Universal Ethics Assign

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Student No. 00018904 Student Name Tojan Shreesh

Module MPU3313 Module Title Ethics and Social Responsibility


Seminar tutor’s name Suraj Ratna Sthapit

Word Count

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1. What are the important propositions of Universal ethics propounded by
western philosophers (such as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Kant and so on)?
And compare those propositions with the ideologies of ethics of any two
eastern philosophers of your liking (such as Confusions, Buddha, Tao,
Veda or Yoga).


Universal ethics
Moral standards that area unit universally recognized and followed area unit spoken as
universal ethics. within the context of analysis, religious doctrine refers to the assumption that
Western analysis ways and methodology are universally applicable across all geographic, social,
and cultural contexts. Philosophers like philosophers, Aristotle, Mencius, Rousseau, Kant,
Darwin, Nietzsche, Freud, and Gilligan have controversial whether ethics area unit universal in
many alternative cultures and nations (International system Commission, 2009). Following the
Second warfare, international arguments erupted over the basic rights that each soul is entitled
to. In 1948, a basic international human rights and ethics instrument (the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights (UDHR)) was sanctioned by states everywhere the planet to confirm that the
alarming human rights violations of WWII would never happen once more. For the primary
time, this declaration lays forth universally warranted basic human rights.

For example; 'Everyone has the proper to life, liberty, and security of person,'. As a result, one
of the foremost basic analysis moral principles mandates that researchers safeguard the lives of
their study participants. Human life isn't to be vulnerable or injured by researchers.

'Everyone has the right to be recognized as a personality's being within the eyes of the law.'
This means that everyone's human dignity should be revered, and it's one in every of the
agreed-upon analysis moral principles.

Western ethical principals


Socrates was the primary systematic ethical thinker, living associate exemplary life spent
primarily in philosophical dialogue. He did not write something himself. Instead, he
interrogated them regarding philosophical queries, notably the character of happiness. He was
suspect of disobeying the gods and poisoning the minds of kids, and he was sentenced to death
by drinking hemlock. He was Plato's teacher, and everything we all know of philosophers comes
from Plato's dialogues. Before philosophy, philosophy was involved with philosophy, religion,
and science. philosopher was the primary to place philosophy and ethics in an exceedingly
sensible and political context. He claimed that philosophical inquiry ought to be targeted on the
Human sphere. philosopher thought that nobody chooses to try to wrong. Mental object is the
supply of evil. folks would do the proper issue if they knew what was right. We tend to
continuously select what we believe is best or most helpful to ourselves. So, if somebody
decides to try to do one thing, we tend to believe it is unhealthy, that person has created a slip
and wishes to be educated to acknowledge it. They confused evil with smart. Humans can opt
for alternative} that seems to be the most effective for them once given a choice. They selected
evil because they trouble others. they're going to still commit wicked things till they now not
think about them to be smart.

The Socratic theory doesn't claim that people in the World Health Organization do wrong area
unit unaware of their actions. People that do wrong don't believe it's correct or right, in keeping
with Socrates' perspective. The speculation goes that those that do wrong area unit aware that
others believe it's wrong, however the offender refuses to acknowledge or agree because of
the offender sees some profit or positive outcome.


Before the philosopher, there have been philosophers, however they mostly acted as
instructors to the wealthy's youngsters. Plato, on the opposite hand, determined to follow an
unconventional semi-homeless man named philosopher around as he irritated folks with
electric battery of queries aimed to show that they would no plan what they were talking
regarding. As you will expect, his folks were not happy along with his call, nonetheless he would
be to blame for birthing the groundwork for contemporary philosophical thought. several of the
topics that philosophers would stress over the subsequent couple thousand years were
originally posed by philosophers. The points of Plato's philosophy area unit are summarized
within the following paragraphs.

While it includes parts of Plato's philosophy, aesthetics, and philosophy, the work is primarily
associated with moral and political philosophy.


