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THE TASK AT HAND. Communicative Activities.

Caso práctico

Read the text and listen to the situation.

00:00 01:24

Months fly and Lourdes and Susana have more and more friends that
will definitely miss when they go back to Spain. One day, while having
lunch at the canteen, Kate Robertson, one of the girls' closest friends in
London, suggests creating a Facebook account so that they can be in
touch when our adventurers go back home.

Susana: Facebook? Is it that famous webpage in which people share pictures?

Kate: Yes, that's the one! It's been running for some years already and it's the easiest way I know
to gossip about people's life!

Lourdes: He, he... and what do we have to do to be on Facebook?

Kate: It's quite easy; you just enter the webpage and create a new account. Then, you choose a
user name and a password and you are ready to have fun!

Susana: Oh, I see! This is like Tuenti in Spain!

Kate): Twenty? What's that?

Susana: No, no, it's T U E N T I (she spells). He, he. It's like facebook but it's just popular in

Lourdes: OK, sounds like fun! When we go back home later, we'll create our account... and now,
a toast to our friendship! (the three girls take their coke cans).

Kate, Susana, and Lourdes: Yeah! Cheers! He, he, he (they laugh).

Think about it
Enter the forum and tell your classmates and tutor about it.

How important is friendship for you? How do you usually keep in touch with your friends? And
with those that are far away? Have you got a Facebook or Tuenti account?

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1.- Reading exercise.

What is Facebook?

Facebook is a social networking service and website launched in

February 2004, operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc. In
January 2021, Facebook ranked more than a hundred million
active users.

Users may create a personal profile, add other people as friends, and
exchange messages, including automatic notifications when they
update their profile. Facebook users must register before using the site. Additionally, users may
join common-interest user groups, organized by workplace, school or college, or other

The name of the service, facebook, stems from the colloquial name for the book given to students
at the start of the academic year by university administrations in the United States to help students
get to know each other better. Facebook allows any users who declare themselves to be at least 13
years old to become registered users of the website.

The origins of Facebook have been in dispute since the very week a 19-year-old Mark Zuckerberg
launched the site as a Harvard sophomore on February 4, 2004.Then, called,
the site was an instant hit. Now, many years later, the site has become one of the biggest web
sites in the world, visited by 400 million people a month.

The controversy surrounding Facebook began quickly. A week after he launched the site in 2004,
Mark was accused by three Harvard seniors of having stolen the idea from them. This allegation
soon bloomed into a full-fledged lawsuit, as a competing company founded by the Harvard
seniors sued Mark and Facebook for theft and fraud, starting a legal odyssey that continues
to this day.

New information uncovered by Silicon Alley Insider suggests that some of the complaints against
Mark Zuckerberg are valid. It also suggests that, on at least one occasion in 2004, Mark used
private logging data taken from Facebook's servers to break into Facebook members' private email
accounts and read their emails, at best, a gross misuse of private information. Lastly, it suggests
that Mark hacked into the competing company's systems and changed some user information
with the aim of making the site less useful.

The primary dispute around Facebook's origins centered around whether Mark had entered into an
agreement with the Harvard seniors, Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss and a classmate named Divya
Narendra, to develop a similar web site for them - and then, instead, stole their project while taking
their idea and building his own.

The litigation never went particularly well for the Winklevosses. In 2007, Massachusetts Judge
Douglas P. Woodlock called their allegations "tissue thin." Referring to the agreement that Mark had
allegedly breached, Woodlock also wrote, " Dorm room chit-chat does not make a
contract." A year later, the end finally seemed in sight: a judge ruled against Facebook's move to
dismiss the case. Shortly thereafter, the parties agreed to settle.

Answer the following questions.

Facebook started in....

January 2011.

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THE TASK AT HAND. Communicative Activities. http://localhost:51235/temp_print_dirs/eXeTempPrintDir_FzPbwW/ING0...

February 2007.
February 4th, 2004.

Sorry! Read the text again!

Oops, sorry!

Well done!


1. Incorrecto
2. Incorrecto
3. Opción correcta

The name "facebook" comes from...

a popular TV show.
a book with pictures that some schools give at the end of the academic year.
the book given in the US to students at the beginning of the academic year so that they get
to know their classmates better.

Think again!




1. Incorrecto
2. Incorrecto
3. Opción correcta

In which year was Zuckerberg at university when he founded Facebook?

He was in his second year.
He was in his first year.
He was in his last year.

Well done!

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Sorry, try again!

Oops, sorry!


1. Opción correcta
2. Incorrecto
3. Incorrecto

Woodlock is mentioned in the text because ...

he was one of Zuckerberg's roommates at college.
he was one of the judges working on Zuckerberg's case.
he was Zuckerberg's lawyer.

Sorry, read the text again!

Well done!

Sorry, think again!


1. Incorrecto
2. Opción correcta
3. Incorrecto

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2.- Listening exercise.

Caso práctico
It's Sunday evening and the girls decide to stay at home and relax for the rest of the day. It's 6
p.m and while Susana has a shower, Lourdes decides to turn the TV on to watch a documentary
on BBC news. To her surprise, today's programme is based on "The Social Network" a David
Fincher movie based on the founder of Facebook.

Watch the video and read the transcript only after you have answered the questions.

Talking Movies: A Facebook story. Text Summary.

Watch the documentary again and answer these questions.

According to the programme, Mark Zuckerberg is today…

20 years old.

26 years old.

19 years old.

Sorry, try again!


Sorry, listen again!


1. Incorrecto
2. Opción correcta
3. Incorrecto

According to the video, how many versions of the story does the movie unfold?

Two different versions.

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Just one version.

Three different versions.

Try again!

Oops, sorry!

Well done!


1. Incorrecto
2. Incorrecto
3. Opción correcta

According to the director of the film, does the movie take a position?

Yes, it does. It is in favour of Mark Zuckerberg.

No, it doesn't. It leaves the spectator to decide.

Not exactly, it is in favour of Mark Zuckerberg but it also shows the other two versions.

Sorry, watch the video again!

You're the best!

Sorry, think again!


1. Incorrecto
2. Opción correcta
3. Incorrecto

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Why did the real Mark Zuckerberg appear on the Oprah Winfrey show?

To comment on the movie.

To earn some money and clean his public image.

To announce that he was donating one hundred million dollars to schools in New Jersey.

Sorry, try again!

Sorry, watch the video again!



1. Incorrecto
2. Incorrecto
3. Opción correcta

Now it's a good moment for come back and read the tapescript.

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3.- Speaking exercise.

Think about it

Think for a while about these questions.

What do you think about social Networks? Do you think they are
useful? Why/ Why not?
Have you got a Facebook or Tuenti account? Why?/ Why not? If
yes, how often do you use it?
Do you think it can be dangerous to share some personal data on
the Internet?

Now it's your turn

Give your personal opinion about the questions above. Remember that speaking is not reading so
try to sound natural. Use the expressions in unit 3 session 1 to help you.

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4.- Writing exercise.

You watched Mark Zuckerberg's interview on the Oprah Winfrey

Show and you got so fascinated with the programme, unfortunately,
you have heard that after 25 years running on TV, The Oprah Winfrey
Show is coming to an end. Write an email to
saying you love the programme a lot and that you would like to
attend the show as part of the audience before the season is over.

Remember to use the instructions given in unit 2 session 2 related to

writing informal emails.

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Appendix.- Licences of resources.

Licences of resources used in section "Communicative Activities".

Resource (1) Resource information (1) Resource information (2)

By: Stoneysteiner.
By: Gavin Llewellyn.
License: CC by 2.0.
License: CC by 2.0.

By: Sitmonkeysupreme. By: Nerds on Call.

License: CC by-nc 2.0. License: CC by 2.0.
From: From:
/sitmonkey/2251266697 /nerdsoncall/5791977002/

By: Pshab.
License: CC by-nc 2.0.

10 de 10 18/04/2021 09:28
THE TASK AT HAND. Culture & People. http://localhost:51235/temp_print_dirs/eXeTempPrintDir_XaKK7N/ING...

THE TASK AT HAND. Culture & People.

Caso práctico

Lourdes, Susana and a couple of colleagues from work are in a pub

relaxing for a while after a long stressful day.

Susana: What are you having guys"

Lourdes: A diet coke.

Francesco: A beer of course!

Kate: Yeah, I think I'll have the same as you, Francesco! The waiter
comes closer.

Waiter: Good evening, Are you ready to order?

Susana: Hi! yes. A diet coke, a lemonade and two beers please. (she raises two of her fingers).

Kate: Hey, Susana! What are you doing?? Take those fingers back!!

Susana: What's wrong? Did I do anything wrong?

Kate: Oh my God! Don't raise your fingers like that! That's really rude!!

Susana: Oh really?? I just meant two beers! That's the way we ask for two beers in Spain!

Kate: Oh really? Hehehe, here it isn't like that! And it's quite rude, you could get into serious
trouble with people!

Susana: Oh my God! Thanks for telling me.

Everybody: Hehehehe.

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THE TASK AT HAND. Culture & People. http://localhost:51235/temp_print_dirs/eXeTempPrintDir_XaKK7N/ING...

1.- Body Language.

When we communicate with other people it is not only our words that contain
the meaning. According to experts, 50 % of the meaning conveyed in a
conversation is through what is called non-verbal communication. By this we
mean facial expression, gestures with hands, arms, legs, the way we sit or
stand, the way we touch other people, the distance we keep between
ourselves and the people we are talking to; our dress and our appearance. All
these say something to other people.

Facial expressions and gestures are used by everyone often spontaneously,

even unconsciously. Smiling, for example, is found in most cultures as a sign of
happiness or pleasure. Gestures such as pointing, waving, shaking or nodding the head are also
widely used, although the gestures themselves do not always mean the same in every culture. For
example, in Portugal, bank clerks tend to be too dour for foreigners, however in their culture,
if they smiled too much they would not seem serious about their work.

Because many non-verbal messages are culture specific, they can cause a lot of misunderstanding
between people from different backgrounds. Northern Europeans and Americans, for example, like
to keep a certain personal space between themselves and others and feel uncomfortable if people
come too close to them. In these same cultures it is considered impolite to stare, but Greeks, it is
said, feel ignored if people do not stare at them in public. Europeans usually change their facial
expression to show happiness, anger, boredom, sadness. For this reason they call oriental
people inscrutable because they change facial expression much less.

In styles of dress we also make important statements about ourselves. Dress codes vary greatly
from one culture to another and it is easy to make mistakes about people's status if you don't know
the cultural norm. In Mediterranean cultures bank officials and similar employees wear short-
sleeved, open-neck shirts and no jackets. This casual dress would not be acceptable in northern
Europe, where suits and ties are a sign of seriousness. Ambitious women in western cultures wear
classic clothes in sober colours to indicate their dedication to career.

One of the main differences between verbal and non-verbal communication is that we are often not
conscious of the expressions and gestures we use and so we are in danger of giving more
information than we really want to, or even of giving a conflicting message with our body language
to the one expressed in our words.

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1.1.- Now put it into practice.

Read the previous text again and answer the following questions.

Body language is ...

the way we dress.

the expressions on our face.

non-verbal communication.

Sorry, think again!

Try again!

Well done!


1. Incorrecto
2. Incorrecto
3. Opción correcta

When we do something spontaneously, we do it...


after careful thought.


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Well done!

Sorry, read the text again!

Oops, sorry!


1. Opción correcta
2. Incorrecto
3. Incorrecto

The word "status" means...


level of seniority.




Oops, read the text again!


1. Opción correcta
2. Incorrecto
3. Incorrecto

Classic clothes are...

fashionable wear.

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casual dress.

unobtrusive, sensible dress.


Think again!

You rock!


1. Incorrecto
2. Incorrecto
3. Opción correcta

A conflicting message gives people...

useful information.

confusing information.

wrong information.


Think again!



1. Incorrecto
2. Incorrecto
3. Opción correcta

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THE TASK AT HAND. Culture & People. http://localhost:51235/temp_print_dirs/eXeTempPrintDir_XaKK7N/ING...

Think about it
Enter the forum and share your opinion with your classmates.

How important is body language in Spain? Do you think that Spanish people tend to use body
language more than British people for example? Why?/Why not? Who do you think are more
likely to use body language, men or women? Do some research in the Net and then, tell your
classmates in the forum.

A step ahead
Are you curious about body language? Click on the link below to learn some finger gesture
curiosities. Have fun!

The Finger Gesture Guide.

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1.2.- Song.

Think about it
Look at this picture. Do you know this woman? Can you guess her

1. Kylie Minogue.
2. Rihanna.
3. Hilary Duff.

Mostrar retroalimentación

Great! it's Kylie Minogue.

