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of his remarkable power of organization.

The only telescope

an area of about 60,000 sq. m.; that of the Hwang Ho reaches

Langhaus. Ambros became professor of the history of music

is identified by some (E. Oberhummer, Die Insel Cypern,

terror ensued, in the course of which the ex-tsaritsa Eudoxia

Mediaeval Rhodesia (1906); Prisse d'Avennes, Histoire de

of the East African plateau, but some of the phenomena connected

explained the hostile destiny which pursued him. The fortunes

her personality and her books, led her to produce stories of

conditions as to character may obtain from the state a loan equal

if, however, the person be walking, the tube must be inchued

Dr Wiley's conclusions were adversely criticized by Dr O.

follows:---``For the purpose of this act an article shall be

hydrochloric acid, but on the large scale only at most 60% is

1852, and in 1852-1853 he produced at Jassy a fuller collection

January 1878) a wide influence. Dr Adler also took a prominent

recommended the formation of a scientific authority or court

Royal Library, Old Royal Collection, No. 2296, of 12th to

composition has thus been established, of the utmost value

case of dead languages or past forms of living languages,

died at Erenkeni in Asia Minor on the 6th of September 1871.

foundation by the publication of the Geographie comparee

Khorsabad is ornamented with stepped battlements, which

it forms a connecting link structurally, although not invented

Forcella d'Alleghe (Alleghe to the Zoldo Glen), foot path. . . . . . . . .5,971

so as to avoid running counter either to Russian or to German

Prince Louis of Baden and was driven from Hungary; during

publishers have seriously considered the advisability of

occupies a site on the western side of the gulf of the same

reaches 2334 ft. The broad streets of the city intersect at right

Schwab, and Ling--to death, and one--Neebe--to imprisonment

in Bantam, and he wrote asking for help. In 1613 Captain

of the Aedui in Caesar's time was called Vergobretus

latitude. From the international point of view the British

TABLE XXI.--Outbreaks of Sheep-Scab in Great Britain,

ceremony was attached until modern times to the making of

in 1887 (F. Barnabei, Notizie degli Scavi, 1887, 181).

streams, large and small, which it receives en route, its

developments and reactions of the movement in Europe is far more

Franklin, Livingston and Sherman to draft a Declaration of

In 1714 the king granted them the royal confirmation and

was herself created Baroness Stratheden (Lady Stratheden and

of names: -- trapefa, the principal name in the Greek

pile. From their first appearance these new hairs are white

The history of the Brami alphabet is more difficult. In

ABRAUM SALTS (from the German Abraum-salze, salts

terminated. The northern frontier marched with the southern

way into the Boyana channel; the result has been a rise in

hurt. The balloon and car were then brought to England,

Laboratory and Testing Room, vol. i. p. 341 (1901),

was executed, failed, through want of support, to secure a

of exposed advertisements, and would at once extinguish

Italy and the north-eastern portions of the empire. After

until it eventually became an appanage of the crown Of Delhi in

uncommon. The kings of Spain had obtained from the popes

saying: ``The president has recommended the measure on his high

offices. A considerable portion of this house was erected on

civilization. The hegemony of the Aztecs, who dominated

as a physician presumably a man of culture. The medical cast

welcome to every faith; he was also a balladist of local

been found here that a cottage suitable for a small farmer

and of a suitable balloon. After its reappointment at

as son of the god, a belief which the circle of Alexander,

highly concentrated remedies. Again, the traction engines

movement in a suite following the prelude, and preceding

Tierleben der Alpenwelt (11th ed., 1890). See also

cases a limited number of projectiles may be placed close

Carolinas. Virginia at the moment presented a clear field

Aristobulus in 103 B.C. and died in 76 B.C. His first act

berry, preserved in seal oil for the winter, is an important

was not lightly taken. In occupying the town the British

palace is the military camp. On the hills some five miles to

made peace on very favourable terms; and on the Turks renewing

and scores of towns, including the important fortress of

ALAUNA, ALAUNUS, the Celtic names of two rivers, &c., in Roman

collected. Ale-tasters had to look after the ale and test it

Meanwhile, in 1868, tombs at Ialysus in Rhodes had yielded

and others, unarmoured as they were, fought the ram at close

torrents to lose themselves in the sandy soil of the coast

the influence of Italy13 in Gallaland and Abyssinia, when it

unhealthy. Silk, fruit and rice are its chief products.

ALDINI, GIOVANNI (1762--1834), Italian physicist, born

13th of February. On the 27th of March he joined Sir Hyde

attorney-general) perform the duties of all these offices.

infinite number of thin lenses in contact, no more than two

disease, sheep-pox, sheep-scab, or swine fever (that is to

considering, as in the case of the limits of the chain,

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