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For Catherine, she says that its free when you want to pay from Momo Pay.
Catherine: In Momo pay there is that 500 for tax but the transaction fee is always off.
Moderator: Yes, Allan before the phone got lost.
Allan: Well, I used it at a certain supermarket and it was quite easy made life easy. The future we
are going to, I think it will be the best deal. It’s going to stop people walking with the so-called
credit cards and debit cards. Because you lose that thing, you have to go to a certain bank, cash,
process a new one but if you only move with your phone you won’t have to move with money,
you don’t have to move with a card, it’s all about getting the merchant code, scanning the QR
code and its gone. So, I got a good service when I did it at the supermarket. Its actually nice
unlike the telecom am using right now.
Moderator; How is it?
Allan; They don’t have that, they have the whole airtel pay but you going to go to out of 20
places, and you could only get one place that has that which is not really good.
Catherine: Can I add on that, to those who go to the bars, you should try our games where by you
just scan our QR code for Momo Pay and order.
Moderator; How does it work?
Catherine; You scan then place your order and they chop direct from your account, then it
comes. So, you literally don’t have to go to the waiter to order. You literally order from where
you are.
Allan: But to a certain point, it’s also going to have a negative thing because when you’re in a
bar, laughs.
Moderator; since you started using MTN Momo Pay, has your usage increased or declined?
Catherine: It has increased
Moderator; What has contributed to the increase?
Catherine; the increase is the fact that I do not need to move with say a million shillings in my
bag and I would feel insecure but it’s fine for you to move with one million on your phone and
you won’t have any problem.
Allan; to add on to that if you have your cash in your Momo Pay, even if they steal your phone,
you will still have the money in your account.
Moderator; Chris have no noted an increase or a decrease, and why?
Chris; R
Moderator; we are still talking about MTN Momo pay and Momo App and there is something
am still interested in knowing from you. Do you appreciate the option within that app to include
the option of withdraw and tax charges when sending money via the App?
Respondents; no please and we are fine the way we are.
Moderator; yes Pius, why are you saying no.
Pius; the reason as to why am saying no is the establishment of these mobile apps is to kind of
make life easier and it’s also a win to them that their app is gaining momentum by having so
many subscribers using the app. Now it is weirder to tell me that even after stepping into this
new life of am going to use my phone and everything is done, you’ve made life easy for me but
you’re also winning. I don’t think if you need to continue charging me the same.
Moderator; so, for the taxes you’re okay then the transaction charge you’re not.
Chris: What he’s saying is a good thing but practically they are here to make money.
Moderator; okay what do you want as a customer?
Chris; I feel since am using the app and am using their data, there should be some little bit of
leniency without the charges.
Moderator; are you aware of Senkyu Points?
Respondents; yes!!
Moderator; Now I want to know. Do you get Senkyu points when you use MTN Momo?
Respondents: Yes, definitely when you send me money, if I buy airtime will get Senkyu Points.
Pius; in the issue of Senkyu Points, I think those guys are also thieves in one way. You can not
collect those points for more than one month.
Moderator: So what happens after a month?
Pius; After a month what you have collected in that previous month is totally cancelled away. So,
what I mean is if you are collecting, you collect for 25 days and use it then. But once it takes in a
month, whatever you collect in the previous month is cancelled.
Moderator; Any other feedback towards MTN Momo or any other comment. Based on the
positives and negatives you’ve shared those experiences, are you satisfied with MTN Momo pay
Respondents; yes
Moderator; Okay, on a scale of 1-10.
Catherine; I’ll be satisfied 7
Pius; I’ll give it up 8.
Moderator; How can MTN Momo pay be improved to serve you better?
Catherine; to be some bit of lenient when it comes to transaction thing.
Chris; I think it’s doing well and it just needs more coverage like being in more places because
some outlets don’t have merchant codes.
Catherine; merchant codes should not stick to the cooperate sheets and should come down to the
Moderator; to those who have been using Momo pay, have you experienced those challenges and
then tried to contact the service center?
Pius; I have never contacted them but I think Momo pay doesn’t have the provision of differ rent
languages. In the context of my mother or my father doesn’t know English very well, is there a
provision for them to use the app with their own Luganda?
Moderator; Would you recommend MTN Momo pay to a friend or an associate?
Catherine; yes, I recommend it to a person within an urban center not the rural setting coz I don’t
think I’ll find Momo pay in village.
Pius; I do recommend given the time we have been in mostly at night, you find most places
locked, so you have to buy things online.
Moderator; okay let us talk about Airtel Money Pay lets talk to only one person who have ever
used it.
Chris; I was disappointed.
