Reflective Discussion Question - Topic 1

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In my opinion, the concept & philosophy of public administration in Malaysia compare to

private administration can be explain in several ways.

Administration is the act of effectively managing men and materials within organization
or state for the accomplishment of identifiable purpose. There are two major types of
administration which is Public Administration and Private Administration. Both of these types are
differentiated by some criteria such as setting, Staffing, mission or goal, decision making
process and funding.

Throughout the Malaysian history, public administration has gone through many
changes since before independent until now to suits the need and benefit of publics. During pre-
colonial period / Malay Sultanate Rule (before 1500), Feudal System and structure was
practiced by centered on Malay ruler which is Sultan.

Public administration is a branch of economics that works with service motive. It is

concerned with the systematic application of public policies and programs formulated by the
state relates to the administrative functions carried out by the government. The systematic and
well-planned management of the affairs of the state to achieve the purposes established by the
government is known as Public Administration.

On the other end, private administration works with business intuition. The term private
administration refers to the operation, management, and organization of the affairs of the
business enterprise. This type of administration setup by private organization and getting fund
by investor or share.

For an example, there are two types of hospital in our country. The first type is public
administrated run by Malaysia government. The purpose of these hospitals is to provide public
service to take care of public health at cost as low as possible. Almost every service by these
hospitals is subsidize.

The second type is private administrated run by private corporates. This type of hospital
offers health services with profitable cost to organization that own the hospital.

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