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MANILA, Philippines — President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. Signed the P5.

268 trillion national

budget for 2023 in a ceremony held in the Malacañan Palace on Friday. According to the Office
of the Press Secretary, Marcos signed the bicameral convention committee document containing
the consolidated variations of the 2023 General Appropriations Bill within the presence of key
management officials and leaders from both the House of Representatives and the Senate. This
spending plan is the first complete finances of Marcos Jr.’s management, which seeks to position
more emphasis on agriculture. He assumed the presidency last June 30. Deliberations at the 2023
price range notion in the House and the Senate saw the removal and eventual healing of
controversial exclusive and intelligence funds (CIFs) of the Department of Education (DepEd)
and Office of the Vice President (OVP) – each being helmed through Sara Duterte – by way of
the bicameral convention committee. READ: Education gets P852-B in proposed 2023 price
range; allocation for agri rises by means of 39.2% At the Senate, the proposed P150 million CIF
of DepEd turned into slashed to simply P30 million. But the original quantity turned into
reinstated at some stage in the bicameral conference committee discussions. In beyond
administrations, lawmakers had mentioned DepEd and OVP did now not have CIFs. Also, all
through deliberations of the bicameral conference committee, the P10 billion price range of the
National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict for 2023 turned into restored even
if lawmakers wondered the low accomplishment rate of the authorities’s anti-insurgency
challenge force. The bicameral convention committee realigned around P70 billion within the
2023 country wide finances. READ: Bicam approves consolidated version of proposed 2023
price range Budget amendments in the course of the bicameral convention committee also
blanketed the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation allocations, free transportation rides or
“Libreng Sakay,” and social aid. In a briefing on Wednesday, Budget Secretary Amenah
Pangandaman said they anticipate the President to at once veto to three gadgets in the 2023
countrywide budget.

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