Chapter 5

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- Mkt Inf System MIS

I. Model of consumer behavior
Mô hình phản ứng và kích thích : the stimulus-
response model

II. Characteristic affecting the customer behavior

1. Culture factor : is the most basic cause of a
person’s wants and behavior
Vd : Hamburger ở TQ, câu slg lại có nghĩa khác, cho
gà ăn cá nên vị khác, nên rút vốn khỏi đó trong 10
+ Culture :mkter are always trying to spot cultural
shifts to discover new product
+ Subcultures : nhánh văn hóa :
Vd : Mcdonald’s loại bỏ sữa và thịt, đổi màu đỏ
thành xanh dương theo luật Kosher
+ Social classes : not a single factor but
combination another factor :
2. Social factor : among the factor ìnluencing
cónumer behavior significantly
+ Menbership group & reference group :
Opinion leader : special skills, knowlede, ..
Word-of-mouth : mkter can help to create positive
conversation about their brand
-> apple creates mystery and hype ảound the
Influence mkting
Onle social network : mkter work to harness
Family : mkter are interested in the roles and
ìnluence of the husband, wife and child on the
purchase of differenct product and service
3. Personality
+ Occupation : mkter try to identify the
occupational group that have an above average
interest in their product and sẻvice
Vd : cviec anh huong den san pham va dich vu ho
muon mua
+ Age and Life cycle stage : mkter can create
targeted, actionable, ..
+ Economic situation : mkter watch trends in
spending personal income, savings and interet rate
+ Lifestyle : help mkter understanding changing
consumer value
Vd : the body shop , its cosmestic seek to embody
the ethical consumerism lifestyle
AIO dimensions : Activities, Interest, Opinions
+ Personality : pbiet voi ngkhac
Brand personality is the specific mix of the human
+ The self-concept : tu quan niem :
Brand will attract pp who are high on the same personality
4. Psychological
+ motivation : Freud and Maslow
Freud : mkter dicover the nonconscious of customer, there are
2 method : nghien cuu dinh luong va nghien cuu dinh tinh
+ perception ; nhan thuc : base on select, organize and interpret
inf to form a meaningful picture of the world
Selective attention : qtam co chon loc=> selection distortion :
xuyen tac co chon loc => selective retention : ghi nho co chon
+ Learning :
+ Belief anf attitude : beliefs => value => attitude => behaviors
III. The buyer decision processs
1. Neeed recognition: nhan dien nhu cau :
- internal stimuli : a stimulus that comes forom inside organism
Vd : hunger, thirst, a person’s normal need
- external stimuli
Vd TVC, magazinr ad, radio, slogan, in the environment
=> MKTer should research consumers to find out :
- What kind of needs or problems arise
- What brought them about
- How they led the consumer to this pasrticular product
2. Inf search may or may not occur : can xay ra or k xay ra
- consumer can obtain inf form ant of several sources
+ personal sources, experiential, commercial, public sources
Diem cham giua thuong hieu va khach hang

3. Evaluation of alternatives
- alternative evaluation : how the consumer process inf
to arrive at brand choice
MKTer should study
4. Purchase decision
5. Postpurchase behavior
IV. Types of buying decision behavior

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