Aristotle studied at Plato's college as a young man and stayed there till Plato's death. Following
that, he worked as a lecturer to Alexander the good, a truth regarding his background that a lot
of folks found offensive once Alexander began to overcome the bulk of the notable world.
Aristotle's work, like that of his teacher Plato, was lost at the start. In contrast to Plato,
Aristotle's books were ne'er discovered, and that we solely have category notes from his
students to offer U.S.A. a plan of what he thought and believed.
Aristotle argued that every one life sprang from the ocean, which refined life evolved over time
from less complicated life forms. Darwin and an outsized range of biological observations and
tests would later on prove this notion correct. in this they're agent-centered ethics, within
which the ethical actor chooses the proper ethical action, Aristotle's ethics area unit almost like
Plato's. Aristotle believed that no set of laws or attractiveness to consequences may offer
correct recommendations for managing all things. within the medieval amount, wherever it had
been thought of that ethics were supported God's Will, his moral stance was for the most part
unnoticed, and within the early trendy amount, additional materialistic ideas of ethics began to
contend with non-secular ideas.


The principle of "transcendental idealism," that emphasizes a distinction between what we can
expertise (the natural, noticeable world) and what we will not (supersensible objects like God
and the soul), lies at the guts of Kant's system. we can solely have data of what we are able to
expertise, consistent with philosopher. As a result, when asked, "What am i able to learn?" We
can understand the natural, noticeable world, philosopher responds, however we tend to not
understand the answers to several of metaphysics' most profound problems.

Kant argued that the ethical law may be a truth of reason, which all rational creature's area unit
so certain by it. As a result, in response to the question "What ought to I do?" We should
always act rationally, consistent with a universal ethical law, the philosopher responds.
philosopher conjointly aforementioned that his moral theory necessitates religion in
powerfulness, God, and the soul's immortality. We tend to not understand this stuff, however
contemplation on the ethical rule results in an even conviction in them, that is adore kind
rational religion. As a result, in response to the question, "What am i able to hope?"
philosopher responds that we should always hope that our soul's area unit immortal which
there is a God WHO created the planet consistent with simply principles.

St. Augustine of Hippo

In late antiquity, St. theologizer of Hippo (354–430) was the foremost Christian thinker and
scholarly person. His writings used options of Neoplatonic philosophy to the presentation and
defense of Christian orthodoxy, imbuing those non secular ideas with philosophical
sophistication and moving the character of Western philosophy and theology for over one,000
years. Augustine's egocentric, or first-person, approach to philosophical issues, as proved in his
reaction to agnosticism ("If I'm mistaken, I am"), foreshadowed René Descartes' known cogito
("I suppose, so I am"). theologizer was conjointly the primary thinker to recognize volition as a
definite wit.
He believed that the human can is free which humans area unit virtuously liable for their
choices, however he conjointly believed that God foreknows the alternatives that humans
freely create. In non-secular philosophy, he created Associate in Nursing argument for God's
existence that is strikingly like St. Saint Anselm of Canterbury's metaphysics argument from
over 600 years later. St. theologizer was a bishop of the Christian church in Roman geographic
region, wherever he was born and spent nearly his entire life. He is considered the foremost
philosophically vital of the Church Fathers (bishops and different lecturers WHO influenced the
event of Christian belief throughout the first centuries of the church).

St. Thomas Aquinas

The greatest of the mediaeval Scholastic philosophers was St. Saint Thomas Aquinas (c. 1224–
74). St. Thomas made a comprehensive system of Christianised philosophical theory that
encompassed philosophy, logic, cosmology, philosophy of mind, philosophy of faith, philosophy
of nature, political philosophy, and ethics in response to the discovery of Aristotle's philosophy
within the West through Latin translations of Aristotle's Greek texts, as did others of his era.
whereas insistence on, and even showing, the "new philosophy's" consistency with Christian
belief, St. Thomas magnificently differentiated philosophy and theology by their various
beginning places.

Although each area unit rational endeavors involving the pursuit of truth radio-controlled by
reason, philosophy begins with general 1st principles regarding the planet that any reflective
person would settle for, whereas theology begins with truths regarding God or the divine
discovered in Scripture, which might solely be accepted through non secular religion. Aspects of
Aquinas' theory were publically rejected by the church and opposed by additional typical
theologians throughout his lifespan.

