Actual Test 3

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY – HOCHIMINH CITY Student’s Full Name: _______________________________


Student ID: _______________________________________

DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE SKILLS Class Code: ______________________________________

Full-Time Program
Instructor: ________________________________________

Time Allotted: 90 minutes Exam Date: January 11, 2018
Approved by Proctors
Examiner(s) Total Score
1. 1. In figures:

2. 2. In words:

Notes: Materials and dictionaries of all kinds are NOT allowed.

Students write their answers on the answer sheet.
SECTION 1 GAP FILLING (2 points) ______ x 0.1 = ______/2
1. ______ 6. ______ 11. ______ 16. ______
2. ______ 7. ______ 12. ______ 17. ______
3. ______ 8. ______ 13. ______ 18. ______
4. ______ 9. ______ 14. ______ 19. ______
5. ______ 10. ______ 15. ______ 20. ______

SECTION 2 ERROR CORRECTION (2 points) ______ x 0.1 = ______/2

error correction error correction

21. ________________ ___________________ 26. ________________ ___________________

22. ________________ ___________________ 27. ________________ ___________________

23. ________________ ___________________ 28. ________________ ___________________

24. ________________ ___________________ 29. ________________ ___________________

25. ________________ ___________________ 30. ________________ ___________________

SECTION 3 VERB FORMS (2 points) ______ x 0.1 = ______/2

31. _______________________________________ 36. _______________________________________

32. _______________________________________ 37. _______________________________________
33. _______________________________________ 38. _______________________________________
34. _______________________________________ 39. _______________________________________
35. _______________________________________ 40. _______________________________________

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41. _______________________________________ 46. _______________________________________
42. _______________________________________ 47. _______________________________________
43. _______________________________________ 48. _______________________________________
44. _______________________________________ 49. _______________________________________
45. _______________________________________ 50. _______________________________________

SECTION 4 WORD TRANSFORMATION (2 points) ______ x 0.1 = ______/2

51. ______________________________________ 61. _______________________________________

52. ______________________________________ 62. _______________________________________
53. ______________________________________ 63. _______________________________________
54. ______________________________________ 64. _______________________________________
55. ______________________________________ 65. _______________________________________
56. ______________________________________ 66. _______________________________________
57. ______________________________________ 67. _______________________________________
58. ______________________________________ 68. _______________________________________
59. ______________________________________ 69. _______________________________________
60. ______________________________________ 70. _______________________________________

SECTION 5 SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (2 points) ______ x 0.1 = ______/2

Write ONLY your answers (the missing words) here.

71. The gas supply _______________________________________________________________ removed.

72. They are thinking _____________________________________________________ a wedding planner.

73. Cars ____________________________________________________________________ as in Britain.

74. The green dress ____________________________________________________________ the red one.

75. Sarah wore dark glasses _____________________________________________________ recognized.

76. Robert ____________________________________________________________________ the dishes.

77. We questioned _____________________________________________ good descriptions of the robber.

78. Had it _________________________________________________ broken out amongst the passengers.

79. You must take medicine __________________________________________________________ tastes.

80. Rarely ___________________________________________________ a plane ticket at the last minute.

TOTAL: _______/10

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Full Name: ______________________________ Class Code: ________ Student ID: _______________

