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Throttling and debouncing in javascript

Q2. Promise/ async await.
Q3. Problem with float in css.
Q4. How to show a div on another div?
Q5. Have you worked on web accessibility?
Q6. Opacity, Position (css)
Q7. hooks / how many hooks and on which hooks you have worked.
Q8. for in vs for off
Q9. How we can get no. of parameter from function (rest operator/ argument)
Q10. Javascript scope ( diff in between let, var , const)
Q11. shallow copy vs deep copy. How can we create a deep copy?
Q12. block level elements vs inline elements(e.g div, span). How to do block
elements as inline elements?
Q13. useMemo vs useCallback
Q14. Why require a useState? What happens when I use variables?
Q15. some output type code snippet questions. If there is an error in the code
snippet how to resolve it. (Promise/Closures)
Q16. object destructuring / array destructuring.
Q17. error boundaries/ How we can handle it.
Q18. How many ways can we create a deep copy?

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