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All Statistics are data, but all data are not Statistics.

In its plural sense, this is how Statistics is defined by different

Statistics are numemal stalements oJ Jacts n any department of enquirv

placed in relation to each olher -Bowley

quantitalrve dala affected to marked extent by

Distinction between
"By Statistics we nmean
-Yule and Kendall
Quantitative and multiplicily of causes."
Qualitative Data
Features or Characteristics
of Statistics in the
This is related to the
as Numerical Data
distinction between Plural Sense or
quantitative variables
Statistics in terms of numerical data are as
and qualitative attributes. Main characteristics of
There are quantitative follows: number does not constitute
variables like incomme, Facts: A single
expenditure and (1) Aggregate of be drawn from it. It is only the
investment which can be Statistics. No conclusion can
number of facts that is
called Statistics, as the same
expressed in numerical
aggregate drawn from them.
terms, viz., per capita can be compared
and conclusions can be
students in
income in India was (say) stated that there a r e 1,000
40,000 per month, For example, if it is But if it
o u r college, then
it has n o statistical significance.
per capita expenditure 400 in
300 students in arts faculty,
was (say)T 30,000 is stated that there a r e in our college,
per month, and
c o m m e r c e faculty
and 300 in science faculty
investment (or capital statistical
statistical s e n s e as this data conveys
formation) was (say) it makes of India
10,000 crore in information. Similarly, if it is
stated that population
from India is
the year 2020-21. All
138 o r that the value of total exports
is c r o r e
will be termed
such data are called
then these aggregate of facts
quantitative data. On R21,59,045 crore, are
concluded All StatistiCs
the other hand, there as Statistics. It can, therefore, be Statistics.
are not
are qualitative attributes
in numbers but all numbers
like IQ level of different expressed
Statistics a r e expressed
individuals or beauty of Expressed:
like 'small' or 'big'; 'rich on
(2) Numerically
the individuals which
of numbers. Qualitative aspects to say, l
cannot be expressed
a r e not called
Statistics. For instance,
poor'; etc.
in numerical terms. statistical se
These attributes refer to Pathan is tall and Sachin is
short, has n o
of Irfan Pathan i5 o
qualitative characteristics
However, if stated
it is that height then these
of the objects. These ft and 4-inches,
can be ranked or rated 2-inches and that of Sachin is 5
as good, very good, or numericals will be called Statistics. an
excellent. We may give Statistics are not

them ranks as 1, 2, 3, etc. (3) Multiplicity of Causes: factorS. a

All such data are called but are influenced by many
qualitative data. Briefly Single tactor; then by 3 0per

been affected by one factor alone instance,

while quantitative data For
refers to quantitative factor they would lose all their significance. causes,

variables, qualitative cent rise in prices may have been

due to several o f
p o w e

data refers to qualitative shortage

attributes of the different reduction in supply, increase in
rise in wages, rise in taxes, etc.

Staticticc for Econoi

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