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If I could live the life of somebody famous for a day, I would choose our national hero, Doctor Jose

P. Rizal. Growing up and learning about the things he has done for our country made me adore him
more. We all know that he fought for our freedom through his peaceful revolution such as writing his
famous novels that impacted all the Filipinos today. He demonstrated intelligence, courage, and
determination to fight for all men born equal and to overcome obstacles that will come your way.
Rizal’s achievements are irreplaceable and powerful. Those achievements resulted for the freedom
we have today. As he quoted, ‘I have always loved my poor country and I am sure that I shall love
her until death’. This is one influence that many people try to stand up against the country who
enslaved us. This is the very message and courage that he in stored us, that if someone is bigger than
you and tries to hurt you, stand up and get him to leave yourself or anyone alone. And just like our
national hero, as a youth in modern time, I could be a good inspiration to others by being a good
example and by being someone who stand for what is right. I could’ve chosen celebrities to take on
their lives for a day, but for me, Dr. Jose Rizal is one of a kind and I would like to experience the life
of someone who stand and fought for his beloved country.

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