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This is the most important issue that we face as individuals -- as spiritual beings in flesh. The main endeavor in all of life is the growth from ignorance to knowledge of our true nature as consciousness. This is the task that transcends lifetimes. The paths are many, but they all lead to the ONE. Everyone reaches the destiny eventually, but each must reach it by their own efforts. Help is there for any who need it. All that is required is that one asks. Each is allowed to proceed at their own pace -- but as the time for transformation to a new age grows near, individuals must make their choice of whether to pass through their own effort or whether to fail and repeat the grade.

Your teacher for this course is Wayne Hartman (

Our reading material will be drawn from: o o o o Beyond Imagination: Early Works Ch 11: Know Thyself On Consciousness On Soul On Spirit

As a result of having taken this course, it is our hope that you will have awakened enough to come to a better understanding of who you are and what you are here to do.


READINGS: 1. Chapter 11: Know Thyself in Beyond Imagination - Early Works QUESTIONS Please answer in your own words
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Who am I? What am I? How do I exist? Why do I exist? Where do I exist? When do I exist?

7. What bodies are you aware of and to what degree? 8. What are your strongest gifts, abilities, and talents and how did you come to know them. It is very useful to define what you are, exploring all the limits to yourself. Notice what you feel responsible for, and what the universe outside of you is responsible for. Notice where you feel that your body ends, where your mind begins and ends. Find out what assumptions you have taken for granted and determine whether they support you or hinder you. Ask yourself some basic questions: Where do your thoughts come from and where do they go? 9. How much free will do you really have? 10. What part of your life is a role in a play? 11. When you speak or write, are you really aware of what is coming next? 12. Is the air that I will breathe in ten minutes a part of me? 13. Am I truly the same person from moment to moment? 14. Have I had any experiences where my ego died and was born again? That's enough to get started. Make knowing yourself the top priority in your life. It is that important! The more you do so, the more you will be able to be what you truly are. And, with that, all consciousness prospers. Become enlightened, and allow your Light to shine that all may see whom that you are, spirit enfleshed to the greatest degree possible for you at this time.


READINGS: 1. On Consciousness, Pages 1-80 QUESTIONS 1. How do you define consciousness? 2. How do you define superconsciousness? 3. Are you aware of other than conscious parts of you? 4. What are the ten most meaningful passages to you and why are they important to you? 5. Were there any passages that resulted in major revelations for you? 6. Are there any areas where you strongly disagree with what was stated? The world is created from the inner via thought. Only through such is the outer made manifest. But, it is a mistake to think that thought alone holds the key. It is the consciousness that thinks and sustains the thought that creates the world. 7. What is the link from consciousness to creation? What role does consciousness play? Choice. Choice. Choice. This issue keeps coming up. How much, if any, conscious choice do we truly have? Is reality a movie, a Play of Consciousness? Or, is it not? 8. What is the role of choice and free will? To what degree do these operate in the world? I AM what I AM. I would be that and none other. And I would allow consciousness to do what she will with me, for I am but her faithful servant awaiting to do as she bids, knowing full well that what is in her interest is clearly in my greatest interest as well. However, this doesn't work in reverse. What is in my perceived best interest bears no relation to the interests of consciousness, and in many cases, if anything is clearly at odds with such interests. 9. What statement would you make along similar lines?


READINGS: 1. On Consciousness, Pages 81-160 QUESTIONS 1. How do you define consciousness? Has this definition changed? 2. How do you define superconsciousness? Has this definition changed? 3. Are you aware of more other than conscious parts of you? 4. What are the ten most meaningful passages to you and why are they important to you? 5. Were there any passages that resulted in major revelations for you? 6. Are there any areas where you strongly disagree with what was stated? Can it all truly be one vast Play in which everything is predestined? Every action, every line, every thought, every emotion. Can it all be planned out in such detail? And, if it were, how would we know? How could we become aware that we were more than the character in the Play, we were the consciousness, the Self, the Soul who co-created the character and its role? 7. To what degree are we consciousness experiencing life within a Play? How do you interpret this passage? Follow what consciousness, through your own intuition, would have you do, whatsoever that might be. Be willing to risk whatever it might take. 8. Such sage advice. How do you apply this in your life now? Consciousness chooses which connections to reveal to me at particular times. I have no motive, purpose, or intent other than to do as consciousness bids me to do, and come to Know MySelf as well as possible in the process so that my own level of awareness may been enhanced that I may be an even greater vessel for doing the Great work. 9. What statement would you make along similar lines?


