Numerical Modeling of Two Dimensional SM

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170 C O M B U S T I O N A N D F L A M E 9 5 : 1 7 0 - 1 8 2 (1993)

Numerical Modeling of Two-Dimensional

Smoldering Processes
M. K A R I M M O A L L E M I , * H U I Z H A N G , and S U N I L K U M A R
Department of MechanicalEngineering,Polytechnic University, Six Metro Tech Center, Brooklyn, NY 11201

A mathematical model along with a numerical solution procedure is presented for the simulation of flameless
combustion (smoldering) of a solid in a stream of air. By assuming a global single-step combustion reaction,
the problem is formulated via conservation equations of mass, species, linear momentum, and energy.
Conservation equations are developed by volume averaging the microscopic conservation equations of the
constituent phases (i.e., gaseous mixture, solid fuel, and ash). The model accounts for conduction in the solid,
thermal radiation from the solid, and forced and natural convection flow and heat transfer in the gas stream.
Also included in the problem formulation are the effects of transport processes such as
the heatup and ignition of the solid sample, the smoldering of the solid, the motion of the burning front,
and the formation of ash and transport of gas and heat in it. The transient two-dimensional governing
equations of the problem, in terms of primitive variables, are discretized over nonuniform control-volumes
and solved by an iterative numerical procedure. Different aspects of the model and solution procedure are
also discussed. As a test problem, the smoldering of standard samples of charcoal (wood-coal) in a limiting
oxygen index (LOI) flammability test apparatus is modeled. The results of the smoldering simulations are
presented in terms of the field variations of velocity, composition, and temperature of the gas in the test
chamber, the temperature distribution in the solid and ash, and the temporal position and velocity of the
smoldering/burning front. The calculated transient burning rates are compared with the experimental data
obtained in a LOI apparatus.

NOMENCLATURE u velocity vector

V volume
Ap p r e e x p o n e n t coefficient in Eq. 2 x axial c o o r d i n a t e
B i n e r t i a coefficient, Eq. 5 Y mass fraction
Cp specific heat at c o n s t a n t p r e s s u r e
dm m e a n d i a m e t e r of particle
D mass diffusion coefficient Greek Symbols
E activation e n e r g y
f m i x t u r e mass fraction a m o l e c u l a r mass ratio
g gravitational a c c e l e r a t i o n E porosity
AH heat of pyrolysis tz viscosity
k t h e r m a l conductivity p density
K permeability
M mass
q" heat flux Subscripts
r radial c o o r d i n a t e
R~, universal gas c o n s t a n t eft effective
t time f fluid
T temperature g gas
igni ignition
rad radiation
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. s solid
Copyright © 1993 by The Combustion Institute
0010-2180/93/$6.00 Published by Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc

INTRODUCTION neering estimates for fire safety assessment.