He was glorified as a saint fifty years later, and he was named a doctor of the church
throughout the Renaissance. In response to modernising movements in each philosophy and
science, Pope Leo XIII involved a come to St. Thomas within the late 1800s.

Eastern moral principles


Buddha is that the figure whose teachings area unit the muse of the Buddhist religion. whereas
the Buddha's final goal is to help people in achieving the nice life, his rationalization of the
genesis of suffering is focused on statements regarding the character of individuals and the way
we tend to acquire data regarding the planet and our place in it. These teachings set the
groundwork for a philosophical tradition that made and supported a large variety of advanced
metaphysical and epistemic beliefs.

Gautama Buddha, was thought of because the founding father of Buddhism by trendy students.
There are different Buddhas within the past, and there'll be additional within the future,
consistent with Buddhist teachings. The title 'Buddha,' which accurately suggests that
'awakened,' is given on somebody WHO discovers the road to nirvana, or the top of suffering,
and spreads that data in order that others will expertise it moreover. the Buddha are treated as
a thinker during this setting. to take him during this manner is contentious, however before we
tend to get into why that's, allow us to 1st undergo the non-controversial elements of the
Buddha's life and teachings. Gautama, consistent with legend, lived to be eighty years recently.
He was imagined to have lived between 560 and 480 BCE till recently, however several
researchers currently believe he died around 405 BCE. He was born into a rich and powerful
family, the Sakya social group, within the current border region between Asian country and

Our understanding of the Buddha's teachings is predicated on books that were not written
down till many centuries once his death, area unit written in languages apart from Indo-Aryan
(Lipi, and Chinese translations of Sanskrit), and take issue in key ways in which. the primary
drawback might not be as terrible because it seems, considering that the Buddha's talks were
rehearsed shortly once his death and passed down orally till they were written down. The
second doesn't have to be compelled to be insurmountable. The third, however, is regarding
since it implies that matter transmission involves practices of insertion and deletion to favor
one aspect or the opposite in sectarian disputes.

Some student's area unit additional optimistic than others regarding the potential of breaking
this barrier and so discovering what the Buddha really thought, instead of what later Buddhist
philosophers believe he thought. During this discussion, no positions are taken. We will check
out the Buddha's ideas through the lens of the later philosophical tradition he influenced. The
interpretation that results could or might not be correct to his original intent. It is a minimum of
logical to assume he believed in a very transcendent self that may solely be understood by
mystical intuition, or that intellectual rationalism simply results in barren theorizing and
removed from true freeing.


Taoism, typically known as philosophical theory, developed round the same time as
philosophical theory. Taoism could be a non-secular and philosophy that has its origins in early
Chinese people's religion and divination. Taoist belief is based on the concept that there's a
middle or organizing principle of the Universe, a creation or a "way of heaven," Tao, that one
will come back to grasp by living harmonic with nature and thence with the cosmos and
therefore the Universe.

The Tao philosophy denotes the world's elementary or real nature; it's the universe's inherent,
unnamable method. Tao existed before and when the universe. Nothing within the Universe is
fastened, stagnant, or immobile; everything is usually dynamical. The flow of 'chi' energy is
compared to and thought of to be the influence that keeps the universal order of Tao balanced
because the essential energy of activity, existence, and active principle forming a part of any
object. All levels of existence square measure created analogically and square measure equal
intimately, constituting associate degree reticulated totality. People will become one with the
Tao by living harmonic with nature and every one of its transitions and changes, embracing and
group action these, and thereby gaining eternal life. Everything and each being establishes its
own 'route' because of and in response to the phenomena's alterations and changes. It's
regarded moral to not tamper with or modify the naturalness of nature in any method, as
explicit by non-activity as in self-denial of any action contrary to nature. In their wild, all things
with their transformations and changes square measure thought-about self-acting and self-

