
2019; Ging, 2017; Williams, 2018). The men in these communities
often bemoan their lack of a loving relationship with a woman while The idea of involuntary celibacy is not new. Research has
simultaneously dehumanizing women and calling for misogynist suggested that those who find themselves unable to connect sexually
violence. may feel like their sexual lives are “off track” (Donnelly et al.,
Ging (2017) theorized that Bridges and Pascoe’s (2014) model of 2001). In recent years, the idea of being involuntarily celibate has
hybrid masculinities applies to this community, and the past taken on a different meaning. The Incel community was founded by
research has supported this idea (Høiland, 2019). The three com- a bisexual woman frustrated by her lack of romantic companionship
ponents of this theory—distancing oneself from hegemonic mas- with the intent of forming a supportive community. It has since
culinities, appropriating from marginalized groups, and continuing become a hotbed of violence and misogyny (Beauchamp, 2019;
to enforce hegemonic masculine boundaries—map onto many Vogt & Goldman, n.d.; Williams, 2018). Users of original Incel
communities report that these forums were once compassionate
places for people of all genders to swap dating and social skill tips
(Beauchamp, 2019; Vogt & Goldman, n.d.). These individuals now
This article was published Online First January 21, 2021. report that this community has deviated drastically from its roots
Alyssa M. Glace (Beauchamp, 2019).
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest. This research The change in this community corresponds with the rise of the
received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commer- “manosphere,” a largely online community of reactionary-right men
cial, or not-for-profit sectors.
who assert that feminism has gone too far and/or that men are
While the data used in this research were publicly available at the time of
data collection, the authors have not previously disseminated these data or
actually the wrongfully oppressed gender (Ging, 2017). This move-
findings previously in any venue. ment has manifested in the formation of many groups online,
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Alyssa including pickup artists, men’s rights activists, traditional conser-
M. Glace, Applied Psychology Department, Portland State University, vatives, and some geek/nerd groups (e.g., GamerGate; Bratich &
P.O. Box 751, Portland, OR, United States. Email: Banet-Weiser, 2019; Ging, 2017; Lockhart, 2015; Salter, 2018).


