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8th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology (PATA), 13 – 16 November, 2017, New Zealand

INQUA Focus Group Earthquake Geology and Seismic Hazards

Paleo-liquefaction; an Alternative Tool for Seismic Hazard Assessments

Bastin, Sarah (1), Green, Russell (2), Quigley, Mark (3), Bassett, Kari (4)

(1) QuakeCoRE, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand

(2) Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061, United States of America.
(3) School of Earth Sciences, The University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010, Australia
(4) Department of Geological Sciences, University of Canterbury, Christchurch 8014, New Zealand

Abstract: Liquefaction features preserved in the sub-surface provide evidence for earthquake-generated strong ground shaking
exceeding threshold intensities for liquefaction. Analysis of liquefaction features preserved in the geologic record enables the
approximate timing and site-specific Peak Ground Accelerations of the causative paleo-earthquake(s) to be estimated, while
regional examination enables the epicentral location and magnitude to be approximated. Examination of liquefaction features
formed during recent events in New Zealand provides insights into the typical morphologies and preservation potential of
liquefaction features and aids the identification and interpretation of paleo-liquefaction features. Paleo-liquefaction
investigations provides a fault-independent methodology by which return times of strong ground motions may be estimated for
a given region, and may be employed to assess seismic hazards in areas where the distribution of active faults is uncertain,
and/or many active fault sources are present.

Key words: Paleo-liquefaction, seismic hazard assessment

INTRODUCTION shaking must have exceeded the minimum liquefaction

triggering intensity threshold (i.e. Factor of Safety against
Liquefaction may occur in unconsolidated and fluid- liquefaction <1; Boulanger and Idriss (2014)). The ground
saturated sediments as earthquake-induced cyclic shearing motion intensity threshold for liquefaction triggering can be
causes the soil structure to break down and pore-water quantified in terms of required magnitude-weighted peak
pressures to increase to the static confining pressure ground acceleration (PGA7.5), which represents the
(Boulanger and Idriss, 2014). Liquefied sediment may be equivalent peak ground acceleration (PGA) for a Mw 7.5
ejected to the ground surface where it typically manifests as event required to trigger liquefaction at a given site. The
surficial sand blows, blistering of the surface, and/or lateral identification and dating of liquefaction features across a
spreading-induced ground surface fissuring (Obermeier et region, combined with minimum thresholds against
al. 2005). Surficial features are typically rapidly re-worked liquefaction triggering enables the epicentral location and
into surrounding deposits. Sub-surface features are likely to magnitude of the paleo-earthquake to be approximated
be present in the geologic record where host sediments are (e.g. Maurer et al., 2015).
preserved and include dikes that fed the surface sand-blows,
laterally injected sills, and/or other injection features Liquefaction and associated phenomena have been
(Obermeier et al., 2005). Preserved features, termed paleo- reported following upwards of 13 recent and historical
liquefaction, provide evidence for paleo-earthquakes with earthquakes in New Zealand (Fairless & Berrill, 1984;
site-specific ground motion intensities exceeding threshold Maurer et al., 2015). Liquefaction features formed during
values required to trigger liquefaction. Analysis of preserved these events are likely to be present in the sub-surface
features provides a fault-independent methodology by sediments. Collation of the extents of liquefaction
which the timing and magnitude of historic and/or pre- manifestations following these events enables areas
historic events can be examined (e.g. Obermeier et al. 2001). underlain by sediments with low cyclic resistances to
liquefaction to be identified. These areas may be targeted
Paleo-liquefaction investigations have been employed to to document the preservation potential of liquefaction
assess seismic hazards in areas where blind active faults are features and/or examine the presence of paleo-
known to exist, such as the New Madrid Seismic Zone (e.g. liquefaction. Herein, the potential applications of paleo-
Tuttle, 2001). Investigations typically rely on the accurate liquefaction investigations as an additional tool for
identification of liquefaction features, interpretation of their assessing seismic hazards are outlined using examples
relative ages, and constraint on the shaking intensities under from recent and historical earthquakes in New Zealand.
which liquefaction was triggered (Green et al., 2005). Ages
of liquefaction features and, thus, the timing of the paleo- SPATIAL DISTRIBUTIONS OF LIQUEFACTION FEATURES
event may be approximated by dating bounding stratigraphy
(Obermeier et al., 2005). The threshold ground motion Documentation of the spatial extents and morphologies of
intensity required to trigger liquefaction at a given site can liquefaction features following recent earthquakes
be determined from site-specific geotechnical tests (e.g. provides insights into the settings in which liquefaction
Cone Penetration Tests) using simplified liquefaction typically manifests and the associated preservation
triggering methodologies and assuming the earthquake potential. Detailed mapping of surface manifestations