However, they have serious shortcomings that
"During the last few decades, there has been a are briefly highlighted here.
steady increase in introduction and use of Most of the available thermal models of
manmade materials such as composites, syn- materials performance in a fire may be catego-
thetic polymers, textiles, and others, for a broad rized as "effective property" models [3-7].
range of applications (e.g., construction materi- These models are based on simplified formula-
als for buildings and furniture, clothings, etc.). tions of the transport mechanisms involved,
"With this, there has been a growing need for a and use various experimental measurements as
fundamental and phenomenological under- inputs to predict effective properties a n d / o r
standing of the performance of these materials parameters that reflect the overall fire perfor-
in fire environments and their contribution to mance of the materials. These models, which
the spreading hazard of fires. Many experi- have been used to study solid ignition and
mental and theoretical studies have been flame spread, are based on the assumption that
'performed by researchers from different dis- pyrolysis occurs instantaneously at a fixed
ciplines of science and engineering to cha- pyrolysis temperature Tp that is treated as
racterize the behavior of various materials a property of the material. The couplings
under different fire conditions (e.g., ignition, between the chemical reactions and heat and
smoldering, flaming, and flame spreading). mass transfer mechanisms are either neglected
Thorough reviews of fire modeling, in general, or oversimplified and treated empirically [7,
and solid combustion, in particular, are pre- 11]. A net surface heat flux, also referred to as
sented recently by Thomas [1], and Ohlemiller the rate of heat release, is introduced as an
[2], respectively. However, more work is needed independent parameter of the problem and
to establish a comprehensive and predictive includes the combined effects of the chemical
knowledge base that could be used by chemists energy generation or consumption as well as
and materials scientists to design materials with radiative and convective heat transfer rates.
specific behaviors under different fire con- Other effective properties defined in the ther-
.ditions. At present, a realistic analytical or mal models are thermal inertia and thermal
numerical model capable of using the intrinsic response parameter.
thermochemical properties of materials to pre- Ideally, the effective fire properties are sup-
dict different aspects of their fire performance posed to remain constant over an appropriate
(flammability, heat release, smoke generation, range of fire conditions, and one should be
toxicity, etc.) is not available. able to measure them directly (at least via
The performance of real materials in dif- standard tests). The properties defined in the
ferent fire conditions has been studied in the thermal models, however, are not only !func-
past via chemical as well as thermal models tions of the intrinsic properties of the materi-
[1-3]. Due to the complexity of the chemical als, but depend on the fire conditions asi well.
reactions involved, however, chemical models The effective properties and the correlation(s)
have been developed and used only to describe among them are known to be affected by the
,simple cases such as ignition, inhibition, and orientation of the solid fuel with respect to the
extinction of combustible solids, as well as directions of flow and gravitational accelera-
effectiveness of retardants. For more compli- tion [4-7, 11], and the flow characteristics (e.g.,
cated situations simplified chemical kinetics are laminar or turbulent flow [11, 12], concurrent
used to investigate the fire performance of or opposed-flow spread [12, 13], etc.). Several
materials. Depending on the fire scenarios new (standard) apparatus and measurement
studied, two simplifying approaches have been techniques (e.g, cone calorimeter [14] an d heat
adopted by the previous investigators; namely, release rate apparatus [15]) have been degigned
effectiue property models [3-7], and global reac- and used for the actual measurements 0f the
tion models [8-10]. These models have served effective fire properties. However, similarity
the purposes for which they have been histori- between the standard tests and actual fire con-
cally developed [1], namely to provide engi- ditions is not easy to fulfill [6, 16] due to the

multiplicity of transport processes with differ- transport mechanisms (e.g., diffusion and con-
ent length scales and scaling relationships. The vection of energy, oxygen, and volatiles) in the,
effective thermal models, therefore, have lim- solid, char, ash, and gas. This model is based
ited application for assessment of fire hazards, on a continuum solid/gas hypothesis at the
mainly because (1) they are geometry/ subparticle scale of the solid fuel, but consid-
configuration dependent, (2) they require input ers the simultaneous existence of species and
data that cannot be easily made apparatus temperature gradients on the solid-particle
independent, and (3) their use is questionable scale and on the reaction-front scale. The com-
due to the scaling issues mentioned above. plexity of the resulting equations has made the
Smoldering is another important mode of general case intractable, and the model is not
solid combustion that has motivated exten- solved. But by nondimensionalizing the govern-
sive experimental and analytical research in ing equations, it is demonstrated that the
the context of fire safety. Defined as a self- problem may be governed by as many as 55
sustaining exothermic heterogeneous oxidation dimensionless groups, and simplifications are
of the solid, smoldering combustion has been recommended for the limiting cases of small or
modeled more explicitly in terms of the intrin- large values for certain dimensionless groups.
sic properties of the solid, as compared with The present article is concerned with the
flame spread models. Using simplified kinetic formulation of a phenomenological model and
models, referred to as "global kinetics," initia- the development of a two-dimensional numer-
tion of smoldering process has been studied ical solution procedure that relates the intrin-
quite extensively from the thermophysical point sic thermophysical properties a solid fuel
of view [8-10]. These studies are based on to its behavior under smoldering condi-
one-dimensional models of solid degradation tion. The chemical mechanisms are simplified
in which the heat and mass transfer effects in through the use of apparent kinetic parameters
the gas phase are either neglected or treated (determined typically by the~xnal analysis, i.e.,
empirically [10]. Propagation of the smoldering DSC and TGA). In addition to the continuum
front subsequent to ignition is considerably solid/gas assumption of Ohlemiller [2], local
more complex, and much less studied analyti- thermodynamic equilibrium is also assumed, so~
cally. Experimental results of Ohlemiller [17, that one set of conservation equations for the
18] indicate the importance of gas-phase trans- entire domain may be developed by volume
port processes in the smoldering of permeable averaging the microscopic conservation equa-
fuel layers [17] and in forward and reversed tions of the constituent phases (i.e., gaseous
smoldering in the presence of a forced flow mixture, solid fuel, and ash). Included in this
[18]. The available analytical/numerical mod- formulation are the effects of transport pro -'
els [9, 10, 19, 20] cannot describe these effects cesses such as heatup and ignition of the solid
quantitatively. The transition from smoldering sample, combustion of the solid via a heteroge-
to flaming is still more complex, and has not neous exothermic reaction, motion of the
been modeled in any detail. The additional burning front, formation of ash and transport
complexity stems from the simultaneous pres- of gas and heat in it, conduction in the solid,
ence of heterogeneous and homogeneous reac- thermal radiation from the solid surfaces;
tions, which makes the couplings between the and forced and natural convection flow and
chemical reaction and heat generation, and heat transfer in the gas stream. The transient
transport of heat and gaseous species more two-dimensional governing equations of the
intertwined. Therefore, a realistic descrip- problem, in terms of primitive variables, are
tion of transition from smoldering to flaming discretized over nonuniform control-volumes
would require consideration of the thermo- and solved by an iterative numerical proce-~
physical and chemical processes present, and dure. The inputs of the numerical scheme are
the coupling between them. the intrinsic thermophysical properties of the
A thermophysical model for smoldering material, its char and ash, as well as the exter-
combustion propagation has been formulated nally imposed ignition and gas flow conditions.
by Ohlemiller [2] that accounts for various The numerical scheme calculates the field vari-