The underlying problem in Taoism isn't man's resolution. Rather, it claims that man's can should
be in tune with the flora and fauna. Taoist philosophy acknowledges that the Universe already
functions during a harmonic manner per its own rules; if an individual forces his can against or
upon the planet, he would disrupt the prevailing equilibrium, going "against the flow of life."
(i.e., the Tao—the harmonious dynamical of seasons of summer, autumn, winter, and spring—
works well, but the harmony has been discontinuous by semisynthetic heating.) Damming rivers
could end in fateful flooding, that is unwelcome by grouping however is caused by a similar. The
annual flooding of the river, on the opposite hand, provides natural fertiliser to the soil.
Damming the watercourse would end in less impregnated soil, leading to weakened crops,
lower harvests, lower financial gain, and a lot of hunger. The come to Tao, to the reticulated
whole and wholeness, will solely be achieved if ism thinking square measure abandoned and
actions square measure disbursed organically and impromptu.

Taoism considers completeness to be empty, soft, and spontaneous, and therefore the
behavior ought to mirror this: intuitive and adjustable to things while not the interference or
involvement of an ism intellect. It's thought-about foolish to take a position one's energy into
associate degree infertile, unsuccessful deed just to act the least bit, and thus exhaust and
weaken one's energy. Any action ought to be supported in the context, circumstances, and
resources offered. During this method, Shanghai dialect Wei is 'not intervening' or 'activity by
non-action,' and may be thought of as inventive passivity.

This outlook of "letting it happen" results in a nonviolent and resistance-free approach.

Comparison of western and eastern ethical philosophies
"The study of knowledge or understanding regarding broad issues, facts, and things related to
human existence, values, causes, and general reality," per a standard definition. It's for reasons,
answers, and broad explanations for all times and its varied parts. Thus, after we speak of
philosophy, we tend to square measure touching on a college of thinking. And, after we apply it
to our topic, it differs and is related to the facts, difficulties, and things of sure individuals, like
the East and therefore the West in our case.

Western philosophy is rife in Western parts of the planet, like Europe, whereas eastern
philosophy is rife in Asian countries like China, India, and others. during a broader sense,
culture strives to hunt and verify the reality by using reliable data derived from logical sources.
Eastern civilizations, on the opposite hand, settle for facts as {they square measure their}
provided and are a lot of involved with conserving the balance than with the sources. once it
involves eastern vs. Western philosophy, Western philosophers emphasize individual ideals
quite eastern philosophers, World Health Organization square measure a lot of involved with
social obligations. Another distinction between eastern and western philosophy issues society
and people. Western Philosophy offers a lot of individualistic approaches to finding purpose in
life, while eastern Philosophy takes a lot of community approaches.

Then there is a key distinction. It's concerning religion and reason. The aim of life and existence
is everything that matters to eastern philosophers. In distinction, Western philosophers get
logical and rational data. Another distinction between the 2 colleges of thought is unbelief.
Eastern philosophers are not disbelievers since they do not care concerning rational or logical
explanations. On the opposite hand, Western thinkers square measure diametrically opposed.
Eastern knowledge worries with comfort station activities, behaviors, and deeds, whereas
western philosophy is a lot of involved with facts, realities, and external events. think about the
beginnings of those philosophies. In western Anatolia, Greek natural philosophers were
centered on discovering a factual, external clarification for the arched, the start and creation of
the universe. Meanwhile, Confucius, Lao Tzu, and alternative eastern colleges centered on
human behavior and ethics. eastern philosophy has become a lot of implicit and implicit
because of this, whereas western philosophy has become a lot of sure and specific as a result of
the dilated use of definitions and measurements of external reality, in addition because the
translation of occurrences into subject-specific domains.

