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Mann Yadanarpon Airlines

Airpo Road
Yangon International Airpo Estate
Mingalardon Township, Yangon, Myanmar 11021
Kandorian Company Limited
No.(116),Sandar Muni Road
MaGyiMyaing Ward No,(6),Sittwe
Phone: 09-262702816

Travel Itinera Pnr Ref. 2456C025

Ticket Number: MYP13803835

Booking Details

# Date Flight From STD To STA Class Baggage Checkin Time Status
1 16-Dec-22  7Y417 Yangon 12 00 Sittwe 13 20 A 20 Kg 10 30 Con rmed
Travellers:    (Count:Adult: 2)
Traveller Name
Terms & Conditions:
Transpo ation and other se ices provided by the carrier are subject to conditions of contract and other impo ant notices.  Please ensure that you have received these notices, and if not, contact
the travel agent or issuing carrier to obtain a copy prior to the commencement of your trip.
If the passenger journey involves an ultimate destination or stop in a count other than the count of depa ure, the Warsaw Convention may be applicable and this convention governs and on
most case limits the liability of carriers for death or personal inju and in respect of loss of or damage to baggage.
IATA Ticket Notice:
Thank you for booking with us!
According to the letter from Depa ment of Civil Aviation (DCA) dated 29th June, 2016, all domestic airpo s will sta collecting Passenger
Se ice Charges (PSC) from depa ing passengers based on the new rates with e ect from 1st July, 2016. We will collect PSC based on the new
rate of USD 3.00 for international airpo s (Yangon, Mandalay and Naypyitaw) and USD 1.00 for other domestic Schedule Depa ure Flights.

15-Dec-22 04 22, By user: KANDORIAN

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