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Alexander Mackenzie High School

Biology Unit Review Test
Part 2
Total: / 235

Section 1 – The Digestive System [52]

1. What is the role of the digestive system, and why is it important? (2)

2. Which organs is this system made up of? (6)


3. Label the following aspects of the digestive system (12)

4. State the functions of the parts of the digestive system labelled above (24)

Part: [12] Function / Description: [12]

5. Fill in the following: The digestive tract is lined with _______________, made up of
________________ with _______________ to protect the tube and help move
_______________________. It also has layers of _____________ and
________________. (6)

6. Say you have just ate a cheese pizza, state how various organs of your digestive
system would interact to process this food. Explain in detail and include key terms (2)

Section 2 – The Circulatory System [54]

1. What organs / parts is the circulatory system consist of? (3)


2. What is the function of this system? (1)


3. Explain the cruciality of this system (3)


4. Label the chambers of the heart (4)

5. What is the function of heart valves? (2)


6. Explain the process of a heart beating and how it passes through various chambers,
ext... Start by completing the flow diagram regarding the blood flow in the heart, then
move on to the explanation. (9)

a. _______________ à _______________ à _______________ à

_______________ [4]

b. Explanation: [5]

7. Complete the table below (6)

Vein: Capillary: Artery:

Description: [1] Description: [1] Description: [1]

Drawing: [1] Drawing: [1] Drawing: [1]

8. Complete the following: (10)

8.1. What do they SVC and IVC do, and what do they stand for? [3]
8.2. Name the type of artery and veins that are an exception to the definition you
gave above, in comparison what do they do? [4]
8.3. Define the following: [3]
I. Red blood cell: _______________________________________________
II. White blood cell: _____________________________________________
III. Platelets: ____________________________________________________

9. What other major function do the capillaries have? (1)


10. Label the following diagram of the heart, and show direction of blood flow (15)


Section 3 – The Respiratory System [54]

1. What is cellular respiration? (1)


2. Label the following parts of the respiratory system (8)

3. State the function / description of each of these parts of the digestive system

Part: [8] Function / Description: [8]

4. What is the formula for cellular respiration (1)

5. State the function / process of the following: (7)

a. Pharynx:

b. Epiglottis:
c. Larynx:
d. Trachea:
e. Bronchus:
f. Bronchioles:
g. Alveoli:

6. State the system interaction between circulatory system and respiratory

system. Include information about gas exchange between the blood vessels
and alveoli, explain the process and draw the diagram (10)
7. Describe the process of the respiratory system, include what happens during
exhalation and inhalation (6)

8. What type of blood vessel is responsible for gas transfer? (1) ______________

9. What happens to the blood, and where does it go proceeding interaction

between blood vessel and alveoli (refer to Q.6) (2)

10. What is the function of the diaphragm, and what happens during inhalation
and exhalation? (2)

Section 4 – Musculoskeletal System [30]

1. State the function of this system (3)


2. Complete the following: (27)

a. What are joints? [1]

b. What is synovial fluid? [1]
c. Complete the following table, include information about the following types
of connective tissue [6]
Bones: Ligaments: Cartilage:

d. Compare the following, include differences, and provide examples [6]

Vertebrates Invertebrates Exoskeleton organisms

e. Label the following [3]



f. What are muscles, how do they work? [2]

i. State the three types of muscle tissues, and explain them [6]
1. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________
ii. What tendons, how do they differ / similar to ligaments? [2]

Section 5 – The Nervous System [35]

1. What is the function of the nervous system? (2)

2. What are neurons? (2)

3. Complete the following diagram below (14)

Nerve cell [1]: ______________________________________________________

________________ [1] ________________ [1] ________________ [1]

Description of these type of nerve cells [3]

Drawing and labelling of a nerve cell interacting with muscle cells [7]

4. What is the synapse? (2)


5. What does the central nervous system consist of, list and give detailed description (6)

6. What is the peripheral nervous system, and what happens to damaged neurons in the
PNS? (2)

7. What is the somatic nervous system? (3)

8. What is the autonomic nervous system? (2)

9. What is the parasympathetic nervous system? (1)


10. What is the sympathetic nervous system? (1)

Section 6 – System Interactions [10]

1. State interactions between the digestive system and the following systems (4)

System: Interaction:





2. State the interactions between respiratory system and the following systems (2)

System: Interaction:



3. State the interaction between the circulatory system and the following systems (3)

System: Interaction:




4. Interaction between musculoskeletal and nervous system (1)


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