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Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction................................................................................................................................3

1.1 Background of study..............................................................................................................3

1.2 Research rationale..................................................................................................................4

1.3 Research aim..........................................................................................................................4

1.4 Research objectives................................................................................................................5

1.5 Research questions.................................................................................................................5

2.0 Literature review........................................................................................................................6

2.1 Marketing strategy of Adidas organization in UK.................................................................6

2.2 Financial performance of Adidas organization......................................................................9

2.4 Literature Gap......................................................................................................................10

3.0 Methodology........................................................................................................................11

3.1 Research design....................................................................................................................11

3.2 Research method..................................................................................................................11

3.3 Ethical considerations..........................................................................................................12

3.4 Time Frame..........................................................................................................................12

4.0 Data Analysis...........................................................................................................................12

4.1 PICO Analysis......................................................................................................................12

4.2 Competitive Advantages of Adidas.....................................................................................14

4.3 Marketing Strategy of Adidas..............................................................................................16

4.4 Use of Digital marketing Strategy.......................................................................................16

4.5 Comparative Analysis of Strategy and Business.................................................................17

5.0 Future Implementation.............................................................................................................18

5.1 Recommendation.................................................................................................................18

5.2 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................18

Reference list.................................................................................................................................19

1.0 Introduction

Marketing strategies are important to ensure that organisational growth is properly supported by
consumer satisfaction. Effective organisational strategies should be developed to capture market
data for market analysis. Adidas' pricing and marketing strategies rely on new items
manufactured by the company. With respect to the brand value and promotional strategy, Adidas
has acquired a reputed position in the sportswear and equipment marketplace and the global
business expansion has made this brand well recognized among the potential customer base.

The company correctly recognizes the customers' demands and creates the product which meets
the customers' requirements. Adidas' marketing approach to maintaining the competitive edge
should be noted. The company's procedure is remarkable. The Adidas business strategy supports
the competitive advantages inside the UK market effectively. In addition, Adidas has been
adopting a more efficient and effective marketing strategy to take account over the global
business market of sports equipment. In this systematic literature review the competitive
advantage of Adidas will be measured by the competitive analytical process of implementation
of affordable pricing strategy.

1.1 Background of study

The purpose and background of this research-based study is to evaluate the Adidas marketing
strategies in order to deploy on the marketplace the unique product generated by the company.
The new product's installation helps to attract consumers and the business also addresses the
demands of customers. Adidas has been successful in improving its presence in the worldwide
marketplaces, despite Nike's strong and dominant market position. The brand has created
numerous competitive advantages including technology, branding, the supply - chain
management and the appearance and quality of products. In addition, it invests in innovation and
sustainable product development in order to enhance the appeal of its brands and products
(Wildfeuer, 2018). Digitalization and shifting consumer preferences have made the degree and
level of competition in the athletic footwear business quite high. Looking at the competitive
advantage factors that have contributed to Adidas' continued leadership on worldwide

marketplaces. Adidas Sports Category has the biggest demographic and price point opportunities
for growth. Adidas currently focuses on the growth of its portfolio in the field of sports and
women. The lifestyle segment is another sector in which Adidas' revenue increases. This is how
Adidas gives its clients a wide selection of items from athletic footwear to clothing and other
products. As existing strategic management prevails in the Organization, the capability of
Adidas to preserve the strategic advantage is powerful. The study's backdrop also concentrates
on Adidas's affordable pricing approach.

1.2 Research rationale

The research rationale is to investigate the present state of the UK market wherein the
organization works. The dynamics of Adidas' competitive industry when working in the UK. The
method which the Adidas company strategizes to create to obtain competitive advantage by
enhancing the company's sustainable development. Adidas invests much on publicity and
advertising to increase revenue and sales. In 2017, the total amount spent on promotion and
marketing was 2.7 billion euros. The company's marketing approach has also changed greatly in
recent times. The firm focuses on the urban areas, which account for the biggest part of its client
group. The firm is expanding its portfolio of renewable and recyclable material goods. Sports
shoe market rivalry is increasing quickly and firms are increasingly focused on product quality to
stay their consumers' favorite and to keep customers forever (Ahtiainen, 2018). This is why
businesses like Adidas spend more on innovation and research than ever before. Improved
product quality means a wider client base and better sales. The new product pricing strategies are
highlighted with which the organization's selling is enhanced. The justification for the successful
pricing plan presented in the study will contribute to improving the organization's profit margin.