Moderator; have you heard of airtel money pay? By show of hands. Only 4 people.
Have you heard about or seen any advertisement for airtel money pay?
Catherine; there is that ads the pops up when you’re checking on something on google. I have
seen it somewhere but since am sure of airtel money stuff, am not putting my money on it.
Moderator; on google, have you ever seen or heard the ads?
Chris; yes
Moderator; Where?
Chris; by the time when we were still using VPN, you could see it pop up in it.
Pius; but to be honest, I think airtel has a problem with advertising. I have ever used airtel but
never seen anything like airtel money pay.
Moderator; Based on that experience, Allan would you recommend someone to use airtel money
pay to a friend or someone.
Allan; I would not because it would make me ashamed because am an Airtel user its risky
Moderator; okay let us talk about credits and savings on mobile money. Have you heard of
Respondents; Yes!
M; by show of hands, how many people? Eight people. Edin, just tell me where did you hear
about Mocash?
Edin; yeah, adverts running on TV’s and maybe the bill boards.
M; do you remember the specific TV’s or stations where you saw that advert running?
Edin; NBS TV
M; the rest where did you hear about Mocash? Lilian?
Lilian; I saw my friends talking about them and I asked, then one of them used it while am
seeing. But me I have never used it.
M; What did they tell you about it?
Lilian; that they can give you money then you pay slowly by slowly but when you exceed time,
you pay interest.
M; Stella, you said that you have ever heard of Mocash, where?
Stella; Posts around.
M; What was it saying? Do you remember the content on it or the message?
Stella; I didn’t notice the content but it was like more cash.
Pius; and those very annoying YouTube ads.
M; do you remember the message it was talking about?
Pius; it was actually advising more savings partially or equivalently for more loans.
M; Catherine, where did you hear about it?
Catherine; TV
M; some ads, like an advert, and which TV station?
Catherine; NBS, Urban then maybe internet in case you follow social media.
M; Which code do you press?
Respondents; *165#
M; How many of us here have ever used a Mocash services? 3 people. The 3 of you who have
ever used Mocash. Which services oftenly do you access when using Mocash?
Pius; Services both savings and debits. But savings I like how they have the saving plans. You
can subscribe for them to be deducting money on any specific day without me telling them to do
M; So when do you allow to withdraw your money?
Catherine; Anytime you want.
M; Have you experienced any challenge?
Pius; okay they have taken time to give me the loans.
M; So what do they say?
Pius; they keep telling me to save more, otherwise your loan limit is still zero.
M; For how long have you saved?
Pius; I started saving in 2020 around August.
M; So ever since you started using the services of Mocash plus all the services of savings and
withdraw. Has your usage increased or declined?
Pius; Savings! I think it has declined because when I remove money for savings, I remain with
specific amount that I want to use. So, it’s like I budget myself on what’s happening.
M; Are you satisfied with Mocash services or you’re not?
Pius; Am satisfied with them but I think they need to put up that deal where if you save with
them, you don’t remove that money for a specific time.
M; How else do you think Mocash can be improved apart from giving that component?
Pius; Give us interest on the money we save.
M; Now do you recommend your friend to use Mocash?
Pius; yeah, I recommend, now that I know interest I would.
M; Catherine, which services do you usually access when using Mocash?
Catherine; me I do savings and loans.
M; Now currently, just tell us where your loans are standing?
Catherine; My loan limit is 100,000 shillings.
M; Now let’s talk about Wewole. How many of you have used Wewole? Have you ever heard
of Wewole? How many people?
Stella; I found it on my phone on my phone and I tried since the message comes.
M; What is your current loan limit?
Stella; 100,000 shillings.
M; What challenges have you faced when using Wewole?
Stella; Whenever like I delay, they increase the rates.
M; is the loans on weekly, monthly or?
Stella; it depends on your suggestions. They give you options to select and you pick the one
M; Now overall, are you satisfied with Wewole services?
Stella; Am okay with Wewole.
M; On a scale of 1-10, whereby 1 Extremely dissatisfied and 10 extremely satisfied. How
satisfied are you?
Stella; Am extremely satisfied.
M; Why?
Stella; Because it helps me when like am in injury, and you can be paying in installments.
M; How do you think Wewole can be improved to serve you better?
Stella; they should remove those charges of delay payments, instead they should not give another
loan before clearing the loans.
M; Now would you recommend Wewole to a friend or an Associate?
Stella; yes, because it can help when you are out of cash.
M; Now let’s talk about cross boarder savings or remittances. Do know any mobile money
service providers with services that allow you to send or receive money to and from Uganda or
outside Uganda?
Chris; I know MTN with an option to send Money across East Africa.