Many of these groups claim male victimhood while also upholding men have begun to resist (or claim to resist) its influence as well
hegemonic masculine values, often communicating the idea that (Bridges & Pascoe, 2014).
their “rightful” (dominant) position has been stolen from them by
feminists (Ging, 2017). Incels form a unique subgroup within this
Hybrid Masculinities
community. In addition to claiming to be below women in social
status, Incels also often see themselves as positioned below other Modern conceptualizations of masculinities have suggested that
men (Ging, 2017; Maxwell et al., 2020). They may also have a some men develop masculinities which appear to subvert, but
unique relationship with race as compared to other manosphere actually reaffirm, White hegemonic masculinities. This is reflected
groups. Although other alt-right groups are associated with White in Bridges and Pascoe’s (2014) theory of hybrid masculinities. The
supremacy, many Incels themselves belong to non-White racial three key mechanisms of this theory include discursive distancing,
groups (Høiland, 2019). strategic borrowing, and fortifying boundaries (Bridges &
Pascoe, 2014).
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Incel Violence
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Discursive Distancing
A number of instances of mass violence have been committed by
individuals identifying themselves as Incels or as having related In discursive distancing, men claim distance from hegemonic
experiences. Among the most well known is the killing spree of masculine roles without actually relinquishing masculine power.
Elliot Rodger. Rodger was a young man who killed six people in Original conceptualizations of this mechanism focused on cases in
Southern California after posting a manifesto online in which he which men may claim feminist beliefs without enacting them (Bridges
& Pascoe, 2014). Research has found support for this mechanism
stated that his violent actions were motivated by his experiences of
among subgroups of men such as vegans (Greenebaum &
social rejection, especially romantic rejection from women. He later
Dexter, 2018). These men may claim softness and compassion while
died by suicide and became seen as a martyr by many in the Incel
continuing to value masculine power and strength (Greenebaum &
community (Beauchamp, 2019; Williams, 2018). Another instance
Dexter, 2018). However, among the manosphere, this mechanism
occurred when a self-identified Incel drove a van into a crowd of
might focus mainly on claiming male victimhood while also
people, killing 10 of them (Beauchamp, 2019; Maxwell et al., 2020;
explicitly rejecting feminist ideas (Ging, 2017). This might create a
Williams, 2018). More recently, a 17-year-old boy stabbed two
new dynamic in which men appear to reject hegemonic masculinities
women, killing one and seriously injuring the other in an attack
(e.g., patriarchal social dominance), but without then adhering to
Canadian authorities have deemed an Incel terrorist incident
the theoretically opposite feminine/feminist identity (e.g., gender
(Cecco, 2020).
The use of the term “terrorist” to describe this last act of violence
is notable, and others have conceptualized Incels as a terrorist group
(Zimmerman et al., 2018). Though most men who are part of the Strategic Borrowing
Incel community do not participate in overt violence, Incel culture
Among self-identified feminist men, strategic borrowing often
seems to facilitate these extreme acts (Høiland, 2019). Their actions
includes appropriating the cultures of nondominant groups of men.
were attributed to perceived wrongs done to them by women, who
This might include appropriating the music of racial and ethnic
denied them the sexual access that they felt they deserved as men
minority men (e.g., hip-hop; Bridges & Pascoe, 2014). However,
(Baele et al., 2019). Yet, these men were young, and not abnormally
Bridges and Pascoe (2014) also suggest that this mechanism also
behind in terms of sexual development. Participation in Incel
involves using the language of the marginalized to diminish one’s
communities might radicalize young men, skewing their perceptions
own position of power. This use of social justice language for anti
of normal sexual development in conjunction with toxic ideologies
social justice purposes is amplified among manosphere communi-
of masculinity. Elliot Rodger’s actions, for example, have been
ties, including the Incel community (Ging, 2017). The use of the
explicitly tied to his performance of hegemonic masculinity
language of critical consciousness for reactionary purposes is often a
(Vito et al., 2018).
core component of manosphere groups. For example, a subculture
within the manosphere, the men’s rights activists, claim to be
Hegemonic Masculinities fighting for men’s rights the way that feminism fights for women’s
rights (Ging, 2017).
Incel ideology may differ from hegemonic masculinities, but it is
linked to this framework. Hegemonic masculinity is a conceptuali-
Fortifying Boundaries
zation of manhood which reproduces White patriarchal power
(Connell, 2005). This theory suggests that there are many traits A final component of hybrid masculinities is the continued use of
that dominant men should possess, including aggression, violence, hegemonic standards to constrain masculinity and demean men who
and competitiveness (Connell, 2005). Men who do not possess these fail to meet them (Bridges & Pascoe, 2014). These men may
traits are seen as subordinate and denied access to “real” manhood derogate other men using terms implying gay or feminine traits,
(Connell, 2005). This framework also reproduces White hegemony but claim that these words are stripped of their gendered meanings
by defining masculinity by White standards (Connell, 2005). Adher- (Bridges & Pascoe, 2014). Among vegans, for example, men may
ence to this gender role is associated with committing gender-based highlight the athletic advantages of a vegan diet, emphasizing the
violence (Adams-Curtis & Forbes, 2004). This masculinity has been importance of maintaining this hegemonic standard (Greenebaum &
labeled as toxic from a feminist perspective, and some groups of Dexter, 2018). Men performing geek masculinities might degrade

traditionally attractive men for their supposed lack of intelligence hope that this acknowledgment will inform the way the reader
(Salter & Blodgett, 2017). Past research has suggested that members interprets our findings and discussion.
of the manosphere, and Incels specifically, might degrade self-
identified feminist men by calling them effeminate (Ging, 2017).
This might be one way in which Incels and other members of the
manosphere might claim distance from masculine power while Sample
simultaneously upholding White male supremacy.
The subreddit used for this data collection was titled r/Braincels. It
The Value of Social Media as a Source of Data was the successor of the r/Truecels subreddit, which had been banned
The Incel group was founded online, has developed online, and from the Reddit website at the time of data collection due to posters’
continues to connect primarily in internet contexts. Therefore, the expressions of support for the actions of Elliot Rodger (R/incels–
Incel Wiki, 2020). In an attempt to comply with Reddit community
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

internet is the optimal context in which to study this group. Past

standards, the r/Braincels subreddit banned discussion of Rodger
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

research has used data obtained from Reddit, the social media
platform used in this study, to provide insight into a range of topics (Braincels–Incel Wiki, 2020). However, at the time of data collec-
including forums dedicated to teachers, gout, feminism, sexuality, and tion, the subreddit was “quarantined,” meaning that posters’ ability to
eating disorders (Chang-Kredl & Colannino, 2017; Derksen et al., disseminate r/Braincels posts outside of that subreddit was limited
2017; Massanari, 2019; Robards, 2018; Sowles et al., 2018). Reddit and a message warning of upsetting content was displayed when a
is a social media and content sharing website in which individual user attempted to view the subreddit. Shortly after the second round
users can join subsections of the website (termed “subreddits”) that of data collection, the r/Braincels subreddit was banned from the
include forums relevant to their interests. The thoughts that indivi- Reddit website entirely. The content of the r/Braincels subreddit is
duals share and the way that they present themselves online can known to be tamer than Incel forums found in other areas of the
provide valuable information. This is especially true of those who internet (e.g., 4chan) due to their initial attempts to comply with
might use internet communities as their primary social outlet. Reddit’s community standards. The r/Braincels subreddit was chosen
for this data collection due to potential ethical concerns associated
with illegal content (e.g., child pornography) that has been report-
The Present Research edly found in other Incel forums in the past (4chan–Incel Wiki,
2019). No such illegal content was found in this data collection.
In this research, we describe the masculinities of the Incel
community and ideologies. More specifically, we apply a feminist
lens to answer the following research questions: Subreddit Posts and Users

