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ICSE 2023 EXAMINATION SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER ODIA (SECOND LANGUAGE) Maximum Marks: 80 Time allowed: Three hours Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Section A is compulsory —AUl questions in Section A must be answered. Attempt any four questions from Sections B, answering at least one question each from the two books you have studied and any vo other questions from the same books. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. SECTION A (Auempt all questions from this Section.) Question 1 Write a short composition in Odia of approximately 250 words on any one of the following topics: os) Aqsa Gtiaieaci aq qe cq casclad aie Ganca gid 980 ageuca agate sad | () age gdoai 6 veIa aera | eased 1 aig @1eeca qeraia ge | (iv) “aiF eg, 01g @a1 Fig] A@”- Qeiea zgaacca Fog aRsW AAI eA | ‘1723 111 - SPECIMEN Toft (W) wag 286g coq aaia eda! Gai ver wei eng alel Gelad oIgIAa scQ ea | Question 2 Write a letter in Odia in approximately 120 words on any one of the topics given below: a Gao Gancieg etiq casded calde Ganca gia e90 aontica ages cael | () sewael 1e sdasela @ odie a6 og Foog age cad | Gi) qn Geumase aieia aaa geiq o1eg) ald a1 @ Guin disea Geog aeea cad! Question 3 Read the passage given below and answer in Odia the questions that follow, using your ‘own words as far as possible: 60 Gaiaioae agseode ag 6 cow Gaiaiaas! gq qgeaa a Ge alsica Ga | nage a Ar’ancaa ada pain aSaI0 A” aeeRaeIE Ada Sioa BENS ceeRIT | cdlaldie eels Agia! AV arGagar gIATIsA nEITO Aca, ERMIEE gal aanAAg UalAIaAsA | Gase sa6e AARRE AV AIOIE PAID AIBA GIF SISA ABO As eGeig ag ceca casosase egAIR Alo! aisle O19 eGeIg gia! aiagsA | caoIEA 6 eideIg alasa cd aleaa <8 god SIG AI’ AEAMal GEES 16a aaa aiva Ge goal aid A” Aceqara eaca aclaaie sd dais oi 608 dais @8 adce ai oI awlaga aeN ore AIF | egFIRG O19 “E Hoa ala ge. ain Boao Gaia BdsA 1 JES ARE cag ga Sel Ald EGA ve saleRl esa I 723 111 -SPECIMI 2oflt 60.16 GSS ca a” Seaqarg gel eon 1 AS AgTIPA Adca AI’ mEeEaT dAR 6BEO | Ag 6aAG eaaie case iF 169q AI'Sa LlAKie alae! aI agriP Ge aaIAn ao a1e 28019 age sReIg AI’ AaicRIA “S ca AIGA AIK” eBeIg agFIP esa “IOI acIAa S416 2a , 6a @iasa ea, qf Erg ade Feiner gasa qIde @6S” | IAI aeigar Ou BER, OGFIC AIG SISA SAIA ARIAT asa AeI ‘AAA’ gaqEe AEgEe e6a I anEA aI6a saOIsA A’ AEBGAaI AI AeIERASI ee See cada 1 (i) dda eFaia aSai0 cedoica ads ? 2) (ii) sdlaide ne agaica ar’ ancaqa cedoisa ced ainica gal aiaasm 7 QI (iii) alnigg Seo sein adca aS ? PR] (iv) aeaqar egring oa cece e18S 7 RI (Vv) 2QPIe @IgIG Se iaca eaia guise ERER ? GIS 7 2) Question 4 Answer the following according to the instructions given: [8] oda agacage aqageaddaa acia! () qaS saat gGae cad :- aa @ sae 6 asc &) sae 6 eg © sageade @) adecama Gi) Saeed se cast :~ aova @ ama (b) asauss © @eea @ ad 23 111—SPECIMEN Sof (iii) taf qeia Ga : “e91 91 gaigel” (@) asa q@eeel 1 () agara caer | (© agesie eae 1 @ agsiace (iv) se ae6a aera oa : “qagia aeia ea 6a” @ ange (&) goa © goa @ om @) QA eeaie ea: saa @ aq ) sda © sqia @ 3 (vi) aaiae aefeu ogfiar -- Sa - Gon (@ aga-aar (b) ase - dai © Gai- ara @ dae aeisa- aga 723 111—SPECIMEN 4oflt (vii) 9 6a CulaIAAs ae a Qed Gq ual cms “aie” (a) deal, oo () 9a, a8 aia! (©) 6Q1e, eae! @ alga, aa (vill) q@ e104 Sg o18 :- (@) 161 sai gu cay Ataca | (b) sai ia ga seve Aiasa © sera siasa cia dal ge | @ ga diai cia save casa 1 SECTION B (Attempt four questions from this Section.) (You must answer at least one question from each of the two books you have studied and any two other questions.) nigias - (ae Sea ) Gyananjali — (Short Stories) Question 5 Read the extract given below and answer in O« the questions that follow: (Gadae ageraé ag ¢ Gaiaicac aaagen a a eGaisa sas 1) saGe cain q 6a we 2g0 Gola sae 69q8 efiawa eae alaca eIe0 1 Gera (aa061 poe a1agte1) () “sa” ea wo1sa G4 7 ora aoa Ge 1 eI (i) Aqui segs efiseae cael q aigasl e186 7 2] ‘23 111 -SPECIMEN Soflt Gi) 69Q6 efiaca Agar q Gad gage esa? G3] (iv) Giga aqaa cae & ¢ caida aisia Gq asa Gad? BI) Question 6 Read the extract given below and answer in Odia the questions that follow: Gagas aqerad ag ¢ Gaimcae agagen a a GFaI6a sad 1) 6a8 go’ Gig AIaaIa & aseA FIR GUIDE FlAEI aI Gosa ASO ea AIE BIg see of a1S seal 1 Ip MEsIEN (seEIPRIB FEIAIE) @) wm@ea? Q] (ii) Gaise aig Figen Gidsm @ISS 7 PR] i) Ie GuIGaI Gea GAG ? BI (iv) 6aI6@ C186 aldo 6a SIE FIBAIAI Ags cUleEn c2ie Ades 7 (3) Question 7 Read the extract given below and answer in Odia the questions that follow: Gadae egorad ag ¢ Gaiaiaasl qaqgeaa a eéeica saa 1) MAPS Ale Ge IS, aS AIS, ag a1, os ais 1 Gadel ala G8 eed eGala Galles seIag cea wa 6 ei acag 210g ea10 cea | range weasga (qsag 1818) @ s6ag Ga 2 6a sasesese sedoica aa ? 2] (ii) Saal Ga 2 6a geag v1eg @'a O@IA GORI 7 PR) (iii) GaGa eeag g dad aanaca cog So cea aif e1sS 7 BI (iv) eaega weasag aie acag a ced ane aa? B) 723 111 -SPECIMEN Gofit iPad - eSel Sala Gyananjali -(Poems) Question 8 Read the extract given below and answer in Odia the questions that follow: (GaSao aqoraé ag 6 aiaicas gaggen a a oFaisa sad 1) ga aaeia gaya oo Aled nee ee adi, Seiea aa aacica Gad aay Gae | Ser (aera 61620) @ aeeen eer 1 i) Seiea nee Sad? 2) i) aigoa. qe gaialad eis 2 Bl (iv) gerd O19 sed Gal fice? BI Question 9 Read the extract given below and answer in Odia the questions that follow: GaGa agerad ag 6 Guidiayei qqgFeaa a eGaica sae |) srise S860 ae 6a BIG oidi aiF a aeaca ad ad oitida, Was as aimaca case ea aida caiae Sal gy 16a gen eg eace | adea gale (saeioara Agia) ‘723 111 — SPECIMEN Toft () a9 e9eK8 isla? ei1as ada? 2) ii) 4 sedi 01g seco Ge ad ag ca aldacea? 2] Gi) “Sal g, 1” a7 26 aaIa une IAIg 6eaRs? (3) (iv) aial aaa dem ait @1SS 7 OS IG NaIG ASe Eee! CGela gia @’a? 3) Question 10 Read the extract given below and answer in Odia the questions that follow: (Bago agorad ag 6 Gzidiaas! agqggeaa a GGaica cae 1) dae Ga qe dag ext woisa, Sar Gan acer srl ig-aaia aica 1 3q aqSca cosa an ge ceo, arde aiaca are 201 aca age! 1 oar Sav oral (agand sareg ora) () a9 e016 caraog aia cactoisa ceases 7 vel sedoig.qere ? R) Gi) e8e Ae ala ced gesisa AIG ceaaal 2 pI (ii) ele gan cosocese sale algal aia esa 7 Gad 7 13) (iv) e6e Gola e16e Qava ede! Gal | BI uga dele - aca Adoora Sakala ~ Uppnyak Prashant