Reflection Paper

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Cayetano, Maria Erika

BSED – English, SE2-1


Assessment and Learning 1 has imparted me a whole lot of knowledge. This

course not only expanded my knowledge but also corrected misconceptions I had while
still in secondary school, specifically regarding test construction. I had no idea how long
the process of creating a test item could be, or how difficult and confusing it could be. 

I used to believe that test items were as simple as answering yes or no

questions. I have always thought that test items are not really of importance as it
depends only on the teacher on what types of questions, domains, or objective tests
should be included in the test paper. In fact, I did not even know that there should be
considerations for domains. I did not even know what domains were. All those
misconceptions would always be instilled in me if it weren’t for this course. I have
realized several notions, and one of them is that test items should be prepared ahead of
time so that we have enough time to revise them and that they should match the
intended outcomes.

On top of that, I have always thought that it was totally fine that test items contain
hints or clues; however, it should be avoided because it would disregard the test items’
validity. Also, it would be easier for students who did not study to determine what the
correct answers are, as they are certain due to the pattern given. In this regard, the
distracters in every test item play an immense role in testing higher-order thinking skills.
Distractors should not make it obvious that they are only there to distract you from
identifying the correct answers. Distracters could be appealing to students who do not
know the lesson, as they will think that they are the correct answers, however, those
students who studied and know the lesson could easily determine the correct answer
from the distracters.

And lastly, I did not know that after a test construction, there should be an item
analysis to be conducted. It could be a lengthy and time-consuming process, but this is
where your test items are put to the test to determine whether they are good or not. Item
analysis data provide a basis for efficient class discussion. 

This could be of great help to me, as a pre-service teacher and a future English
educator. The importance of test items and item analysis made me appreciate the
hardships of my teachers in ensuring that the tests given to us challenged our higher-
order thinking skills. All the insights and realizations I made, thus far in this course will
be another step for me in attaining my objective in my future career, which is to be a
teacher imbued with 21st century competencies.

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