1. What is Incel masculinity? A total of 400 posts from 279 individual user accounts to the r/
Braincels forum were downloaded across two rounds of data collec-
2. How does Incel masculinity map on to hybrid masculi- tion. We downloaded the posts made within the month prior to data
nities theory? collection that had the highest upvote to total vote ratios. Users of
Reddit forums indicate support for posts using a voting system in
3. What new aspects can an understanding of Incel mascu- which an “upvote” indicates approval and a “downvote” indicates
linity add to theories of masculinities? disapproval. For the individual posts in this data set, the ratios of
4. What other ideas are central to Incel understandings of upvotes to total voted ranged from .83 to .99 (M = .96). Top posts
gender and society? were sampled in order to focus on ideas supported by a general
consensus among the Incel community on r/Braincels.
Due to Reddit’s anonymous nature, very little individual information
Reflexive Statement
is available about r/Braincels users. What little demographic informa-
We took a feminist perspective in interpreting the decidedly tion is available is extrapolated from the content of the data. No posts
antifeminist content shared in this forum. More specifically, we suggested that anyone other than self-identified Incels posted on the
analyzed these data based on the worldview that men hold structural subreddit, so it is assumed that posters see themselves as Incels or tied
power over women, and that White people hold structural power to the Incel community. Users who discussed their racial identity
over people of color. This worldview further includes the belief that indicated that they were either White or Asian. Many posts in the sub
women are fully human and have the right to social and sexual stated that women could not claim Incel identity, suggesting that the
autonomy. This lens is inherently opposed to many of the beliefs of userbase was primarily or entirely male. Furthermore, by the definition
the Incel community. Members of this Incel forum communicated provided by the community, Incels are men who desire the sexual and
much anger and hatred, along with pain and sadness. Our own romantic attention of women but are unable to obtain it. This suggests
positionalities with regard to the community we examined are also that the users of this subreddit are also heterosexual and single.
noteworthy. All authors of this research are women, and our
gendered experiences have undoubtedly informed the way that
Data Collection
we understand this often deeply misogynistic content. As feminists
and researchers, we acknowledge the inherent tension between our Prior to data collection, we examined the subreddit’s description,
responsibility to give voice to the communities we research, and our content, and mechanics in order to develop a data collection plan.
responsibility to oppose the escalation of hatred and misogyny. We Furthermore, we examined various internet sources to develop a

comprehensive understanding of Incel slang, as initial contact with Deductive Codes

the subreddit indicated a substantial reliance on group-specific
The hybrid masculinities framework used for this research sug-
terminology; a glossary is shown in Table 1. The python package
gests three themes (i.e., distancing, borrowing, and boundaries;
Python Reddit API Wrapper (PRAW; Boe, 2019) was used to scrape
Bridges & Pascoe, 2014). We found reflections of these three
the 200 top posts for the past month at the time of each data
themes within the data, as well as a number of subthemes specific
collection. The code used to scrape this data was approved by the
to Incel masculinities. A coding tree is shown in Figure 1. Sub-
Reddit verification system. All information collected about each
themes under discursive distancing included the Incels' lack of
post is shown in Table 2. The majority of posts were in a multimedia
female interest (romantic or sexual) and lack of traditionally mas-
format, including text, images, gifs, and/or video content. We
culine physical characteristics, including perceived deficiencies in
collected the first round of data on May 24, 2019, and the second
height, facial bone structure, and penis size. With regard to strategic
round of data on August 30, 2019, in order to ensure we sampled
borrowing, Incels subverted social justice language to describe
unique posts.
many antifeminist ideas; they also drew parallels between the Incel
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

experience and experiences of racial and ethnic discrimination.