Mohanty (g@i@ fei) Question 11 Read the extract given below and answer in Odia the questions that follow: (Gadde agorad ag 6 Gaidiaaci aqggea a a cGaica cad 1) USI, AQGa alg a2 Gesa Gee voIg Gaia G4 - ca la elGalg sae ana ea G09 Sis 1 Glae @IRIA SF aia cea aT 1 723 111 - SPECIMEN 8ofll (i) Sa@’a Geis coal ? (i) 08 deisa eiaa oa 2 @IBIA Ged aIsIA Ee eigiGal 7 agYFIIGe Ged FIAeY GaEM 7 (iv) Gg eid 6 aie aidica ced cae aml 2 Question 12 Read the extract given below and answer in Odia the questions that follow: (Hamas agorad ag 6 Gaaieasl gaqdgea a a eGaica smet 1) Als Aid Ga ala cagaisi wa @! aga, 40d esise asa aig qx, GeIA esa & Cigale Yel ealale eIeeAase | (i) @t egagina saaq e’a? (ii) eld 6 eda1 a. ogg a8 gai 2 (iii) caruse cam 98q 406 evere eqasa ? (iv) @idai greece ced aioe aFai 2 Question 13 Read the extract given below and answer in Odia the questions that follow: GaqGae agora ag 6 Gaimiaae qqgeaa a GFaica sae 1) gaa Seniial eeea ceiaaica ceca aaae get 1 Qrig adace aieiay aecaia GadIAIG 69S, PA, EEA | (i) 9 EGOS GieIAa 7? G1g1G6 Ada 7 (i) Ged gg Gad asai cea 2 (ii) @Ge1 gee @ Gad aigiay eal 7 (iv) S810 cece @ Ganca e’a ase aa! 7 2] B) BI 2] 2] Bl (3) Q] B) (3) ‘723 111 - SPECIMEN 9 of tt aeigel gag Ekakinka Chayan Question 14 Read the extract given below and answer in Odia the questions that follow: (Gasae agorad ag 6 Gaiaisasi gqqgea a a eFica sad 1) ae1 ~ aa Gqacasac. 1 2? gid eaine 15 cia oa al 7 eor. (args qe) ara” coreieig. Gai e@cee aia | asai- gon? ae1 - aiaqua dé 7 de ad ca ein aideos 1 Sal ona seep auane a ? aol - (864 24) aia ala 1 qgia ced ceIATIRS | (anna gsea) sag - ga6g ea Petu ~ Pranabandhu Kar () dS sed eiaag @iS8 qrae asm? 2) Gi) aer@le @’a gziaem ? 2) (iii) q1 Ga? Qaicg aiaami? oF? B) (iv) lal C68a Sada eigig @’s GBa! ? 6adQ e6aa AAIDIOAAl 7 e1Ma1? BI) Question 15 Read the extract given below and answer in Odia the questions that follow: (@asde agora ag ¢ Gaiaiaaci gqggsaa a BFuica cast 1) Sq - (aidSeqia - Geoca eieia aieae....) Ga 2 .... Fa 6ad 7 (e1@egsed) Ga 60 dal 7 ¢6 eae Sq raiacig acl edeig aide 2 AeAl- a1, e1e1 1 723 111 -SPECIMEN 10 of It @ «a (ii) wy Sq - Idl...., ale 6 @de,@ aya sola ele I ele ea, ala aca Erce saQ e181 6918 @1@ 1 aaqi- aie! serene aaéeeia ase1ae Konark — Bhanja Kishor Pattanayak Sq AaI0al Ga 7 OIG a C18S as GQaal 7 BIREY SOY OITA SIMI GA FIER ASAI? ITS 7 sees Sq aeIaaig Geog ag cod ages ardal 7 69a ge Sq neinaig ced aq eal 7 a188 7 Question 16 Read the extract gi n below and answer in Odia the questions that follow: (aqade agorad ag 6 Guiaiagal gqggeaa a Gsaica cast |) @ @ «i wy) GBa- (loca AeraIGW Ud oieIg qced ver anag dara qaisa cod AV'e 9S) ain! Gace, INE a6gd Q ZIG AIG GAIA Gee CoG ceIGaA 1 1a 6a 160 GAS WHE GIAAce, 6eF @’a case aIGAAl I dict aia! 1216 ainea Gee ga wit 1ag6 qiea owe ecl....c1¢G geral.... | G1 - — g, 218 04 ag aida cong ege ced caiaaald 1 216 - 617 98 Ae Ahuti — Kartik Chandra Rath 66a Agiag sal idasa aise 7 AID 72 Ags qeea ols Geral GTS al 7 sed eal ariag aia eG seam! 7 MAIO Gesa eu Ami ? ceeinise oa Gal @EalGicm ais 2 Gu CTS @Id aOGR ? 8) 2] 2) 3] ‘723 111 - SPECIMEN of lt

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