READINGS: 1. On Consciousness, Pages 161-End QUESTIONS 1. How do you define consciousness? Has this definition changed? 2. How do you define superconsciousness? Has this definition changed? 3. Are you aware of more other than conscious parts of you? 4. What are the ten most meaningful passages to you and why are they important to you? 5. Were there any passages that resulted in major revelations for you? 6. Are there any areas where you strongly disagree with what was stated? The body is a house for the brain, the brain is a house for the mind, the mind is a house for consciousness, consciousness is a house for spirit. 7. What does this mean to you? How does this impact your concept of and experience of consciousness in your life? This expression is the record of a stream of consciousness. As such, it captures snapshots of consciousness in action in ways that few other records do. This is not about consciousness trying to do something. Rather, it is about a consciousness coming to grips with whom that it is and the reality that it experiences. 8. How does this relate to your own experience of consciousness? Consciousness seems to have her own direction in mind for my life. I have no choice but to follow her lead. Actually, perhaps I have a choice, but I choose to follow where consciousness leads me. 9. To what degree does this apply to your understanding of your consciousness? Do you make the same choice? Do you follow where she leads? If so, why? If not, why not?


READINGS: 1. None. QUESTIONS Return to the questions from Lesson 1 and answer them once again. This time include the role that consciousness plays in your answers. Please answer in your own words
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Who am I? What am I? How do I exist? Why do I exist? Where do I exist? When do I exist?

7. What bodies are you aware of and to what degree? 8. What are your strongest gifts, abilities, and talents and how did you come to know them. It is very useful to define what you are, exploring all the limits to yourself. Notice what you feel responsible for, and what the universe outside of you is responsible for. Notice where you feel that your body ends, where your mind begins and ends. Find out what assumptions you have taken for granted and determine whether they support you or hinder you. Ask yourself some basic questions: Where do your thoughts come from and where do they go? 9. How much free will do you really have? 10. What part of your life is a role in a play? 11. When you speak or write, are you really aware of what is coming next? 12. Is the air that I will breathe in ten minutes a part of me? 13. Am I truly the same person from moment to moment? 14. Have I had any experiences where my ego died and was born again? What are the major differences in the answers as a result of this course? Pick the 5 most important passages from the 30 identified in homework for prior lessons and explain what these mean and why these are so important to you now. You are free to pick other passages than these if you have found something more meaningful to you.


READINGS: 1. On Soul, Pages 1-20 QUESTIONS 1. How do you define soul? 2. What is the relationship between soul and consciousness? 3. What is the relationship between soul and spirit? 4. What are the ten most meaningful passages to you and why are they important to you? 5. Were there any passages that resulted in major revelations for you? 6. Are there any areas where you strongly disagree with what was stated?

The still place within ... the sounds of silence ... the quiet inner voice ... these are where the soul resides. What matters is consciousness; awareness and presence in each moment; to achieve each day, in each moment, what is appropriate for the soul's expression of its purpose in accord with the Plan. 7. How does this passage relate to your understanding of soul and its expression? Are you aware of your soul s purpose? If so, what is it? Who you are is a soul expressing itself in flesh to the greatest degree possible given your present state of awareness. Why in flesh? Because that is where reality games are played in which consciousness creates and finds out its own nature. 8. How does your understanding and experience relate to this? How does soul express in flesh in your life? Some have found that they can be a watcher of this play of Light and Dark as well. As the watcher, they begin to wonder why the play is written as it is. From this they learn of their own nature as soul, and see the play as an opportunity to learn. The learning that is most important is that we are spirit incarnate and that the development of self-knowledge is our primary task, or at least it should be such. 9. Are you aware of being the watcher? What of your own nature as soul have you learned from this?


