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Answer key for the Worksheet

A. 1. a  2. b  3. a  4. b  5. a of leaves at the top. In the southern parts
B. 1. F  2. T  3. T  4. T of the DRC there are grasslands with a few
scattered trees. Such open grasslands are
C. 1. tribe 2. Congo 3. tsetse 4. Equator
called savanna.
D. 1. The landscape of the country is dominated
3. Being near the Equator, the climate in
by the Congo River. The Congo Basin covers
most parts of the DRC is very hot and wet
almost the entire country. There are high
throughout the year. In the southern parts of
mountains in the eastern edges of the DRC,
the DRC, the summer is hot and wet, and the
and plateaus in the south and south-west.
winter is cool and dry.
2. Rainforests cover a considerable portion of
the DRC. The trees are tall and form a canopy


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