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Thematic Analysis Finally, the observed subthemes among fortifying boundaries

included denigrating non-Incel men by comparing them to women
Thematic analysis techniques have been used to examine dis- and suggesting that they are being taken advantage of by women.
cussions of gender on Reddit in the past, including work analyzing
Incel communities specifically (Massanari, 2019; Maxwell et al., Discursive Distancing
2020). We conducted a thematic analysis, using a combination of
inductive and deductive coding. The deductive framework was Incels often referred to themselves as “beta” males. Among men
developed by the first author based on Bridges and Pascoe’s in this community, points of departure from traditional masculinities
(2014) model of hybrid masculinities and Ging (2017)’s subsequent included perceived inability to attract women and lack of attractive
application of this theory to the Incel community. This theory masculine physical characteristics (i.e., tall height, masculine facial
describes an updated masculinities framework, characterized by structure, and large penis).
claims of distance from patriarchal power (distancing), borrowing Lack of Female Interest. Incels lamented their self-reported
culture and language from oppressed groups (borrowing), and lack of ability to attract female romantic companionship and sexual
continuing to gatekeep masculinity based on hegemonic standards interest. One poster shared a hand-drawn comic depicting himself as
(boundaries; Bridges & Pascoe, 2014). The first and second authors Pepe the Frog sadly watching a traditionally attractive man and
then independently coded each post in this data set based on this woman holding hands while bicycling. Another image depicted a
framework and then met to resolve disagreements. The first author sad Pepe the Frog shedding tears at the bottom of Maslow’s
developed the inductive themes through multiple examinations of hierarchy of needs, with the love/belonging tier absent. A Chad
the data, and identification of the most common ideas and the placed at the self-actualization level is depicted as shouting advice
connections between them. down at the self-character, which the poster likens to saying, “just
We found support for the application of hybrid masculinities skip a step bro!” This image communicates that Incels feel they
theory within the Incel community. These men claimed distance cannot achieve the markers of masculine success available to
from traditional patriarchal power and often did so by using the other men.
language of critical consciousness developed by marginalized There were some inconsistencies regarding the nature of the
groups. These posts also featured many instances of traditional relationships for which Incels described thwarted desire. Some
masculinities policing by the same individuals who also claim to be suggest that they desired romantic/companionate relationships,
divorced from traditional masculinities (i.e., boundaries). Finally, such as a poster who shared an image of a women holding a
two inductive themes, hostile sexism and suicidality, were found. man’s hand as they hike together, suggesting that this is an example

Table 1
A Glossary of Incel Community Slang

Concept Definition

Pepe the Frog A hand-drawn cartoon frog; a common character used to indicate the self in manosphere communities
Chad A traditionally attractive man among the “elite” group of men to whom women are actually attracted
fakeup A term for makeup which implies it is used for deceit
-cel Suffix generally denotes that the stem is the reason for one’s Incel status (e.g., “gamercel”)
blackpill The Incel worldview, or a transformational statement consistent with the Incel worldview
beta male A subordinate man; contrast with alpha males
soy/soyboy A non-Incel man; conveys weakness through its association with estrogen
foid Female humanoid; a dehumanizing term for a woman
cuck a cuckold, a man whose partner is having sex with other men
beta bux a weak or “whipped” man who lets his female partner exploit him financially
landwhale A derogatory term for a plus-size woman
roastie A derogatory term for a woman/a woman’s labia which connotes devaluation due to sexual promiscuity
hole A derogatory term for a woman
NPC Non-player character; refers to a character in a video game other than the character which represents the person playing the game

Table 2 This characteristic differs from the others in that it is not readily
Information Collected About Each Post noticeable in typical social interactions, meaning it presumably
would not be apparent to others except in sexual situations which
Category Information collected Incels claim they do not experience.
Post metadata
Permalink Strategic Borrowing
Time of posting
Post ID Incels frequently appropriated the language of social justice and
Post support marginalized groups to describe their experiences. They have
Upvote to Total Vote Ratio notably complex views on race and racism, which blur the line
Total Upvotes
between appropriation and discussions of genuine experiences of
Number of comments
Post content interpersonal racist discrimination.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Title Social Justice Language. A common theme was the compari-

son of Incel ideology (i.e., the “blackpill”) and critical conscious-
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Username of poster
ness. This term is based on the Matrix, a movie in which the plot
revolves around the main character “waking up” to the true nature of
the world, after taking a red pill. The Matrix was directed by two
of an Incel fantasy that may be described as “sick” or “twisted” transgender women and shows clear parallels to the transgender
by outgroup members. Others suggest that they desire sexual
relationships specifically. One post likened those suggesting that
Incel men make peace with their situation to stating, “Why not find Figure 1
fulfillment in living a life where you don’t get to participate in your Coding Tree
number one biological drive?” Notably, the root of the Incel label
refers to sexual relationships explicitly (i.e., it is a shortened form Romantic
of “involuntarily celibate”). Still others combined the two, as Lack of Female
represented in this post, meant to mock women who criticize Incel Interest
Why, yes I do tell Incels that sex and love isn’t that important while Height
simultaneously having 22 past relationships and at least 4 times sex per
week how could you tell. Lack of Masculine Facial Structure
It seems that Incels may call on conflations between emotional
and sexual intimacy to justify and lend a sense of purity to their Penis Size
desires. Race and Racism*
Physical Characteristics. Incels reported that their lack of Borrowing
traditionally attractive masculine physical traits caused their roman- Social Justice
tic failures. Below-average height was commonly noted as one such Structural Change
trait. Posters often used words such as “manlet” to refer to them- Soyboys
selves and other short men with whom they identified. One poster Bounaries
presented an image of Joaquin Phoenix dancing dressed as the Joker Cucks
from the Batman series stating as follows:
THE WOMEN Slut-Shaming