Kylie Ann Minogue is an Australian pop singer, songwriter and actress. She's famous worldwide and
some years ago she Z her ninth studio album "Body Language". Have you ever listened to it?

Have fun by watching and listening to her song "After Dark" included in her album "Body

A step ahead

Kylie Minogue - After Dark …

Text summary

Do you want to sing along while you watch the previous video? Click on the link below so that
you can read the lyrics. Have fun!

Click here to read the lyrics.

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Think about it
Now that you have listened to Kylie's songs, let's learn a little bit more about her life and music.
Surf the Net for the following information.

1. In which three different countries was "Body Language" recorded?

2. Kylie first achieved professional recognition through her role in a television soap opera,
what is the name of this TV show? What was the name of her character?
3. Why did she had to cancel her concert tour in 2005?
4. What was her debut film? When was it released?
5. Minogue has achieved worldwide records. Name at least four different music awards she
has won.

Mostrar retroalimentación

1. It was recorded in the United Kingdom, Ireland and Spain.

2. She achieved recognition on the famous TV show "Neighbours". She played the role of
Charlene Robinson.
3. She had to cancel it because she was diagnosed with breast cancer and had to had
4. It was "The Delinquents" in 1989.
5. She has been awarded with multiple ARIA, and Brit Awards, a Grammy and the Order
of the British Empire among others.

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Appendix.- Licenses of Resources.

Licenses of Resources used in section "Culture and People".

Resource Resource
Resource information (1) Resource information (2)
(1) (2)

By: Dullhunk. By: MnicoleM.

License: CC by-nc-sa 2.0. License: CC by-nc.
From: From:
/photos/dullhunk/437565574 /2242526631/

By: Steve Snodgrass.

By: Georges Biard.
License: CC by 2.0.
License: CC by 3.0.

9 de 9 15/04/2021 00:11
THE TASK AT HAND. Session 1.- Heading to the office! http://localhost:51235/temp_print_dirs/eXeTempPrintDir_f9YZCP/ING04...

THE TASK AT HAND. Session 1.- Heading to the


Caso práctico
Read the text and listen to the situation.

00:00 01:46

Lourdes and Susana get to the office at 8.00 o'clock like every
day. Today they had to run a little bit since, for a change, it was
raining. They are quite used to living in London. However, there is
still something they are unable to cope with: the weather.

Susana: Ugh, look at me! My hair is all tangled up! No matter

how many hours I spend in front of the mirror trying to make it look
nice, it always looks messy!

Lourdes: Well, don't worry Susana, mine looks the same! I believe that's the reason why most
women here wear their hair in buns or ponytails! Maybe we should do the same.

The girls sit down at their desks and they turn on their computers. In the meantime, Mr. Parker
enters the office with the girls' new task for the week.

Mr. Parker: Good morning girls! How are you doing? It seems somebody got a little bit wet this
morning! Doesn't it? He, he, he (Mr. Parker laughs at Susana). Well, here you've got your new
task for the week. As you may have heard, working in a comfortable environment does not only
make workers happy, but it also increases production. At British Corporation we are very
concerned about production, but we also want our workers to be happy at work. For this
reason, I would like you to come up with some ideas about how to create a positive
atmosphere at work and how to prevent possible illnesses like stress, depression etc. You're
doing a great job and I'm sure this new task won't be an exception. Any questions? OK! If you
have any problem, I'll be in my office. By the way! Susana, don't worry about your hair, you
always look beautiful! See you later girls!

Susana: Oh thanks! (She answers timidly).

Think about it
Enter the forum and tell your classmates:

Have you ever heard that working on a positive atmosphere increases production at work?
What do you think about it? Do you agree with this statement?
Name different illnesses that a worker may suffer from working in a negative environment at
Have you ever suffered a problem of the kind?

1 de 31 15/04/2021 01:01
THE TASK AT HAND. Session 1.- Heading to the office! http://localhost:51235/temp_print_dirs/eXeTempPrintDir_f9YZCP/ING04...

1.- What to say: Illnesses at work.

Citas Para Pensar

"In order that people may be happy in their work, these three things are needed: They
must be fit for it. They must not do too much of it. And they must have a sense of
success in it."

John Ruskin

Caso práctico

Susana: Did you hear that? Oooh! He's so cute! he thinks I'm
beautiful!!!" Susana says excitedly.

Lourdes: Yeah... let's start to work.

Susana: Ooh! Do you think he will fall in love with me someday?

Susana sighs.

Lourdes: Come on, don't be silly Susana! It was just a compliment, nothing else! She answers

Susana: OK! I was just dreaming for a second! (she says angrily) where should we start?

Lourdes: I think we should do some research on the Internet about the topic, learn about
possible illnesses and from there we should move on to possible solutions, what do you think?

Susana: That you're always right! Look! (Susana points at a piece of printed paper) I just printed
this article and it seems quite interesting. It's about one of the main reasons of stress at work
(She reads aloud):

" BULLYING. Bullying takes place behind closed doors with no witnesses and no evidence
(in the traditional sense). When called to account, the bully uses charm and their Jekyll and Hyde
nature to lie convincingly. Bullies are clever, but you can be clever too. Here's how to deal
with bullying at work."

Lourdes: Yes! It sounds really interesting!

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Think about it
Give your opinion in the forum:

Have you ever heard about bullying? Have you ever suffered it at work or school?
Do you know anyone who has suffered it?
What would you do to put an end to bullying?

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1.1.- Bullying at work.

Bullying at work takes places when someone tries to intimidate another worker,
often in front of the rest of colleagues. It is usually, though not always, done to
someone in a less senior position, creating a constant pattern of destructive

The number of people who suffer forms of bullying such as teasing, intimidation
and physical abuse at work has doubled in the last decade, according to new figures
from the big union "Unison".

Many employers have introduced policies to try to deal with the problem, but now a
new law is needed to protect staff against bullies.

Many people think of bullying as a problem faced by young people at school, college or on social
networking sites and expect things to be different when they enter the "professional" world of work.

But the latest research by "Unison" suggests that more than a third of workers have experienced bullying in the
last six months.

Lyn Witheridge from the Andrea Adams Trust, the first charity association to deal with work place bullying, has

"Bullying is a brutal form of psychological torture. It is to be constantly criticized, openly humiliated,

professionally undermined and isolated day after day."

Jessica, 27, from Southampton says she has experienced psychological abuse from her manager.

"A lot of the stress I was put under was mental" she said. "But the boss would also throw office us
equipment in anger because things had gone wrong. Things like hole-punchers and staplers, anything
that was near at the time."

Being bullied at work may not just affect people's physical and mental health , but it can also affect their
personal life. Sarah, who worked in a hospital explained: "I felt really tired, I used to lose my appetite and
get headaches and I didn't have the time to be with my friends or go out because I was stressed-out
about having to face the next day."

More than 13 million working days a year are lost in the UK because of stress, anxiety and depression,
according to recent research.

"If you're bullied, you have difficulties concentrating, making decisions, and become socially withdrawn.
People who are bullied miss more days at work than people who haven't been bullied,"psychologist Carey
Cooper explained.

There are laws to protect employees from discrimination covering race, gender and religion. But Hugh
Robertson from the union group the "TUC" is just one of the campaigners who don't think they're enough.

"There is a need for a strong legal framework," he said. "We'd like to see a specific duty on employers to
deal with bullying, and that at the moment it doesn't exist."

The government department which deals with this problem made this statement: "Bullying and harassment
is never acceptable in the workplace and a change in work culture rather than legislation is key."

Note: Some names have been changed to protect the identity of bullying victims.
Text adapted from The New York Times. March , 24th, 2008.

A step ahead
For more information about Bullying and its origin check the following link:

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The origin of bullying.

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1.2.- Now put it into practice.

Read the previous text again and answer these questions:

What is bullying?
Absence from work.
A way of intimidating a worker.
Stress at work.

Oops! Sorry!


Read the first paragraph again!


1. Incorrecto
2. Opción correcta
3. Incorrecto

What is the difference between bullying and aggression?

There is no difference.
Aggression is physical.
Bullying involves a pattern of repeated aggression.

Are you sure? Read the text again!

Not really! Try again!

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1. Incorrecto
2. Incorrecto
3. Opción correcta

Bullying affects people’s ...

physical and mental health.
personal life.
physical health.


Oops! Try again!



1. Opción correcta
2. Incorrecto
3. Incorrecto

How do bullied people feel according to psychologist Carey Cooper?

They have difficulty concentrating.
They make quick decisions.
They are very sociable.

You rock!


Read the last part of the text again!

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THE TASK AT HAND. Session 1.- Heading to the office! http://localhost:51235/temp_print_dirs/eXeTempPrintDir_f9YZCP/ING04...


1. Opción correcta
2. Incorrecto
3. Incorrecto

Match the people mentioned in the text above to the things they mention.

Matching exercise.


1. "More than a third of of workers have experienced

bullying in the last six months."

Sarah. 2. "Bullying can be a real psychological torture."

3. "The key to the problem is to change work culture rather

Lyn Witheridge.
than legislation."

Unison. 4. "There are not enough laws to protect employees."

5. This person experienced psychological and physical

Hugh Robertson.

6. This person didn't even feel like going out with friends.


Not difficult, was it?

A step ahead
Who do you think are bigger bullies, men or women? Read the following article and answer the

Some curiosities about bullying. Are men or women bigger bullies?

According to the text, although in different ways, men are just as aggressive as women.

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1.3.- Saying “no.”

One of the main problems of people being bullied at work is that they are unable
to say "no".

There are times when you want to say "no" politely, times when you have to be more
forceful in your refusal, and times when you really have to put people in their place.
The degree of politeness versus assertiveness of a refusal depends not only on your
relationship with the person who is asking you to do something, but also on the
attitude of the person who is asking. Here you have some useful ways of "saying no".

To say "no" politely in English, we often begin with what may sound like an apology
"I'm sorry, you've come to the wrong person. You'll have to ask Joseph to do that." or
"I'm afraid I don't have the information you are asking for."

We can use: "I'm sorry" or "I'm afraid" followed by the reason why we cannot do something.

Ways of saying "no" in English.

1. The direct "no."

Sometimes, saying sorry, then saying no is not necessary or even appropriate. If that's the
case, use the direct 'no'. For example:

A: Are you joining us for lunch?

B: No, no thank you.

2. The reasoned "no."

Sometimes you feel it would be polite to offer a reason for your refusal but, on the other hand,
you don't want to open up any sort of negotiation. In this case, use the reasoned
'no'. Example:

A: We're leaving now. Are you coming with us for a drink?

B: I can't come for a drink tonight. I've got to get this report out for tomorrow.

3. The reflecting "no."

You want to acknowledge the request but still want to say "no" quite firmly. Example:

A: Do you have time to go through some things now?

B: I know you want to talk to me about the meeting arrangements but I can't do it today.

4. The raincheck "no."

This is similar to the reflecting 'no'. It's not so much saying 'no' as saying this is not a good
time. Example:

A: Could you check through these figures for me?

B: I can't right now, but I could some time tomorrow.

Be careful! only use this if you really do want to accept the request at a later date. Don't use it
if you really mean 'no'.

5. The unwavering 'no'

This is how you have to deal with pests – people who don't hear 'no'.

A: Come on let's go for lunch.

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B: No, I'm not going out for lunch today.

A: Oh, please, it won't take long.

B: No, I'm not going out for lunch today.

A: Oh, go on, I'll pay.

B: No, I'm not going out for lunch today.

Text adapted from English for Personal Assistants by Annie Broadhead and Ginni Light.

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1.4.- Now put it into practice.

Think about it
Say 'no' politely in these situations:

1. Frank asks you to check that the fire exit notices are all
correct and in place. This is not your job; Naomi is in charge
of health and safety matters.
2. A pile of heavy boxes with photocopier paper has been left in
the corridor. Sarah asks you to put them in the paper
store. You have a bad back.
3. A colleague asks you if you could read through the minutes
she took of a recent meeting before she distributes them. You simply do not have the time.

Mostrar retroalimentación

1. I'm afraid I'm not the best person to ask. I think Naomi's the one who deals with health
and safety matters, isn't she? (You might phrase this as a question even when you
know perfectly well that Naomi is in charge of fire notices.)
2. I'm sorry, I put my back out last week and I'm afraid it'll go again if I pick those boxes
up. Shall I get Eve and Lee to move them?
3. I'm sorry, I'm up to my eyes in work today and don't have a minute to spare. Perhaps
Bertil would look through them for you?

Match these ways of saying “no” to the types 1 – 5 above. There may be more than one
answer for some of the expressions:

Matching exercise.


"No, I can't do it right now, but what about Tuesday?" 1. The direct 'no'.

"That's not possible today. It's my day to get the monthly 2. The reasoned
starts out." 'no'.