M; Tell us more about that option?
Chris; For example, if you want to send money to Kenya, there is specific charges for sending
money to anyone in East Africa.
M; How about the rest? Do you know of any mobile money services that allow you to send or
receive money to and from outside Uganda?
Allan; world remit its fast and in seconds you are having your money. There is also some Wave
where you can receive money from the US direct into your phone.
M; Based on those remittent services that you have done; I want you to do the comparison. How
do the cross boarder remittent services that you use compared to Western Union, Money gram?
Chris; I have used western union before. First of all, the charges are very high, networks are
always off.
M; are you aware of the transaction charges?
Respondents; no, the only charges are when you face is when withdrawing.
M; What challenges have you faced when using cross border remittent?
Chris; it’s hard to receive money if you are to get money from an agent than using an app.
M; Overall, are you satisfied with the cross boarder remittent services?
Respondents; yes, please as long as you’ve received.
M; How best do think these services can be improved to serve you better?
Chris; the chargers should be slightly lower.
M; Now we are going to talk about wave. Have you heard about wave? If yes, where have you
heard about it from?
Lilian; At Kyambogo trade bursar this year where most students went down coz they were telling
you if you just refer 20 people in a day, you get money out of it.
M; Now am interested in knowing because you told me all the different telecommunication
networks that you’re using Visa vis mobile money services and then you have reasons why you
selected such services. What are some of the important factors that you consider when selecting a
mobile money service provider?
Anthony; Accessibility and charges.
Chris; I will first consider how safe is my money.
Catherine; Network of the service providers.
Allan; Promotion
M; is it important that the number of family and friends using a particular network influences the
use of mobile network?
Anthony; Yes.
M; based on the overall experience that we have on different telecommunication networks in
regards to mobile money services, I want us to move out of the space we are into and then we
move in to that imaginary space. What comes to your mind when someone mentions MTN
mobile money?
Chris; I think about sending and receiving. Basically, its money that comes in my mind.
Anthony; if I hear about MTN, it’s the most convenient way for transactions.
M; Now I want us to do a competitor comparison, which telecom has the best mobile money
services? And why?
Catherine; MTN because rates are affordable, network is always good.
Allan; MTN because they make many products out of their mobile money services.
Chris; When it comes to buying data, airtime, Airtel is easier in putting in the codes and putting
in the mobile pin.
M; Are there any other competitors to MTN mobile money in particular that are not directly
Chris; Yes, ChippaCash, World Remit, and they have better deals like sending cash from Uganda
to the UK is cheaper on ChippaCash than MTN.
M; Which telecom has the most mobile money fraudsters?
Respondents; Airtel
Allan; MTN, he once received a fraud message from MTN fraudsters that I have received this
amount of money yet I was only using Airtel.
M; The rest are saying Airtel has the most fraudsters, why do you think they have these?
Catherine; I think its coming from the system they are using because their mobile money alone, I
can get you a guy who can give you 2GB of data at 2,000 shillings and valid for a month.
M; What do you like most about MTN’s Mobile Money products and services?
Allan; they have a variety of Products, and I like the Momo pay and its leading us to the error of
walking without cash.
Chris; I like about the mobile banking because am getting money from my phone to my account.
Pius; I was thinking of having the invisible money, having the ability to send and receive money
at your convenient.
Lilian; their mobile money network aint shady and its always good for easy transactions.
M; What don’t you like about MTN mobile money services?
Lilian; It comes at a time of sending money to someone abroad it becomes expensive.
Anthony; the procedure for approval when buying data and airtime is really disgusting.
M; Now lets talk about agent banking. Am sure everyone have heard about it.
Who of you have ever heard of agent banking before? What do think about it?
Catherine; Its convenient and you won’t have to be stuck in that long line in the bank.
Pius; It was a strategy that banks had to bring since they were loosing customers to mobile
money services.
M; Now between Mobile Money and Agent Banking, which one has the better service that fits
your needs?
Respondents; Mobile Money
M; Why?
Lilian; Because all that can be done at the agent bank can be done with mobile money at a more
convenient way.
M; What should MTN do to attract more customers?
Pius; Promotions through more advertisements, giving discounts.
M; I would like us to talk about your satisfactions with some of the following services? Let us
use the following scale and please provide reasons for your rating where by 1 very satisfied, 2
slightly satisfied, 3 moderate, 4 slightly satisfied and 5 very satisfied. Let’s start with airtel
M; Registration for airtel
Pius 1 because its convenient and very easy to open and account
M; Product and Services on MTN
Catherine; 2 because when you look at some services such as Pakalast varies from person to
person and from time to time.

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