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Exercise 2

Read the article about four people (A–D) who are reviewing computer games that they’ve played.
Then answer Question 11 (a)–(j).

Computer game reviews

A Tom
In Rune Island, a brother and sister start out on a remote island. The aim of the game is to follow
clues and solve puzzles to reach the highest point of the island, where a mysterious scientist
awaits. You can play either as the boy or girl throughout, and as each character has special
abilities, it’s worth changing between the two as you play. During the game, you climb things, push
objects around and even use sunlight to activate switches that open doors. To start with, it’s
nothing more than a gentle game with some nice music, but as time goes on, you get more
involved in the action. I really love puzzle games, and I assumed I’d feel the same about Rune
Island. I like it, but it rarely offers anything tricky, although there were a few tasks that left me
feeling satisfied when I’d solved them. You can only climb certain rocks, marked by their colour,
and while this shows you where to go, it means you won’t bother to explore the other areas much,
which is a shame.
B Sasha
Journey is a treasure-hunt adventure set in a breath-taking world. The setting looks as if it comes
straight out of a movie, with its lush jungle environment and dramatic music, and you almost feel
like you’re watching actors on a screen running and jumping, rather than computer images. The
game contains a range of puzzles, and you need to use different approaches to solve them. It can
be difficult to use some of the objects that you find, which unfortunately can interrupt the enjoyment
of being involved in the game. The only other issues are that although it’s exciting, it’s not very
long, and there aren’t really many options to go off the path and explore. Once you finish, there’s
little value in repeating the game in the hope of experiencing something new. Still, it’s gorgeous,
challenging, and a great example of what virtual reality is capable of.

C Lionel
In Farspace, you choose which character you want to be, and try to escape from a distant planet.
One of the fun things about difficult games is advancing through a hard level. Unfortunately, in
Farspace, you need more than skill, as all too often, success is based on chance. At any point you
might meet an enemy that seems impossible to beat – and if you don’t win, you have to start again.
One tip is to listen to the soundtrack, as the style of the music is often a clue to what might be
around the corner. You might get lucky and find some items to help, but then you don’t know which
character can use them. As you can’t change characters mid-game, you have to start again to find
out. The characters look great, and although you won’t be exploring the surrounding landscape –
the game is based in the city – the stunning video-clips remind you that you’re in another world.

D Lizzie
Snowscape is an extreme winter-sports game in the mountains of Switzerland. Open ‘map view’
and you fly around a realistic 3D model of the mountains and find somewhere to land. To start
snowboarding, skiing or paragliding, just bring up a menu, choose the sport, and you’re off, straight
into the action. There are various events that you can repeat to improve your skill, like races and
time trials – so many, in fact, that I spent more time deciding what to do next, rather than enjoying
the game. My favourite event is one that marks a distant point, maybe the peak of a mountain,
then simply asks you to reach it. Here the freedom of being able to switch sports really works. It’s
exciting not to be limited to following a particular path, and you soon find out which sport is best for
travelling through forests and valleys and over peaks to reach your goal.
For each question, write the correct letter A, B, C or D on the line.

Which reviewer

(a) mentions that they enjoy choosing their own routes through the game?........................................[1]

(b) recommends that players try out the skills that different characters possess?.................................[1]

(c) says that the characters look like real people?..................................................................................[1]

(d) explains how the music can help players make progress?.................................................................[1]

(e) suggests that there are too many things to choose from in the game?............................................[1]

(f) says that the game becomes more interesting the longer you play it?.............................................[1]

(g) mentions that changing between the different options in the game is quick?..................................[1]

(h) says that just being good at the game is not enough to complete it?...............................................[1]

(i) feels that the level of the challenges in the game is often not hard enough?..................................[1]

(j) states that it is not worth playing the game more than once?..........................................................[1]

[Total: 10]
Summary question
Read the following article by a cookery teacher. /16 marks

Q 3: Write a summary of the advantages for young people if they learn how to cook.
 Your summary should be about 100 words long (and no more than 120 words long).
 You should use your own words as far as possible.
 You will receive up to 8 marks for the content of your summary, and up to 8 marks for the
style and accuracy of your language

 Lexical list ( another advantage, in addition , finally, first of all, as well as, explains)

“I grew up in a family where cooking was an important part of life. I have always been really choosy
with my food. I never liked to see vegetables on my plate and if they did appear, I used to find naughty
ways of making them disappear. I was lucky, however, that I always had plenty of fish and seafood in my
diet. Vegetables eventually became an important part of each meal when I went to college and spent
more time cooking for myself.