1.3 Research aim

The aim of the research is to analyses Adidas' marketing strategy and the mechanism through
which Adidas obtains significant competitive advantage. The firm focuses on the urban areas,
which account for the biggest part of its client group. The firm also focuses on leveraging digital
technologies to reinforce its customer connections and become closer to its consumers as part of

its acceleration strategy. Because the use of technological advances, on other hand, increases
marketing ROI, on another, it also helps to improve customers' participation. In this day of
strong rivalry, marketing is especially crucial for distinguishing the business from others. Due to
a fresh emphasis on marketing and corporate strategy, its client base grows quicker. The brand
focuses on the fields in which the majority of its consumers live. In the metropolitan areas
Adidas' biggest client category. While its promotional strategies in these fields are strengthening,
the firm works to strengthen its consumer relationship (Woschkowiak, 2018). Towards this
purpose, the company has concentrated on using digital technologies to encourage consumer
involvement. Customer commitment is increasing and results in better sales and earnings and a
wider client base.

1.4 Research objectives

● To analyses the procedure in which Adidas gains competitive advantage.

● To analyses the environment in which the organization operates.
● To evaluate the pricing strategy of Adidas organization to implement the innovative
product in the market.

1.5 Research questions

● What is the present market situation related with footwear goods and sports equipment in
the market of the UK?
● What is the market competitiveness of such products in the UK’s market and who are the
major players leading the local industry of the UK?
● What opportunities can be offered by Adidas for a lasting competitive advantage in the
UK while at the same time pursuing an inexpensive price strategy?
● What are the marketing strategies of Adidas which can help the products to occupy the
market share of the UK marketplace?
● How the product marketing through online digital platforms and distribution chains can
assist in successful value to the substantial advantages in competitiveness?

2.0 Literature review

2.1 Marketing strategy of Adidas organization in UK

The new product will be implemented with the aid of a suitable marketing plan. According to
Crasto et al. (2020), the organization's suitable marketing approach enables the Adidas company,
via commercial aid and new product development, to remain market-oriented. The range of
products of the company is improved to a degree of customer pleasure which seems to be
without challenge to retain and recruit consumers from the business. External and internal
elements influencing the organization's business operations are evaluated in such a way that the
demands of a wide range of consumers are met through an effective marketing plan and strategy.
The 4P indicated will be adequately developed to boost the marketing strategic plan in terms of
prices for the items produced by the company to improve the buying choice. The 4P of
marketing mix are mentioned below:

Price: the aim of this brand is to provide the best quality of product to the customers within a
reasonable pricing range. Adidas never employs penetrating pricing, as it affects Adidas' product
stock. In fact, the greater value benefits customers mentally and in the strategy to pricing value, a
higher cost also means good quality (Cordón et al. 2017). Adidas hence seldom lowers pricing.
That is why price is important in the marketing strategy of Adidas in the UK.

Product: Adidas' goal is to provide its clients the greatest footwear that incorporates design and
technology combinations. They are not supported by these items. The shoes are really purchased
by clients to meet their wishes. Consequently, with hard work, clothing is aimed for

Place: The most important way to sell Adidas is via shops. Adidas does have its own private
shops wherein the merchandise is immediately supplied by the firm. Many company stores, on
the other hand, will also be showcased with Adidas clothes and equipment. These stores are
multi-branded, they get a dealer's merchandise. The 3rd and final mode of delivery is online.

Promotion: Adidas promotes using different marketing channels but mainly TV and product
placements are the focus of marketing. The production team at Adidas has been renowned to use

advertisements that are beautifully crafted, extremely imaginative and energy-filled to boost
excitement in their clients. Through the correct marketing communication to the client, these
announcements draw the consumer into the company.

Figure 1: Marketing mix of Adidas 

(Source: Self-created)

according to Wright (2019), An efficient marketing plan also assists to enhance the company on
the global markets. The Adidas company addresses the increasing market of the sportswear
products with an approach designed to assist the organization achieve competitive advantages on
the Marketplace. Adidas has worked on its merchandise with personalities such as Beyonce,

Mikaela Shiffrin and Tyler Blevins for the brand endorsement purpose.

Figure 2: Market leadership of Adidas in covid period

(Source:, 2021)

According to Kaseva, (2018), Adidas takes digital marketing extremely seriously and because
the division Originally is not sports, but rather lifestyle and sportswear, Instagram matters
double. And besides, Instagram is not just a tool for connecting individuals, but also for sharing
and finding patterns in mode. As 90s mode continues to increase in popularity, brands like
Champion and Fila take up a major share of the market dominated by the official version. The
brand must do more to communicate its narrative and engage youthful clients. Studies in the
digital marketing sector were therefore genuinely needed. There is a strong competition among
fashion businesses and it is vital to contact clients through platforms which they prefer most to
succeed. It's argued that TV and written media are obsolete. Activity on a digital medium utilized
in generations and Beyond production is therefore crucial. The quick expansion of social media
such as Facebook is particularly inspiring for this study: the site continuously brings new
functions and companies are constantly involved directly with consumers, which has attracted
the interest of the researcher.