ations of gas velocity, temperature, and compo- Among the independent parameters of the
sition, the transient smoldering rate, and the problem are the solid geometry and its thermo-
oxygen concentration limit for the sustaining physical properties, its chemical kinetics, and
of the smoldering process. the temperature, velocity, and composition of
The paper presents the results of the simula- the free stream gas. Obviously, not all of ]these
tion of smoldering of a cylindrical specimen of mechanisms and parameters are expected to
wood-charcoal under limiting oxygen index have significant influence on combustion ]char-
(LOI) test conditions [21, 22]. The model and acteristics of different solid materials 9 n d e r
solution procedure are validated by comparing various fire conditions. In the context c/f this
results of these simulations with the corre- work, smoldering combustion is referred to
sponding LOI measurements. Among the for- heterogeneous oxidation of a solid fuel by
malized tests, the LOI configuration is chosen direct attack of oxygen on the fuel surface.
for its simplicity, and availability of the test Moallemi et al. [23] provide a more detailed
apparatus. The methodology is currently being and generalized formulation that accOunts
applied for simulations of more accepted fire for the presence of both heterogeneou! and
tests (e.g., cone calorimeter [14], and heat homogeneous reactions, and has broader
release rate apparatus [15]), and the results applications.
will be presented elsewhere [23]. The smoldering of a cylindrical solid sample
The present article is the first to develop and placed axisymmetrically in an upright position
solve a general two-dimensional model for on a support at the center of a cylindrical
smoldering combustion that considers all the chamber is considered, see Figs. 1 and 2. The
relevant transport processes in detail along problem is transient and two-dimensiona! (r -
with the global chemical kinetics. This model, x) due to angular symmetry. The comPuta-
which is a powerful and useful tool for engi- tional domain, as shown in Fig. 2, is heteroge-
neers and scientists to evaluate smoldering neous and consists of solid, fluid (vap0r/gas
combustion, forms the major contribution of mixture or liquid), and fluid saturated porous
the work presented here. In contrast with pre- media (i.e., the ash and char). For numerical
vious models that use data from a given experi- convenience it is desirable to cast the gOvern-
ment to develop correlations for the same ing equations of the problem in different
experiment [3-7, 11-13], the present model regions of the domain into a similar form. To
uses intrinsic properties of the materials eval-
uated by different measurements and then
relates these properties of the solid fuels to
their smoldering behavior under different con- I
I~ Outlet Diameter
ditions. Since the sole emphasis is on model 1
development and validation, parametric studies I
are not presented here. i
Glass Chamber


Chamber I

In the smoldering of solids in air, complicated Height Sample

interactions of a multitude of chemical and L
thermophysical processes take place, both in
the condensed phases (solid, char, and ash)
and in the gas phase. The pyrolysis rate is Suppo~
influenced by (1) degradation and combustion
of the solid, (2) release of volatiles and forma-
tion of char and ash, (3) diffusion and mixing
of gaseous reactants, oxidant, and combustion Scr
products, and (4) different modes of heat I'- Inlet Diameter ~1
transfer in the solid, porous media, and gas. Fig. 1. Schematicof the setup.

x ~/ax-O.
v-O. reaction is assumed,
C(s ) + O 2 ( g ) -'-> C O 2 ( g ).