READINGS: 1. On Soul, Pages 21-40 QUESTIONS 1. How do you define soul? Has this changed since the last lesson? 2. What is the relationship between soul and consciousness? 3. What is the relationship between soul and spirit? 4. What are the ten most meaningful passages to you and why are they important to you? 5. Were there any passages that resulted in major revelations for you? 6. Are there any areas where you strongly disagree with what was stated? One question stirs my soul ... why am I here, what is it that I came to do? Note how this is phrased. I didn't ask what am I here to learn, or what I am here to experience, or what am I here to realize ... I asked what did I come to do. 7. Does this question stir your soul as well? What is your answer to this question? All answers can be found within our souls ... that is, for anything that we need to have answers for. 8. Do you agree? How do you apply this in your life now? Have you found a way to tune into your soul? I did not create this life. I entered into it ... fully aware at some level of what I was doing. That does not mean I am fully aware consciously yet. Though, I sense that I am far more aware than most. Yes, that distinguishes me ... but I am an ancient soul, so this is to be expected. 9. If you are taking this course, you are most likely an ancient soul as well. What statement would you make along similar lines?


READINGS: 1. On Soul, Pages 41-End QUESTIONS 1. How do you define soul? Has this changed since the last lesson? 2. What is the relationship between soul and consciousness? 3. What is the relationship between soul and spirit? 4. What are the ten most meaningful passages to you and why are they important to you? 5. Were there any passages that resulted in major revelations for you? 6. Are there any areas where you strongly disagree with what was stated? My body, my mind, my consciousness, my soul, and my spirit are all aspects of ME. Further, they are aspects that are ONE, that have no separate reality or identity of their own. We are ONE. We have always been ONE. 7. To what degree are you aware of these aspects of YOU? In what ways do you experience yourself as the ONE in which the parts are whole rather than separated? The heart has been said to be the seat of the soul. What distinguishes one soul from another? The answer is simple, the very nature of how that soul loves. Love can be expressed in many ways. The chief ways seem to be in relationships and in work. 8. Do you agree? In what ways are you able to express Love unconditionally in your life? Conditional Love is not spiritual love. The soul is wise beyond our years for she exists in a realm that is beyond time, beyond space, beyond everything that we recognize as the boundaries of our reality. She will not be cooped up and confined. She is free and knows herself to be thus. Then why do we not feel her in this way on a regular basis? Our soul is not separated from us. She is there united, seated in our very heart. But we must learn to separate our emotions from her emotions. Her primary emotion is love, unconditional love for not only us but for all those whose lives are touched by ours. 9. How do you specifically relate to this passage? Is this your experience of soul? How in touch with your heart are you?


READINGS: 1. None. QUESTIONS Return to the questions from Lesson 1 and answer them once again. This time include the role that your soul plays in your answers. Please answer in your own words
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Who am I? What am I? How do I exist? Why do I exist? Where do I exist? When do I exist?

7. What bodies are you aware of and to what degree? 8. What are your strongest gifts, abilities, and talents and how did you come to know them. It is very useful to define what you are, exploring all the limits to yourself. Notice what you feel responsible for, and what the universe outside of you is responsible for. Notice where you feel that your body ends, where your mind begins and ends. Find out what assumptions you have taken for granted and determine whether they support you or hinder you. Ask yourself some basic questions: 9. Where do your thoughts come from and where do they go? 10. How much free will do you really have? 11. What part of your life is a role in a play? 12. When you speak or write, are you really aware of what is coming next? 13. Is the air that I will breathe in ten minutes a part of me? 14. Am I truly the same person from moment to moment? 15. Have I had any experiences where my ego died and was born again? What are the major differences in the answers as a result of this course? Pick the 5 most important passages from those identified in homework for prior lessons and explain what these mean and why these are so important to you now. You are free to pick other passages than these if you have found something more meaningful to you.


