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Course Name- Design Thinking and Problem Solving

Faculty Name-Dr.Rajashree Jain

Design thinking isn’t just for designers

• Even though it includes the word “design,” design thinking is a

mindset that anyone can apply.

• It simply means that you’re starting to think like a designer

• About how you can improve the current experience of the

people you serve: “your users”
Enterprise Design Thinking –(IBM)
• Problems at enterprise level are large
• These involve – Business, community and governance
• They require to cove scale and complexity
• A flavor of design thinking needed to solve these problems.
• Let us explore
• Common terminology required to speak the same language
Enterprise Design Thinking

• A tailor-made approach for large, distributed teams to help

them quickly deliver human-centered outcomes to the market
Enterprise Design Thinking The Principles

• A focus on user outcomes -Drive business by helping users achieve

their goals.
• Restless reinvention - Stay essential by treating everything as a
• Diverse Empowered Teams
• Move faster by working together and embracing diversity.
The Loop
• Understand the present and envision the future in a continuous cycle
of observing, reflecting, and making.
• Observe - Immerse yourself in the real world with design research.
Interview users, watch them work, and test your ideas with the people who
matter most to inform your decision-making and understanding
• Reflect
• Come together and look within to synchronize your movements, synthesize
what you’ve learned, and share your “aha” moments with each other.
Decide together and move forward with confidence.
• Make
• Give concrete form to abstract ideas. The earlier you make the faster you
learn. Put your ideas out there before they’re complete and improve them
as you go.
Design Thinking Activity
• Form a Group
• Share your designs
• Come up with “ Design a vase”
• Reflect
• How much does your team focus on your user? On scale of 1-10
• Reflect
• When was the last time you tested out a new idea? On scale of 1-10
• Reflect
• How many different perspectives exist on your team? On scale of 1-10
The Keys
• Scalable practices for enterprise team alignment
• Align your team around the meaningful user outcomes you want to
achieve. Hills are statements of intent written as user enablement.
They follow a format of Who, What, and Wow.
• Who: Who is your user? Refer to them by name.
• What: What will your user be able to do that they couldn’t before?
Start with a verb and avoid solutions.
• Wow: What differentiates you from the competition? This is

• Scalable practices for enterprise team alignment.

• Stay aligned by regularly exchanging feedback.
• Playbacks are story-based presentations that share insights, ideas,
and updates to a user experience.
Self Retrospection -Innovation Styles

We are all unique individuals. Each one

of us has different habits, talents,
knowledge, values, interests, and ways
of expressing ourselves … we
approach innovation and change in
different ways,” according to William C.
Miller, co-founder of Values Centered
Innovation® and former head of the
Innovation Management Program at the
Stanford Research Institute
(SRI International).

•Innovation Styles (2007), “Innovation Styles”, available at (accessed on Aug 31st, 2013).
Sponsor Users

• Invite users into the work and stay true to real-world needs.
• Sponsor Users are external clients, future clients, or end users
that represent your target user, who regularly contribute domain
expertise to your team.
• Relationships with Sponsor Users are typically formalized with
an agreement that covers confidentiality and our right to use
their feedback.
Stanford Design Program and the Standard Arts Institute,

1.Empathise work with the user to fully understand their

experience of the problem that needs to be solved by
observation, interaction and immersion.
2.Define: work through the outputs of the empathise stage
to form a user point of view that will be addressed in the
solution design.
3.Ideate: explore lots of ideas and generate a wide range
of possible solutions.
4.Prototype: transform an idea into a simple version of the
solution ready for testing.
5.Test: trial the solution, use feedback to re-consider
earlier stages, improve the solution and test again.

Way forward
• Design Thinking is an ongoing journey filled with highs and lows.
• Let us explore tools and techniques that can be used to be a better
problem solver
Design thinking

Enterprise Design Thinking approaches

Key principles –Observe, Loop and Make

Innovation styles

The Keys -Hills , Playbacks and Sponsor users

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