Grammar Hai Dhika

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SVC (Subject Verb Complement)

I am a cook.
Dengan kata ganti dan kata kerja “Be”, kamu akan dapat
memberikan informasi dasar tentang suatu objek.
Sentence Practice Excercise 1

 I am cook.

 Dewi and I are cooks.

 We are cooks.

 You are cook.

 You are cooks.

 Rey is a cook.
 He is a cook.

 Lea is a cook.
 She is a cook.

 Rey and Lea are cooks.

 They are cooks.
Grammar Focus

“I am a cook” is an example of a very basic sentence pattern in English:

Subject + Verb + Complement (SVC). “I” is the subject. “Am” is the verb. “A
cook” is a subject complement. This lesson will focus on the subject and verb.


The subject is the first part of the SVC sentence “I am a cook”. The subject is
the focus of the sentence. The most basic kind of subject is a noun, i.e. a person
(Dewi), place (the park), or thing (a song). Instead of nouns, we can also use
personal subject pronouns.

There are the 1st person personal subject pronouns:

 We (plural of “I”, can replace “Dewi and I”)

There are the 2nd person personal subject pronouns:

 You (singular and plural)

There are the 3rd person personal subject pronouns:

 He (male person, can replace “Rey”)

 She (female person, can replace “Dewi”)

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 It (objects or animals)
 They (plural of “he”/ “she”/ “it”, can replace “Dewi and Rey”)

Link Verb “Be”

The lingking verb is the second part of the sentence “I am a cook”. It links
(connects) the subject “I” to information about the subject, “a cook”. The most
basic linking verb is “be”.

In English, the subject is the most important part of the sentence. Verbs, such as
“be”, change from to “agree with” the subject. The forms of “be” are: am, are,
and is.

 I am a cook.

 You are a cook.

 We are cooks.
 They are cooks.

 He/she is a cook.
 It is a song.


Just remember that most subjects use “are”,. Only “I” and
“he/she/it” use a different from.

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When speaking, we often abbreviate (i.e. shorten) a word or phrase. Many

phrases with linking verbs are abbreviated using an apostrophe (‘):

 I am a cook >>> I’m a cook.

 We are cooks >>> We’re cooks.
 You are a cook >>> You’re a cook.
 They are cooks >>> They’re cooks.
 He is a cook >>> He’s a cook.
 She is a cook >>> She’s a cook..
 It is a song >>> It’s a song.

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Sentence Practice Excercise 2

First person

 I am a student.
 We are students.

Second person

 You are a singer.

 You are singers.

Third person

 He is a doctor.
 She is a doctor.
 They are doctors.
 It is a book.
 They are cars.

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Sentence Building Excercise 3

Fill in the blanks with is, are, or am to complete the sentences.

1. I _____ a soldier.
2. I _____ a rider.
3. You _____ a painter.
4. You _____ a swimmer.
5. She _____ a teacher.
6. He _____ a police officer.
7. We _____ servers.
8. We _____ drummers.
9. They _____ waiters.
10. They _____ singers.

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Sentence Building Excercise 4

Provide information about yourself, a friend, and a family member. Use

the correct from of the verb “be”.

Introduce yourself.

My name, (name). Example: “My name is Dhika”.

 My name, (name).
 I, (job).

Introduce a friend.

He/she, (job). Example: “He is an artist”.

 My friend’s name, (name).

 He/she, (job).

Introduce a family member.

My brother’s name, (name). Example: “My brother’s name is Fiona”.

 My mother/father/brother/sister’s name, (name).

 He/she, a (job).

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SV/SVO (Subject Verb Object)
I am a cook.
Setelah pelajaran ini, Anda akan dapat membentuk kalimat
dengan tindakan.
Sentence Practice Excercise 1

 I cook.
 I cook breakfast.

 She eats.
 She eats banana.

 We play.
 We play video games.

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Grammar Focus

Subject + Verb (SV)

“I cook”, “She eats”, and ”We play” are example of a very basic sentence
pattern in English: Subject + Verb (SV). The subjects (I, she, we) do some
action (cook, drink, play).

Subject + Verb + Object (SVO)

Sometimes we want to be more specific and say “I cook dinner”, “She eats
banana”, and “We play video games”. When we add these “objects” to the
sentences, we get a new sentences pattern: Subject + Verb + Object (SVO).
SVO is the most common sentence pattern in English.

Object Pronouns

We know Subject Pronouns like “I”, “He”, and “They”. Objects also have
pronouns. We use object pronouns to replace objects:
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 Raffi hates me.
 Raffi likes you.
 We know Kiki. >>> We know him.
“You” and “it” are the
 We know Raffi. >>> We know her. same as subject and
 She eats banana. >>> She eats it. object pronouns.
 I cook noodles. >>> I cook them.

Sentence Practice Excercise 2

 We see him.
 We see her.
 We see it.
 We see them.

 The team needs me.

 The team need you.
 The team needs us.

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Correct Sentence Excercise 3

Fill in the blanks with is, are, or am to complete the sentences.

1. I books read.

2. She TV watches.

3. They juice drink.

4. Jihan hates she.

5. Cats like I.

6. I them like.

7. Them dislike he.

Sentence Building Excercise 4

Answer the following questions using object pronouns.

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Do you like dogs? Example: “Yes, I like them”.

 Do you like your job?

 Do you like your colleagues/classmates?
 Do you like your neighbor?
 Do you look like your mother? (look like = resemble)
 Do you look like your father?

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