Facial bone structure was another commonly cited cause of

romantic failure. One post included an image of Chris Hemsworth, Hostile Sexism False Rape Claims
smiling, seated next to his stunt double, who looks distressed. The
Women's Only
caption stated as follows: Anti-Choice
Value is Sex
The face you make when just a few millimeters of bone separates you Women are
and the movie star that makes millions and has fans that adore him. Subhuman

Another way in which posters felt they deviated from traditional Due to Incel
masculine attractiveness was penis size. This theme is reflected in Suicidality
this quote: The "Clown World"
jfl [just fucking laughing out loud] @ anyone who actually believes that
a girl with small breasts is even close to the level of undesirability as a Note. *This theme may or may not fall under “borrowing” depending on the
short man or a man with a small penis. race of the poster.

experience (Currin et al., 2017). The -pill suffix is commonly used appropriating descriptions of racism in an attempt to legitimize
among manosphere communities to refer to developing an inverse their own perceived marginalization. Past research has found that
form of critical consciousness based on the belief that men are Incels might resent being conceptualized as a primarily White group
actually the marginalized gender (Ging, 2017). The blackpill in- (Jaki et al., 2019). Regardless, Incel sympathy for racial and ethnic
cludes the belief that White and Asian men are oppressed by women minority individuals does not extend to other groups; anti-Black
and the elite few attractive men (often described as Black or Latino). racism was prevalent in this community. In fact, Incels explicitly
An example of this theme is an image shared by one poster titled sought to distance themselves from Black men, based on the
“The Gender Inequality Myth” which shows a pyramid. When hypermasculinity Black men are stereotyped to possess. One poster
zoomed in the image suggests that men hold power over women. jokingly connected the word “Chad” to an anti-Black racial slur.
When zoomed out, it reveals that, in fact, only a few men hold power
over women, and that women actually hold power over the majority
of men. Per the blackpill, the sole factor which defines structural Fortifying Boundaries
power is access to women’s sexuality. This is shown in the
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Despite claims of distance from traditional masculinities, Incels

