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A Position Paper

By: Aj S. Diaz and Jovelyn Diaz


For many students and teachers across the Abanon National High School energy
poverty is a challenge faced every day both at home and at school. In fact almost 1.5K
students in Abanon National High School are suffering due to high electricity bill. That means
that the school is suffering because of the high electricity bill.

Lack of access to energy greatly reduces teaching resources and classroom

materials. Without electricity, teachers cannot make copies of school assignments or
connect to the Internet to research what activities or materials are available online. They also
cannot access online resources, such as videos and other multimedia resources, in their
classrooms as an important means for teaching. Because of this, teachers cannot give their
students the quality of education they deserve. Energy poverty also makes work difficult for
school staff and administration. School administrators are required to manually keep paper
documentation of student and teacher grades and attendance rates, rather than keeping a
reliable, online record.

Another consequence of energy poverty is that teachers struggle to work in areas

without access to electricity. Lack of electric lighting, television, computers and other
services prevent trained and educated teachers from living and working in communities that
may need them most.

Each month, school receives utility bills. Students, teachers, and most of the school
staff may not know how much the monthly electric bill for the school is, but the budget
officer, principal, and the facilities manager are most likely very aware of the amount spent
on utilities. Utility bills are often the largest part of a schools budget next to payroll and
benefits for employees.
Billing information may be reported differently by different utilities; there is no
standard format. There are a few differences between school electric bills and residential
electric bills. For one, schools and other businesses have added demand charges that
residences do not have. This means that they are charged for the amount of electricity they
may use, based on past consumption, in addition to their actual electricity consumption. The
utility companies charge the demand so that they can be ready to supply the maximum
power requested when needed.
A Position Paper

By: Carl Patrick Vergara and Rosemarie Banaag


Using gadgets during class serve as a tool quick reference in the classroom any
gadgets can boost participation in the classroom by inviting students to use text or twitter to
ask a question on the teacher. Although much of the public of the debate against it there are
pro - associated with allowing gadgets in class this advantage should not be ignored since
gadgets in school could add value to the educational value to the experience rather than
simply be a determent to it. His paper aims to be bunked the positive side of using gadgets
during class, cell phone can be powerful and useful participant in room.

In our society now children with their school days there is a distinct possibility that
some student may take photograph that they should not take considering that almost every
cell phone these day has a system to build into digital camera. (Person study education)
showed that cell phone can be beneficial to students when reviewing and studying the exam
or test most of cell can photograph a picture their assignments and works. It can help them
although they can be distracting at some points in time they should not be on their phones if
there not asked and if they play games that's there fall cause they won’t know how to do it
they’re most likely fail.

Gadgets should use for the purpose of learning and use for browsing through the net
research if the student are un able to understand a particular term and want it to be
explained comprehensively to their browse through the web so as familiarize with that. There
is nothing wrong with the technology and its use in the classroom however we don't let the
student have unhindered computer access to the internet while in the class to play or use for
non - educational purpose. It depends on how the teachers to supervise their student,
student can learn using technology that can improve their learning.
Gadgets also good for education for many reason first you can use cell phone for education
or research purposes although most of school have one computer each room and computer
lab for a school equipment. Sometimes cell phone may have important number that stored to
a phone for student this can be important such as their parents/guardian can call them when
they have sickness or in case of emergency. According to a study 82% of high school
student use mobile devices regular of course increasingly population of gadgets among
students come sharply contested.

Hopefully this article has helped to shed the light on some potential positive benefits
of this rapid technological and cultural charge which sharply contrasts the experience. Many
of us had when we were in school, students bringing phone to school has both positive and
negative consequence. Many of school have set rules in their place regarding cell phones
and whether they are permitted l school or classroom.
A Position Paper

By: Maggie Posadas and Emmanuel Torio


Before the COVID-19 pandemic, face masks were mostly limited to operating rooms
and construction sites. But today, face masks have become part of everyone's everyday
outfit. Wearing a face mask every time you leave your home isn't ideal. Adults have adjusted
to the nuances of wearing a face mask. We know that we have to speak louder not get
closer for people to hear us when we speak.

We've also learned the importance of keeping our mouth and our noses covered and
we've learned how to avoid fogged glasses, too. But mask-wearing is a new concept for
many kid especially younger kids and kids who might have gotten used to learning from
home. It's a new habit they'll need to form. Younger students might wear their masks on top
of their heads or over their knees, and older kids might let them dangle from one ear or
shove them in their back pockets.