3. The reflecting
"No, no thank you."

4. The raincheck
"No, it's not my scene". "No, really, it's not my scene."

"I can see it would be helpful to crosscheck with , , 5. The

someone, but I can't put this report aside right now." unwavering 'no'.


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Not difficult, was it?

Complete the dialogue below with appropriate words or phrases from the box. Be careful,
there are two phrases which do not fit.
Background: Paula is responsible for organising your company's attendance at a trade fair.
You have had nothing to do with the arrangements. Paula is prone to offloading work,
especially when problems start appearing, and you really want to discourage this.

A. but that shouldn't be necessary, anyway

B. you've asked me to pick up the pieces
C. I really must point out that
D. Why don't you find out where the problem lies
E. but aren't you the best person to deal with that

Paula: I've just been looking at the map of the trade fair and I noticed that our name is not
next to our stand. Could you look into it? I'm not sure where the problem lies, with the
printers, the trade fair organisers…
You: I'm sorry,
as you've been in charge of all the arrangements for that trade fair?
Paula: Well, I'm really snowed under with work at the moment so could you just chase up
what's happened about the map?
You: Actually, Paula, this isn't the first time
when things start to go wrong,
and I think you should follow this up yourself.
and then take it from
Paula: Well, OK, but I don't know how I'm going to find time to do everything. ( she walks


Paula: I’ve just been looking at the map of the trade fair and I noticed that our name
is not next to our stand. Could you look into it? I’m not sure where the problem lies,
with the printers, the trade fair organisers …
You: I’m sorry, but aren’t you the best person to deal with that as you’ve been in
charge of all the arrangements for that trade fair?
Paula: Well, I’m really snowed under with work at the moment so could you just
chase up what’s happened about the map?
You: Actually, Paula, this isn’t the first time you’ve asked me to pick up the pieces
when things start to go wrong, and I think you should follow this up yourself. Why
don’t you find out where the problem lies and then take it from there?
Paula: Well, OK, but I don’t know how I’m going to find time to do everything. ( she
walks away).

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2.- How to say it: Past simple vs. present perfect.

Think about it
Read the following sentences and answer what's the main difference between them?

My boss purchased new computers for the office last week.

We have had the same computers in the office for ten years.

Mostrar retroalimentación

Correct! In the first sentence the action is finished "my boss bought new equipment" and
that´s it, whereas in the second sentence the action "having the same computers" started
in the past and goes on at the present moment.

Ejercicio Resuelto
Click here to read the Spanish version.

Mostrar retroalimentación

¡Correcto! En la primera frase la acción está acabada, mi jefe compró ordenadores nuevos
y ya, mientras que en la segunda frase, la acción de "tener ordenadores" comenzó en un
punto del pasado (hace 10 años) y aún continua en el presente.

As we studied in unit number 2, we use the simple past to talk about complete
actions. Examples:
We travelled to London last week.
Mr. Parker finished the project on Monday.
When dealing with actions which began in the past and continue at the present
moment, we use the present perfect. Examples:
I have waited for my client for 30 minutes.
It's formula is the following: Subject + have/has +past participle. Example:
Mr. Parker has worked here for two years.


We use time expressions like 'yesterday', 'ago', 'last year', 'in 1999' with the past simple.

We spoke to our client in Dublin yesterday.

He got fired two years ago.
She joined the company in 1999.

We use time expressions like are 'ever', 'never', 'since' with the present perfect.

I've never seen so many people here before.

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Have you ever heard about it?

I've worked in the project since 2010.

Ejercicio Resuelto
Click here to read the Spanish version.

Mostrar retroalimentación

Tal y como estudiamos en la unidad 2, utilizamos el pasado simple para hablar de
acciones acabadas. Sin embargo, cuando hablamos de acciones que comienzan en un
punto del pasado y siguen vigentes en el presente utilizamos el Presente Perfecto. Su
fórmula es la siguiente: SUJETO+ HAVE/HAS+ PARTICIPIO PASADO.
Las expresiones temporales del tipo 'yesterday', 'ago', 'last year', 'in 1999' suelen ir con
el pasado simple mientras que 'ever', 'never' y 'since' suelen utilizarse con el presente

Think about it
These are common mistakes made when using the Present Perfect or
Simple Past:

I have written to him yesterday.

We have visited them last week.
He has died two years ago.
I have had some cookies for breakfast this morning.

Can you correct them?

Mostrar retroalimentación

I wrote to him yesterday.

We visited them last week.
He died two years ago.
I had some cookies for breakfast this morning.

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2.1.- Common present perfect time expressions.

JUST: It means a short time ago. Example: I have just talked to my boss about it.

ALREADY: It means something has happened sooner than expected. Example: I have
already handed in the project.

YET: It is used only in questions and negative sentences. It shows that the speaker is
expecting something to happen. Example: I haven't told him about the accident yet.

SINCE: It refers to a specific point in time. She has lived in Paris since 1996.

FOR: It implies a certain amount of time. I have waited for you for two hours!

HOW LONG? It's used to ask about time. How long have you worked in this company for?

Ejercicio Resuelto
Click here to read the Spanish translation.

Mostrar retroalimentación

JUST: Signfica "acabar de" Por ejemplo "acabo de hablar con mi jefe sobre éso."
ALREADY: Algo ha ocurrido antes de lo que se esperaba. Significa "ya." Por ejemplo "ya
he entregado el proyecto."
YET: Se utiliza en frases interrogativas y negativas e indica que la persona que habla está
esperando que algo ocurra. Se podría traducir por "todavía". "Todavía no le he contado
nada del accidente."
SINCE: Se refiere a un punto específico en el tiempo. Se traduce por "desde" "Ha vivido
en París desde 1996."
FOR: Implica duración y se puede traducir como "por, durante". Por ejemplo "Te he
esperado durante dos horas"
HOW LONG? Se utiliza para preguntas ¿Cuánto tiempo? "¿Cuánto tiempo llevas
trabajando en esta empresa?"

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2.2.- Now put it into practice (I).

Complete this exercise with the Present Perfect.

a. I (work) for this company for the last three years.

b. Our boss (travel) to the U.S.A many times.
c. I think you (not make) a mistake. Let's check it up!
d. The saleswoman (treat) me rudely.
e. The company (paiy) us a bonus for our efficiency.
f. Dennis (live) in New York for several months.
g. Many companies (reduce) costs in advertising.
h. Mercedes Benz ( launch) a new model of
electrical car electric car model.
i. IBM (not increase) its marketing activities in
j. I (delete) all the information by mistake.


I have worked for this company for the last three years.
Our boss has travelled to the U.S.A many times.
I think you haven't made mistake. Let’s check it up!
The saleswoman has treated me rudely.
The company has paid us a bonus for our efficiency.
Dennis has lived in New York for several months.
Many companies have reduced costs in advertising.
Mercedes Benz has launched a new model of electrical car electric car model.
IBM hasn't increased its marketing activities in Asia.
I have deleted all the information by mistake.

Put the sentences in the correct tense.
A: I Sack last week .
B: Oh, really ? I him for ages!
A: We to the cinema last Saturday.
B: Oh! Well, the film?
A: Well, I it much. I it boring.
B: What afterwards?
A: We went to a pub and met Susan there. You know, I her since school.
B: Yes, I remember her. She one of your best friends for a long time. How is she
A: She is fine. She for the British Museum for some time but finally she decided to
change her job.

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A: I saw sack last week .

B: Oh, really ? I haven't seen him for ages!
A: We went to the cinema last Saturday.
B: Oh! Well, Did you enjoy the film?
A: Well, I didn't like it much. I found it boring.
B: What did you do afterwards?
A: We went to a pub and met Susan there. You know, I have known her since school.
B: Yes, I remember her. She has been one of your best friends for a long time. How is she
A: She is fine. She worked for the British Museum for some time but finally she decided to
change her job.

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2.2.1.- Now put it into practice (II).

Fill in the gaps using How long / already / yet / since / for / just.

1. A: Can I speak to Susan, please?

B: I'm sorry she hasn't arrived .
2. A: Have you ever thought of expanding your business?
B: Well, yes. In fact, I have asked for a loan to the
3. A: have you had this Blackberry for?
B: I have had it last year.
4. A: Has she told you about her new idea?
B: Yes, she has told me about it a minute ago.
5. A: Have you been promoted?
B: No, not !
6. A: Mr. Green has worked for this company 24 years.
B: Yes, he's been here he was 34.
7. A: How about a nice drink at the pub?
B: Well, it sounds great but I haven't finished my work .


Fill in the gaps using How long / already / yet / since / for / just.

1. A: Can I speak to Susan, please?

B: I'm sorry she hasn't arrived yet.
2. A: Have you ever thought of expanding your business?
B: Well, yes. In fact, I have already asked for a loan to the bank.
3. A: How long have you had this Blackberry for?
B: I have had it since last year.
4. A: Has she already told you about her new idea?
B: Yes, she has just told me about it a minute ago.
5. A: Have you already been promoted?
B: No, not yet!
6. A: Mr. Green has worked for this company for 24 years.
B: Yes, he's been here since he was 34.
7. A: How about a nice drink at the pub?
B: Well, it sounds great but I haven't finished my work yet.

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2.3.- Revision of grammar.

A piece of advice
Why don't we revise some of the main grammar points we've seen in this unit? Take a look at the
following presentation. You might find it interesting.

Revision of grammar.

00:00 04:14
Download presentation
Text summary

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3.- Words you need: The bullying phenomenon.

In this section you will learn some useful vocabulary related to bullying.


Words related to bullying Translation

Ally. Aliado, aliada.

Bully. Matón/matona.

Bystander. Testigo, transeúnte.

Discrimination. Discriminación.

Harass. Acosar.

Hate crime. Delito motivado por discriminación.

Humiliate. Humillar.

Humiliation. Humillación.

Prejudice. Prejuicio.

Respect. Respeto.

Slur. Comentario racista, denigrante.

Stereotype. Estereotipo.

Sympathy. Compasión, lástima.

Target. Blanco, objeto de burla.

To bully. Intimidar, amenazar.

To put someone down. Humillar, rebajar a alguien.

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3.1.- Common verbs, nouns and adjectives.

Take a look at these common verbs, nouns and adjectives.

Bullying vocabulary: Common verbs, nouns and adjectives.

Common words Translation

Dolor constante, menos severo que "pain". "achaque" o "dolor continuo." (verbo y

Body's immune
Sistema inmunológico.

Health. Salud.

Hurt. "Doler", "lastimar" y "herir". (verbo).

Ill. Enfermo o enferma. (adjetivo).

Illness / Disease. Enfermedad. (sustantivo).

Dolor causado por una herida, enfermedad o problemas emocionales.


Sick. Malestar. (adjective).

Sore. (E.g: a sore

Irritación. (sustantivo / siempre con el artículo "a"). (Ejemplo dolor de garganta).

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3.2.- Effects of bullying: Common illnesses and

Take a look at the following words.

Bullying vocabulary: Common illnesses and


Illnesses and Symptoms Translation

Anxiety. Ansiedad.

Backacke. Dolor de espalda.

CFS. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). Síndrome de Fatiga Crónica.

Constant tiredness. Cansancio continuo.

Depression. Depresión.

Fatigue. Fatiga.

Irregular heart beat. Arritmias cardíacas.

Irritability. Irritabilidad.

Lack of motivation. Falta de motivación.

Loss of self-esteem. Pérdida de autoestima.

Panic attacks. Ataques de pánico.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. (PTSD). Estrés post-traumático.

Severe headaches. Dolores fuertes de cabeza.

Sleeplessness / Insomnia. Insomnio.

Stress. Estrés.

Suicidal thoughts. Pensamientos de suicidio.

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3.3.- Moods, states and feelings.

Bullying vocabulary: Moods, states and feelings.

Moods, states and


Ambitious. Ambicioso, ambiciosa.

Bad manner. Maleducado, maleducada.

Cruel / Unkind. Cruel, despiadado, despiadada.

Gifted. Con talento.

Moody. Malhumorado, cambiante.

Nostalgic. Nostálgico, nostálgica.

Relieved. Aliviado, aliviada.

Selfish. Egoísta.

Tense. Tenso, tensa.

Terrific. Genial, magnífico, magnífica.

Vanidoso, vanidosa, presuntuoso,


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3.4.- Now put it into practice (I).

Bullying may cause different illnesses and symptoms. Classify the ones mentioned above
into Physical or Psychological. You must write them in alphabetical order in the correct

Illnesses and symptoms.


. .

. .

. .

. .

. .

. .

. .


