Workbook: Answer Key To The Workbook Worksheet 1

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Answer key to the WORKBOOK Worksheet 1

A. 1. T  2. NT  3. NT  4. NT  5. T
B. 1. Gautam was bored because he did not have anyone to play cricket with at Aunt Sunita’s place.   2.  Aunt
Sunita made the cricket stumps by taking three long sticks and sharpening their ends with a pocket knife.
3.  Yes, Gautam enjoyed playing with his scratch team. We know this because he and the team played all
afternoon. Gautam was having so much fun that he did not realise that several hours had passed when his
aunt called him in for tea.   4.  Yes. Initially, Gautam did not think his cousins could play cricket because
two of them were girls and the third one was too young. And so he was bored during the holidays. But when
he taught his cousins how to play, all of them had a lot of fun. Gautam realised that he had been wrong about

A. 1. have not woken  2. have you not complained  3. has just announced  4. has taught
5. have promised   6.  have not fallen
B. 2. Have you ever played hopscotch? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
3. Have you ever cooked? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. an
4. Have you ever ridden a camel? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.


A. positive: proud, disagree, unusual, firm


negative: vain, oppose, strange, stubborn


B. 1. disagree; oppose  2. strange  3. unusual  4. vain  5. stubborn

Sample diary entry

24 May 2017

Dear Diary,

I had a surprisingly great day today. I played cricket after so long and that too with my cousins! All summer I have
been so bored because I thought I had no one at Aunt Sunita’s place to play cricket with. But turns out, it’s a lot of
fun to play with little Ameya, Neha and Karthik. Honestly, I thought Karthik was far too young and that the girls
would be no good at cricket. But I was wrong! Ameya, especially, was great. She bowls better than some of my
friends! She has a lot of strength in her little arms. She actually managed to get me out. I didn’t realise until my
aunt called us in for tea that we had been playing for hours. I feel a little bad that I misjudged my cousins. So I’m
glad my aunt forced me to play with them. Now I’m going to teach my cousins and play with them every day until
I go back.



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A. 1. towel  2. kettle  3. model  4. final  5. kennel  6. bubble  7. metal
8. novel
B. 1. believe  2.  field  3. brief  4. weight  5. height  6. kerchief  7. thieves
8. protein  9. achieve  10. ceiling

Answer key to the WORKBOOK Worksheet 2

A. 1. Gunnar Garfors is famous for having travelled to all the 198 countries in the world.   2.  Garfors
decided to travel to 113 more countries so he would have visited all the 198 countries in the world. This was
the challenge he took up.   3.  Gunnar Garfors’ large family travelled in a caravan.   4.  Garfors loves
to travel. You can never forget details about the things you love. That is why Garfors remembers all his trips.
5.  Garfors saves money by not buying much and mostly walking everywhere he needs to go.   6.  Free

A. 1. likes  2. wear  3. were  4. writes; live  5. have
B. 1. taste  2. are  3. love  4. wants; want  5. is an


A. 1. a  2. b  3. a  4. b  5. c

B. 1. d  2. e  3. a  4. c  5. b

A. Mowgli was a very good student in the jungle school.
B. a
C. The process of making chocolate has many steps.

1. Cinderella was wearing her two sisters’ old clothes and broken slippers.
2. “Oh I wish I could go to the ball!”
3. The fairy smiled. With a flick of her wand, she turned the girl’s clothes into a beautiful dress.
4. She made a pair of glass slippers that fit Cinderella just right.
5. “Do you want a coach?” she asked Cinderella.
6. “Yes!” Cinderella replied excitedly.


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Answer key to the WORKBOOK Worksheet 3

1. K
 ing Krishnadevaraya asked his courtiers to spend fifty gold coins within a week. But they could spend the
coins only after looking at the king’s face.
2. T he courtiers needed to see the king’s face before spending any of the coins. But the king never came to the
market. So the courtiers did not see his face and could not spend the coins.
3. ‘He was pleased at having tricked his courtiers.’
4. Tenali Rama bought a new dhoti, a silk kurta, a beautiful scarf and a ring.
5. Y es, Tenali Rama was the smartest courtier. He was the only one who realised that the gold coins had the king’s
face on them. So he just looked at the coins and spent them. The other courtiers kept waiting for the king to
come to the market and so did not spend any coins.

A. 1. The; a  2. this; an  3. those; Many  4. some; the  5. much  6. that
B. 1. A little  2. a few  3. a little  4. few  5. little

A. 1. ordered  2. whispered  3. enquire  4. agreed  5. instructed
B. Free Response


Sample letter

B-602, August Park,


Indiranagar, Bangalore – 93

15 July 2017

Dear Manu,

How are you? It has been so long since I spoke to you, so I thought I would write to you today about something
that you would have loved.