Western thought currents square measure a lot of hospitable critique than their eastern
counterparts. As a result, western politics, and colleges square measure a lot of liable to
polarisation and disintegration as a result of harsh criticism, whereas eastern colleges use a lot
of cooperative ways in which. Though western vocabulary is evident, defined, and rational,
eastern nomenclature is dynamic, indefinite, and adjustable. Eastern traditions square measure
a lot of oral than written, and therefore the essential ideas aren't as obvious as they're in
western contexts. Logic, as a branch of logic, was developed in Balkan nation and unfold to
India. during this method, Indian philosophy includes a feeling of western conceptions.
However, there's no formal study of logic in China. It's thanks to linguistic variances. The Indo-
European language family includes Indian and Greek. The writing and grammatical options of
Chinese square measure well different. The origins and definitions of terms like plan,
philosophy, and philosophy square measure clearer than those of eastern ideas like destiny,
nirvana, and Tao. With current investigation and work on clarification of notions, Western
philosophy created it easier to specialize in nature. Meanwhile, eastern philosophy created it
easier to cope with life and its problems. Western philosophy created it easier to dominate
nature, however eastern philosophy emphasizes happiness. Westerners square measure
invariably split in their thinking, in distinction to easterners, World Health Organization square
measure a lot of submissive in their worldview. fashionable science could be a hybrid of
philosophical enquiry and measuring and empirical information that emerged from Western
concepts. Eastern philosophy didn't end in scientific advancement; however, it did create
individuals a lot of cooperation and peace. In distinction to western unbelief and criticism, it's a
lot psychological and soothing.

As a result of the disparities in comprehension, many of those terms don't utterly distinction.
Eastern colleges of thought are non-secular and psychological organisations, whereas western
colleges specialize in information and therefore the exterior world. Overall, this can be a basic
methodology for people who square measure unsure wherever to start once it involves eastern
and western views. These square measure tough to recognize and regularly underdeveloped
classifications. Once you take away deeply into the classic works of those grand classes of
thinking, you will notice it.

Marking Scheme
Major topics of assessment Minor topics of Maximum Marks
Introduction Definition of 2

Brief summary 1
of main points/
Plan of
Body Key 4
s of western

Key 4
s of any two
eastern ethical
Comparison of 4
eastern and
western ethical
Conclusion Brief of all 1
Your opinion 2
Referencing and writing References, 2
mechanics quotes and
citation + format
and language

2. Egocentrism, ethnocentrism, prejudice are all too common in real life and
you will obviously face them often. How do you think the study of Ethics
and Social Responsibility has prepared you to navigate them in real life?


The inability to differentiate between self and alternative is self-interest. It is, additional exactly,
the incapacity to effectively assume or comprehend any viewpoint aside from one's own.
Despite their similarities, self-interest and narcist aren't similar. Egocentric folks believe they're
the main focus of attention, nevertheless they are not getting satisfaction from their own
praise. Egotists and narcissists have egos that square measure heavily influenced by alternative
people's acceptance, however ego centrists might or might not.

According to psychological science, the ego is the psychological instance that permits a topic to
acknowledge themselves as I and bear in mind their own identity. The ego mediates between
wishes and ethical superego demands, permitting the individual to satisfy his or her desires
among social constraints. Excessive feeling for oneself is remarked as egocentrism, and it ends
up in someone serving simply their own interests and irrespective non-welfare. unselfishness
and stinginess square measure so diametrically opposed. Exaggerated exaltation of
temperament is thought of as egocentrism, that relates to the ego-centered (i.e., self). the
stress was drawn to the egotistical temperament.

Self-centeredness, in step with psychologists, is the perception that one's own opinions and
interests square measure additional vital than others. in step with his worldview, what has
worth is what the egocentric seeks for.

For example; If a child's toy is broken, the child won't forgive the opposite and can be unable to
grasp that the one that destroyed the toy failed to conceive to break it.