ADVANCED GRAMMAR C1 – January 11, 2018
Note: Materials and dictionaries of all kinds are NOT allowed.
Students write their answers on the answer sheet.
Questions 1-20: Choose the lettered word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences.
The first has been done as an example.
0. Water _______ at 100 degrees Celsius. A. boiling B. boils C. is boiling D. boil
The gap can be filled with “boils”, so on the ANSWER SHEET write __B___.
1. Though statistics __________ never my forte at school, I know that the statistics on oil production in
this report __________ incorrect.
A. was / was B. was / were C. were / was D. were / were
2. Thankfully we __________ another ticket as Jean didn't turn up.
A. needn’t have got B. hadn’t got C. needed not to get D. didn't need to get
3. “I locked myself out of my apartment. I didn't know what to do.” --- “You __________ called your
A. could have called B. must have called C. would have called D. may have called
4. “__________ to party tonight?” --- “Ann, Bob, and Al.”
A. Who are they B. With who are they C. Who is going D. Who are going
going going
5. In recent years, the government has imposed pollution controls on automobile manufacturers. Both
domestic and imported automobiles must __________ anti-pollution devices.
A. equip with B. be equipped with C. equip by D. be equipped by
6. She recalled __________ there when she was young.
A. taking B. to take C. to be taken D. being taken
7. “Do you remember when Mateo did all the cooking?” --- “Of course. It was __________ Christmas the
rest of us had __________ flu.”
A. the / - B. - / a C. the / a D. - / -
8. Most __________ hard.
A. of students work B. students work C. student works D. of student works
9. __________ comes a time when __________ is a good idea to take more exercise.
A. It / it B. There / there C. There / it D. It / there
10. She was a __________ woman.
A. young thin tall middle-class B. middle-class thin tall beautiful young
C. beautiful thin young tall middle-class D. beautiful tall thin young middle-class
11. Iron is __________ diamond.
A. nothing as hard as B. nowhere near as C. nothing like harder D. nowhere harder
hard as than than
12. Louis is rich, but his aim in life seems to be to become even ___________.
A. wealthy B. more wealthy C. more wealthier D. wealthier
13. In boxing, hitting __________ the belt is considered unfair.
A. below B. under C. underneath D. beneath
14. Many pensioners have to __________ very little money.
A. get on with B. live by on C. get by on D. live off with
15. If you want to develop inner tranquility, you have to stop __________ by every little thing that happens.
A. bothering B. being bothered C. to bother D. to be bothered
16. After a career in the secret service, Ian Fleming went on __________ fame as an author.
A. to achieve B. achieve C. achieving D. to have achieved
17. “My aunt has been feeling bad since Uncle George died. Is it because she’s depressed?” --- “I think so.
__________ can cause debilitating physical symptoms is a medical fact.
A. Depression B. It is depression that C. Depression that D. That depression
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18. “What do you recommend __________ about this tax problem?” --- “I strongly suggest that we consult
an expert as soon as possible.”
A. do we do B. we will do C. we do D. should we do
19. __________ you have no key, you’ll have to get back before I go out.
A. Although B. As C. Provided D. Unless
20. __________ that Lana was able to retire at the age of 50.
A. So successful was B. So successful her C. Such a successful D. Such a successful
her business business was business did she business she had


Questions 21-30: Identify the error in each of the following sentences and then make changes to correct
the sentence. The first has been done as an example.
0. In his twenties, Lawrence has spent many years travelled around Spain.
The error lies in “travelled”, so on the ANSWER SHEET write ___travelled___ è ___travelling___
21. Only when this government realizes what a mistake it is making things will change.
22. I didn't even know Clara was interested in art until I heard she owns Van Gogh.
23. Peter arranged to absent him from the company so that he could spend time with his father in hospital.
24. Mrs. Alison did say that we could take dictionaries into the exam with us, could we? DIDN'T SHE
25. Heathrow Airport, near London, has called the world’s busiest international airport and the 68 million
passengers processed each year would probably agree.
26. Ann painted her bedroom black. It looks dark and dreary now. She must have chosen a different color.
27. He spent months negotiating for a pay increase, only resigning from his job soon after he’d received it.
28. Because the bad grease stain on the carpet, we had to rearrange the furniture before the company arrived.
29. We spent a great deal of time looking through a large number of books to help him find a few information
about Bermuda, but he knew most of it already.
30. She studied in Berlin from 1916 to 1923, which time many people still believed that women had no role
in scientific research.


Questions 31-50: Complete the following passage/ sentences by supplying the correct forms of the verbs in
parentheses. The first has been done as an example.
He (always / come) (0.) __________ chocolate after lunch. The gap can be filled by “always comes”, so on
the ANSWER SHEET write _always comes_.
When the idea of relocation (31. mention) _____________ to him Eddie thought it (32. not / be)
_____________ an easy change for him. Now that it finally (33. happen) _____________ he realized all too
well that all his friends (34. leave) _____________ behind.
He (35. look) _____________ at the new garden when suddenly a car (36. pull up) _____________. A man
and a boy about Eddie’s age got out of the car. The boy welcomed Eddie: “Hi, I’m Matt, your next door
neighbor. My Mum (37. bake) _____________ a chocolate cake. She always (38. bake) _____________
cakes on Sundays. Would you like to come and try?” “I would like that very much!” – Eddie answered eagerly,
— “I will tell my parents about it. They are unpacking things in the house.”