Physical: Fatigue, Backache, Chronic Fatigue Symptom, Constant tiredness, Irregular

heart beat, Severe headaches, Stress.
Psychological: Anxiety, Depression, Irritability, Lack of motivation, Loss of self-
esteem, Panic attacks, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Sleeplessness, Suicidal

What's wrong with you? Complete the exercise with the words given. Be careful, there are
more words than you need.

ache / health / hurt / ill / disease / pain / sick / sore / illness.

She can't hardly speak. She has a throat.

Alzheimer's is the most common form of senile
My back is getting worse. I'll have to go to the doctor.
He her feelings and she doesn't want to see him anymore.
He loves eating hearty meals, but afterwards, he often has
stomach .

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Mary is pregnant and she often feels in the mornings.

There are specific departments in hospitals to treat chronic .
Mental disorders are quite dangerous for our .

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3.4.1.- Now put it into practice (II).

Complete the sentences using the words from the box. Be careful there are more words
than you need!

depressed / vain / nostalgic / relieved / tense / ambitious / gifted / mature / bad /

mannered / selfish.

The new assistant is quite for his age.

You are so , you think you are the centre of the world.
It is difficult to work with her. She is always and never
If you feel , you should talk to someone you trust.
Oh, thank goodness I had saved all my work on the computer. I am
so . I thought I had lost it all.
My boss is such a rude and person. I can't stand him.
Our department will present an project to improve sales.
Patrick is a communicator who strongly believes that actions speak louder than words.

Match the words in A to their definition in B.

Matching exercise.


Bystander 1. A person who is on your side or helps you in a situation.

Sympathy 2. To threaten or try to scare someone with words or action.

Slur 3. A feeling of knowing how a person feels.

4. To deeply embarrass or ridicule someone to make him or her feel

lower as a person.

To bully 5. A combination of people of different backgrounds.

Diversity 6. A person picked on or bullied by others.

Humiliate 7. An inappropriate word of term that is to put someone down.

Ally 8. A person who witnesses an act or an event without participating.


Not difficult, was it?

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A step ahead
Click on the link below to listen to the pronunciation of the words and definitions in the previous

Bullying: Words and definitions.

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3.5.- Business idioms.

Read the idioms below, do you know the meaning of the any of them?

To be paid peanuts.
To be on the dole.
To be rolling in it.
To do some belt- tightening.
To face the music.
To be in the red.

Match the following idioms with their meaning.

Matching exercise.

Idioms Match Meaning

To be paid peanuts. 1. Reduction of expenses.

2. To admit that there's a problem; to deal with an unpleasant

To be on the dole.
situation realistically.

To be rolling in it. 3. To be paid very little money.

To do some belt- 4. A person who receives financial assistance from the

tightening. government when they are unemployed.

To face the music. 5. To be very rich.

To be in the red. 6. Losing money. Having lots of debts.


Not difficult, was it?

Do you know their equivalent into Spanish? Surf the Net and look for their translation into
Spanish. Them, try to learn then by heart! Good luck!

1. To be paid peanuts:
2. To be on the dole:
3. To be rolling in it:
4. To do some belt- tightening:
5. To face the music:
6. To be in the red:


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1. To be paid peanuts: Ganar una miseria.

2. To be on the dole: Estar en el paro, desempleado.
3. To be rolling in it: Ser rico, nadar en la abundancia.
4. To do some belt- tightening: Apretarse el cinturón.
5. To face the music: Afrontar las cosas como vienen.
6. To be in the red: Estar en números rojos.

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Appendix.- Licences of resources.

Licences of resources used in session 1. "Heading to the office!"

Resource Resource
Resource information (1) Resource information (2)
(1) (2)

By: MrSchuReads. By: Bullyinguk.

License: CC by-nc-sa 2.0. License: CC by-nc-sa 2.0.
From: From:
/litandmore/2312869091 /bullyinguk/3404568440/

By: Teresatrimm. By: Tomt6788.

License: CC by-sa 2.0. License: CC by 2.0.
From: From:
/ttrimm/5351309838/ /ttdesign/343167587/

By: Stewf. By: Aftab.

License: CC by-nc-sa 2.0. License: CC by nc.
From: From:
/stewf/82286956 /aftab/5302015421/

By: Neal. By: Koalazymonkey

License: CC by 2.0. License: CC by 2.0.
From: From:
/31878512@N06/4644606033 /koalazymonkey/3591759602/

By: Bullyinguk. By: Kid.mercury.

License: CC by-nc-sa 2.0. License: CC by 2.0.
From: From:
/bullyinguk/3404251005/ /11399277@N06/1194708460

By: La Petite Vie. By: Isakini.

License: CC by nc-sa 2.0. License: CC by-nc 2.0.
From: From:
/megjohn/4825800012/ /isakini/2874255635

By: Chez Andre1. By: twicepix.

License: CC by-nc-sa 2.0. License: CC by-sa 2.0.
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THE TASK AT HAND. Sesion02.- Bullying at work. http://localhost:51235/temp_print_dirs/eXeTempPrintDir_OGVjOE/ING0...

THE TASK AT HAND. Sesion02.- Bullying at work.

Caso práctico

Read the text and listen to the situation.

00:00 01:09

The girls continue doing some research on the task Mr. Parker asked them
to do. So far, they have read a lot about negative phenomena at work like
bullying, possible illnesses etc. and now they have decided to move on to
possible ways of solving problems and create a positive atmosphere.

Lourdes: Hey Susana, how are you doing? Lourdes pops into Susana's desk.
Susana: Ugh! This is really tiring! I never imagined that reading articles in English would be
so complicated!
Lourdes: I know! But it's normal, English is not our mother tongue after all. Did you find
Susana: Well, I've got some interesting ideas about how to create a positive work
environment; According to experts, the most important thing is that all members feel part of
a team and they treat each other with respect.
Lourdes: Yes, that's a key point! I've just found an article about that. Do you want to read
it? It's quite interesting!
Susana: Sure! Thank you, I'll take a look at it.
Lourdes: Here you are, I'll go back to my seat. I don't want to have any problems with Mr.
Parker. See you later! (Lourdes whispers).
Susana: Yes, you'd better go back to your place!. See you!

Think about it
Write in the forum.

What are in your opinion the main reasons of having a negative environment at work?
What would you do to change it?
Have you ever worked under these conditions? What happened?
If you haven't experienced anything of the kind, tell about a friend's or a relative's

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1.- What to say: Doing some research.

Citas Para Pensar

"When people go to work, they shouldn't have to leave their hearts at home.”

Betty Bender

Caso práctico

Susana takes Lourdes article and starts reading it:

"Looking for the perfect environment."

Susana: Ummm, it seems quite interesting! (Susana says

excitedly). "It's almost lunch time but I think I'll be able to finish it
before break time. Let's see... We have all worked...

(A few minutes later)

Lourdes: Lunch time! (Lourdes says excitedly) I'm so hungry! I never imagined that I would be
able to have lunch at 12 a.m! Susana: I know! before coming here it sounded weird to me, but
once you're here it sounds even natural! Lourdes: Especially when you had breakfast at 6 a.m. in
the morning!! Did you finish reading the article? Susana: Yes, I think it can be very useful, I even
underlined a few ideas but let's go to the canteen, I'm starving!!!

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1.1.- Looking for the perfect environment.

We have all worked in places where we grew to dread getting up in the

morning, and a few of us have had the pleasure of working for a boss who
makes us feel like we can do anything. Let's take a look at the main differences
between working in a positive and a negative work environment.

On the one hand, negative work environments are usually ruled by an

unfriendly and critical boss. People don't get much performance feedback, there
is high employee turnover, and people watch the clock constantly.

However, in a positive work environment, the boss demonstrates interest in the employees; He or she has an
encouraging attitude, and the employees like working there. So, what is the secret?

According to experts, creating a positive work environment is based on four key skills:

1. Tell people what you expect of them. It is very important that everyone knows what his/her task
consists in so that all employees know what their responsibilities are.
2. Show interest in your team members. Look everyone in the eye and use proper names. Ask
colleagues about their opinion and always smile to them. Doing the opposite discourages productivity
because it makes people feel angry, less confident, and stripped off self-esteem.
3. Create an encouraging environment where your ideas are valued, creativity is encouraged and new
ideas are rewarded. It is proved that when we feel appreciated at the work place, we feel like part of the
team and our performance is better.
4. Recognize and reward good performance. Praise your employees and workers and encourage
them to continue producing such good work. This increases the chances that the person will repeat the
desirable behaviour.

It is proved that creating such an environment results in benefits to managers and business owners. There is
less turnover, less sabotage, greater loyalty and higher productivity. So, what are you waiting for? Follow these
tips and you'll create the atmosphere you always longed for.

Read the previous article again and answer these questions:

In a negative work environment....
workers come and go constantly.
workers are really stressed out.
the boss is always angry. Sorry!


Oops, are you sure you understood the text?

Try again!


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1. Opción correcta
2. Incorrecto
3. Incorrecto

For a working environment to be successful …

all employees must be happy.
all employees should know what their boss expects of them.
all employees should do their best at work.



Read the text again!


1. Incorrecto
2. Opción correcta
3. Incorrecto

When showing interest in your team members, be careful not to...

look your colleagues too directly in the eye.
ignore anyone.
praise their work too much.

Are you sure you understood the text?




1. Incorrecto
2. Opción correcta
3. Incorrecto

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1.2.- Tact and diplomacy.

Tact and diplomacy are quite important when interacting with people. The
English language lends itself to being tactful and diplomatic and speakers of
English are generally far less direct than speakers of other languages like for
example speakers of German. How do we do this? We achieve this not only
through our tone of voice, but also our choice of language. Here are some ways
in which we make our utterances more diplomatic:

Making language more diplomatic.

1. Use would, could or might to make what you say more tentative.
For example:

That would be too long a delay.

That does not meet our specifications.
That might not meet our specifications.
You must visit our London office.
You could visit our London office.

2. Questions rather than statements make your views less dogmatic.

For example:

It's a good idea to check with head office.

Is it a good idea to check with head office first?
The risk involved in this is far too serious.
Would the risk be too serious?
He's not the right person for the job.
Is he the right person for the job?

3. Introductory ' softening' phrases prepare your listeners for an unwelcome or unhelpful message.
"I'm afraid" …
"Frankly" ...
"With respect" ...
"To be honest" ...
"To put it bluntly" ...
"If I may say so" ...


A. Could I speak to John, please?

B. I'm afraid he's out of the office.

4. Use qualifying words to soften what you say.

"A slight" misunderstanding.
"A bit of a problem".
"A short" delay.

5. Soften your message by using a comparative form:

Would Tuesday be a better day to meet?
Would the afternoon be more convenient?
Option C might be more cost-effective.

Ejercicio Resuelto
Click here to read the Spanish version.

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Mostrar retroalimentación

El tacto y la diplomacia son muy importantes cuando nos relacionamos con la gente. La
lengua inglesa lleva implícita ese tacto del que otras lenguas como por ejemplo el alemán
carecen, ya que se trata de un idioma menos directo. ¿Pero cómo logramos esto? Pues
muy sencillo, no sólo a través de nuestro tono de voz sino también a través del registro
que elijamos. A continuación te proponemos algunas fórmulas:

1. Utiliza verbos modales como “would, could o might” para no ser tan asertivo.
2. Preguntar en lugar de afirmar hace que tus ideas parezcan menos dogmáticas.
3. Utilizar ciertas expresiones comodín te ayudarán a preparar a tu interlocutor ante
malas noticias.
4. Utiliza cuantificadores para suavizar lo que vas a decir.
5. Suaviza la información utilizando la forma comparativa.

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1.3.- Now put it into practice.

What would you write instead? Rewrite these sentences in a more tactful and diplomatic
style suitable to business correspondence.

1. My report is going to be late.

2. I am not willing to give you more time to complete the project.

3. You still owe us 5,000 euros.

4. This information is wrong.

5. We want an immediate answer to this email.

6. I cannot accept your invitation because I'm already busy that day.

7. We can't give you the information because we don't know.

8. Can you tell us when did you send the brochure?


1. My report is going to be late. I regret that my report will be delayed.

2. I am not willing to give you more time to complete the project. Regrettably/I’m afraid I
am unable to extend the deadline.
3. You still owe us 5,000 euros. I’m afraid there might have been a misunderstanding.
There is still 5,000 euros outstanding on the account.
4. This information is wrong. Could there possibly be a mistake in the information you
sent us?
5. We want an immediate answer to this email. We would appreciate a fast response to
our email.
6. I cannot accept your invitation because I’m already busy that day. I’m afraid I am
unable to accept your kind invitation as I have a prior engagement.
7. We can’t give you the information because we don’t know. I’m afraid there will a
slight delay in getting the information to you.
8. Can you tell us when did you send the brochure? Would you be kind enough to
inform us when you sent the brochure?

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Think about it
Change the tone of this email to make it both more diplomatic and more formal.

