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Personal Project

Master Mayra Jacome
Presentado por:
Danny Levin Carranza 201520080005


07 de Diciembre del 2022

Philosophy of life

I would like to start with a popular phrase that say: “the future depends on what you
do today” when I was reading this assignation, I started to thinking about how I got
to be where I am right now and this phrase immediately came to my mind because
every aspect of my life was focused in what I want for my future.

I am going to start introducing myself and telling a little bit about the story of my
life. My name is Danny Levin Carranza Espinal. I am 27 years old and I was born
on August 23, 1993. I was born and currently live in a city called Siguatepeque.
Like the first point I would like to begin with my childhood. I was raised in a good
family with gentle and loving parents who guided me and taught me the best
values like honesty, responsibility and personal efforts. My father has always been
a hardworking man who has given us everything he could, he taught us the
importance of being responsible for our personal acts and the value of being an
honorable man. My mother has always worked like a teacher, so she taught us that
education is the best way to get better opportunities in life. My mother represents
to me my safe place and it doesn't matter how old I am, I know that I can count on
her and her wise advice. Also, I'm the older brother so I always have the
responsibility to be a good example for my two brothers. I remember our childhood
with a lot of love and joy because the three of us were very close and we always
took care of each other. My parents gave us the best childhood. When I was 25
years old, I got married and I started a new chapter with my own family. When my
son was born, I Knew that he'd become the reason and motivation for me to be a
better person.

Life has taught me that maybe things do not always result in how we were
imagined but we can make the effort to be prepared for everything. My attitude
toward life has changed over time. Now I feel more positive and focus on the things
that I consider important like my family, career and job. Nothing is worth more than
these three things in my life. I believe that when you learn and begin to appreciate
what you already have in your life and stop thinking about what others have
achieved in life, you can feel happier and prouder of your successes. Also, I truly
believe that things don't happen by coincidence, you have to be prepared to have
that great opportunity because we don't lose it, others take it. Being orderly,
disciplined and faithful to my goals keeps me focused on what I want to achieve in
my life, and probably I don’t always feel motivated and the fatigue and stress of
work make me feel that everything is heavier, I trust that one day everything will
have been worth it and I´ll be able to have what one day I dreamed.

For me, talking about the coronavirus pandemic is a really hard topic because my
job is directly related to the health area. I work in a pharmacy, so when it all started
it was very scary for my family. They feared for my life and for three months I
completely isolated myself from them. I was worried about infecting them and
being responsible for some tragedy. Fortunately, the company I work for was very
responsible and respectful of biosafety measures and none of my family or I got
sick in the first year. Although the pandemic greatly affected our economy, many
families lost loved ones and everything we had planned changed, I can also
highlight some positive aspects like education changed the way of approaching the
student and with the virtual classes I had the opportunity to return to my studies. It
was as simple as taking my phone and connecting to classes. It didn't matter if I
was in another city or at a different work schedule. The pandemic allowed me to
resume a dream that seemed impossible to me. It was also good to have a
moment in which this world stopped and allowed us to reflect on the importance of
life and the way we share with our loved ones.

We must remember that the future is an uncertain place that we cannot control, no
one could have ever imagined a year like 2020. We must be thankful that once
again we have the opportunity to redirect the course of our life. Deciding wisely in
our present will allow us to achieve the future we always wanted.

Never give up, because great things take time.

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