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His parents didn’t mind Eddie (39. visit) _____________ the neighbors. They said they (40. finish)
_____________ their jobs about the house only by 10 o’clock that evening, so there was plenty of time for
Eddie to enjoy himself.
Dear Mr. Jones,
My family and I (41. suffer) _____________ a good deal lately from the noise made by your guests when
they (42. leave) _____________ your house on Saturday nights. They stand in the street, (43. laugh)
_____________ loudly and (44. call) _____________ goodbye to you and to each other. Then they get into
their cars, bang the doors loudly, and finally they reverse their cars on to the road. This sounds a fairly simple
manoeuvre, but there is always at least one of your guests who (45. find) _____________ it almost beyond
him—whether because he (46. have) _____________ too much to drink or (47. still / learn) _____________
to drive, I don’t know —but I do know that it (48. take) _____________ him ages to get out, and all the time
we hear his engine (49. roar) _____________ and his friends (50. shout) _____________ advice.


Questions 51-70: Complete the following passage/ sentences by supplying the correct forms of the words in
parentheses. The first has been done as an example.
Whether the exam should be abandoned remains (controversy) (0.)_________.
The gap can be filled with “controversial”, so on the ANSWER SHEET write __controversial__.
Judging from the ‘Flats to let’ column, there is an (51. end) ____________ search going on for flatmates
which is (52. compare) ____________ to the search for suitable marriage partner. Indeed, the fact that the
advertisements often (53. specific) ____________the type and the personality of the potential flatmate
suggests that (54. compatible) ____________ is as (55. dispense) ____________ in flat-sharing as it is in the
person you marry. People usually ask for or offer (56. refer) ____________, but these probably provide only
a few (57. signify) ____________ facts. The things you really want to know about a person are (58. rare)
____________ revealed, things like whether they make a noise when they eat, and other (59. bear)
____________ habits. Let’s face it, if you are going to share your life with a complete stranger for any (60.
long) ____________ of time, you need to find out at the outset whether their company will turn out to be a
delight or a nightmare.
We often think of ourselves as living in a time of (61. continue) ____________ technological change and
development. We tend to believe that we are unique in history in dealing with a constantly (62. evolve)
____________ world of gadgets, devices and innovations. However, the end of the nineteenth century and the
start of the twentieth was also a time that saw many (63. revolt) ____________ changes.
People had needed to show (64. flexible) ____________ throughout the nineteenth century, as the effects of
the Industrial Revolution meant constantly making (65. adjust) ____________ to deal with changing working
conditions. Towards the end of the century, though, people had to become more (66. adapt) ____________
than ever before. The typewriter (1873), the telephone (1876), the electric light bulb (1879) and other (67.
influence) ____________ developments gave people the (68. capable) ____________ to live and work in
ways their grandparents could not have imagined. Over the next 30 years, little remained (69. alter)
____________ as the camera, the cinema, the phonograph, the plane and radio all had an (70. electric)
____________ effort on people and society.

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Questions 71-80: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using
the word given. Do not change the word given. You should use from THREE to EIGHT words. Write ONLY
YOUR ANSWERS on the answer sheet. The first has been done as an example.
0. Chloe would only eat a pizza if she could have a mushroom topping. ON
Chloe ______________ a mushroom topping when she ate a pizza.
The gap can be filled with “insisted on having”, so on the answer sheet write _insisted on having_.
71. It is essential that you disconnect the gas supply before removing the boiler. BE
The gas supply _______________________________________________________________ removed.
72. A wedding planner might make all the plans for their wedding. ORGANIZED
They are thinking _____________________________________________________ a wedding planner.
73. Cars cost more in Britain than in Belgium. MUCH
Cars _____________________________________________________________________ as in Britain.
74. The red cross is $50 and the green one is $100. TWICE
The green dress _____________________________________________________________ the red one.
75. Sarah wore dark glasses so that no one would recognize her. AVOID
Sarah wore dark glasses ______________________________________________________ recognized.
76. “Shall I help you do the dishes, Carlo?” said Robert. OFFERED
Robert _____________________________________________________________________ the dishes.
77. Some of the many people we questioned gave us good descriptions of the robber. SOME
We questioned______________________________________________ good descriptions of the robber.
78. His arrival prevented fights from breaking out amongst the passengers. WOULD
Had it__________________________________________________ broken out amongst the passengers.
79. The medicine may not be pleasant but you must take it anyway. HOW
You must take medicine ___________________________________________________________tastes.
80. Buying a plane ticket at the last minute isn’t often possible. TO
Rarely ____________________________________________________ a plane ticket at the last minute.

-------e END OF TEST f-------

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