6. Radiation is assumed to be a surface phe-

nomenon for the condensed phases, and
the gas is taken to be nonparticipating
The governing equations of the problem are
A / e l Coe / ~ r-O. expressions for conservation of mass, momen-
ii tum, energy, and species which are written
for each phase. The overall conservation equa-
II tions in this variable porosity medium are
II developed by adopting the volumetric averag-
ing technique [24, 25]. In this technique, the
microscopic equations, valid for each phase are
u., Tm. Golt.iR integrated over the small volume element V
Fig. 2. Computationaldomain and grid system. which is in general composed of the fluid Vf
and the porous solid matrix Vs. The volumetric
averaging of the microscopic conservation
do so, the computational domain is taken to be equations for each constituent is described
porous media, with varying porosities and in details by Cheng [25] and Georgiadis and
properties. This requires introducing of a new Catton [26] and is not repeated here. Based on
field variable, namely, the porosity of the media the above assumption, the volume averaged
which defines amount of each phase (solid or mass and momentum conservation equations
fluid) present at any point in the computa- are expressed as follows. The conservation of
tional domain, e = Vf/V, where Vf is the vol- mass is given by
ume of the fluid (vapor/gas or liquid) in a
small volume element V. For the unburned + v. = (1)
solid, porosity is a prescribed positive constant
es, whereas in fluid region, the porosity is set The source term in the continuity equation,
to be unity. In the char and ash, porosity .~:/g (kg/m 3 s), is related to the solid smolder-
E(r, x, t) is defined by the burning process. In ing rate by a single first-order reaction with an
developing the governing transport equations, Arrhenius temperature dependency [27],
the following assumptions are made:
1. The fluid flow, and heat and mass transfer = - t[(1 - =

are transient, two-dimensional ( r - x), and

laminar. = pgAp(Eas h - e)Yo2 e x p ( - E / R T ) . (2)
2. The thermophysical properties of the con- The conservation of momentum is expressed as
densed phase and fluid are homogeneous
and isotropic. + v.
3. The porous matrix is saturated with fluid
and the phases present in any small volume -- + v-
element are in thermal equilibrium.
4. The porous matrix is rigid (i.e., u s = 0) and __ epgB ]
incompressible, while volumetric change due e [l k + lull
to change of phase and chemical reaction is
+ ge( Pref - Pg). (3)
5. For the smoldering of the solid fuel, hetero- In the above equations, pg and p~ are intrin-
geneous oxidation (by direct attack of oxy- sic densities of the gaseous mixture and
gen on the fuel surface) via a single-step the solid, respectively, Ug is the void aver-

aged gas velocity vector, and e ug is the Both radial and axial conduction are
Darcian gas velocity. The equations are accounted for in all regions and all phases; but
expressed in terms of void averaged gas veloc- convective heat and mass transfer are via
ity to permit their use in all regions by varying gas/fluid only, since the velocity of the solid is
the value of porosity. The second term on the assumed to be zero. The preheating and igni-
right-hand side of Eq. 3 is often called tion is modeled by imposing a constant radia-
Brinkman's extension, and accounts for the tive heat flux q'i'gni at the top surface of the
macroscopic viscous shear in the liquid. The solid for a prescribed ignition period. The
value of the effective viscosity in Brinkman's radiative heat loss q'r'a~t is the energy exchange
extension is taken equal to the fluid viscosity between the solid surface and the chamber
[26]. The third and fourth terms on the right- wall at T~, since the gas is assumed to be
hand side of the momentum equation are nonparticipating. Therefore, the heat flux ierms
Darcy's term and Forchheimer's expression, vanish everywhere except on the surfaces of
respectively [25, 26]. These are empirical the solid and ash. In the numerical manipula-
expressions to account for the first- and tion of Eq. 6, the heat flux terms are converted
second-order drag forces, respectively, between into volumetric heat sources or sinks by !divid-
the fluid and the solid matrix. The permeability ing them by the appropriate control volume
of the porous medium K is calculated from sides in the solid or ash.
the Kozeny-Carman equation [25], The equation governing the transport of
species 0 2 and CO2 can be written as
d2e 3
K(E) - 1 7 5 ( 1 - e) 2' (4) 0
-7(EO Yo2) + v" (,pgUyo )
where d is the mean diameter of the parti-
cles constituting the porous media. For the = V.(EpgDeffVYo2 ) -- 0/1/~g, (8)
"inertia" coefficient B in Forchheimer's exten-
sion, the value given by Ergun [25] is employed:
0--~(EpgYco2) + V" ( ¢augYco2)
B (175E3),/2. (5) = V'(¢pgDeffVYco2) + 0/211~Ig, (9)