You might be interested to know that the human body has two periods of accelerated growth during our
lives, and both happen when we are young. The first one is when we are born and during the first few
months of our life. The second period is adolescence when we need to develop the muscles and bones for
adulthood. A regular intake of calcium and iron is essential during this period.

With this in mind, encouraging our children to eat food with high calcium and iron content is the
responsibility of the parents. It is during this period that we should encourage children to start cooking, to
try different recipes and make nutritious food part of their daily routine. It is easier for children to eat
something that has been prepared with their own hands, and discover how a simple vegetable changes
when it becomes part of a delicious soup, stew or salad. This is what we have experienced at our cookery
school. We have taught children who didn’t like certain foods, and then gradually after some classes,
they began cooking for themselves and enjoyed dishes that they would not previously have eaten.

Teaching children at school has been a great experience for me. I find it amazing to watch children being
able to produce flavoursome meals using vegetables, eggs and fish, then setting the table and serving the

It is also lovely to see the friendships that are established between the children, enjoying their culinary
masterpieces with one another in a fun and friendly environment.

In the kitchen, children who cook learn different skills that they will keep forever. They all have different
backgrounds and habits. However, in a kitchen, everybody is important, and it doesn’t matter if you are
tall or short, male or female, athletic or academic; cooking is for all ages and levels. They develop team
skills and learn to appreciate that each individual’s contribution is vital for the group.

If children cook, there is no doubt that they have a better diet, which will benefit their health for the
rest of their lives. My primary goal as a teacher is to encourage my students to develop these good
habits from an early age. Maybe some of my students will take this further and decide to follow a
career related to cooking. This is an industry which is growing all over the world and we need well-
trained cooks everywhere.
If children enjoy cooking, it is really easy to encourage them. Why not take them for dinner or even buy
them their own cooking utensils? Preparing breakfast together at the weekend is a good time to get them
started and it’s a great way to spend quality time as a family.”





























Q 4: You recently watched an interesting documentary which helped you to do a homework
project. Write a letter to a friend about the documentary.

In your letter, you should:

• describe the documentary that you watched

• tell your friend about the homework project
• explain how the documentary helped you with your homework project.

The pictures above may give you some ideas, and you can also use some ideas of your own. Your
letter should be between 150 and 200 words long.

You will receive up to 8 marks for the content of your email, and up to 8 marks for the language







































Q5: Write meanings for any five words. (5)

words meanings
1. Abate

2. Belie

3. Cacophony

4. Daunt

5. Ebullient

6. Fauna

7. Despot

(b) Make sentences of any five words. (5)



























Q6: Attempt any four questions. (12)


1) Why is it difficult for the pigs to convince the animals of the principles of Animalism?




2) What did the animals remember the morning after the Rebellion? How did they react?




3) Why did the animals wait for Mr. Jones to go to bed?




4) When will the revolution which Major speaks about happen?




5) Major uses the phrase “produce of our labour” several times. What are some examples of produce

of the animals’ labour?



6) What are some of the animals’ objections to Animalism?




Q7: Fill in the blanks. /5 marks



THE SEVEN ____________________

1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.

2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, __________________

3. No animal shall ________________

4. No animal shall sleep in a bed.

5. No animal shall ________________.

6. No animal shall kill any other animal.

7. ______________ are equal.

Q8: MCQ’s /6 marks

Choose the best answer

1.Major describes the current life of animals as

a) Happy.

b) Miserable.

c) Unimportant.

2.Who does Major say is responsible for the animals’ condition?

a) Pigs.

b) Human beings.

c) Cows

3. Which animals begin teaching the others?

a) The pigs.

b) The cows.

c) The horses.

4. Why did the cows break into the store shed?

a) They wanted more air.

b) Mr. Jones asked them to.

c) They were hungry.

5. What did the animals decide to do with the farmhouse?

a). Turn it into a museum.

b). Burn it down

c). Use it for sleeping in.

6. Where does this story take place?

a) At a zoo.

b) On a farm.

c) In a city

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