Dear Mr. Oldman

We are changing the date of the meeting from Tuesday 2nd August to Thursday 4thAugust. This
is because the new chairman wants to meet you and he is only free onthat day. So ignore the fax
I sent you yesterday telling you the meeting was onTuesday. I know you're actually going on
holiday on Thursday but you'll just haveto put it off. Sorry about that.

Frances Alerma.

Mostrar retroalimentación

Dear Mr. Oldman

We regret that we will have to move the date of our meeting from Tuesday August 2 to
Thursday August 4. This late change in our appointment is due to the fact that our new
CEO would like to take the opportunity to meet you too and he is only available on that
day. Whilst we are fully aware that you had planned to go on holiday on Thursday, we
would be very grateful if you could make alternative arrangements. We realise that will
most likely cause you some inconvenience and are very grateful for your understanding.
Thank you very much for your flexibility and we look forward to seeing you.Yours sincerely,
Frances Alerma.

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2.- How to say it: Comparatives and superlatives.

Think about it
Read the following sentences carefully. What is the difference
between them?

My boss is more demanding than Sally's.

My boss is the most demanding in the world!

Mostrar retroalimentación

Great! As you may have noticed, in the first sentence I'm trying to compare my boss to
yours, whereas in the second one my boss cannot be compared with any one, he is the
most demanding that I know.

Ejercicio Resuelto
Click here to read the Spanish version.

Mostrar retroalimentación

¡Genial! Como habrás observado, en la primera frase estoy comparando a mi jefe con el
de Sally mientras que en la segunda frase mi jefe no puede compararse a nadie más
porque él es el más exigente del mundo.

We use comparatives and superlatives to compare two or more nouns, people, things etc. Let's take a look at
its form:

1. One-syllable adjectives.
To form the comparative, we add -er to the end of the adjective.
To form the superlative, we add -est to the end of the adjective.
Comparatives and superlatives

Adjective Comparative Superlative

small smaller the smallest

cold colder the coldest

light lighter the lightest

short shorter the shortest

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Remember that comparatives are often followed by than.

London is bigger than Santiago.

Mike is taller than John but James is the tallest.

2. Two-syllable adjectives ending in -Y.

To form the comparative, we remove the -y and add -ier to the end of the adjective.
To form the superlative, we remove the -y and add -iest to the end of the adjective.
-Y comparatives and

Adjective Comparative Superlative

crazy crazier the craziest

happy happier the happiest

early earlier the earliest

It was the happiest day of my life.
My joke was funnier than your one.

3. Adjectives with two or more syllables.

For adjectives with 2 syllables (that don't end in -y) and higher (3, 4 syllables etc), we use

more for comparatives.

the most for superlatives.
Two or more syllables comparatives and

Adjective Comparative Superlative

handsome more handsome the most handsome

nervous more nervous the most nervous

enthusiastic more enthusiastic the most enthusiastic

My girlfriend is more beautiful than yours.
Alex is more intelligent than you but I am the most intelligent.

Be careful! There are some irregular forms.

Irregular comparatives and


Adjective Comparative Superlative

good better the best

bad worse the worst

far further / farther the furthest / farthest

I am a better tennis player than you but Marcelo is the best.
Steve is a worse liar than me but Adrian is the worst.

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Ejercicio Resuelto
Click here to read the Spanish translation.

Mostrar retroalimentación

Utilizamos los comparativos y superlativos para establecer

una comparación entre personas, cosas, etc. Se forman de
la siguiente manera:

Los adjetivos de una sílaba:

Añaden “-er” al adjetivo para formar el
comparativo. Ejemplo: My boss is taller than yours.
Añaden “-est” al adjetivo para formar el
superlativo. Ejemplo: My boss is the tallest!
Los adjetivos de 2 sílabas que acaban en -y :
Forman el comparativo quitando la “y” y añadiendo “-ier”a la terminación del
adjetivo: “I´m happier than my sister.”
Forman el comparativo quitando la “y” y añadiendo “-iest” a la terminación del
adjetivo. “I´m the happiest!”
Los adjetivos de 2 o más sílabas:
Añaden “more” +el adjectivo para formar el comparativo.He is more handsome
than Paul.
Añaden “the most” + adjectivo para formar el superlativo. He is the most
handsome in the office!

Cuidado, porque hay alguna formas irregulares que tienes que aprenderte de memoria:
Comparativos y superlativos

Adjetivo Comparativo Superlativo

good better the best

bad worse the worst

far further / farther the furthest / farthest

A step ahead
If you want to have fun, click on the icon below and play to the Comparatives and Superlatives

Comparatives and Superlatives Game

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2.1.- Now put it into practice (I).

Complete the following sentences using the comparative and superlative form of the verb
in brackets:

1. This computer is (new) than your computer.

2. Lisa is (old) than George.
3. George is (young) than Lisa.
4. Lucy is (young) in the class.
5. That car is (expensive) than this car.
6. That car is (expensive) in the market.
7. Your car is (fast) than this car.
8. Your car is (fast) in the race.
9. This house is (big) than my house!
10. This house is (big) in the neighbourhood.


1. This computer is newer than your computer.

2. Lisa is older than George.
3. George is younger than Lisa.
4. Lucy is the youngest in the class.
5. That car is more expensive than this car.
6. That car is the most expensive) in the market.
7. Your car is faster than this car.
8. Your car is the fastest in the race.
9. This house is bigger than my house!
10. This house is biggest in the neighbourhood.

Think about it
Compare and contrast these pictures using comparatives and superlatives. Use the adjectives
below to help you:

tall / handsome / ugly / rich / attractive / funny


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Mostrar retroalimentación

1. Pau Gasol is taller than Mr. Bean. Pau Gasol is the tallest.
2. Brad Pitt is more handsome than Mr. Bean. Brad Pitt is the most handsome.
3. Mr. Bean is uglier than Pau Gasol. Mr. Bean is the ugliest.
4. Brad Pitt is richer than Mr. Bean. Brad Pitt is the richest.
5. Gasol is more attractive than Mr. Bean. Brad Pitt is the most attractive.
6. Mr. Bean is funnier than Gasol. Mr. Bean is the funniest.

Complete the following chart.

Comparatives and Superlatives chart

Adjective Comparative Superlative


Cheaper than

The best


The most expensive



Complete the following chart

Adjective Comparative Superlative

Ugly. Uglier than. The ugliest.

Cheap. Cheaper than. The cheapest.

Good. Better than. The best.

Pretty. Prettier than. The prettiest.

Expensive. More expensive than. The most expensive.

Witty. Wittier than. The wittiest.

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Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative).

1. My house is (big) than yours.

2. This flower is (beautiful) than that one.
3. This is the (interesting) book I have ever read.
4. Non-smokers usually live (long) than smokers.
5. Which is the (dangerous) animal in the world?
6. A holiday by the sea is (good) than a holiday in the mountains.
7. It is strange but often a coke is (expensive) than a beer.
8. Who is the (rich) woman on earth?
9. The weather this summer is even (bad) than last summer.
10. He was the (clever) thief of all.


1. My house is bigger than yours.

2. This flower is more beautiful than that one.
3. This is the most interesting book I have ever read.
4. Non-smokers usually live longer than smokers.
5. Which is the most dangerous animal in the world?
6. A holiday by the sea is better than a holiday in the mountains.
7. It is strange but often a coke is more expensive than a beer.
8. Who is the richer woman on earth?
9. The weather this summer is even worse than last summer.
10. He was the most clever thief of all.

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2.1.1.- Now put it into practice (II).

Now it's your turn

Eddie wants to go on holiday. Listen to his conversation in which Christina

helps Eddie to choose his vacations and learn a little bit more about
comparatives and superlatives.

Watch the video and try to understand the conversation, read the transcript
only after that.

Have fun!

Eddie wants to go on vacation

Learn English 32 - Plannin…

Text summary

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2.2.- Pronunciation: Minimal pairs.

According to Wikipedia, minimal pairs are in phonology “pairs of

words or phrases in a particular language, which differ in only one
phonological element, and have a distinct meaning”. Some examples
are “bat” and “but”, “let” and “lit”, “pen” and “pan” and tons of

Minimal Pairs are specially difficult for foreign students of a language and from time to time, they
may even cause laughter and embarrassing situations. As we have stated from the very beginning
of this course, pronunciation is of vital importance if we want to make us be understood and that's
why we should take minimal pairs seriously. Let's take a look at some of them:

Ejercicio Resuelto
Click here to read the Spanish translation.

Mostrar retroalimentación

Según Wikipedia, “minimal pairs” son en fonología parejas de palabras de una misma
lengua que difieren entre sí en un sólo elemento fonológico y que poseen distinto
significado. Algunos ejemplos son “bat” y “but”, “let” y “lit” etc.
Las “Minimal Pairs” son especialmente difíciles para alumnos extranjeros, y de vez en
cuando, pueden incluso ocasionar situaciones graciosas o incluso embarazosas. Como
venimos diciendo desde el comienzo de este curso, la pronunciación es de vital
importancia para hacernos entender y por ello debemos tomar las “minimal pairs” en
serio. Veamos algunas de ellas.

You should know

Watch this video about minimal pairs and repeat what you hear. Play it as many times as you
need so that you become familiar with these sounds. Good luck!.

Minimal Pairs.

Text summary

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Click on the link below and practice some more minimal pairs. Listen to the sound and then,
repeat the words as you hear them. Have fun!

Practising Minimal Pairs.

English Lesson - Pronunci…

Text summary

A step ahead

Although Lourdes and Susana are learning British English in

London, you should be aware that there are other English accents
equally acceptable. This is the case for example of American

Click here to practice some minimal pairs with an American

pronunciation. Enjoy it!

Minimal Pair Practice and Quiz (Text summary)

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3.- Words you need: Writing formal emails.

If you're used to using email to catch up with friends, writing a formal email
might feel pretty foreign to you. It's not quite the same as writing a business
letter, but it's definitely a huge step in that direction. Clarity, conciseness and
being correct are the keys!

Writing formal emails may have lots of advantages compared to regular letters:

It reduces telephone interruptions.

It breaks down distance/time barriers.
It shortens cycle of written communication.
It improves productivity e.g., meeting planning and preparation.
It allows people to work from any location with a computer.

However, there are also distinct traps you can fall into if you don't observe some simple rules. As with
letters or faxes, emails can be misinterpreted since there is no body language or voice tone to enable the
reader to pick up clues. The easiest way to check if your email is appropriate or not is to ask yourself how
you would feel if you received it.

To write down a successful formal email follow these steps:

1. Use a neutral email address. Your email address should be a variation of your real name, not
a username or nickname. Use periods, hyphens, or underscores to secure an email
address that's just your name, without extra numbers or letters, if you can.
2. Use a proper salutation. Addressing the recipient by name is preferred. Use the person's
title (Mr. Mrs. Ms. or Dr.) with their last name, followed by a comma or a colon. Optionally, you
can precede the salutation with "Dear..." (but "Hello..." is acceptable as well).If you don't know
the name of the person you're writing to (but you really should try and find one) use " To
whom it may concern".
3. Introduce yourself in the first paragraph. Also include why you're writing, and how you
found that person's email address, or the opportunity you're writing about.
E.g. "My name is Alan Parker. I'm contacting you to apply for the administrative assistant
position listed on"

4. Write the actual message. Be sure to get your point across and do not ramble on
5. ! Be direct and to the point, otherwise the reader may glance over the important details.
6. The email should be no more than 5 paragraphs long, and each paragraph should be no more
than 5 sentences long. Insert a line break between each paragraph (indenting isn't necessary).
7. Use the correct form of  leaving-taking.
Yours sincerely,
Yours cordially,

8. Sign with your full name. If you have a job title, include that in the line after your name, and
write the company name or website in the line after that. If you do not have a job title but you
have your own blog or website related to the content of the email, include a link to that below
your name.
9. Come up with a brief and descriptive subject. E.g. Enquiry regarding sales position, request
for volunteer application
10. Double-check your message to make sure that you have contained everything that
you need in your message. Read your email out loud. Ask someone to proof-read the
email for you as well.

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A step ahead
How to write a formal email.

Text summary

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3.1.- Now put it into practice.

Read these Dos and Don'ts when writing formal emails and say if they are True or False.
Then, correct the false ones.

The subject line should be clear and concise. It should not contain negative words or


Well done! The subject line should be clear and concise. It should not contain negative
words or expressions.

Not really! The subject line should be clear and concise. It should not contain negative
words or expressions.


1. Opción correcta
2. Incorrecto

Always begin your email with a friendly greeting.



Well done! Always begin your email with a friendly greeting.

Not really! Always begin your email with a friendly greeting.

