Tugas Mekanika Fluida

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2.6-2 flow of liquid in a pipe and mass balance

A hydrocarbon liquid enters a simple flow system in fig. 2.6-1 at on average velocity of 1,282 m/s,
where A1=4,33 x 10-3 m2 and P1=902 kg/m3. The liquid is heated in the process and the exit density is
875 kg/m3. The cross-sectional area at Point 2 is 5,26 x 10-3 m2. The process is steady state.
1. Calculate the mass flow rate (m) at the entrance and exit
2. Calculate the average velocity (V) in 2 and the mass Velocity (G) in 1
known A1=4,33 x 10-3 m2
P1=902 kg/m3
V=1,282 m/s
A2=5,26 x 10-3 m2
P2=875 kg/m3
So that
1. Mentrace = Mexit
Mentrace = V. A1 . P1
Mentrace = (1,282 m/s).(4,33 x 10-3 m2).(902 kg/m3)
Mentrace = 5,00706 kg/s

2. Find V2
Since Mentrace = Mexit
So, V. A1 . P1 = V2. A2 . P2
5,00706 kg/s = V2. (5,26 x 10-3 m2).( 875 kg/m3)
5,00706 kg/s = V2. (46025 kg/m)
V2 = 5,00706 kg/s
46025 kg/m
V2 = 10,879 m/s
Find G1
G1= V1 . P1
G1= (1,282 m/s).( 902 kg/m3)
G1= 1156,36 kg.m2s

2.6-7 Mass balanve for flow of sucrose solution

A 20 wt% cucrose (sugar) solution having a density of 1074 kg/m3 is flowing through the same
piping system as Example 2.6-1 (fig 2.6-2). The flow rate entering 1 is 1,892 m3/h. the flow divides
equally in each of pipes 2 and 3. Calculate the following:
a). The velocity in m/s in pipes 2 and 3
b). The mass velocity G in kg/m2s in pipes 2 and 3
P1 = 1074 kg/m3
V1= 1,892 m3/h
= 1,892 m3/h x
3600 s
= 5,25 x 10 -4 m3/s
m1 = V1 x P1
= (5,25 x 10 -4 m3/s) (1074 kg/m3)
= 0,564 kg/s
a). find V2 dan V3 (m/s)
with A2 = 3,068 in (Apendix A.5)
A2 = 0,05130 ft2 = 0,051530 (0,0929) = 4,766 x 10-3 m2
A3 = 1,610 in (Apendix A.5)
A3 = 0,01414 ft2 = 0,01414 (0,01414) = 1,314 x 10-3 m2
m1= m2= 0,564 kg/s
P1= P2= P3 = 1074 kg/m3
V 2=
P2 , A 2

0,564 kg /s
V 2=
( 1074 mkg3 ) ( 4,766 x 10−3 m2)
V 2=0,1105m/ s

m3 = ½ m2 = ½ (0,564) = 0,282 kg/s

V 3=
P3 , A 3

0,282 kg/ s
V 3=
m3 )
( 1,314 x 10−3 m2 )
V 3=0,1998 m/ s

b). find G2 dan G3 (kg/m2s)

G2 = V2. P2 G3 = V3. P3
G2 = (0,1105 m/s ) (1074 kg/m3) G3 = (0,1998 m/s ) (1074 kg/m3)
G2 = 118,68 kg/m2s G3 = 214,58 kg/m2s
2.7-4. Energy balance on a heat excanger and a pump

Water ar 93,3°C s being pumped form a large storage tank at 1 atm abs at a rate of 0,189 m 3/min by a
pump. The motor that dries the pump supplies energy to the pump at the rate of 1,49 kW. The water is
pumped through a heat excanger, where is gives up 704 kW of heat and is then delivered to large open
storage thank at an elevation of 15,24 m above the first tank. What is the final temperature of the
water dur to the second tank? Also, what is the gain in enthalpy of the water due to the work input?
(Hint: be sure to use the steam tables for the enthalpy of the water, neglect any kinetic energy
changes but not potential-energy changes)

T1 = 93,3°C
H1= 390,81 kJ/kg
P1 = 963,02 kg/m3
V1 = 0,00315 m3/s
So m1 = m2 = V1 . P1
= 3,0335 kg/s
W = 1,49 x 103 J/s
Ws from z1 = 0, z = 15,24 m n this case work is done on the fluid and Ws is negative:
Ws = -Wx 1/ m1
Ws = -419,18 J/kg

And the heat added to te fluid also negative since it gives up heat and is
Qc = - 232,07 x 103 J/kg
So H2 = 159,08 kJ/kg
T2 from Apendix Tabke A.2 using interpolation:
T2 = 37,968°C
And so ΔH= -231,73 kJ/kg

2.7-6 Rate of flow from pressure Measurement

A liquid with constant density p kg/m3 is flowing at an unknown velociting at an unknown velocity V1
m/s though horizontal pipe of cross-sectional area A 1 m2 at a preasurre P1 N/m2, and then it passes to a
section of the pipe in which the area is reduced gradually to A 2 m2 and the pressure is P2. Assuming no
friction losses, calculate the velocity V1 and V2 if the pressure difference (P1-P2) is measured.
Solution: In fig 2.7-6, the flow diagram is shown with pressure taps tp measure P 1 and P2. Fzrom the
mass balance continuity equation (2.6-2), for constran P where P1= P2= P3

In bernaulli equation (2.7-32) foe a horixontal pipe

Z1=Z2 = 0
So that:

V 12 P1
+ =0+
[PV 2 ( )
A1 2

2 P2 2

P 1−P 2=
√ P 1−P 2
( )

V 2=
√ P 1−P 2
P A1

( )

2.6-1 Flow of crude oilcand mass balance

A potroleum crude oil having a density of 892 kg/m3 is flowing through the piping arragment shownn
in fig 2.6-2 at total rate 1,388 x 10-3 m2/s entering pipe1. The follow divides equally in each of pipes.
The steel pipes are schedule two pipes labeled “3”. The pipes are all scheduke to see and calculate the
following si units.
a). The total mass flow rate in pipes 1 and 3
b). The average velocity in1, 2 and 3
c). The mass velocity G
A1= 2,165 x 10-3 m2
A3= 1,313 x 10-3 m2
m1 = 1,232 kg/s
m2 = 0,0614 kg/s
V 1=
P1 , A 1

= 641 m/s
V 3=
P3 , A 3

= 526 m/s
G1 = V1. P1
= m1/A1
= 572 kg/ms2

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