The volume averaged energy equation at any where Yo2 and Yco2 are mass fractions of 0 2
point in the computational domain can be writ- and C O 2 , respectively, Deff is the effective
ten as species diffusion coefficient which is assumed
to be the same for all the species in the gaseous
mixture, and 0/1 = 32/12 and 0/2 = 44/!12 are
cgt[(,pgCpg + (1 - e)psCp,)T] molecular mass ratios. The coupling between
+ V " (f.pgUgCpgT)
Eqs. 8 and 9 may cause numerical oscillation.
To accelerate numerical convergence, instead
= v . ( k o f f w ) + 6/-/Mg of solving Eq. 9, a solution for a mixturb mass
+ V" q'(gni- V " qrad"
" (6)
In the above equation, cp is the specific heat, f = Yo~ + --~Yc%, (10)
and keff is the effective thermal conductivity of
the porous medium. Since the thermal conduc- is sought. The conservation equation for f is
tivities of the solid and fluid are not too dif- derived by combining Eqs. 8 and 9,
ferent, following Kansa et al. [19], the effective
thermal conductivity of the medium is modeled c~
by --~(Epgf) + V . ( e a u g f ) = V.(epgD~ffVf).
kef f = Ekg + (1 - E)k s. (7) (ll)

The effective diffusion coefficient in the METHOD OF SOLUTION

porous medium, D~ff, is related to the gaseous
diffusion as follows [26] The governing equations of the problem, the
continuity, momentum, energy and species
Oeff=Do2~(n-l), (12) equations, were solved numerically utilizing the
iterative SIMPLER algorithm [28]. A non-
where n = 1.0-1.5. In the present study, n = uniformly distributed mesh of 42 × 64 compu-
1.5 is chosen and tational nodes was used in the r - x
computational domain, Fig. 2. The nodes are
Do2 = 3.1 × 10 -3 e x p ( - 2 7 6 8 / T ) , (13) placed such that the faces of control volumes
correspond to the lines across which material
where T is in K. The density of gas can be changes occur. The grids are more clustered in
obtained from the following relation the regions of rapid change of the dependent
variables and properties, especially e. This
facilitates the implementation of discontinuity
Pg= R u T / [ ~ +--~ + 28 i' in the thermophysical properties in the compu-
tational domain. The total number of nodes
selected was a compromise between computa-
tional cost and the desired resolution, and was
YNa = 1.0 - Yo= - Yco~. (15) decided upon after performing a series of grid
sensitivity simulations.
The governing equations for the problem as A time step of 0.2 s was employed during the
developed above are valid for all regions of ignition period and in the time period follow-
fluid, solid, and fluid saturated porous media. ing that when the change in temperature of
In the gas region, for example, the Darcy's and the solid was rapid. Consequently, the time
Forchheimer's terms in the momentum equa- step was gradually increased up to maximum of
tion, Eq. 3, vanish since ~ = 1.0 and K = 0% 2 s. At any time step, the solution was consid-
and the equations for conservation of mass and ered converged if
species, Eqs. 1 and 8, have zero source terms.
In the solid support, velocity and porosity are ]~O.+a(i,j ) _ g,n(i,j)]
( 10 - 3 , (16)
zero, and Eq. 6 reduces to the conduction form maxl g,"+a(i, j)l
of energy equation which is suitable for this
region. where n is the iteration loop counter and ~0 is
The problem as formulated is two- velocity, temperature, and species. Numerical
dimensional and transient. The boundary con- sensitivity tests were performed and revealed
ditions of the problem, as shown in Fig. 2a, that the grid size, time steps, and the conver-
include (a) symmetry condition on the center- gence criteria were sufficient to yield stable
line of the domain, (b) fully developed velocity, and converged solutions.
temperature, and species profiles at the outlet,
and (c) no-slip velocity condition over the test RESULTS
chamber wall, which is taken to be adiabatic
and impermeable. Velocity, temperature, and In view of the objectives of this study, that is,
oxygen mass fraction of the incoming gas are to develop the general model and validate it
known constants. For the initial condition, using experimental data, a series of smoldering
steady state velocity, and temperature distribu- experiments were performed on wood-charcoal
tions and uniform oxygen mass fraction in the samples in a standard LOI tests apparatus [20,
chamber with the solid unignited are assumed. 29]. The numerical procedure was then utilized
At time t = 0, the preheating and ignition is to simulate these tests, and the predictions of
started by imposing a constant radiative heat the numerical simulations were used for opti-
flux o f qi'gni at the top surface of the specimen mizing the model formulation and parameters.
for a preselected period. Wood-charcoal was chosen as the test material

