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Study 28 | Acts 27:1-44
1. 27:1-12. The account of Paul’s voyage to Rome is vivid with details. Why does
Luke know so much about the voyage? Make a list of the statements in these
early verses that indicate first hand experience (that the narrator could not
know from simply looking at a map).

2. 27:1-26. How does God give Paul encouragement during the voyage? How has
God sustained you during tough “voyages”?

3. Compare Paul’s predictions in v.10 and vv.21-25. Does he contradict himself

here? Have you ever experienced a disaster a) which was do to your refusal to
take advice, yet b) was graciously eased and lightened by God?

4. Compare the response to Paul’s advice v.10 and v.30-32? Why do they follow
his leadership at the end but not at the beginning? What does this tell us
about leadership in general? How did Paul’s leadership save everyone’s life
twice (v.31-32; 42-22)?

5. a) What tension is there between Paul’s prediction of v.22 and his command in
v.31? b) How do these two statements show the unique view of Christianity
with regards to the old “fate vs. free will” debate? c) Why is this view so
intensely practical for our daily living?


Copyright © Timothy J. Keller, and Redeemer Presbyterian Church 2005

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