We know that masks significantly protect both the person who's wearing them and
the people around them. The other benefit of masks is that they can help protect against
other viruses. We are seeing an increase in other respiratory viruses that we don't usually
see circulating this time of year, specifically two viruses, respiratory syncytial virus or RSV,
and parainfluenza virus, which is a virus that causes croup. We will also be getting into
influenza season this fall. Masks are effective in preventing the spread of these viruses as

Wearing a mask will help decrease the number of symptomatic respiratory illnesses
that kids have, as well. Hopefully, this will help keep more kids in school and avoid having to
quarantine if there are positive cases, and reduce the number of days that parents need to
take their kid in for testing if they were to get sick — because these other respiratory viruses
are also circulating now.
Face masks were mostly used in operating rooms and on construction sites prior to the
COVID-19 epidemic. Additionally, using a mask can stop the spread of these diseases. The
prevalence of symptomatic respiratory diseases in children will decline with mask use.
A Position Paper

By: John Wilson Tantay and Catherine Dela Cruz


Because of COVID-19, changes had to be made in order for FHS to offer in-person
schooling. One change made this year is the class schedule. FHS students have three
classes for three weeks. After the set three weeks are up, the students switch to their other 3
classes. Although the new schedule may help slow the spread of COVID-19 among
students, the format is not a good idea and will make students stressed.

This is a major flaw to the new schedule. If a student needs to fix their grade, it’s up to them
to contact their teachers on the weeks they don’t have those classes. Not only that, some
teachers may assign more work because of the thought “they only have three classes.”
Teachers and students will be busy with other classes already and, with the new increasing
workload, it’ll be more difficult to work on other classes during the weeks off. Some believe
that having only three classes will make it easier for the students to get their work done,
even though that’s not always the case.

“I want it to be easier for students,” history teacher Brian Murphy said. “I don’t believe that’s
the case for all students. It’s harder to keep students on track and caring about their grades
when they don’t finish their work in the three weeks I see them.” Students aren’t getting all
their work done before the scheduled time for certain classes is over, leaving students with a
pile of work on top of the new pile they are going to get from their other classes. This new
schedule does help keep students safe from COVID-19.

“We are around fewer people during the day,” freshman Mary Haiss said. “Because
we only have three classes instead of six, we are around fewer kids making it so fewer kids
have to quarantine if they have to contact trace and there are fewer exposures.” While this
may be the case, students are forced to leave certain classes for a prolonged period of time
in which they may forget the information that was covered, forget about assignments, be
overwhelmed with the increasing workload and become stressed trying to work with all their
classes, even the ones they don’t have. This is overall bad for the student mental health.
A Position Paper

By: Aj Castillo Samera and John Louie Perez


Either wearing or not a school uniform has been the issue in the long run. There are
many opinions and different perspectives arise. Each is dependent upon on its purpose. But
what is really the role of wearing a school uniform? Some studies have shown that wearing
uniforms improves discipline and behaviour in school, helps to improve learning experiences
and increases school attendance. (Konheim-Kalkstein 2006).

Wearing a school uniform has given different benefits to the students because it
showcases the school's spirit, it reduces the number of trespassers and bullying, and it
saves money for the student's family. By wearing school uniform, the students do render
their loyalty to the school, and it made them have the spirit of togetherness and unity that
composes the school's identity. As a matter of fact school's uniform has been the students'
pride in going to competitions that made them inspired and agitated for they know that the
school is behind their back.

The students themselves are not only glorified for the winnings but the school as well,
exemplified by their uniform. The school's spirit is not only shown through competitions but
likewise in community activities. Wearing the uniform in a I parade during fiesta is a great
pleasure for the school because all the people could have a glance to it and somehow
conclude that the school has the school's spirit and loyalty Fortunately, wearing a school
uniform makes the campus a friendly and a safe school for the number of trespassers and
bullying cases decrease. For school authorities, they can easily identify their students
through their uniform upon entering the school premises.

The so-called policy, "Not in complete uniform, no entry has been a very good
practice of the school to strengthen the wearing of school uniform that leads to the
diminishing number of trespassing cases. The strike of bullying cases amongst students can
be minimized through wearing of school uniform. Not wearing school uniform may lead into
misunderstandings and discrimination because of the cultural diversity and unique beliefs
that could start a bullying act. If a majority wears the same clothes, then they have the power
to bully the minorities. This thing will not and will never be happened it all modents are
weaning the school uniform because it creates the sense of equality.

In the same sense, not all students are privileged to have extravagant civilian clothes
that fortunate students can. This gives way to bullying the unfortunate ones, but with wearing
uniform, this will no longer happen. When wearing school uniform social status for the
unfortunate students will no longer be an issue inside the school because it makes every
student appears the same. There will be fewer bullying cases inside the she school, a ol,
then Furthermore, school uniform reduces the expenses at the family because these things
are cost effective School uniform can be purchased for once or even twice year and be worn
all through the academic school year, Unlike wearing the trendy clothes in going to school
every day is a costly manner, particularly to those parents who want to meet the needs and
wants of their children.
Position Paper

By: Juliana Surat & Rommel Paningbatan


Bullying in a form of aggressive behavior manifested by the use of force or coercion

to affect others, particularly when the behavior is habitual and involves an imbalance of
power. It can include verbal harassment, physical assault or coercion and may be directed
repeatedly towards particular victims, perhaps on grounds of race, religion, gender,
sexuality, or ability. The Mimbalance of power" may be social power and/or physical power.
The victim of bullying is sometimes referred to as a "target".