I went to the market with my mother. She had promised to buy me gulab jamuns from the sweet shop. There is a
toy shop that I love to stare at, next to the sweet shop. Today, I could not believe my eyes when I saw the sign they
had put up in the toy shop window. It said ‘Free Toys for All’!

It was the toy shop’s 50th birthday and so they are giving one free toy to all the customers who came in. I got the
Castle building blocks set that you and I saw last summer in the mall, for free. Are you wishing right now that you
were also here? You don’t have to be, because Manu, I got the set for you! I will bring it when I come to your city
during the winter vacations. I cannot wait for December now. Reply soon and let me know what you have been



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Answer key to the WORKBOOK Worksheet 4

Mud football;
paddy field in Malappuram, Kerala;
twenty minutes;
1. Malappuram team, captain – Shabeer;   2.  Wayanad team, captain – Noufal;
the paddy field was watered till it was wet, muddy and slippery;
Wayanad won, 1 – 0;

A. 1. will become  2. will win  3. am going to draw  4. Will; reach  5. going to write
B. Free Response

1. won  3. waist  4. waste  6. one  7. heal  8. hour  9. eight  11. mane

1. wait  2. main  3. weight  4. whole  5. heel  6. our  10. hole  12. ate

Homophone pairs: won-one; waist-waste; heal-heel; hour-our; eight-ate; main-mane; wait-weight; hole-whole


First, take a square glazed paper and on the white side, draw diagonal lines from each corner. Then, using a pair of
scissors, cut along the diagonal lines. Next, take the left corner of one section and glue it to the centre. Do this for
the all the four sections. Then, fix the wheel onto the end of a straw by pressing a drawing pin through the centre
of the wheel. Now, blow on the pinwheel or hold it against the wind to make it spin.

possible; vacant; accident; brilliant; bearable; urgent; suitable; terrible;

Answer key to the WORKBOOK Worksheet 5

A. 1. The Paralympic Games are an international sports competition for athletes with different physical
disabilities.   2.  Here the athletes compete against each other in athletics, shooting, swimming, cycling,
and eighteen other games.   3.  These athletes turn their disability into an ability by taking part in sports
competitions and getting the chance to win and make their nations proud.   4.  The Wheelchair Games
were a success because injured soldiers who had thought that they would never be able to play again, were
given a chance to take part in sports.   5.  Murlikant Petkar was an injured Indian soldier who took part in


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the Paralympic Games and won a gold medal.   6.  Petkar’s win inspired others because he worked hard
to make sure that his disability did not keep him away from sports which he loved.
B. 1. injured  2. win

A. 1. She likes milk.   2.  They love mangoes.   3.  I am going to the park.   4.  She will walk to school.
5. He came home yesterday.   6.  My father loves cream cake.
B. 1. subject – Mr Raj; object – park; verb – jogs
2. subject – Rahim; object – sketch pens; verb – bought
3. subject – I; object – Robin; verb – thanked
4. subject – they; object – fruits; verb – eat
5. subject – she; object – Maths teacher; verb – is
6. subject – Vrinda; object – school uniform; verb – irons

A. 1. disrespect  2. invisible  3. unfair  4. unequal  5. disagree  6. mistreat
7. irregular  8. unusual  9. impatient
B. 1. impossible  2. illegal  3. incomplete  4. disconnect  5. irregular

1. Don’t talk loudly in class. Contraction

2. The horse’s front left leg is injured. Possession


3. Shreyas’ pen is missing. Possession


4. Adults aren’t allowed in the children’s swimming pool. Contraction; possession


Free Response

Answer key to the WORKBOOK Worksheet 6

A. 1. c  2. b
B. 1
 . Grey Eagle treated the people of the earth badly because he hated them.   2.  Raven brought light to
the world by hanging the sun in the sky and when it grew dark as the sun set, he hung the moon and stars
in the sky.   3.  Raven dropped all the water he was carrying over the centre of the earth and this became
the source of all the rivers and lakes in the world.   4.  Raven had been very brave and had stolen the
sun, moon, stars, fresh water and fire from Grey Eagle. While he was flying, his feathers turned black from the
smoke from the fire. Hence his black feathers will always remind us of his bravery.