2.2 Financial performance of Adidas organization

According to Jayawardhana (2017), The Adidas company's monetary achievement on the

marketplace is suitable as its revenue on the market has been improved by implementing the new
products. The assessment of market aid to analyses the organization's financial condition,
concentrating on the trending analysis, the operational profitability and the changing ratios. The
net sales of the company may be seen in the chart which analyses the organization's financial
situation. The organization's increased retail sales are also driven by the organization's suitable
marketing technique. In addition, the organization's interest coverage ratio is targeted such that
the financial state and the variables affecting the organization's financial conditions are observed
that assist in comprehending how the organization generates enough revenue. Analysis of the
organization's financial quarter, operational expenditures and Adidas' operational profitability are
evaluated. Due to the suitable marketing technique and the adequate income produced by the
organization in order to improve market sales, the investment effectiveness of the company has
been improved. The cost-cutting technique implemented by the company is a benefit to the
overall Adidas business.

According to Bosch-Badia et al (2017), In order to prevent its recurrence in the long term, the
Adidas sustainability strategy gives solutions for certain important deficiencies discovered in the
previous. These difficulties are shown in scholarly literature about CSR. This sustainable
development strategy is provided as an element of the overall strategy which, as indicated here,
is incorporated through into strategy. A comprehensive approach connects sustainable
development with creating value is followed by the practical implementation of Adidas'
approach. In order to incorporate monetary and non - monetary, visible and virtual driving values
into the value development process, the company has implemented an Integrative Performance
Management System. While not mentioned officially in Adidas' reports, the term "non-financial
value" propositions recommend considering actual alternatives, that is, expenditures in future
which may create financial benefit with certain investment projects with inherent potential. It
could scarcely be plainer of its sustainable development report: researchers keep an eye on its
impact and maximize the business benefits.

2.4 Literature Gap

According to Saho, (2019), The company has significant importance in sustained development
and survival starting with the general scenario as well as focused on the future execution of
strategic operations. The ultimate approach is corporate policy for companies to evolve and
accomplish long-term changes in the environment. The factor for the success of achieving
competitive advantage and successful management in a complicated and changing global
environment is how the company's strategic plan may be formulated and implemented
appropriately. Adidas portrays the company as a competent distributor of sporting items and
sports living creating the finest sports teams with product offerings. Cooperation with leading
sportsmen and sporting events is therefore an unavoidable decision. Adidas has made little
attempt in the practise of product marketing to highlight the value of athletic lifestyle and to urge
on customers to engage, particularly the younger generation. Also, the company in Germany as a
traditional European brand is a product which is scientific, reasonable and rigorous. 

According to Bellotto, M., (2020), The aspect which arose would be that the main roles in this
research work were not the promotional technological domain as Adidas instructed, but were
split between technological and human resources. It was based on what developed in prior
points. The primary difficulty was that complete mechanization could not be achieved. Because
of the factors described earlier, the Germany and Northern American states have not provided
the workforce needed for an Adidas firm. In contrast with the Chinese marketplace, prices were
not consistent or superior. Price was not great. 

So, from both the literature it can be understood that several researchers have focused on
different issues about adidas’s strategies planning and commercial price point. The first author
has emphasized on the marketing and strategic advantage of Adidas, whereas the second author
has discussed several issues in the marketing process of Adidas. 

3.0 Methodology

3.1 Research design

The research design relates to the method the researcher is to use to effectively and rationally
combine the many study elements Two methodologies that the investigator usually use are
quantitative and qualitative. Qualitative research study explores data gathering and analysis
depending on views, conceptions and perceptions. Qualitative data are focused about how and
why circumstances are interpreted through gaining an in-depth understanding of the issue.
Quantitative investigations, however, comprise collecting and analysing numerical evidence to
identify averages, trends, forecasts, and test correlations in order to assess results in a large
population (Kaseva, 2018). The aim of quantitative data is to produce information regarding the
population by studying issues relating to the selected respondents. A qualitative method for
analysing secondary data will be employed in this research. Different articles and journals,
webpages and scholarly articles will be included in a secondary analysis, so that thorough
explanations of the results may be offered. In addition, it will also take account of the financial
statement and the Adidas webpages.  