Bullying usually starts in the child’s home. Most bullies come from an aggressive
home environment. This allows child to feel the need to be superior to others. Usually bullies
target children that are often defenseless or different. For instance, the intimidator usually
targets the new student, or a student that has a different religious background, race, and/or
sexuality. Bullying can happen to the victim physically. Forms of physical bullying are hitting,
kicking, and damaging another student’s property. This not only affects the victim, but also
the bystanders. Bystanders witness the horrible situation at hand. Children who witness
bullying can start using drugs, have anxiety or depression, and can start missing school. On
the contrary, the victims of bullying have the worse effects of bullying. Bullying has been a
major issue for a long time with young people in society. Many have been bullied and have
become inspirational, powerful people, but others are not as fortunate. Some get to the point
where they feel that their life is not worth anything to anyone and end up taking their life at a
young age.

In my opinion I think that bullying is something that is pointless. There is not a point in
putting someone else down because it makes someone else feel better about themselves. I
think that if everyone keeps there comments to themselves, everything would be better and
no one’s feelings would be hurt. If anyone is getting bullied my advice is to talk to someone
about it and get help and try to stop it if you know someone getting bullied. Every child has
the right to feel safe at home, at school and in the community (UN Convention on the Rights
of the Child, 1990). Bullying is not a normal part of growing up. Research indicates that
bullying behaviour doesn't usually go away on its own and often gets worse with time–it
needs to be dealt with directly. To stop the hurtful behaviour, adults need to support children
who seek their help. They need to respond immediately and take preventative steps to stop
the behaviour from happening in the future. The first step is recognizing when a bullying
problem has occurred.

Bullying can be extremely damaging and destructive to mental wellbeing – not just for
recipients of bullying behavior, but also for those who witness it. Witnesses to bullying often
feel upset, angry and powerless. They may experience feelings of guilt that they haven’t
stopped the bullying. Bullies are frequently motivated by feelings of frustrations and
negativity. They don't like other people, and they feel as if others don't like them. They lash
out in an attempt to hurt the other and In doing so assuage the feelings of negativity and
powerless ness in themselves. As far as what is being done about it, I think that one thing is
awareness that it happens and then addressing it as soon as you become aware of it. It is
caused by a lack of empathy for others. They think that only their own feelings are important.
It is caused by a somewhat natural human tendency to dislike people who are in some way
different than us. We pick out things we think are important (what clothes you wear, how you
act) and persecute those who do not have those things.

Bullying is preventable. There are many factors that may increase or decrease the
risk for perpetrating or experiencing bullying. To prevent bullying, we must understand and
address the factors that put people at risk for or protect them from violence. No matter what
end of the bullying your child is on, you need to make sure that you are doing your part to
prevent and stop this. Bullying is a serious matter, wether we like it or not. If you do not think
that you can handle the situation on your own, there is no harm in asking for help. You can
find help in a variety of places, even with in your own family. Schools may think they are
doing enough to stop bullying.  They may think that kids know enough about bullying that the
school taught them. If the bullying still goes on and it does not stop them the schools aren't
doing enough to stop bullying. Words are deadly weapons. The bullying needs to stop.
Bullying can cause a kid to deal with depression, anxiety, and or lead to suicide.
A Position Paper

By: Zyra Mae Dapon and Jhomar Bulatae


When students come to class late, it can disrupt the flow of a lecture or discussion,
distract other students, impede learning, and generally erode class morale. Moreover, if left
unchecked, lateness can become chronic and spread throughout the class. Because there
are a number of possible reasons students arrive to class late, considering which causes are
at the root of the problem can help guide instructors to appropriate responses and strategies.
Understanding the reasons, however, does not require tolerating the behaviour.

Arriving to school after classes have begun can cause students to miss more than
just the introduction to a new lesson. While waiting for the "tardy bell" to ring, teachers
often share important information: reminders of upcoming quizzes, class trips, new
classroom rules, essay due dates and other school-related specifics. Students who show
up late may miss out on these details and as a result, be unprepared for some future class
event. While a teacher will likely reiterate crucial information throughout the day,
latecomers may miss out on courtesy reminders about homework assignments and other
projects. High school students who show up on time everyday can rest assured they have
all the necessary information.

Arriving late to school on a consistent basis can have longer-term academic effects.
If showing up late to school becomes a habit, students may develop the notion that
tardiness is acceptable behavior. This belief can negatively impact their future work ethic
and employment opportunities. Alternatively, showing up on time to school everyday can
help students develop of the habit of being punctual with important commitments. This
habit can serve high school students well through college and into their future careers.
Most schools have specific policies concerning student tardiness. Generally, these
policies allow for the occasional late arrival; rare instances of excused tardiness
throughout the school year are often forgiven. Students sometimes have legitimate
reasons for showing up late, such as transportation problems and doctor’s appointments.
School administrators often consider such events to be "excused absences." However,
after reaching a predetermined number of unexcused tardy arrivals, students may be put
on a structured disciplinary plan to address any further late arrivals.

Depending on their continued infractions, students may be issued after-school

detention, campus clean up duty or even suspension. Lateness is the act of coming,
arriving or remaining after due, usual, or proper time. Lateness according to the school
context is where by students arrive or come to school late which goes contrarily against the
schools’ rules.

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