following post:
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

were quick to police masculinity by hegemonic standards when

I’m always struck at how female comedians talk about sex. They discussing outgroup men. A common insult levied at non-Incel men
complain about boyfriends and lovers like ordinary people complain was “soy” or “soyboy,” referencing the relationship between soy
about traffic. It’s as if they can’t understand how utterly privileged they and estrogen. Though Incels claimed that women hold structural
are to even have such things. power over them, they still used comparisons to women and
femininity to connote weakness. Non-Incel men were derided as
Implications that women do not constitute “ordinary people”
weak and desperate when they attempted to engage in relationships
aside, the blackpill does not consider any other forms of inequality
with women. One poster shared a satiric post, mocking men who
in what they see as the true nature of social hierarchy.
post elsewhere on Reddit:
Following the critical consciousness narrative, some Incels
describe the desire for or inevitability of a revolution which corrects So I just came back from my 5th viewing of the Endgame Re-Release
this perceived structural power imbalance. One poster reports with my Wife’s son, Quentin. We stopped by the store to pick up some
that “A new wave of sexual revolution will hit us in the next soylent, he constantly ask why I don’t eat real food and constantly gets
50 years.” The nature of the desired social system that such a soylent : : : My wife pulls me to the side and states that Quentin is not
revolution would create is left unstated. This omission might be due my son : : : She also states that she wants to get into cuckold : : : I wake
up and her and Quentin are gone, alongside a note on my mini fridge
to the fact that explicitly stating the implications of such a social
(exclusive for Soy) that states “Imma[sic] take every single penny from
structure would violate Reddit’s content policies. Elsewhere on you you fucking basterd[sic]) : : :
the internet, Incels have suggested that a more ideal social system
would include the “redistribution” of access to women’s sexual- This reflects the common theme that when other men are unat-
ity, assigning female partners—willing or unwilling—to Incel tractive or experience romantic failure they are effeminate and
men, and legalized rape (4chan–Incel Wiki, 2019; R/incels–Incel worthy of derision. Despite the fact that many posts expressed
Wiki, 2020). longing for a female romantic/sexual partner, others took pride in the
Race and Racism. Incels also reported perceptions that their Incel community for refusing to meet what they perceive to be
social status sits below genuinely marginalized groups of people. women’s unreasonable demands. One poster shared a cartoon of a
They report perceptions that this discrimination is comparable to traditionally attractive woman saying, “I’m so ugly” and a number
Islamophobia, but that Incels are even further disenfranchised due to of unattractive men reaffirming her attractiveness. The caption read
the lack of recognition of their self-reported marginalization. One “Remember to never stoop this low brocels.” The logic of the
poster shared a screenshot of a conversation elsewhere on Reddit in blackpill seems to simultaneously suggest that Incels’ failed bids for
which one person wrote “More like ‘fuck Incels, they’ve committed sexual connection place them below other men but their refusal to
multiple mass murders’” and an Incel replied “apply that same logic make bids for sexual connection also places them above other men.
to Muslims.” Another poster edited an infographic about transpho- As an extension of this idea, the word “cuck” was a common
bia to instead discuss the perceived mistreatment of Incels, even insult used in this forum, referring in some cases to specific
leaving the trans pride flag in the image. situations of infidelity, but in other cases simply to a man who
Incel discussions of race and racism were complex and under- they felt was being taken advantage of by a woman. One poster
standings of racism varied based on the racial minority group under shared a screenshot of a man offering a woman money on twitter
discussion. Incels also cited being Asian as a cause of their contin- because the woman reported experiencing sexism. The caption read
ued romantic rejection. Asian Incels were referred to as “asiancels,” “Life on just exist mode, FUCK CUCKS.”
or more crudely as “currycels.” One poster shared a screenshot of the Cuckolding is a concept traditionally associated with anti-Black
Duolingo language learning app with the sentence “I don’t like the racism (Lokke, 2019), and the Incel community is no exception.
yellow one, I like the white one,” calling this image a “Brutal This theme is represented in a post showing a White man’s hands
blackpill from duolingo.” Although many instances of posters’ use holding a portable video game console, next to an image of a White
of the language of social justice and marginalization represent the woman’s hand being held down on a mattress by a Black man’s
appropriation of feminist language for misogynist purposes, this hand. This image is captioned “my hands look like this, so hers can
theme may represent a sole exception. Due to the anonymous nature look like this.” This is a parody of another image, which shows a
of the forum, it is unclear if the posters are Asian men discussing man’s calloused hands next to his wife’s neatly manicured hands
their own experiences of racist discrimination or White men wearing an expensive ring with the same caption, originally

intended to express that the man works hard to provide for his wife. Women were often derided for their body size specifically,
In this context, however, it derides a man idly playing video games despite Incel claims that they resented being judged for the size
while his female partner is cheating on him. It is significant that the of their own bodies.
affair partner is portrayed as Black, as “cuckolding” stereotypes Slut-Shaming. Women who engaged in sexual relationships
often involve a White man’s White wife being “taken” from him by were derogated as well. Posters used the term “roastie,” a term
a racist caricature of a Black man. This Black man, who is portrayed intended to derogate the appearance of a promiscuous woman’s
as brutish and hypermasculine to the point of dehumanization, labia by through comparisons to roast beef, to refer to most any
emasculates the White man by “out-manning” him and having woman. Interestingly, some Incels did report that they had the
sex with his wife. This cartoon communicates that men who enter opportunity to have sex (theoretically mutually exclusive with Incel
into relationships with women are weak because the women are identity), but that the women involved were so promiscuous that the
cheating on them with more masculine men. Incel had no choice but to decline. One poster shared, “If she doesn’t
Incels also used the word “cuck” to refer to men who are want you in her prime, then you shouldn’t want her in her decline.”
financially exploited by women, often referring to these men Another described a cycle in which he would “Become interested in
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

specifically as “beta bux.” This connotes a weak or “whipped”

