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The history of the Malaysian public personnel management has experienced a lot of
changes throughout its existence in this country. The public personnel composed of the
armed forces, the police force, the judicial and legal service, the general public service of the
federation, statutory bodies and local authorities. The Malaysian personnel management
system can be seen in the following features/characteristics:

1. Personnel management basically concerned with human resources.

It ensures that government employees receive good and equal treatment in accordance with
the principles of human resource management. This can be accomplished by implementing
effective disciplinary measures, reducing nepotism and favouritism, providing monetary and
non-monetary incentives, and providing retirement benefits to employees within an
organisation, as well as managing the nature of personnel relationships within the
organisation and assisting top management in negotiating with labour unions. In short it
guarantees the welfare of the workers.

2. Personnel management aims at providing enough and efficient staff.

It ensures that public organisations have enough and efficient staff to carry out specific
organisational tasks. This is possible with proper planning, recruitment, placement, and
training. Planning is to ensure that the required number of employees with the required skills
are available when needed. The recruitment process takes into account the appropriate
criteria of the candidate in terms of age qualification skills and work experience. Organized
management of the placement of officers enables the smooth operation of the department
and able to improve the delivery of departmental services to meet the needs of customers
and stakeholders. When employees undergo training, it improves their skills and knowledge
of the job and builds their confidence in their abilities. This will boost their productivity and
allow them to work efficiently and effectively.
3. Personnel management maintains a healthy working culture.
It is accomplished through the integration and maintenance of personnel and their
relationships within the organisation in order to contribute to the achievement of the
organization's main goals and objectives. The integration function of human resources
management is the process of reconciling organizational goals. It is combines all the
activities related to managing employees within an organization. So that they can work
willingly and effectively for the best result. The maintenance function of human resources
management is concerned with protecting and promoting the physical and mental health of
employees. In order to achieve these objective several types of fringe-benefits such as
housing, medical, conveyance facilities etc are provided.

4. Personnel management aims to increases the productive contribution of

government employees
It is achieved in organizations through policy formulation, planning, policy implementation,
social change and modernization, administrative reform, and public relations. Policy
formulation refers to how problems identified in the agenda-setting phase transform into
government programs.

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