READINGS: 1. On Spirit, Pages 1-60 QUESTIONS 1. How do you define spirit? 2. What is the relationship between spirit and consciousness? 3. What is the relationship between spirit and soul? 4. What are the ten most meaningful passages to you and why are they important to you? 5. Were there any passages that resulted in major revelations for you? 6. Are there any areas where you strongly disagree with what was stated? Each of us, as individuals, has our own sparks of light to share. As spirit in flesh, this is our birthright. As we learn to follow our Hearts and listen to the dictates of our souls, this individual spark grows greater in intensity. Further, when combined with purpose and intent, these sparks can be joined to create beams of light that can serve to illuminate the larger way for many. Multiple beams can serve to illuminate cities and towns, and in large enough numbers, states, countries, continents, and the entire Earth. 7. How do you personally relate to this? Where do you fit within this scheme of things? Consciousness ever seeks to expand the vessels through which she expresses so that more spirit can be expressed in flesh. That is the whole purpose of the game. And what a grand game it is. 8. What vessel are you providing though which consciousness can express? Are you aware of the game? If so, are you enjoying it? I am the eyes of spirit, the arms of spirit, the ears of spirit, the mouth of spirit ... all that I AM is of spirit, and all that I DO is for spirit. 9. What would you utter in a similar vein from your unique perspective?



READINGS: 1. On Spirit, Pages 61-120 QUESTIONS 1. How do you define spirit? Has this changed since the last lesson? 2. What is the relationship between spirit and consciousness? 3. What is the relationship between spirit and soul? 4. What are the ten most meaningful passages to you and why are they important to you? 5. Were there any passages that resulted in major revelations for you? 6. Are there any areas where you strongly disagree with what was stated? Spirit is already expressed in flesh. In fact, everything is spirit in expression. What we are talking about is evolving the forms ... and building new forms, through which spirit can express in flesh. We do this via conscious effort on our parts. We do this by deciding what organizations we will participate in to what extent. 7. In what specific ways do you relate to being spirit in flesh? Life to me is a spiritual adventure or it is nothing. There is no gray here ... not for me. The spiritual colors everything that I do, everything that I see, everything that I experience, everything that I am. 8. How does spirit relate to life for YOU? There are no wrong answers. What are you aware of relevant to spirit operating in your life? We are capable of far more than we can imagine. Literally far more. It is a matter of believing this and being open to spirit operating and expressing in our lives. 9. What have you experienced in this area? Have you had spurts where you were able to do more than you imagined possible as a result of spirit doing the works through you?



READINGS: 1. On Spirit, Pages 121-End QUESTIONS 1. How do you define spirit? Has this changed since the last lesson? 2. What is the relationship between spirit and consciousness? 3. What is the relationship between spirit and soul? 4. What are the ten most meaningful passages to you and why are they important to you? 5. Were there any passages that resulted in major revelations for you? 6. Are there any areas where you strongly disagree with what was stated? Discover who you truly are through what you are able to express ... through what spirit is able to express through you. You are a channel for spirit. You have always been thus, and you will always be thus. But, realize that this is true not only of you but for everyone. 7. How do you personally relate to this? To what degree is spirit expressing through you and in what particular ways? Generally they will be in ways that you are passionate about. Spirit has a destiny for each of us, a role or set of roles that we came to play. It is a matter of finding what this is and doing it. The reward is that we will find this to be challenging, exciting, and joyful. It is all a matter of being whom we are meant to be and doing what we are meant to do. 8. Are you aware of your destiny and the roles that you came to play? If so, what are they? We simply need to become the clearest channels for spirit that we can be. We start by inviting spirit into our life, learning to listen to the voice within, and trusting it enough to act on it, all the while observing the results and making the necessary adjustments to align ourselves more closely with whom that we truly are. 9. To what degree have you invited spirit in your life and how have you done this? What adjustments have you had to make in this regard?



READINGS: 1. None. QUESTIONS Return to the questions from Lesson 1 and answer them once again. This time include the role that your spirit plays in your answers. Please answer in your own words
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Who am I? What am I? How do I exist? Why do I exist? Where do I exist? When do I exist?

7. What are your definitions of consciousness, soul, and spirit? 8. To what degree are you aware of these parts now? 9. What are your strongest gifts, abilities, and talents and how did you come to know them? What are the major differences in the answers as a result of this course? Pick the 12 most important passages from those identified in homework for prior lessons and explain what these mean and why these are so important to you now. Prioritize them with 1 and the highest priority and 12 as the lowest. You are free to pick other passages than these if you have found something more meaningful to you. COURSE CRITIQUE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. How would you rate the course material (1=Great, 5=Poor)? How would you rate the instructor (1=Great, 5=Poor)? How would you rate the lesson plan (1=Great, 5=Poor)? Would you take another of our School Without Wall courses? Do you have any other feedback or suggestions for improvement?



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