Ethnocentrism refers to the employment of one's own culture or quality as a frame of respect
to choose alternative cultures, customs, behaviors, beliefs, and people, instead of the standards
of the actual culture involved, in science and social science, further as in everyday English. as a
result of this judgement is usually negative, some folks use the term to talk to the assumption
that one's culture is superior to, or additional correct or traditional than, all others, significantly
once it involves the distinctions that outline every ethnicity's cultural identity, like language,
behavior, customs, and faith. It may also talk to any culturally biased assessment in everyday
usage. Partisanship, for instance, is often found in well-liked depictions of the world South and

The ego mediates between wishes and ethical superego demands, permitting the individual to
satisfy his or her desires among social constraints. Excessive feeling for oneself is remarked as
egocentrism, and it ends up in someone serving simply their own interests and irrespective
non-welfare. For example; Some cultures feel that ladies shouldn't have jobs, however others
believe that everybody, no matter gender, ought to have AN equal probability at employment.
Role conflict happens once somebody has hassle deciding that culture to just accept. The
individual is also torn between acceptance of the normal values of their birthplace and also the
ideals of society and belief system within which they grew up. This can be a learned behavior,
and it is vital to recollect that whereas one is wondering about cultural philosophical doctrine,
one culture might agree or trouble a worth or read, whereas the opposite might not. Once
someone is deciding between 2 ideals, partisanship is employed.

In America, you are expected to have somebody appear within your eyes once talking to them,
that could be an ideal of partisanship. once chatting to somebody from another culture,
however, you are not alleged to look them within the eyes. Cultural philosophical doctrine is
incontestable by these 2 examples. Once one society believes that wanting somebody within
the eyes or not wanting somebody within the eyes could be a superior custom than the
opposite culture, partisanship emerges.

Prejudice could be a judgement or opinion concerning somebody based mostly solely on their
membership during a sure cluster. folks might hold prejudices towards another of a distinct
quality, gender, or faith, for instance.

The ego mediates between wishes and ethical superego demands, permitting the individual to
satisfy his or her desires among social constraints. Excessive feeling for oneself is remarked as
egocentrism, and it ends up in someone simply serving their own interests and irrespective
non-welfare. Prejudice, in step with is marked by "symbolic transfer," or the transfer of a value-
laden that means content onto a socially well-grooved class and later onto people United
Nations agency square measure assumed to belong there to cluster, resistance to vary, and

For example; throughout war II, Jews were needed to wear yellow stars to spot themselves as
Jews throughout FRG and German-controlled lands. The Nazis eventually deported the Jews to
concentration camps.

While ladies face discrimination at work, men face discrimination reception and within the
family in Western nations.

Key points of various types of ethics and social responsibility

Individuals square measure command accountable for performing arts civic duties, and their
acts should profit society as an entire, in step with the moral plan of social responsibility. During
this approach, a balance should be stricken between economic progress and social and
environmental well-being. If this balance is maintained, social responsibility has been achieved.
The philosophy of social responsibility is predicated on associate degree moral system during
which choices and acts should 1st be ethically approved. Socially unreliable behaviour or
choices hurt society or the setting.

Moral values instill a way of fine and wrong in society. During this sense, most of the people
believe that social justice is within the "right," though "fairness" isn't ascertained. Everybody
has a responsibility to act in an exceedingly means that edges society as an entire, instead of
simply themselves. Individual and cluster capacities square measure self-addressed by the
philosophy of social responsibility and ethics. It ought to be incorporated into everyday
actions/decisions, particularly those who influence people and/or the setting. A code of social
responsibility and ethics is enforced at intervals in the broader cluster, further as throughout
interactions with different teams or people. Businesses have established a social responsibility
framework that's custom-made to their own business setting. staff and therefore the setting
square measure command equally to the firm's social science if social responsibility is
maintained at intervals the organization. Maintaining social responsibility at intervals, a firm
protects society and therefore the setting.

For personal gain, the moral implications of a choice or action square measure of neglected,
and therefore the edges square measure typically material. This is often seen in businesses that
decide to circumvent environmental restrictions. Once this happens, the govt. should intervene.
Sadly, yank companies oft don't apply social responsibility or ethics outside of us, creating
regulation tough.

Ways of using those to negative


Ethnocentrism is the tendency to look at the planet through the lens of one's own culture. The
conviction that one's own race, ethnic, or cultural cluster is the most important, or that some or
all options of its culture square measure superior to those of different teams, is a component of
partisanship. Some can merely ask about it as a cultural mental object. Partisanship oft results
in incorrect judgments regarding different people's conduct supporting your own norms,
values, and beliefs. In extreme circumstances, a gaggle of individuals could understand another
culture as wrong or immoral, and as a result, they'll decide to convert the cluster, typically
violently, to their own means of life. If a gaggle refuses to change their ways of life or cultural
customs, war and racial extermination could occur.

