Pega - Assignment SF

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John David T.

Pega 11/22/22
Wednesday (7:30 – 8:30)
Instructor: Sir Ramiro Canas


1. What are the four characteristics of leadership?

 Goal Oriented
 Enablement
 Concern
 Self-development
2. What are the three function of leadership?
 Providing vision
 Achieving Goals
 Initiating camaraderie and smooth relationships
3. What is an autocratic leadership?
Authoritarian leadership, sometimes referred to as autocratic leadership, is a management
approach in which all decisions are made on an individual basis with little involvement from the
group. Typically, autocratic leaders don't take advice from their followers and instead base
decisions on their opinions and assessments.
4. What is Bureaucratic leadership?
Bureaucratic leadership is a leadership style that prioritizes tight structure to implement effective
processes and calculability. Because employees are aware of their responsibilities and the
hierarchy of reporting, this organizational structure enables a business to operate like a well-oiled
5. Define the following leadership:
 Charismatic leadership - Charismatic management or leadership is a form of
professional guidance or management built on a foundation of strong communication
skills, persuasiveness, and maybe even a little bit of charm to help them get the most out
of everyone that works for them.
 Democratic leadership - The name of this leadership style is derived from the word
“democracy,” which means “run by the people.” Democratic leaders welcome and value
others' input, rely heavily on team participation, and facilitate discussions that enable
multiple members of their group to weigh in on decisions.
 Laissez-fair leadership - Laissez-faire leaders have an attitude of trust and reliance on
their employees. They don't micromanage or get too involved, they don't give too much
instruction or guidance. Instead laissez-faire leaders let their employees use their
creativity, resources, and experience to help them meet their goals.
 Task-oriented leadership - Perhaps the most concise definition of task-oriented
leadership is “doing whatever it takes to get the job done.” The approach tends to be
autocratic and emphasizes completing tasks required to meet organizational goals.
 People-oriented - People-oriented leadership is a leadership style commonly used by
organizations. The people-oriented style focuses on interpersonal relationships within
organizations, attempting to improve such relationships in order to increase productivity
and create a positive work environment.
 Transactional leadership - Transactional leadership, also known as managerial
leadership, is a leadership style where leaders rely on rewards and punishments to
achieve optimal job performance from their subordinates.
 Transformational leadership - Transformational leadership is defined as a leadership
approach that causes change in individuals and social systems. In its ideal form, it creates
valuable and positive change in the followers with the end goal of developing followers
into leaders.
 Servant leadership - Servant leadership is a leadership philosophy built on the belief
that the most effective leaders strive to serve others, rather than accrue power or take
control. The aforementioned others can include customers, partners, fellow employees
and the community at large.

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