8th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology (PATA), 13 – 16 November, 2017, New Zealand

INQUA Focus Group Earthquake Geology and Seismic Hazards

following the 2010-2011 Canterbury Earthquake Sequence sorted fine to medium sand and cross-cut the stratigraphy
indicated that widespread liquefaction occurred across from the trench floor to the surface (i.e. Figure 2; Bastin et
much of eastern Christchurch (Figure 1A; Quigley et al., al. (2015 and 2016)). The features generally range in width
2016). Severe manifestations were observed proximal to from 1 to 50 cm and increase in width with depth,
meandering rivers and were shown by Bastin et al. (2013) indicating that they formed by the upwards flow of
to be orientated sub-parallel to the closest waterway. In liquefied sediment rather than downward-propagating
addition, mapping within Blenheim following the 2016 Mw surface cracking (Figure 2). The sediment within the dikes
7.8 Kaikoura earthquake indicated that liquefaction lacks the oxidation and mottling developed within the
predominantly manifested to the east of the township in surrounding stratigraphy indicating their recent
areas hosting shallow water-tables and underlain by emplacement. The morphologies of these features are
young, unconsolidated fluvial deposits (Figure 1B; Stringer consistent with sub-surface liquefaction features
et al. (2017); Bastin et al., (in review)). The comparably described in previous studies by Obermeier et al. (2005)
more localized manifestations within Blenheim reflects the and indicate that liquefaction features are typically
lower ground accelerations of the Kaikoura earthquake preserved in the sub-surface as sub-vertical dikes.
(~0.1 g; GEER (2017)) compared to the CES (~0.2 g; Bradley
& Hughes, (2012)). The spatial distributions indicate that
areas underlain by recent fluvial sediments and hosting
shallow water-tables are highly susceptible to liquefaction.
Similar distributions have been reported in other areas of
New Zealand such as Whakatane following the 1987
Edgecumbe earthquake (Bastin et al., 2017).

Figure 2: A) Dike preserving evidence for four episodes of

liquefaction (i-iv) as observed in eastern Christchurch (modified
from Quigley et al., (2016)). B) Interpreted field photograph
indicating the similar morphologies of the CES (Mx) and pre-CES
(Px) dikes (modified from Bastin et al., (2015)).

Extensive trenching investigations at a site in eastern

Christchurch in which upwards of 6 liquefaction triggering
events are inferred throughout the CES, revealed sub-
surface dikes that preserved evidence for between 1-4
episodes of liquefaction (shown in Figure 2A; Quigley et al.
(2016)). Separate liquefaction events were recognized as
internal dike parallel silt linings separating internal
conduits and identical to those formed along the dike
margins. The preservation 1-4 liquefaction-triggering
Figure 1: A) Distribution of liquefaction in Christchurch as mapped events, despite the upwards of 6 events inferred for the
following the 2010-2011 Canterbury Earthquake Sequence. B) site, indicates that the geologic record is likely to under-
Distribution of liquefaction in Blenheim following the 2016 represent the number of liquefaction triggering
Kaikoura earthquake. earthquakes. It may therefore be difficult to discern
whether a feature represents a single liquefaction-
SUB-SURFACE MORPHOLOGIES OF LIQUEFACTION triggering event, or multiple, closely spaced events
FEATURES resulting from clustered earthquakes.

Trenching investigations undertaken in Christchurch Identification of paleo-liquefaction

following the 2010-2011 CES and in Blenheim following the Documentation of the spatial distributions of surficial
2016 Kaikoura earthquake indicated that the surficial liquefaction following recent earthquakes and
liquefaction features correspond with sub-vertical and documentation of their preservation potential indicates that
planar dikes in the sub-surface (e.g. Bastin et al. (2015); paleo-liquefaction is likely to be present in areas that have
(2016); Bastin et al. (in prep)). The sub-surface liquefaction been subjected to strong ground shaking and underlain by
dikes were shown to be uniformly composed of grey, well recent fluvial sediments. Evidence of liquefaction is likely to


8th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology (PATA), 13 – 16 November, 2017, New Zealand