In some cases, partisanship is ineluctable. Involuntary reactions to a different person's or

culture's habits or beliefs square measure common, however they do not need to result in
alarming events like racial extermination or war. We tend to all endeavour to be additional
culturally connected to minimise conflict over cultural practices and values.


Thinking solely of oneself, while not regard for others' feelings or desires," in step with the
Oxford wordbook. most of the people believe that thinking around oneself is parasitic on
everybody else. To be primarily indifferent is to lack fellow feeling, that could be a precursor to
Money, sex, and different fugitive pleasures, in my expertise, square measure even as
marvelous for associate degree swellhead as long-run partnerships. Love and joy square
measure chemical concoctions. These hormones will show up in casual relationships even as
simply as they will in long-run ones; commitment is not needed for them to indicate up. What is
more, unless they suffer from a mental condition, an egocentric person will opt for whether to
act egocentrically or benevolently in their interactions, supported what they notice useful.
However, the egocentric's unstable connections are harmful to their sympathetic friends and
romantic partners. This situation could be a very little additional complicated; it is powerful to
easily prefer to hate somebody, notwithstanding doing thus is damaging. Is it very moral to let
egotism continue unbridled if it damages relationships and harms those that are not inherently
egotistical emotionally? To be honest, it's up to every individual to handle their own social


Most people reside in progressively wide-ranging societies as a result of continuous

globalization and migration patterns. Others could pay generations, if not centuries, within the
same place with a similar individual. Human flourishing, social support, and international
logistic support square measure all assisted by happiness to a community. Cluster membership,
on the opposite hand, oft comes at the value of process borders that separate one's community
from another. Prejudice, racism, and social phobia will flourish during this tension, thwarting
progress, and human flourishing. Our initiative aims to deal with one of the causes of bias by
utilising a novel physiological response style and feeling regulation coaching.

Prejudice makes the sufferer desire an inferior national. People's vanity declines once they
square measure underestimated by others, and that they stop trying to enhance. Bullying and
different types of discrimination square measure oft caused by prejudice. Negative stereotypes
will promote conflict between teams in an exceedingly community. As an alternative, it should
end in teams of people being discriminated against or treated unevenly as a result of their
heritage, coloring, or faith. Discrimination is the term for this. Once prejudice spreads on a good
scale, it is unsafe. Newspapers, television, and radio, as an example, square measure samples of
media. As an alternative, you'll use social media. We tend to use caution if unfavourable
remarks a few specific clusters square measure recurrent repeatedly. If nobody speaks out
against these notions, additional people could return to believing the bias.

As a result, the ego mediates between needs and ethical superego demands, permitting people
to attain their wants whereas remaining socially strained. Self-interest is outlined as an
associate degree excessive love for oneself that results in someone simply serving their own
interests and regardless non-welfare. The ego acts as an intercessor between needs and ethical
superego demands, permitting the individual to attain his or her wants whereas remaining
socially acceptable. Self-interest is outlined as an associate degree excessive love for oneself
that results in someone simply serving their own interests and regardless non-welfare.
Prejudice, in step with is marked by "symbolic transfer," or the transfer of a value-laden which
means content onto a socially recognised class and after onto people WHO square measure
assumed to belong there to cluster, resistance to vary, and overgeneralization.

Marking Scheme
Major Assessment Criteria Minor assessment criteria Maximum Mark
Introduction Definition of 3
and prejudice
Their examples in real life 3
Body Places you are likely to face 3
them in personal and
professional life
Key points of various types 3
of ethics and social
Your way of using those to 3
navigate through
ethnocentrism and
Conclusion Key Briefings of your paper 2
Prospects for further 1
development of your paper
Referencing and writing References, quotes and 2
mechanics citation + format and

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