TABLE 1 ignition heat flux was provided by a small elec-

Apparatus Parameters and Operating Conditions tric heater, and the reported value is corrected
of the LOI Test for the heat losses by radiation (reflection) and
Specimen initial height 14 cm convection. The thermophysical properties pre-
Specimen initial diameter 0.45 cm sented in Table 2 are taken from published
Test chamber height 30 cm data [30, 31]. Properties of stainless steel at
Test chamber inlet diameter 9.5 cm 300 K are used for the support [30] and air
Test chamber outlet diameter 5.0 cm properties at 500 K are used for the gaseous
Specimen support height 10 cm
Specimen support diameter 1.25 cm mixture [30], with the exception of the density
Inlet gas flowrate 0.3 × 10-3 m3/s which is calculated at the local temperature
Radiative ignition heat 5.64 × 10 4 J/m 2 • s from the ideal gas law. The reported properties
flUX, a q~'gni for the solid are those pertaining to the solid
Ignition duration 10 s particles constituting the porous matrix of
" Corrected for radiative and convectivelosses. charcoal and ash [31], and properties of the
porous media are calculated using Eq. 7 for
thermal conductivity and similar relatioOships
due to its simple combustion model since the
for density and specific heat. The porosities of
intent here is to demonstrate the soundness of
charcoal and ash, and diameter of the charcoal
the approach and accuracy of the predictions.
particles are estimated values. The vallaes of
Applicability of the approach to smoldering of
AH, E, and Ap which characterize the ~hemi-
other materials with more complex combustion
cal kinetics and exothermic heat of combhstion
kinetics is provided by Moallemi et al. [23].
have the highest levels of uncertainty [31].
The solid smoldering problem as formulated
Therefore, they were varied and the values
above is a function of thermophysical proper-
reported are those that provided th e best
ties of the solid, the chemical kinetics, and
match between the model predictions and the
several parameters defined by the LOI appara-
experimental results.
tus and test conditions. The governing equa-
tions were solved in the dimensional form and
numerical simulations were performed for the E x p e r i m e n t a l R e s u l t s and V a l i d a t i o n
parameters and values presented in Tables 1
The smoldering experiments and their nUmeri-
and 2. Table 1 presents the geometrical param-
cal simulations were performed for different
eters of the LOI test apparatus [29], and the
values of oxygen mass fraction at thel inlet,
wood charcoal samples, as well as the fixed
ranging from 10% to 73%. If the oxygen mass
operating conditions of the tests. The radiative
fraction was more than the LOI during a typi-
cal experimental run, the vertical position of
TABLE 2 the ash-line (the distinct line formed between
the unburned solid and its ash on the Surface
Thermophysicalproperties of the sample
of the sample) is measured at differenti times
ku 0.041 W/InK with a cathetometer with 0.05-mm reso!ution.
k~ 0.37 W/mK The instantaneous smoldering r a t e / s p e e d of
k~upport 15.2 W/mK
cpg 1030 J/kgK the solid is evaluated from these measure-
cp~ 1250 J/kgK ments by graphical differentiation. To ~educe
Cp support 477 J/kgK the effects of the heat conduction losses ito the
l°s 1360 kg/m 3 solid support and the thermal contactl resis-
Psupport 7870 kg/m 3 tance, the experiment was terminated fat the
v~ 3.8 × 10-5 m2/s
d 10-4 m time that ash-line was about one centimeter
E~. 0.30 above the support. To terminate the experi-
~sh 0.90 ment, the oxygen valve is closed and the~ nitro-
AH 3.28 X 10 7 J/kg gen valve is completely opened to halt the
E 8.4 × 107 J/kg mol smoldering process quickly. The extinguished
Ap 4.4 × 101° 1/s
cold samples were removed from tile test