INQUA Focus Group Earthquake Geology and Seismic Hazards

be preserved as sub-vertical and planar dikes orientated sub- motion prediction equations to produce a curve of
parallel to proximal waterways. magnitudes sufficient and insufficient to trigger liquefaction
Paleo-liquefaction investigations have recently been at the given site (e.g. Figure 3, and described in detail in
undertaken within Christchurch, Blenheim, Whakatane, Maurer et al. (2015)). A similar approach can be used to
Napier, and Hamilton to determine whether sub-surface perform a back-analysis for a given historical event to
evidence of paleo-liquefaction is present, and to ground- determine the likelihood of liquefaction being triggered at a
truth liquefaction hazard assessments. Trenching given site (see Bastin et al. (2016)). However, these
investigations were undertaken in areas underlain by methodologies require assumptions to be made on the
sediments with low cyclic resistances to liquefaction, with amount of sedimentation that has occurred at the site and
trenches excavated perpendicular to river banks to enable the likely depth to ground-water during the paleo-event. The
best possible chances of intersecting features. amount of sediment overlying the paleo-liquefaction
features may be back-stripped for the analysis to account for
Sub-surface liquefaction features of consistent sedimentation at the site since the paleo-event however this
morphologies to those formed during the CES and 2016 adds additional uncertainties.
Kaikoura earthquake were consistently observed during
the trenching (i.e. Figure 2). Sub-vertical and planar dikes
composed of mottled and oxidized, well-sorted fine to
medium grained sand were identified in the trenches and
cross-cut surrounding stratigraphy (example shown in
Figure 2B). The mottling and oxidation developed within
the features indicates their pro-longed exposure to
fluctuating water tables and thus indicates emplacement
during historic/ pre-historic events. Approximate timing of
the paleo-earthquakes forming these features were
derived from cross-cutting relationships and dating of the
surrounding stratigraphy.

Paleo-liquefaction features observed in the eastern

Christchurch suburb of Avonside were found to be truncated
by a flood-unit at 0.7 m depth (Figure 2B; see Bastin et al. Figure 3: Example of back-calculated magnitude-bound curves
(2015) for a detailed description). Radiocarbon dating of a comparing earthquake magnitude and distance to liquefaction as
sample obtained from underlying stratigraphy provided a 2σ derived from New Zealand events by Maurer et al. (2015).
calibrated age of 1660-1803, indicating the feature formed
during an event that post-dates 1660. The feature was For example, a CPT sounding conducted at the site of
additionally cross-cut by an anthropogenic pit associated paleo-liquefaction in Avonside indicates that the material
with an adjacent wool scouring factory, indicating the at 1.6 - 2.15 m depth was potentially liquefiable (FS <1)
feature pre-dates closure of the factory in ca. 1905. The under the PGA of the Mw 7.1 September 2010 and Mw 6.2
identification of pre-CES dikes indicates that an earthquake February 2011 earthquakes. The computed minimum PGA
generating PGA in excess of the liquefaction triggering required to liquefy this unit during these events are 0.15 g
threshold occurred within Christchurch between 1660 and and 0.19 g respectively. The presence of pre-CES and CES
1905. This is consistent with the New Zealand Seismic liquefaction indicates the area has remained highly
Hazard Model which predicts approximate return times of susceptible to liquefaction and thus it is likely that
50 years for PGAs of 0.11g (MMI 6-7) and 200 years for PGAs liquefaction was triggered under similar PGA for the pre-
of 0.22g (MMI 7-8) for class C material (shallow soils) in the CES event. In areas where there are large uncertainties in
Christchurch area (Stirling et al., 2008). the back-calculation, it may be assumed that the threshold
most likely exceeds the global liquefaction triggering
Paleo-liquefaction features were additionally observed threshold of PGA7.5 0.09 g, as derived by Santucci de
during trenching for a road construction project in Magistris et al. (2013).
Hamilton. Radiocarbon dating of material from within the
trench combined with well-constrained timing of tephra The ability to back-calculate earthquake magnitudes relies
deposits indicates the features formed >6,000 y BP, and on the accurate identification of the epicentral location
likely between 6,000 – 26,500 y BP (Clayton et al., 2017). and associated liquefaction manifestations. The minimum
magnitude may be derived using site-to-source distances
Constraining approximate shaking intensities of the utlilzing curves of the distance from the epicentral location
paleo-earthquakes to the most distal liquefaction feature (e.g. Figure 3 and
The identification of paleo-liquefaction provides evidence see Maurer et al. (2015)).
for earthquakes exceeding the threshold value required to
trigger liquefaction and confirms the presence of sediments
with low cyclic resistances to liquefaction. The threshold
may be back-calculated from proximal CPT using the
simplified liquefaction analysis methodologies and ground