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

a girl -> Inevitably hear some story of her being a total slut -> Lose
man who is not attractive enough to find a partner based on looks all interest -> Repeat.” This theme reveals hypocrisy within the
alone, and so lets his female partner exploit him financially. One Incel worldview. Incels report an obsessive desire for sexual contact
poster shared an image of a woman with and without makeup, with women while simultaneously degrading women who engage in
stating “Reminder that a 4/10 can make millions from beta bux just sexual activity. This communicates that women’s sexual desires are
by putting on some fakeup.” shameful while men’s sexual desires are worthy of respect and that
Incels would shame the women who engage in the very behavior
that they demand women perform.
Inductive Themes False Rape Claims. Incels perceived that claims of misogyny
Inductive themes were identified by the first author and include are arbitrary, and only directed at unattractive men. Women who
hostile sexism and suicidality/meaninglessness. discussed misogyny were portrayed as shallow and heartless, as
communicated in this post:
women prolly[sic] make better snipers than men : : : . a male soldier
Hostile Sexism
might : : : think “holy shit I can’t do this he is no different than me : : : ,”
Despite Incels’ claims to desire loving relationships with women, then purposefully : : : miss the shot. a female soldier though? >holy shit
hostile sexist ideas (i.e., hatred and suspicion of women) permeated is that subhuman less than 6 feet? fucking misogynist, boom headshot
many of their posts. Common hostile sexist ideas included shaming Posters also reported perceptions that women are willing to have
women’s appearances, degrading women for engaging in sexual sex with many “Chads,” but make false accusations of sexual
activity, suggesting that women make false claims of rape and violence/rape when approached by an Incel. This theme is shown
misogyny, asserting that women’s only value is sexuality, and in the following quote:
espousing the idea that women are subhuman.
Women Are Ugly. Incels perceive their own unattractive The only reason this woman has responded this way to the man is his
appearances to be unacceptable targets of judgment or mockery. appearance. She knows this is shallow : : : so she invents a new link
They do not see this as the case for women. Although posters between his actions and her feelings, one that places the blame on him.
“He was creepy,” they say. “I felt uncomfortable when he approached
lamented their inability to gain the romantic and sexual attention
me, and I’m an altruistic nonjudgmental[sic] person, so he must have
they felt they deserved, they openly mocked women they perceived as
been actively trying to make me feel uncomfortable. His behavior is the
unattractive for seeking fulfilling relationships as well. One post problem.” Grade A manipulation. Cold to the core.
shared an image of a grotesque female clown mask, stating as follows:
Posters also reported beliefs that women actually desired forceful
I am a WORKING MOM of 82 children by 37 men and I am ready to
sexual contact from “Chads” who they deemed sufficiently attrac-
settle down with a GOOD MAN who can take care of us!! SWIPE
tive. This quote demonstrates this theme:
FEMINISM. NO CREEPS!!@! When a hole is ignored by office chad. “Why are you punishing me
chad? The rape thing is only for ugly men, not you. You can touch me
A common perception was that ugly women use makeup to
anywhere you want.”
unfairly obtain the romantic and sexual attention of men. One
poster suggests “Every foid is ugly. Banning fakeup is the only This view ignores the innumerable cases in which women have
way to end hypergamy for good.” They further delighted in reported and pressed changes against traditionally attractive high-
women’s experiences of sexual rejection. This is shown in the power men for committing sexual violence. Incels only seem to
following quote: acknowledge allegations of sexual violence when they feel these
allegations justify their denial of women’s sexual autonomy.
Just saw the Chadriguez [i.e., a Latino Chad] at my gym BTFO [blow
the fuck out] 2 landwhales who always stare at him. They asked for his
Women’s Only Value is Sexuality. Posters discussed women
instagram and he said, “ah nah I dont [sic] use any social media,” even in near-exclusively sexual contexts and reported perceptions that
though I see him on instagram inbetween [sic] his sets. Crazy how these women’s only worth came from their sexuality. An example of this
3/10 girls thought they could get with 6’2” 9/10 Chadriguez. theme is shown here as follows:

When girls say, all guys ever want from me is sex, and I hate it, tell them the world they perceive—in which they are unjustly rejected—is
you have no hobbies, no talents, no wisdom, no legitimate interests meaningless nonsense. The allusion to the Joker specifically adds
beyond your personal vanity, no original thoughts on politics, society, a violent lens to this ideology, which connotes self- and other-
philosophy, or anything else : : : what the fuck else is there to want from destruction. This is consistent with the past research which has
such a vapid shell of a person? Your only redeeming quality is that you
associated Incel traits with violent fantasies (Scaptura & Boyle, 2020).
can lay still and take a dick. Why are you surprised?

A further example suggests that familial relationships with

women are pointless because they do not involve sex: Discussion

I cannot think of or comprehend anything more cucked than having a Incel Hybrid Masculinities
daughter : : : You are feeding, clothing, raising, and rearing a girl for at We found support for Ging’s (2017) assertion that the hybrid
least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All
masculinities framework aligns with Incel ideology. Incels on the
the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl : : : All of it is one
r/Braincels forum claimed distance from masculine hegemony
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