chamber for examination of the ash and the The predictions of the numerical simulations
profile of the remaining charcoal. are also shown in Fig. 3 for comparison. These
The smoldering experiments revealed that results were generated for the set of parame-
the limiting oxygen index was 13.5% for the ters and properties listed in Tables 1 and 2.
specific wood-charcoal sample used. For lower Numerical simulations were performed for the
oxygen contents, the smoldering process could range of oxygen concentration that solid com-
not be sustained far after the time that the bustion was flameless. These were obtained
solid was ignited. The smoldering rate, evalu- after some adjustments in the heat of pyrolysis
ated from the instantaneous measurements of (2 x 10 7 < AH < 6 X 10 7 J/kg), activation
the ash-line, attained steady state values soon energy (8.0 x 107 < E < 9.0 X 10 7 J/kg-mol),
after the initial transient caused by the ignition and preexponent coefficient ( 1 0 9 _< Ap < 101l
and heat-up of the solid. During the smolder- s-l). The numerical predictions are in excel-
ing process, the ash always remained intact on lent agreement with the experimental results
top of the unburned solid, but occupied for the reaction parameters shown in Table 2.
80%-85% of the original solid volume, as No simulation was performed for oxygen con-
measured from the tip diameters of the origi- centrations beyond 40% where the smoldering
nal solid sample and its ash. The unburned process was close to the transition region and
solids had sharp conical profiles, with the cone the model, which is developed for hetero-
half-angle (measured from the centerline) geneous smoldering reactions only, was not
increasing from about 10° at 15% 0 2 to about appropriate.
25° at 60% 0 2. The variation of the steady Figure 4 shows the field variation of porosity
state smoldering rate/speed with oxygen con- under steady state smoldering condition for
centration is shown in Fig. 3. Figure 3 indicates different values of oxygen mass fraction at the
a gradual (nonlinear) increase in the smolder- inlet. The clustered contours in the solid indi-
ing speed with an increase in the oxygen con- cate a thin conical burning front. The cone
tent of the incoming gas mixture. For oxygen angles of the burning fronts evaluated from
concentrations above 73%, the solid burned figures like Figs. 4a-4c are in very good agree-
with a small but visible flame. However, above ment with the experimental results. Both the
55% the experimental data showed deviation numerical and experimental results indicate an
from the trend established in the smoldering increase in the burning front cone angle with
region, Fig. 3, indicating the possible onset of a an increase in the oxygen concentration.
transition region (e.g., undetectable colorless
flame proceeding observable flaming).


= Experimentdata
• Numerical data


~ ~ Regionof smoldering
3.0 ~n
-_~ o

~ ~ ° "6
2.0 "6

g- o

r (a)
r (b)
r (c)
0.0 i i - =' ' / i i , , I , , , , 1 , , , ,
25 50 75 100 Fig. 4. Field variation of porosity at constant smoldering
OxygenConcentration( % ) rate for different inlet oxygen mass fractions: (a) Yo2 = 0.2,
Fig. 3. Experimental data and numerical results for steady (b) Yo2 = 0.3, (c) Yo2 = 0.4, seven equally incremented
smoldering speed versus input oxygen concentration. contours between % = 0.3 and ~ash 0.9 are shown.

0.5 m/s 0.5m/s 0.5 rrVs

There are not many relevant quantities in a > )

LOI test that can be measured nonintrusively. HH~

The repeatability of measurements of the

burning front temperature with optical ther-
mometers or pyrometers is poor, and the level
of measurement uncertainty is quite high. The
limited information gathered in the LOI exper-
iments; including the limiting oxygen concen-
tration for the sustainment of the process, the i:iiii i

steady state smoldering rates for different oxy-

gen concentrations; and the variation of the
shape of the burning front were all in good
agreement with the numerical predictions. This
developed a high level of confidence in the
model and numerical procedure for the range (a) (b) i ~ , (c)
of the parameters examined. Fig. 5. Velocity flow field for 20% oxygen inlet mass
fraction: (a) t = 0.42 min, (b) t = 1.4 rain, (c) t = 5.2 min.

Numerical Results
the smoldering simulation are shown in Fig. 6.
In this section, more comprehensive informa-
The figure depicts the gradual heatup 0f the
tion generated from the simulation of the
unburned solid and the cooling of the ash, with
smoldering of the charcoal sample under the
the maximum temperature on the burning front
conditions of Table 1 is presented. The param-
at or near the centerline. The temperafure of
eters of Table 2 are used with 20% constant
the solid support changes only when the' burn-
oxygen mass fraction at the inlet. Figure 5
ing front gets close to it. The corresp0nding
presents velocity field in the test chamber at
field variations of oxygen mass fraction are
three different times after the solid is ignited.
shown in Fig. 7. The constant mass f~action
The velocity field is much stronger near the
lines are clustered near the burning froat, and
smoldering solid, indicating the significant con-
the figures indicate to the diffusion of 9xygen
tribution of thermal buoyancy in defining the
in the ash and to a lesser extent in the solid.
gas flow in the test chamber. The thermal
The field variations of the porosity are pre-
buoyancy accelerates the gaseous mixture over
sented in Fig. 8 for different times in the
the solid and ash, and the hot combustion
smoldering simulation. The clustered contours
products being ejected out of the ash also help
indicate a thin burning front that develops with
to increase the magnitude of the maximum
velocity above the solid to more than ten times
the inlet velocity. The strong influence of
buoyancy in defining the flow near the smol-
/ A