8th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology (PATA), 13 – 16 November, 2017, New Zealand

INQUA Focus Group Earthquake Geology and Seismic Hazards

IMPLICATIONS AND APPLICATIONS FOR PALEO-SEISMIC extensive CPT dataset and paleo-liquefaction trenching, 3rd
HAZARD ASSESSMENTS AND INITIAL CONCLUSIONS International Conference on Performance-based Design in
Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (PBD-III) Vancouver, BC,
Canada, July 16-19.
Analysis of paleo-liquefaction features provides an
Bastin, S., Wotherspoon, L., Ogden, M., Green, R., van Ballegooy,
alternative, fault independent means by which return S., and Stringer, M. (in review). Fluvial geomorphological
times of strong ground motions may be examined. controls on the distribution of liquefaction in Blenheim, New
Features are likely to be present where host sediments are Zealand following the 2016 Kaikoura Earthquake, In review for
preserved and provide a means by which paleo- the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America.
earthquakes may be detected. Paleo-liquefaction Boulanger, R., and Idriss, I. (2014). CPT and SPT based liquefaction
investigations may be used to supplement paleo-seismic triggering procedures, Report No. UCD/CGM-14/01, Center for
hazard assessments in areas where many fault sources are Geotechnical Modeling, Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, University of California Davis, United States of
known to exist and/or the distribution of active faults is
uncertain. The identification of paleo-liquefaction features Bradley, B.A., and Hughes M. (2012). Conditional peak ground
relies on investigations to be undertaken in areas underlain accelerations in the Canterbury earthquakes for conventional
by sediments with a low cyclic resistance to liquefaction liquefaction assessment. Technical Report Prepared for the
and may be aided by the distributions of surface Department of Building and Housing. April 2012. 22pp
manifestations from historical events. Clayton, P.J., Tisley, S., Bastin, S., and Green, R.A. (2017). Case
study in the use of paleoliquefaction techniques to investigate
The distributions of liquefaction following recent and liquefaction potential of Waikato soils for the Hamilton
section of the Waikato expressway, Proc. 20th NZGS
historical earthquakes in New Zealand indicate that areas
Geotechnical Symposium. Napier, New Zealand.
underlain by recent fluvial sediments in areas hosting Fairless, G.J., and Berrill, J.B. (1984). Liquefaction during historic
shallow water tables are highly susceptible to liquefaction. earthquakes in New Zealand. Bulletin of the New Zealand
Examination of sub-surface features formed during recent National Society for Earthquake Engineering, 17(4): 280-291.
events indicates liquefaction features typically comprise GEER (2017). Geotechnical Reconnaissance of the 2016 Kaikoura,
sub-vertical and planar dikes composed of fine to medium New Zealand earthquake. Report of the National Science
sand. Trenching in areas underlain by sediments with low Foundation - Sponsored Geotechnical Extreme Events
cyclic resistances to liquefaction across New Zealand has Reconnaissance (GEER) Team.
Green, R., Obermeier, S., and Olson, S. (2005). Engineering
revealed evidence for paleo-liquefaction preserved in the
geologic and geotechnical analysis of paleoseismic shaking
geologic record. These features provide evidence for using liquefaction effects: field examples. Engineering Geology,
paleo-earthquakes with site-specific ground accelerations 76: 263-293.
exceeding threshold values for liquefaction and therefore Maurer, B., Green, R., Quigley, M., and Bastin, S. (2015).
may be used to make inferences on the return times of Development of magnitude-bound relations for
strong ground motions. Further work is required to paleoliquefaction analyses: New Zealand Case Study.
determine approximate timing and epicentral locations of Engineering Geology, 197: 253-266
previous earthquakes generating site-specific peak ground Obermeier, S. (1996). Use of liquefaction-induced features for
paleoseismic analysis - an overview of how seismic liquefaction
accelerations exceeding the threshold value for
features can be distinguished from other features and how
liquefaction. their regional distribution and properties of source sediment
can be used to infer the location and strength of Holocene
Acknowledgements: We thank Martitia Tuttle, Peter Almond, paleo-earthquakes. Engineering Geology, 44:1-76.
Pilar Villamor, for their discussions and assistance. This work was Obermeier, S., Olson, S., and Green, R. (2005). Field occurrences
funded by an EQC Capability Fund. of liquefaction-induced features: A primer for engineering
geologic analysis of paleoseismic shaking. Engineering Geology,
76: 209-234.
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