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1. Opción correcta
2. Incorrecto

No matter if you include acronyms and abbreviations in your email, but use them properly
so that they can be misunderstood and misinterpreted as being rude or demanding.



Not really! Don't pepper your email with abbreviations and acronyms – they can be
misunderstood and misinterpreted as being rude or demanding.

Well done! Don't pepper your email with abbreviations and acronyms – they can be
misunderstood and misinterpreted as being rude or demanding.


1. Incorrecto
2. Opción correcta

You don't need to pay a lot of attention to your spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Writing
an email is not like writing a formal letter.



Not really! Pay attention to your spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Writing an email full of
mistakes reduces your credibility with your reader.

Well done! Pay attention to your spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Writing an email full of
mistakes reduces your credibility with your reader.

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1. Incorrecto
2. Opción correcta

You should always sign off in a friendly way, but try not to end on a positive note. Be formal.



Not really! You should always sign off in a friendly way and try to end on a positive note.

Well done! You should always sign off in a friendly way and try to end on a positive note.


1. Incorrecto
2. Opción correcta

Make sure that your reader knows what you expect them to do in response to your email.
Convey your message clearly and concisely.



Well done! General lack of clarity. Make sure that your reader knows what you expect them
to do in response to your email. Convey your message clearly and concisely.

Not really! General lack of clarity. Make sure that your reader knows what you expect them
to do in response to your email. Convey your message clearly and concisely.


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1. Opción correcta
2. Incorrecto

Now it's your turn

Click on the link below and practice formal email writing.

Formal Email Writing.

Have you ever heard about “snail mail” or “smail”?

Traditionally, postal mail is really slow compared for example to emails. That is why today, people
usually refer to postal mail as “snail mail” named after the snail, animal famous for its slow speed.

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3.2.- How to write a fax cover sheet.

Fax cover sheets are essential when sending faxes. They help to ensure that the fax
gets to the correct person and inform the receiver who sent the fax. Fax cover sheets
also give the sender an opportunity to provide additional information about what is
being faxed. Writing and setting up a fax cover sheet is simple. Once it is set up, you
can re-use it over and over. All you'll need to do is filling in the correct recipient
information each time.

Fax cover sheets should be treated like business documents and written accordingly. A
cover sheet should be organized and include instructions for the recipient.


When writing a fax cover sheet, use clean white paper and black ink. Dark-coloured paper or light-coloured ink
will not transmit well through fax and does not appear professional. Cover sheets should be typed
whenever possible. A printed template with blank fields filled in by hand is acceptable but appears less
professional than a typed cover sheet. Cover sheets should only be written by hand if the fax is informal and
not intended for a business recipient.

To write a successful fax cover sheet follow these instructions:

1. Add a letterhead to the top of the fax cover sheet. The letterhead can be for a company or
an individual. The letterhead should include the company or individual's name, address,
telephone number, fax number and email address.
2. List the date a couple of lines down from the letterhead.
3. Write "Company Name," followed by a colon. Below, write in the name of the company where
you are sending the fax.
4. Write "To" and then a colon. A couple of lines down, fill in the name of the person who should
receive the fax.
5. On the next line, write "From" and a colon. List the sender's name.
6. Write "Recipient's fax number" and then a colon. Fill in this line with the correct fax number
where you are sending the fax.
7. Write "Number of pages of the fax including the fax cover sheet," followed by a colon. Count
the number of pages that you are faxing and add one for the fax cover sheet. Enter this
number on this line. This helps the recipient make sure that a page is not missing.
8. Write "Notes" and then a colon. Enter any additional information that is needed.

A step ahead
Do you know were the word “fax” comes from? Click on the following link and learn about it.

Fax History.

According to Wikipedia, the word "Fax" comes from facsimile"and this other term from Latin
"facsimile" meaning "made alike". Fax started to be used in the 19th century, though modern fax
machines became feasible only in the mid-1970s as the sophistication of technology increased.

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3.3.- Now put it into practice.

Mr. Parker asks Lourdes to write down a fax cover sheet for Mr.
Faulkner, manager director at London Thames Gateway
Development Corporation.
Fill in the fax cover sheet below with the following information. Be
careful, there is some information you don't need to include.


Post Address: London Thames Gateway Development Corporation. 9th Floor.
South Quay Plaza 3. 189 Marsh Wall.London E14 9SH.
Notes: We need these items ASAP! Please contact us immediately if there is any
back order or delay in shipping.
Thanks, Alan Parker.
Recipient: Mr. Steve Faulkner.
Tel: 020 7517 4730
Date: August 26th, 2021
Number of pages: 3

Company Name:

Long description

To: .
From: .
Recipient's Fax number:
Number of pages of the fax including the fax cover sheet:


26th August, 2021.

Company Name: London Thames Gateway
Development Corporation.
To: Mr. Steve Faulkner.
From: Alan Parker.
Recipient's Fax number: 020 7517 4730
Number of pages of the fax including the fax cover
sheet: 3 Long description

Notes: We need these items ASAP! Please contact us immediately if there is any

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back order or delay in shipping. Thanks, Alan Parker.

A step ahead
If you want to take a look at different fax cover sheets samples click on the link below.

Fax Cover Sheets.

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3.4.- Business idioms.

Think about it
Read the idioms below, do you know the meaning of the any of them?

To break your back.

Mum's the word.
The customer is always right.
Nothing ventured, Nothing gained.
To be a yes man.
Business is business.

Match the following idioms with their meaning.

Matching exercise

Idioms Match Meaning

1. An employee who always agrees with the boss or does

To break your back.
whatever the boss says.

Nothing ventured, 2. People who serve the customers must keep them always
nothing gained satisfied and happy.

3. If you work extremely hard, or put a lot of effort into

Mum's the word.
achieving something, you break your back to do it.

4. This expression means that you cannot expect to achieve

To be a yes man.
anything if you risk nothing.

The customer is 5. This expressions means to keep quiet and not to tell
always right. anyone.

6. This is a way of saying that in financial and commercial

Business is
matters, friendship or personal feelings don't have any

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Not difficult, was it?

Do you know their equivalent into Spanish? Surf the Net and look for their translation into
Spanish. Them, try to learn then by heart! Good luck!

1. To break your back:

2. Mum's the word:
3. The customer is always right:
4. Nothing ventured, nothing gained:
5. To be a yes man:
6. Business is business:


1. To break your back: Partirse el lomo.

2. Mum's the word: Cerrar el pico.
3. The customer is always right: El cliente siempre tiene la razón.
4. Nothing ventured, nothing gained: El que no arriesga, no gana.
5. To be a yes man: Ser un perro faldero.
6. Business is business: Amigos, amigos y negocios aparte.

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Appendix.- Licences of resources.

Licences of resources used in session 2. "Bullying at work".

Resource Resource
Resource information (1) Resource information (2)
(1) (2)

By: Hufse By: Lord Ferguson.

License: CC by-nc 2.0. License: CC by sa 2.0.
From: From:
/hufse/5749930/ /lordferguson/4251534302/

By: Orange smell. By: @Doug88888.

License: CC by-nc-sa 2.0. License: CC by-nc 2.0.
From: From:
/orangesmell/107501420/ /doug88888/4544745031/

By: Capture Queen TM. By: Ewanjudecolinchristian.

License: CC by 2.0. License: CC by 2.0.
From: From:
/uaeincredible/231011361/ /chopiana/3212452083/

By: Occipita. By: Keith Allison.

License: CC by-nc 2.0. License: CC by-sa 2.0.
From: From:
/occipita/432375695/ /keithallison/5262226235

By: Tom Henderson. By: Calsidyrose.

License: CC by-nc-sa 2.0. License: CC by 2.0.
From: From:
/tom_henderson/14631695/ /calsidyrose/5717134392

By: Gmahender. By: Sean MacEntee.

License: CC by 2.0. License: CC by-2.0.
From: From:
/gmahender/3980964343 /smemon/5167671844/

By: Utnapistim. By: Jah~.

License: CC by-nc 2.0. License: CC by nc 2.0.
From: From:
/utnapistim/73429019/ /jahdakinebrah/4309581689/

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THE TASK AT HAND. Session 3.- Don you want a


Caso práctico
Read the text and listen to the situation.

00:00 02:00

Lourdes and Susana are having lunch at the canteen with the rest of the employees. Although
the girls miss their mummies' delicious meals, having a sandwich and a piece of fruit isn't that
bad! While they are eating their sandwiches, Susan Smith and Pauline Johnson from the Finance
Department sit down at the table, right behind them. They look really sad and although Pauline
tries to pretend she is OK, she suddenly bursts into tears.

Susana: Oh no Lourdes, don't look behind you but I think that Pauline is crying! (Susana

Lourdes: Why?

Susana: I don't know but she seems quite unhappy.

Lourdes: Oh, I hope it's nothing serious. She's a very nice person.

Narrator: Although listening to other people's conversations isn't correct in any culture, our
friends try to eavesdrop on Susan and Pauline's conversation. Contrary to most people, the
girls don't want to gossip, but rather, help a colleague. Ten minutes later, Pauline leaves the
canteen in tears and Susan runs after her.

Susana: Did you hear that? Somebody is harassing her! (She whispers).

Lourdes: Oh no! She's such a nice person! Lourdes answers

worriedly. Did you understand anything else?

Susana: Not much! Only that someone is harassing her and she
doesn't know what to do to make him stop.

Lourdes: That's awful! I wish we could help her!

Susana: Yeah! But what could we do? We are just student-

workers here!

Lourdes: I've got good idea! Maybe we could talk about it in our task for Mr. Parker! If the
company is aware of the problem, the bosses will take the matter more seriously.

Susana: Hey that would be great! Are you done with your lunch?

Lourdes: Yes, I was starving!

Susana: OK, so let's go back to the office! I have an idea. (she says excitedly).

Think about it

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Give your opinion in the forum.

What would you do if you were Lourdes or Susana?

Do you think it is correct to listen to somebody else's conversation?

What would you do to help Pauline Johnson?

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1.- What to say: Being harassed.

Citas Para Pensar

Being good is commendable, but only when it is combined with doing good it is

Unknown Author.

Caso práctico

The girls go back to the office and surf the Net to find a little bit
more about harassment at the office.

Susana: Lourdes, look! according to the Equal Employment

Opportunity Commission, from 2008 to 2021, the percentage of
sexual harassment at the workplace in the UK has doubled from 8
percent to 16 percent!

Lourdes: Wow! that's quite a lot! Does it say anything about the reason?

Susana: Not really! Only that today people are more likely to denounce than previous years.

Lourdes: Yeah, that's right! Before, people used to have more prejudices. Oh. Look at this! This
article is about how to report unacceptable behaviour when someone is harassing you, it seems
quite interesting, I'll take a look at it and see if there's something we can use for our report.

Susana: OK! I'll keep on looking at some figures. I'll see you later (she goes back to her desk).

Lourdes: Alright! See you!

Think about it
Write in the forum.

Have you ever heard about anyone being harassed around you? What happened? Did he or
she denounce the harasser at the end?
If not, surf the Net for a famous scandal related to this topic, then, tell your classmates
about it.

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1.1.- Reporting unacceptable behaviour.

Unacceptable behaviour can take many forms: bullying, sexual
harassment, sexual or racial discrimination, to mention but a few. It can
make an employee's life a misery, lead to stress-related illnesses, and
affect their performance and damage careers. The following guidelines
are useful when an employee is experiencing unacceptable behaviour.

If someone harasses you, try to tell him/her that you do not like their
behaviour and that you want them to stop. You might want to ask one of
your colleagues, or your union representative – someone you feel you
can trust – to accompany you to give you moral support. If necessary,
they could also act as a witness. If you feel you can't face the harasser, you might prefer to write to them to
explain that their behaviour is upsetting you and to ask them to stop. Let them know that you will take the
matter further if they carry on. It's useful to keep a copy of the letter.

Note down all the behaviour that offends you in a diary. Record the date, time, and place, and the names of any
other people who are there. This will help you to remember details if you decide to make a complaint.

If the harassment is affecting your health, for example, causing symptoms of stress or depression, go to see
your doctor.

The next step would be to report the harassment to your employer. You could go to your HR department (if
there is one) and ask what your company's procedures are for reporting a grievance. Alternatively, go to
your union representative (if there is one). Make a record of the date you complained about the harassment,
who you spoke to, what was said, and what action was agreed on. This will be important if you decide later
that you want to go to an employment tribunal.

Whoever you report to should make certain that your complaint is investigated and that something is done
about it.
Text adapted from English for Personal Assistants by Annie Broadhead and Ginni Light.

Find words or phrases in the guidelines above which mean:

Matching exercise

Statements Match Phrases

To make someone unhappy or anxious by causing them problems. 1. Witness.