e i000.0
7 905.9o
dering solid confirms previous assessments that 6 805.9o
5 705.00
the LOI measurements are not very sensitive 4 (;os.oo
3 505.00
to the changes in the inlet gas velocity [32]. 2 40$.00
I 30S.00
The figures also show a very weak gas flow in
the ash, marking an approximate shape for the
burning front. The velocity fields remain simi-
lar to Fig. 5c at larger times if viewed with
respect to the burning front. This is intuitively
expected since the smoldering has attained a
constant rate and the flow is dominantly con-
trolled by the thermal buoyancy. (a) (c)
The temperature distributions in the test Fig. 6. T e m p e r a t u r e field for 20% oxygen inlet mass frac-
chamber, solid, and ash at different times into tion: (a) t = 0.42 min, (b) t = 1.4 min, (c) t = 5.2!min.
180 M. K A R I M M O A L L E M I E T AL.

1400 1.0
A 0.1~
8 o.lsS 1200
7 0.133 D.II
0 o.111
0 O.Om
4 o.o07

~° B.ll

~ ~o 0,4

j J

0 I I ~ m I . . . . I . . . . I • ; ' m J . . . . O.0
10 20 30 40 50
T i t f t e ( Ilec. )

Fig. 7. Oxygen concentration field for 20% oxygen 1.0

inlet mass fraction: (a) t = 0.42 min, (b) t = 1.4 rain,

(c) t = 5.2 rain. oJ


time into a cone. The apex angle of the cone

takes a constant value as soon as t h e smolder- o.10

ing attains its constant speed.

The time history of temperature, oxygen
concentration, and porosity at a point in the j.0
to 2o 3o ~
solid, point A of Fig. 2b, are shown in Fig. 9. Time (lec. )

The initial rise in the t e m p e r a t u r e is due to the Fig. 9. Time history of porosity, temperature, and oxygen
heatup and ignition process (t < 10 s). During concentration at point A of Fig. 2b.
this time period, the porosity at this point in
the solid does not change, while the oxygen
concentration changes slightly as oxygen dif- is initially slow as indicated by the slope of the
fuses towards the burning front. The smolder- variation of e with time. This is followed by an
ing front reaches point A at t = 12 s after increase in the smoldering rate, accompanied
ignition of the sample, and the smoldering rate by a rise in temperature and drop in the oxy-
gen concentration. The rise in temperature
increases the smoldering rate while the drop in
the 0 2 concentration has an adverse effect on
it. The result is an almost constant rate of
smoldering at this point until all combustible
mass is consumed (t = 38 s) and porosity
reaches that of ash (e = 0.9). The maximum
t e m p e r a t u r e at point A is achieved a few sec-
onds after the burning front passed through it,
due to the conduction and convection heat
transfer from the just-passed burning front.
After the passing of the burning front, the
t e m p e r a t u r e at this point drops due to convec-
tive cooling, and concentration of oxygen
increases due to diffusion and in the absence
of a sink (the burning front).
(a) (b) (c)
The variations of temperature, porosity, and
Fig. 8. Porosity field for 20% oxygen inlet mass fraction:
(a) t = 0.42 min, (b) t = 1.4 min, (c) t = 5.2 rain, three concentrations of 0 2 and CO 2 over the cross-
constant porosity contours are plotted for % = 0.3, 0.6, section a - a of the solid, Fig. 2b, at t = 3.1 min
and 0.9. are presented in Fig. 10. At this time, the

1400 1.0
50% reduction in the smoldering speed, mostly
due to the reduction of oxygen convection and
diffusion towards the burning front.


A mathematical model and a numerical solu-
tion procedure have been developed for ana-
lyzing macroscopic smoldering behavior of a
. . . . , . . . . , . . . . , . . . . t . . . . i . . . . o.o
o.o 2.s s.o 7.S
r (rnm)
1o.0 12.s Is.o solid in a stream of air. For a solid with a
simple single-step smoldering reaction, the vol-
ume averaged conservation equations of mass,
momentum, and species were solved simUiating
0.30 . [ 1.0 the LOI test conditions. The predictions of the
simulations, including the smoldering rates and

| o .
shape of the burning front for different oxygen
concentrations at the inlet, compared weil with
the experimental measurements on standard
samples of wood-charcoal, The simulations also
o.10 generated information about the coupled and
sometimes competing heat and mass trans-
fer mechanisms that define the smoldering
o.0o0.° 0.o characteristics of the solid.
2.S s.O 7.5 10.0 12,$ 15.0

Fig. 10. Radial variation of porosity, temperature, and REFERENCES

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