A. 1. returned  2. climbed  3. spoken  4. won  5. known  6. trusted


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B. 3. bought; bought  4. made; made  5. cleaned; cleaned  6. shook; shaken
7. woke; woken  8. broke; broken

A. 1. to produce something such as light, heat, smell etc.   2.  to stop doing something before you have
completed it   3.  to give something to someone without asking for money   4.  to finally agree to
what someone wants
B. 1. giving away  2. giving off  3. give in  4. give up

Free Response

Answer key to the WORKBOOK Worksheet 7

A. 1. There was a large mountain in front of Dashrath Manjhi’s village.   2.  One day, Manjhi’s wife, Falguni
Devi, slipped while climbing the mountain. She fell and hurt her ankle.   3.  Manjhi sold his goats and
bought a hammer, chisel and rope with the money.   4.  He started breaking the mountain to create a
path through it.   5.  Today, thanks to Manjhi, there is a path through the mountain. This makes it easier
and safer for the villagers to travel. an

B. D
 ashrath Manjhi saw a problem and he decided to solve it himself. He did not wait for others to help. It was

very hard work, but he was determined and did not give up. People laughed at him and said that what he

was doing was impossible, but Manjhi did not listen to them. He continued doing his work. These are some
important lessons we can learn from Manjhi.

(also accept free response)


A. 1. could  2. might  3. will  4. can  5. may  6. must
B. N
 ow a puzzle can take me ten minutes or more. I know that I can be much faster. I must practise if I want to be
as good as I used to be. I will not give up. It is possible that I might not succeed. But at least I will have tried.

A. 3. tear – fear  4. tear – pear  5. dove – love  6. dove – drove  7. row – blow
8. row – now
B. 1. wind  2. dove  3. tear  4. row

Free response

A. 1. dangerous  2. various  3. mysterious  4. previous  5. mischievous  6. delicious
B. 1. competition  2. television  3. collection  4. vacation  5. confusion  6. condition


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Answer key to the WORKBOOK Worksheet 8

A. 1. NT  2. NT  3. NT  4. T
B. 1
 . ‘Gandhi had a shaven head and was sitting on the floor. Around him, there were some roasted groundnuts
and a few tasteless biscuits made from dried plantain flour. ‘   2.  ‘Mrs Naidu burst out laughing on seeing
a famous leader like this.’   “No, thanks,” she replied, her eyes twinkling, “what a mess it is!”   3.  “Ah,
you must be Mrs Naidu! Who else can be so cheeky? Come in and share my meal,” he said.   4.  ‘This first
meeting changed Sarojini Naidu’s life forever. She never forgot this event and spoke about it again and again.’
5.  “And so, laughing, we began a friendship that has grown through all these many years.”

2. have been practising  3. has been studying  4. have been exercising  5. has been making
6. has been relaxing  7. have been working  8. has been raining  9. have been waiting
10.  have been drinking

-ness -ful -less -ment -ish
green truth colour pay green
fresh colour name move fool
bright harm child w
an announce child
lazy beauty harm appoint

sick help



1. The game was over, but the crowd refused to leave.

2. Richard, please clean your room before the guests arrive.
3. Will she remember to buy milk, sugar, bread, jam, eggs and onions?
4. No, that is not our new Maths teacher.
5. “Yes, you must wear white shoes, socks and ribbons,” said the teacher.

Sample writing
My city—Bengaluru
Bangalore is the capital of Karnataka, in South India. It was renamed as Bengaluru a few years ago. Bengaluru has
a very pleasant climate. It is not very hot in the summers, and can get a little chilly in the winters. It gets a lot of
rain during the monsoon season.
Bengaluru is known as the Garden City of India because of its greenery. Cubbon Park and Lalbagh Botanical
Gardens are two large, old and beautiful gardens. No visit to Bangalore is complete without a trip to these two
gardens. People often have picnics in Cubbon Park. Lalbagh holds mango festivals in the summer and colourful
flower shows on Republic Day and Independence Day. But today, a lot of trees are being cut down in Bengaluru
and the pollution is increasing by the day. This must be stopped.


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Bengaluru has many great eateries. You can get great Indian food as well as food from many different countries.
The city is particularly famous for its Masala Dosa. CTR and MTR are restaurants that serve excellent Masala Dosas
that everyone must try.
Bengaluru has a lot of people from different parts of the country. So, all the festivals of India are celebrated here.
Many music concerts are also held in Bengaluru. Musicians from all over the world come to Bengaluru to play.
Bangalore Palace is a beautiful place to visit. The building is huge and old. It is owned by the royal family of Mysore.
It is only one of many beautiful things to see in my Bengaluru.