An organisation of workers from a particular profession which

2. To offend.
represents and protects the rights of the workers.

Approval and encouragement. 3. Symptoms.

A person who sees an event happening, especially a crime or

4. Grievance.

To upset or hurt someone's feelings. 5. Union.

Signs of illness or physical or mental changes which are caused by

6. Tribunal.
a disease.

Complaint or strong feeling that you have been treated unfairly. 7. To harass.

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8. Moral
Special court dealing with problems to do with work.


In line seven of the previous text, it is suggested that a letter could be written to a harasser if
speaking to them is difficult. Complete the letter below with suitable phrases from the box.

constitute / does / direct / directly / find / making / nature / point / such / take

Dear Mr. Ford

I am writing to out to you that I one aspect of your behaviour towards me
unacceptable; that is, the comments of a sexual which you towards me. For
example, yesterday afternoon, when I was picking up a piece of paper from the floor, you said:
"couldn't you do that again, I love a bit of leg." I find comments as these very upsetting
and I believe they sexual harassment. I am asking you to stop such
comments either to me or indirectly about me.
If this behaviour continue, I will have no alternative but to the matter further.
Yours sincerely.
Pauline Johnson.

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1.2.- How to talk to a harasser.

When talking to a harasser, always use strong body language. Look at the
harasser in the eyes; speak in a strong, clear voice. Using your voice, facial
expressions, and body language together, without mixed signals, show
assertiveness and strength.

Do not apologize, make an excuse, or ask a question. You do not need to say
sorry for how you feel or what you want. Be firm. Instead of saying, 'Excuse
me…' 'I'm sorry, but…' or 'Please…', say directly, 'Stop doing X.'

Ideas for what you can say to a harasser:

Name the behaviour and state that it is wrong. For example say, "Do not
whistle at me, that is harassment," or "Do not touch my butt, that is sexual harassment."
Tell them exactly what you want. Say, for example, "move away from me," "stop touching me," or "stop
standing over me."
Use statements, not questions if you tell them to leave you alone. For example, say, "Leave me alone,"
not "Would you please leave me alone?"
Make an all-purpose anti-harassment statement, such as: "Stop harassing women. I don't like it. No one
likes it. Show some respect." Speak it in a neutral but assertive tone.
Tell the harasser what the problem is; state the effect.; and what you want. Here is an example: "When
you make kissing noises at me it makes me feel uncomfortable. I want you to say, 'Hello, madam,' from
now on if you want to talk to me."
Identify the perpetrator: "Man in the yellow shirt, stop touching me." (This is especially useful if you
and the harasser are together somewhere with other people around)

Unfortunately, talking directly to the harasser may not be enough, in that case you should report it to your
manager. A company may have a complaints report form that will guide you through what you have to note
down when reporting your grievance. Generally, this will ask you to detail:

Who the harasser is.

What happened and when.
How this has affected you.
Who witnessed it.

What steps you have taken to have this behaviour stopped If your company does not have such a form, you
could write a report using those same headings. This makes sure the report keeps to the facts. It is inadvisable
to show emotion.
Text adapted from English for Personal Assistants by Annie Broadhead and Ginni Light.

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1.3.- Now put it into practice.

Read the previous text again and answer these questions:

When talking to a harasser...

you should look self-confident, don't mumble, and talk to him firmly.

you should raise your voice so that everyone will know he is bothering you.

you should be firm but ask him politely to go.


Oops, are you sure you understood the text?

Sorry! Try again!


1. Opción correcta
2. Incorrecto
3. Incorrecto

When telling the harasser to go away …

you shouldn't address him too directly.

you should tell him exactly what you want, use statements not questions .

ask someone to help you.


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Read the text again!


1. Incorrecto
2. Opción correcta
3. Incorrecto

If facing the harasser is not enough,...

look for a witness to help you.

report to your manager.

call the police.

Are you sure you understood the text?


Sorry, think again!


1. Incorrecto
2. Opción correcta
3. Incorrecto


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Imagine your best friend (Sally Oak) is having problems at work. Mr. Stintson, her boss at the
Finance Department, is the whole day making male chauvinistic comments about her being a
blonde woman. Mr. Smith, the accountant has witnessed many of these uncomfortable
situations. Help her fill in this report.
Date: 26th September 2011
Name of person reporting harassment:
Name of person complained about:
Nature of harassment
Details of incident: Date: 24th September 2011 Time: 12.30 p.m. Place:

What happened? started to make very comments about

me being a . He told me I shouldn't be working for him since being a
my was empty. He also I was that he
could find me a more . He tried to me and I from the
office as fast as
Who witnessed the incident?

Department:Finance Department.
Date: 26th September 2011
Name of person reporting harassment: Sally Oak.
Name of person complained about: Mr. Stintson.
Nature of harassment Sexual harassment.
Details of incident: Date: 24th September 2011 Time: 12.30 p.m. Place: Finance
department office.
What happened? Mr. Stintson started to make very uncomfortable comments about me
being a blonde woman. He told me I shouldn't be working for him since being a blonde
woman my brain was empty. He also suggested I was so pretty that he could find me a
more suitable job. He tried to touch me and I ran away from the office as fast as I could.
Who witnessed the incident? Mr. Smith.

You should know

For further information about harassment at the office watch the following video.

Watch the video and try to understand the conversation, read the transcript only after that.

Harassment in the Workpl…

Text summary

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2.- How to say it: Prepositions of movement.

Think about it

1. Read the following sentences carefully and answer, what's the

difference between them?
My boss walked into the office.
My boss walked across the office.

Mostrar retroalimentación

Great! As you may have answered there's a slight difference between them. In the first
sentence, my boss simply entered the office, whereas in the second one, my boss entered
the office and went from one side to another. Therefore we could say that "walk into"
means enter a place, whereas "walk across" means to go from one side of a place to

Ejercicio Resuelto
Click here to read the Spanish translation.

Mostrar retroalimentación

Genial! Tal y como habrás respondido hay una pequeña diferencia entre ambas frases. En
la primera mi jefe simplemente entró en la oficina, mientras que en la segunda frase entró
y la cruzó de lado a lado. Por tanto podríamos traducir "walk into" como "entrar en" y
"walk across" como "cruzar".

Apart from many other functions, prepositions can be used to show movement. Here, you'll find the most
common ones:

We use "to" to show movement with the aim of a specific destination.

For example: I moved to London in 2010.She's gone to Paris on a business trip.

We use through to show movement from one side of an enclosed space to the other.
For example: The train went through the tunnel.

We use across to show movement from one side of a surface or line to another.
For example: Peter swam across the river.

We use along to show movement following the boundary of something.

For example: He walked along the park.

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We use down to show the direction of the movement.

For example: My colleague went down the stairs immediately.

We use over when we talk about movement from one side of an open space to another.
For example: She walked over the bridge. The bird flew over the clouds.

We use off meaning leaving a place.

For example: Mr. Smith ran off the office. Who ran off with my keys?

We use round to talk about the movement from one side to another and start over again.
For example: He went round the tree.Anne went round the park.

We use into to talk about the movement of entering a place.

For example: He went into the building.Joseph walked into the office.

At and in can also be used as prepositions of movement, but it's used to show the purpose of the movement.

For example: Throw the paper in the bin. Let's have dinner at my place.

When used after some verbs, the preposition at also shows the target of an action:

For example: The little boy threw the ball at the wall, instead of to his dad.

A step ahead
To revise on this theory check the following link.

Prepositions of movement.

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2.1.- Now put it into practice.

Fill in the gaps using the correct preposition of movement.

1. I jumped___the swimming pool.




Sorry, try again!




1. Incorrecto
2. Incorrecto
3. Opción correcta

2. Every morning I go jogging___the beach



over the beach.

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Think again!

Well done!



1. Incorrecto
2. Opción correcta
3. Incorrecto

3. I ran___the beach and into the sea.



out of.


Oops, sorry!

Think again!


1. Opción correcta
2. Incorrecto
3. Incorrecto

4. The burglar jumped___ the garden fence.


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Well done!

Oops, sorry!

Try again!


1. Opción correcta
2. Incorrecto
3. Incorrecto

5. The road was closed so we couldn't drive through the town centre, we had to go___it.




Try again!


Great job!


1. Incorrecto
2. Incorrecto
3. Opción correcta

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6. He climbed___the ladder to clean the second floor windows.





Think again!

Well done!


1. Incorrecto
2. Incorrecto
3. Opción correcta

7. We drove___Newcastle on the way to Edinburgh.




Try again!

Great job!

Sorry, try again!


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1. Incorrecto
2. Opción correcta
3. Incorrecto

8. When I was a student I travelled___Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic.




Think again!

Oops, sorry!

Well done!


1. Incorrecto
2. Incorrecto
3. Opción correcta

9. After 6 hours of walking, we decided to go back___the mountain.




Oops, sorry!

Well done!

Try again!

16 de 36 15/04/2021 02:04
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1. Incorrecto
2. Opción correcta
3. Incorrecto

A step ahead
For further practice click on the links below.

Prepositions of movement 1.

Prepositions of movement 2.

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2.2.- Prepositions of place.

Place prepositions are those that are used to describe the place or position of all types
of nouns. It is common for the preposition to be placed before the noun. Example: The
stapler is on the table or my boss is at the office.

Let's take a look at the most common ones:

Prepositions of Place.


Write your name above the line,

Above. Encima de (sin tocarlo).

Entre (a elegir entre He borrowed my stapler and pencil

muchos). case among other things.

Write a circle around the correct

Around. Alrededor.

At. En (en un lugar concreto). I'll see you at the office.

Behind. Detrás. The post-office is behind the gym.

Below. Por debajo de. Write your name below the line.

Entre dos cosas u My office is between the toilets and

objetos. the reception desk.

In / Inside. Dentro de, dentro. The stapler is in/ inside the drawer.

If you look right, you'll see the cabinet

In front of. Delante de.
in front of you.

There's a coffee shop near /by my

Near, by. Cerca de.

There's a public phone box next to

Next to. Al lado de.
the vending machine.

Sobre, encima (tocando

On. The telephone is on the table.
el objeto).

The coffee shop is opposite the

Opposite. De frente a / en frente.

Out of /
Fuera de, fuera. The document is out of the folder.

There's a wastepaper basket under

Under. Debajo.
the table.

Peter is having a meeting with the

With. Con.

Within. Dentro de. Write some words within the circle.

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2.3.- Now put it into practice.

Fill in the gaps using the prepositions "in", "on", "at."
Fill in the gaps using the prepositions "in", "on", "at."

1. He's swimming the river.

2. Where's Julie? She's school.
3. The plant is the table.
4. Please put those apples the bowl.
5. Frank is holiday for three weeks.
6. I read the story the newspaper.
7. The cat is sitting the chair.
8. I'll meet you the cinema.
9. She hung a picture the wall.
10. John is a meeting.
11. There's nothing TV tonight.
12. I stayed home all weekend.


A step ahead
Keep practising prepositions of place by clicking on the links below.

Prepositions of Place 1.

Prepositions of Place 2.

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3.- Words you need: Legal framework for job


What is a contract of employment?

There is always a contract between an employee and

employer. Your employer does have to give you a written
statement within two months of you starting work. The statement
must contain certain terms and conditions.

A contract gives both you and your employer certain rights and
obligations. The most common example is that you have a right to be
paid for the work you do. Your employer has a right to give reasonable instructions to you and for
you to work at your job. These rights and obligations are called contractual terms.

The rights that you have under your contract of employment are in addition to the rights you have
under law, such as, for example, the right to a national minimum wage and the right to paid

Generally, you and your employer can agree to whatever terms you wish to be in the contract, but
you cannot agree to a contractual term which gives you less rights than you have under law.

A contract of employment will usually be made up of two types of contractual terms. These are:

express terms.
implied terms.

Express contractual terms.

Express terms in an employment contract are those that are explicitly agreed between you and your
employer and can include:

Amount of wages, including any overtime or bonus pay.

Hours of work, including overtime hours.
Holiday pay, including how much time off you are entitled to (nearly all full-time workers
are entitled by law to 28 days' paid holiday - they may be entitled to more under their
contract. Part-time workers are entitled to a pro rata amount).
Sick pay.
Redundancy pay.

Implied contractual terms.

Implied terms in an employment contract are those which are not specifically agreed between the
employer and employee. Implied terms are:

General terms which are implied into most contracts of employment.

Terms implied by custom and practice.
Terms from agreements made with the employer by a trade union or staff association.