simple result. Her body is more enjoyable for the man that will
eventually fuck her in every hole : : : he gets the benefits of through the appropriation of social justice language, while simulta-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised neously upholding hegemonic masculine standards. This is consis-
her : : : It is the ultimate and final cuck. tent with Bridges and Pascoe’s (2014) hybrid masculinities
framework, and the past research which has suggested that this
This community shamed women for having sex, but also suggested masculinities schema is present in this community (Høiland, 2019).
that a woman’s entire worth is her sexuality. They further shamed Unsurprisingly, the masculinities constructed in this community
women for efforts to deal with the results of this sexuality by commu- created many double standards.
nicating antichoice sentiments. This theme is only present in the first Incels see themselves as undeserving in their romantic failures,
round of data collected, likely due to its timing, which occurred after yet other men’s romantic failures make them worthy of degradation.
controversial antichoice legislation was passed in several U.S. states The blackpill describes a perceived social hierarchy in which
(Levenson, 2019). Sentiments related to abortion were unilaterally, and women hold power over men, but comparisons to women (i.e.,
sometimes cruelly, antichoice. One poster shared a picture of a woman “soy”) still communicate weakness. Incels’ less than traditionally
sobbing, adding “roasties when they find out they can’t kill their unborn attractive appearances were uncontrollable sources of pain and
babies in Alabama.” Another poster also stated as follows: “Solution to disenfranchisement. However, when other men were seen as unat-
abortion controversy, stop being a fucking whore.” tractive, they were seen as laughable, and unattractive women were
Women Are Subhuman. Posters shared content which explic- seen as worthless. Incels desire romantic relationships but feel that
itly compared women to nonhuman entities. Incels commonly these relationships emasculate other men. Incels claim to be
referred to women using the word “foid,” short for “female human- divorced from traditional masculine power, while simultaneously
oid,” communicating that women have subhuman status. Another policing the masculinity of others. Incels claim they intend to
poster shared as follows: “Women are NPCs,” indicating that destroy the social system which privileges the masculine “Chad”
women are artificially created, and have no thoughts, emotions, while thirsting for and reaffirming his power.
or consciousness. Incels often communicated discursive distancing and strategic
borrowing simultaneously. They described their distance from
hegemonic masculinities by using the language of the stigmatized
and marginalized. They claim that their failure to attain traditionally
Participants reported suicidal thoughts, feelings, and intentions, masculine attractiveness marks them for mistreatment, reminiscent
often attributed to Incel status. This theme is shown in this quote: of foundational conceptualizations of stigma (Goffman, 1963). This
is consistent with the past research on the Incel community
You Incels are pathetic. I had a friend who was a 5'2 bald Indian janitor.
(Høiland, 2019). Furthermore, they purport that their inability to
Do you think he sat around whining all day? No, he killed himself.
perform traditionally masculine sexual conquests is a result of their
They also often reported intense feelings of social isolation, as stigma and a cause of their marginalization.
this poster reported as follows: A select few of their experiences of marginalization are rooted in
real-world established power dynamics. Specifically, the descrip-
In reality, nobody gives a fuck. The vast majority of people are clueless tions of the racially motivated rejections experienced by Asian
about Incels, nor they understand the pain of loneliness (the true
Incels might represent a unique combination of genuine descriptions
loneliness, not the “I haven’t dated for 2 months” type of loneliness).
of marginalization and strategic borrowing. White supremacist
Posters suggested that suicide is an endemic problem to the Incel hierarchies are harmful to Asian men, and the experiences of Asian
community, sharing a list of forum users, stating that these indivi- men in this sample are no different. However, the rest of their
duals died by suicide as a result of their Incel status. conceptualizations of their social structure, which suggest that that
The “Clown World”. In addition to overt suicidality, partici- sole power-determining resource is women’s sexuality, are not
pants reported a sense that the world is meaningless and nonsensical. rooted in social justice-driven understandings of the world.
They referred to the world outside Incel circles as the “clown world,”
sometimes represented by the clown emoji. They also frequently
Inductive Themes
used images of clowns, particularly the Joker from Batman, a
character associated with nihilistic violence (Jürgens, 2014), to We also found inductive themes, including hostile sexism and
convey their dismay at the state of the world. They suggest that suicidality. Incels consistently expressed hostility toward women,

even in contexts which created explicit contradictions with their own knowledge and for violence prevention, we must understand how
worldview. Incels identified ugliness and sexual desire as sources of young men become radicalized by this community and how that leads
their own unjust marginalization but vilified these same character- them to commit acts of violence. Similarly, future work should
istics in women. Past research has suggested that Incels primarily develop ways to treat these individuals to decrease the anger, sadness,
define women by their relationships to men (Heritage & Koller, and entitlement that they state that they feel. This is critical for the sake
2020); this was supported in our results. Women are the objects of of Incels and others with whom they come into contact.
both Incel desire and contempt. Incels reported that they felt this same
contempt for themselves and their lives. Suicide was a topic of serious
discussion and joking banter on this subreddit, suggesting that many
Incels might experience suicidal ideation in many facets of their lives. 4chan–Incel Wiki. (2019).
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Hegemonic masculinities are associated with violence against
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

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and their radicalization. Furthermore, we have noted our position as Constructions of masculinity and inadvertent harm in public health
outsiders to this community. The language used by this community interventions. American Journal of Public Health, 104(6), 1029–1035.
is niche and nuanced, and our own fluencies are limited. Finally,
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