3.2 Research method

The research method includes procedures, tactics, and techniques chosen during the research
study, with information being evaluated so that the relevant knowledge may be interpreted in
order to create a greater knowledge of the subject. There are two major categories of deductive
and inductive research methodologies. Inductive scientific research begins by expressing the
concepts and observations presented at the conclusion of the study procedure and providing the
results of the investigations (Schmid et al. 2018). There are different designs, findings and
similarities to allow the investigation to come to a conclusion. The deductive method has to do
with scientific research. In this method, some other researcher's findings are taken into account
when he reads the existing ideas or the phenomena, he states in his study report. This study will
employ deductive research procedures to examine the research study of some other research
scientist and share fresh results. 

3.3 Ethical considerations

In a research report, the ethical concerns refer to the ethical standards of study work. Ethical
issues are an essential element of the research methodology as it is aimed at promoting or
expanding knowledge. The legitimacy and confidence of the document is included. The
dependability of the document encompasses the fulfilment of the research paper's research
objectives and research questions and makes sure that the research has no external factors
(Wright, 2019). In addition, the legitimacy of the document helps to assess whether qualitative
research is true and reliable. The key standards of the research study are generally considered to
be dependability and credibility. 

3.4 Time Frame 

Figure 3: Gantt Chart

(Source: Created in project libre)

4.0 Data Analysis

4.1 PICO Analysis

Articles Population Intervention Comparison Outcomes

Adidas and its No specific The subsequent Other reputed These factors

reshoring case population has stage is to brands have should be an
How Adidas been targeted in determine why been incentive for
tried to upset the this research Adidas has shut considered; no Adidas to
shoes paper. An overall down these two specific brand maintain the
manufacturing consideration of major factories, name has Western
industry demographics has going back to the mentioned.  initiatives viable
been taken for the Middle East with and recognise that
research.  many of the they are moving
System in front of all
consisting.  others and
perhaps not

A Comparative Statistics and Strategy is The main Both firms have

Analysis of secondary data important to the comparison very similar
Strategies and including books achievement and has been done tactics. Adidas
Business Models and articles, longevity of any between two consistently
of Nike, Inc. and studies, yearly company that footwear and confronts sports
Adidas Group statements and allows sports tournaments
with special scholarly journals companies to equipment global market
reference to were gathered by recognize their brand Adidas holder Nike.
Competitive Nike and Adidas. key competence, and Nike inc.   Nike's tactics
Advantage in the In addition to this to identify and centre on
context of a research, the Nike solve innovative
Dynamic and and Adidas case shortcomings, to marketing and
Competitive analysis are manage risks and advertising,
Environment  developed. Annual to recognise whereas Adidas
firm statements trends or how to concentrate on
preservation data react to it.  time and cost
were also reduction of
investigated to manufacturing,

collect corporate grow its
information.  marketplace and
boost sports
equipment and

4.2 Competitive Advantages of Adidas

Adidas is a major sports apparel and footwear manufacturer. In recent times, the company's
financial success and international presence have increased. Nike is his major opponent. Adidas
has always been ready to expand its presence on the worldwide marketplaces amidst the
marketplace leading influence of Nike (Fontaine, 2020). The brand has created numerous
competitive advantages, including innovation, advertising, distribution network, product quality
and performance. 
Global presence 
Adidas is a worldwide brand of sporting footwear and apparel with a good overall performance.
With 2,500 branded stores outlets and 1300 single owned franchises the firm has managed its
retail footprint across the world. In addition, the firm advertises its services world-wide to clients
via 150,000 wholesale outlets. Through an unparalleled infrastructure of worldwide shops,
Adidas has thus maintained its international footprint. 
Product variety 
Adidas currently provides a wide array of products for different client categories. It produces
goods for many sports such as hockey, volleyball, rugby, cricket, handball, basketball and
football, tennis, water sports. In addition, it includes items in the areas of running and fitness.
Training is the largest segment of performances and also the brand's clothing driver (Yuting,
2019). Adidas athletics category provides the most possibility for development across
demographics and prices.
Product quality 