Answer key to the WORKBOOK Worksheet 9

A. 1. The houses are brightly painted and the doors are always open. Children run in and out of each other’s
houses to play.   2.  Mr Bhatia’s house was dark and gloomy. There were many scary stories about him.
3.  Mother did not believe the scary stories about Mr Bhatia. She thought that if Kajal offered him halwa, he
would be nice enough to return her ball.   4.  Nobody had ever been nice enough to talk to Mr Bhatia or
bring him a gift. So when Kajal brought him halwa, Mr Bhatia felt good and returned the ball to her.   5.  The
text is called ‘A Gift of Halwa’ because it was Kajal’s simple gift to Mr Bhatia that changed everything. It showed
her that he was not a scary man and proved that the stories about him were not true. The gift of halwa was
very important because it made lonely Mr Bhatia feel good.
B. Free Response
C. Free Response


A. 1. main clause – ‘we will go to the park’; dependent clause – ‘if it is sunny tomorrow’

2. main clause – ‘I lost the pen’; dependent clause – ‘that Navjot gave me’

3. main clause – ‘he could not win the quiz competition’; dependent clause – ‘although he tried hard’

4. main clause – ‘Pratima saw the book on my shelf’; dependent clause – ‘when she was waiting for me’
B. Free Response

walk jog run
sip drink guzzle
cool cold freezing
like love adore

B. 1. guzzled  2. walk  3. like; love  4. cool  5. adore

Sample writing

B-602, Samhita Apartments,

Indiranagar, Bengaluru – 93


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25 August 2017

Miss Aparna Joshi

National School

Dear Ma’am,
Subject: Apology for not preparing for assignment
I am very sorry that I am not prepared for the assignment today.
I was going to prepare my speech on World Environment Day over the weekend so I could be ready for today, but
unfortunately I fell sick. I had a high fever on both Saturday and Sunday and even today I have a bad cold. The
fever prevented me from doing my research and planning out the speech.
I hope that I can prepare today and present the speech to you tomorrow. If it is too late, could you please tell me
what else I can do to make up for my assignment?
I apologise once again for not being able to do the assignment.
Yours faithfully,
Anshu Agarwal

1. Bogor Botanical Gardens and Sea World
2. M
 useum Bank of Indonesia, National Monument, Old Town, Shadow Puppet Museum, Selamal Datang

3. Free Response

4. Free Response

5. a. NT  b. T  c. NT  d. T  e. NT  f. T

6. Free Response

Answer key to the WORKBOOK Worksheet 10

A. 1. d  2. c  3. b
B. 1. grin  2. claws
C. crocodile – Nile; tail – scale; grin – in; claws – jaws

A. 2. intransitive; transitive  3. transitive; intransitive  4. intransitive; transitive
5. transitive; intransitive  6. intransitive; transitive
B. Free Response

1. prey  2. omnivores  3. adaptation  4. camouflage  5. endangered


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1. helicopter  2. grammar  3. manager  4. alligator  5. caterpillar  6. prisoner
7. conductor  8. sailor

Sample writing
The World Needs our Help!
The world is in trouble and it needs our help. But there are many who do not hear the world crying and that is why
we celebrate World Environment Day on June 5 every year. Environmental groups all over the world use this day
to raise awareness about what problems the Earth faces. It is essential that we know the dangers we face because
only then can we take action.
The Earth is vast and hence the problems it faces come from all directions. So every year one problem is selected
as the theme and all the activities conducted are focussed on that issue. In 2016, the wildlife of the world was
in the spotlight. ‘Go Wild for Life’ was the theme and the aim was to work towards conserving all our different
animals—from the smallest insect to the enormous whale.
Animals are killed not only to serve human greed but also as a fun sport. We must work together to help our furry
friends. We can say no to cruel animal products like leather, fur, ivory decorative items and so on. We can help raise
awareness or even just help the small animals in our neighbourhoods. Every small step is a big help!

Answer key to the WORKBOOK Worksheet 11


A. 1. The name of the blog is ‘Master of My Kitchen’. This blog post is about the author’s love for cooking.

He talks about how he came to love cooking and how he wants to pass on his knowledge to his daughter.  

2.  On the blog you can also find information about the author; the author’s recipes; other posts by him; and

the author’s contact information   3.  Free Response

B. 1
 . The author’s mother cooked very well. This inspired the author to cook as well.   2.  The author’s
mother taught the author and his brother how to cook and the two brothers helped with the household
chores. They cleaned, chopped vegetables, set the table for a meal, cleared up and even cooked.   3.  The
author is waiting for the day when his daughter is also a great cook and makes his grandmother’s famous fish
curry.   4.  The author is a caring father. He spends a lot of time with her and is very involved. (Also accept
free response)

A. 1. could not  2. will 3. might not  4. can; must  5. may
B. Free Response

A. 1. rise  2. raise  3. sat  4. set  5. breathe  6. breath
B. 1. It’s; its  2. They’re; their  3. accept; except  4. cereal; serial  5. diary; dairy
6. quite; quiet  7. lose; loose


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