Finally, let's remember that according to the type of contract, there are also different worker

Fix term contracts employees are those workers on fixed term employment contracts, which
means the contract contains a date when it will end.
Probationary periods. It is common for employers to treat new employees as being in a
probationary period when they first start work. The employer may then argue that you can be
dismissed while you are in this probationary period with no warning (notice). Employers
also often argue that employees do not have usual employment rights to, for example, pay or
holidays, during this probationary period.
Short term contracts or seasonal workers. Employers may hire employees on a series of
short term contracts, usually lasting for about a year, but always less than one or two years, to

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try to avoid the employee gaining employment rights. They may also pay the employee only
during a particular season, for example, during the summer to pick fruit, but the employee
may be expected to go back and work for that employer each year during that season.
Trainee. When you are learning how to carry out a job, your employer may call you trainee
in your employment contract, to try to prevent you from having your statutory rights. Once
your trainee period is over, you can be hired and become a normal worker.
Text adapted from:

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3.1.- Now put it into practice.

Read the text again and answer these questions. Good luck!

As an employee you have...

the rights that you have under your contract of employment.

the rights you have under the law.

Both options above are correct.

Sorry, think again!

Sorry, think again!

Well done!


1. Incorrecto
2. Incorrecto
3. Opción correcta

Express terms are those ...

which are written down on a contract.

which have been agreed between the employer and the employee.

which you have access through law.

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Sorry, think again!


Oops, sorry!


1. Incorrecto
2. Opción correcta
3. Incorrecto

Implied Contractual Terms are those which ...

are usually agreed between the employee and the Trade Union.

are usually agreed between the employer and the Trade Union.

are usually agreed between the employer and the employee.

Read the text again!

Well done!



1. Incorrecto
2. Opción correcta
3. Incorrecto

What kind of worker are you if your contract expires in two months time?

A Seasonal worker.

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A Fix contract employee.

A Trainee.

Sorry, read the text again!

You rock, well done!

Sorry, think again!


1. Incorrecto
2. Opción correcta
3. Incorrecto

The expression " Minimum Wage" is mentioned in the text above, what does it mean?

It's the number of terms from agreements made with the employer by a trade union or staff

It's the lowest remuneration that employers may legally pay to workers.

It's the highest remuneration that employers may legally pay to workers.


Well done!

Sorry, think again!

24 de 36 15/04/2021 02:04
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1. Incorrecto
2. Opción correcta
3. Incorrecto

Think about it
What is the “Minimum Wage” per hour for an adult over 21 in the countries below? If you don't
have a clue, surf the Net to help you. Good luck!


Mostrar retroalimentación

Spain: Around 5,02 euros per hour.

UK: Around £5.93 per hour.
USA: Around $7,25 per hour.
France: Around 9 euros per hour.
Germany: Around This country doesn't have a minimum wage.

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3.2.- Job contracts vocabulary.

Job contracts usually employ a lot of legal words or expressions, which
can make them difficult to understand, especially when dealing with job
contracts in a foreign language. Here you have some of the most common
words and expressions.
Job Contracts.


Agreement. (n) Acuerdo.

Appendix. (n) Apéndice. (normalmente al final del documento).

Mediador o mediadora. (persona acordada

Arbitration. (n)
entre ambas partes para mediar).

Article. (n) Artículo.

Clause. (n) Cláusula

Condition. (n) Condición.

Express terms. Acuerdos expresos a los que se ha llegado.

Force majeure. (n) Fuerza mayor.

Fulfil. (v) Cumplir, llevar a cabo.

Herein. (adv) Aquí. ( refiriéndose a un documento).

Más adelante, a continuación. (en un

Hereinafter. (adv)

Hereto. (adv) Aquí. ("attached hereto" aquí adjunto).

Heretofore. (adv) Hasta este momento.

Implied. Implícito.

Null and void. Sin validez legal.

On behalf of. En nombre de, de parte de.

On the one hand. Por un lado.

On the other hand. Por el otro lado.

Parte. Una de las personas que firma el

Party. (n)

Stipulate. (v) Estipular.

Terms. (n) Términos, condiciones.

Third party. Tercero. Persona involucrada en un contrato.

Warrant. (v) Garantizar.

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En tanto que.

Bonus. (n) Plus, paga extra, bonificación.

Dismiss. (v) Despedir.

Employer. (n) Patrón o patrona, persona que te emplea.

Make redundant.

Maternity Leave.
Baja de maternidad.

Perk. (n) Dietas.

Jefe de personal.
manager. (n)

Promotion. (n) Ascenso.

Recruit. (v) Emplear.

Resign. (v) Dimitir.

Take on. (v) Contratar.

Retire. (v) Jubilarse.

Salary. (n) Sueldo.

Staff. (n) Plantilla, personal.

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3.3.- Types of contracts.

There are also different types of contract.

Types of contract.


Binding contract. Contrato vinculante, que no se puede romper.

Exclusive contract. Contrato de exclusividad, no se puede trabajar con nadie más.

Renewable contract. Contrato renovable, que se puede renovar.

Non-renewable. Contrato sin posibilidad de ser renovado.

Temporary contract. Contrato temporal.

Terms of contract. Cláusulas del contrato.

To draw up a contract. Redactar un contrato.

Valid contract. Contrato con validez legal.

Breach of contract. Incumplimiento de contrato.

A step ahead
If you are curious about what a job contract looks like in English click on the following link.

Job contract sample. (71.5 KB)

Think about it
Jobcentre Plus is a government agency for working-age people in the U.K. The agency was
formed when the Employment Service, which operated Jobcentres, merged with the Benefits
Agency, which ran social security offices, and was re-branded as Jobcentre Plus on 1 April

Can you guess which is its Spanish equivalent?

Mostrar retroalimentación

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You are right! It would be the SEPE

A step ahead
If you are curious about the British system of unemployement, check the following official

Jobcentre Plus U.K.

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3.4.- Leaving or losing a job.

There are many words in English to express that you no longer work for somebody. You “leave your job” when
you do that voluntary, whereas you “lose your job” when your boss decides you are no longer needed for the

Ways of expressing leaving a job.

Leaving a Job.


To leave your job. Dejar tu trabajo.

To resign. Dimitir.

To quit. Dimitir.

To give up a job. Dimitir.

To retire. Retirarse.

Ways of expressing losing your job.

Losing a job.


To lose your job. Perder el trabajo.

To be dismissed. Ser despedido o despedida.

To be fired. Ser despedido o despedida.

To get fired. Ser despedido o despedida.

To get the sack. Ser despedido o despedida.

To get your P45. Ser despedido o despedida.

To be made redundant. Ser despedido o despedida.

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3.5.- Now put it into practice.

Review the vocabulary in the 'Job Contracts Vocabulary' section and match the following
words with their definition.

Matching exercise.


1. Superior, power; unforeseeable event excusing one party from

On behalf of.
fulfilling contract.

Agreement. 2. In the interests of (person etc); for (person etc).

Terms. 3. The person or persons forming one side of an agreement.

4. Abbreviation of perquisite; something additional to regular

salary (example: free meals; a car).

5. An arrangement between two or more people, countries etc;


Bonus. 6. Conditions or stipulations.

Perk. 7. To give formal assurance; to guarantee.

Force 8. A fixed, regular payment, usually monthly, made by employer to

majeure. employee.

9. Period of absence from work (for a woman) when having a


10. Additional pay given to employee as incentive or reward.


Not difficult, was it?

Review the vocabulary sections 'Types of contract' and 'Leaving or losing a job' and match
the following words with their definition.

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Matching exercise.


1. When the worker does something which breaks the terms

Exclusive contract.
of the contract.

2. You lose your job because your employer no longer needs

To quit.

3. That type of contract which is not permanent.

To be made
4. You leave your job voluntarily.

5. Type of contractwhich prevents the person from working

Breach of contract.
with other people.


Not difficult, was it?

Complete the following sentences using a suitable word. Be careful, there are two extra words
you don't need to use!

made redundant / perk / binding contract / resign / exclusive contract / valid

contract / promotion / agreement.

1. This is not a until it is signed by both parties.

2. I think we should offer her an so that she only works for us.
3. He was so upset with his boss that he decided to so that he didn't have to work
with himanymore.
4. Mark is really happy because at last he got the and the pay rise he was so
hardworking for.
5. You can't walk out on your just because you have received a
better offer elsewhere.
6. Since the Recession started, half of the employees working for the company have been


1. This is not a valid contract until it is signed by both parties.

2. I think we should offer her an exclusive contract so that she only works for us.
3. He was so upset with his boss that he decided to resign so that he didn't have to work
with himanymore.
4. Mark is really happy because at last he got the promotion and the pay rise he was so
hardworking for.
5. You can't walk out on your binding contract just because you have received a better
offer elsewhere.
6. Since the Recession started, half of the employees working for the company have
been made redundant .

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Have fun by taking a look at some job jargon and their


Competitive Salary: We remain competitive by paying

less than our competitors.
Flexible Hours: Work 55 hours; get paid for 37.5.
Good Communication Skills: Management
communicates, you listen, figure out what they want you
to do.
Ability to handle a heavy workload: You whine, you're fired.
Career-minded: We expect that you will want to flip hamburgers until you are 70.
Self-motivated: Management won't answer questions.
Some overtime required: Some time each night and some time each weekend.
Duties will vary: Anyone in the office can boss you around.
Competitive environment: We have a lot of turnover.
Sales position requiring motivated self-starter: We're not going to supply you with leads;
there's no base salary; you'll wait 30 days for your first commission check.
Casual work atmosphere: We don't pay enough to expect that you'll dress up; well, a couple
of the real daring guys wear earrings.
Some public relations required: If we're in trouble, you'll go on TV and get us out of it.
Seeking candidates with a wide variety of experience: You'll need it to replace three people
who just left.
Problem-solving skills a must: You're walking into a company in perpetual chaos.

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3.6.- Business idioms.

Think about it
Read the idioms below, do you know the meaning of the any of them?

Heads will roll / In black and white / Close the book / Off the record / To make inroads
into something. / To be the top brass.

Match the following idioms with their meaning.

Matching exercise.

Idioms Match Meaning

To be off the record. 1. In writing.

To make inroads into 2. To obtain information by means of rumors and

something. therefore it may not be very reliable.

3. To declare that a matter concerning someone or

In black and white.
something is finished.

4. To succeed in getting something done or at least

Heads will roll.

Close the books on 5. The people with the highest rank in an

someone or something. organization, especially an army.

To be the top brass. 6. Someone will be punished.


Not difficult, was it?


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Do you know their equivalent into Spanish? Surf the Net and look for their translation into
Spanish. Them, try to learn then by heart! Good luck!

1. Heads will roll. .

2. In black and white. .
3. Close the books. ,
4. Off the record. .
5. To make inroads into something. , .
6. To be the top brass. .


1. Heads will roll. Rodarán cabezas.

2. In black and white. Por escrito.
3. Close the books. Dar carpetazo a un asunto , Tachar a algo o alguien del mapa.
4. Off the record. De forma extraoficial.
5. To make inroads into something. Abrirse camino en algo, meter cabeza.
6. To be the top brass. Ser un pez gordo.

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Appendix.- Licences of resources.

Licences of resources used in session 3. "Wanna a sandwich".

Resource Resource
Resource information (1) Resource information (2)
(1) (2)

Autoría: Ivory Towerz.

Autoría: Arimoore.
Licencia: CC by-nc 2.0.
Licencia: CC by-nc-sa 2.0.

Autoría: Chris Campbell. Autoría: Mkosut.

Licencia: CC by-nc 2.0. Licencia: CC by-nc 2.0.
Procedencia: Procedencia:
/photos/cgc/68088776 /photos/mkosut/2583927058 

Autoría: Doug88888.
Autoría: Macattck.
Licencia: CC by-nc 2.0.
Licencia: CC by-nc-sa 2.0.

Autoría: Ontario Wanderer.

Autoría: @Doug88888
Licencia: CC by-nc 2.0.
Licencia: CC by nc 2.0.

Autoría: Chrismear. Autoría: Ahmed Abdullah.

Licencia: CC by 2.0. Licencia: CC by 2.0.
Procedencia: Procedencia:
/photos/chrismear/4132167000   /photos/a7mad3bdullah/4787257799 

Autoría: Walwyn. Autoría: Eruviel Ávila.

Licencia: CC by-nc-sa 2.0. Licencia: CC by-nc-sa 2.0.
Procedencia: Procedencia:
/photos/overton_cat/2267349191  /photos/eruviel/6434080025/ 

Autoría: Dave77459. Autoría: Jovike.

Licencia: CC by-nc-sa 2.0. Licencia: CC by-nc 2.0.
Procedencia: Procedencia:
/photos/dave77459/2695284185  /photos/jvk/19894053/ 

Autoría: Cogdogblog. Autoría: Kevin Dooley.

Licencia: CC by 2.0. Licencia: CC by 2.0.
Procedencia: Procedencia:
/photos/cogdog/502787861/  /photos/pagedooley/2853368756/ 

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