Adidas focuses on product durability as well. It is one of the most common explanations. The
firm always has supplied the highest standards items to its consumers. Now it focuses on the
fashion aspect and longevity of its goods. The firm is currently expanding its portfolio of
sustainable commodities. 
In the athletic footwear business marketing is a big generator of demand. In order to recruit and
keep a customer base, all the top brands like Adidas, Puma and Nike are focused on marketing
(Bellotto, 2020). Adidas additionally spend a significant proportion of their sales and profits on
marketing and advertising. 
Supply chain 
Logistics management should be a key area in which each multinational company seeks to attain
its industry leadership. Adidas has handled its distribution system efficiently and suppliers from
a wide range of vendors worldwide. The firm has contracted almost 100% of its manufacturing
to different subcontractors to manage its manufacturing costs. 
Customer base 
As a worldwide business, Adidas has a vast global client base. Because of a fresh concentration
on marketing and commercial strategy, its client base is increasing more rapidly (Bhandari,
2020). The brand focuses on the locations that make up the majority of its clients. In urban cities,
Adidas' main client category is located. 
Brand quality 
Over a period, Adidas has established excellent brand stocks. It is therefore among the major
brands with a huge base of customers and market dominance. High brand capital is the
consequence of a constant emphasis on customer service, product excellence and company
viability. Adidas is excellently positioned in most sectors and focuses on increasing its
customers' commitment by leveraging digital technologies. 

Figure 4: Competitive advantage of Adidas
(Source:, 2021)

4.3 Marketing Strategy of Adidas

Their distribution system, product performance and brand value are among the few competitive
benefits for Adidas. Over the world there are 2400 financial warehouses of $4.3 billion (2014
data). It has funded several global events including NBA, UEFA, Cricket, FIFA and Olympics to
join the community (Muia, 2017). Adidas has also been famous throughout the years for
providing the most pleasant and highly durable premium products. “International Finance
Corporation” has established strong ties with organisations, like the “International Labour
Organisation”, and has endowed the firm with competitive advantage for a sustainable
Adidas is expanding its attention on predicting and responding to changes with quickness as the
customer market becomes ever more vibrant with rapidly shifting fashions. Sales were integrated
with the logistics plan to provide an improved consumer-oriented Cross platform mentality and
push it. After evaluating the consumers' purchasing process, Adidas concluded that the
collaborative experiences and accessibility, simplicity and quantity of the range of products play
an important part in the effective distribution plan. They supplied items using unique outlets

(franchise concept), co-branded storage companies that supply C&N and wholesalers to broaden
its distribution chain. 

4.4 Use of Digital marketing Strategy

The use of digital marketing in the business of Adidas has been more profound in recent days. As
the global trend has been shifted towards online marketing and advertising of products in the
internet facility, the company has focused on its online marketing strategy like never before.
From Facebook, Instagram etc. social networking sites to different online product promotion
with partnership of sports personalities, this company is more engage toward the digital
marketing strategy to occupy the young customer base (da Silva Lopes et al. 2019). As the new
generation people are the target consumers of the company, the product availability and
promotion of products also seem to be unique and eye-catching. 

4.5 Comparative Analysis of Strategy and Business

For the future of companies, marketing is about essential and key concerns. Strategy is also
necessary to investigate various strategic possibilities before making strategic decisions, each
examining them thoroughly. The study includes a stringent and systematic attempt to detect
strategies and their influence on business productivity by analysing research studies, publications
and Nike Inc.'s financial report. The study attempted to assess the importance of these iconic
global athletic clothing businesses' tactics. The outcome of the research emphasises Nike's
innovation management approaches, the delivery of premium price for its consumers, successful
diversification strategy, segmenting the market approach and closed-loop strategy (Alberti et al.
2018). The approaches of Adidas rely on wide diversification, creativity and attempts to develop
new goods, processes and services to compete. It encompasses a multimarket strategy, a focus on
growing activities in new countries, on continually upgrading infrastructure, operational
processes, on fostering a culture of demanding agreements and accepting change. These
strategies paired with their distinct skills and resources provide the framework for both
enterprises to have a significant competitive advantage. 

Figure 5: competitive analysis of Nike vs. Adidas
(Source:, 2021)

5.0 Future Implementation

5.1 Recommendation

From the overall research and findings, it can be recommended that the business of adidas and its
marketing strategies are multidimensional. The strategies advantages in the marketing and
advertising, also with the comparison of another leading brand Nike, it has been established that
this brand has its dedicated customer base and it can be recommended that with more economic
value and reasonable pricing strategy Adidas will gain a huge number of consumers in the UK
(Niskanen, 2019). Adidas needs to expand its business in a way so that various economic
conditions can afford their product and thus their customer satisfaction level with the business
expansion and marketing will be enhanced in a significant way.  

5.2 Conclusion

Adidas as a premium brand has different business strategies throughout their business expansion
levels and also focus on the product quality and sustainability. The fact is due to the product
pricing strategy and a higher affordability of footwear and apparels various economic people are
not very much engaging towards this brand. So, it can be considered that the major focus should
be on the product development cost minimization while keeping the quality intact and offering
consumers an attractive and affordable price range.  

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