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0 Technical Details:

 No of vents :-

 No. of Gates :-

 Clear width of opening : 2500 mm

 Sill level : EL 1232.491 m

 Top of pier : EL 1239.00 m

 Design head : 5.7 m ( Confirmed by Site)

 C/C of side Seals : 2716 mm

 C/C of tracks : 2930 mm

 Skin Plate : D/s Side

 Seals : D/s Side

 Type of gate : Vertical lift Fixed Wheel Type

 Designed : As per IS 4622.

2.0 Thrust on gate :

C/C of side Seals : 2716 mm

C/C of tracks : 2930 mm

Design head : 5.7 m

Sill to top of gate : 1910 mm

Load on the gate = 1 X 2.716 X (5.7 -1.91 /2) = 12.887 t

3.0 Hoist Capacity Calculations for Normal Rubber Seals

1) Total Weight of gate: (Gate Weight) +(roller weight) + ballast

Total Weight of gate: 3.4 t

2) Roller friction:

F = P/R (fa X r + fr)

Where F = Roller friction in kg

P = Water thrust = 12887 kg

R = 15.0 cm ( 300 mm assumed)

fa = Coeff. of friction = 0.015 for Antifriction bearing

r = 6.25 cm (Bearing ID 90 OD 160) (Assumed)

fr = 0.1

\ F = (12887/ 15.0) (0.015 X 6.25 + 0.1) = 167 kg

3) Seal friction: (PTFE Rubber seals)

Projected Length of Seal = 28 mm ( 100-50-44/2= 28)

Side seal friction: 2 X mX b X h X l

= (2 X 1.5 X 2.8 X 0.4745 X 191) = 762 kg

Top seal friction: 1 X mX b X h X l

= (1X 1.5 X 2.8 X 0.379X 271.6) =432 kg

4) Guide friction

= 5% of gate weight = 0.05 X 3.4= 0.17 t say 170 kg

5) Friction due to pre compression of seals

As per graph shown in IS 11855, our value for A=28, Deflection =5 mm

for interpolation we assumed C= 12 & A = 50 value is 10 N per linear cm

Force given is 10 N/cm of seal i.e 0.1 T/m

(2x1.91+ 2.716) x1.5x 0.1 =0.9804 t = 980 kg

6) Buoyancy = 3.4/7.85 = 0.433 t

7) Apparent weight of gate in water = 3.4 – 0.433 = 2.96 t

Frictional and other forces opposing the downward motion of gate during

Lowering cycle =(seal friction+ wheel friction + guide friction)

= (2174+167 +170)=2511 kg

Check for Lowering under flowing water condition: -

Water pressure Bottom horizontal girder of the gate = 5.7 – 0.215 = 5.485 t/m2

Water pressure Top of gate = 5.7 – 1.91 = 3.79 t/m2

Upward force acting on bottom of girder = 2.93 x (5.485-3.79) x 0.25 = 1.241 t =

1241 kg

Upward forces =2.511 + 1.241 = 3.752 t

Total upward forces = 1.2 X 3.752=4502 kg

Seating Load Required: - 2.5 X 0.102 X 2.93 X 1000 = 748 kg

Closing force available =2960 -4502=- 1542 kg

Therefore ballast required

Wet Weight of Ballast required =1542+748= 2290 kg

Dry weigh of ballast = 2290+ 2290/7.85 = 2581 kg

Ballast to be provided =2600 kg

Hoist capacity required:

Self-weight of gate with ballast : 3400+ 2600= 6000

Roller Friction : 167

Seal Friction due to water thrust : 2174

Guide friction 5% of gate weight : 170


Add 20% reserve capacity : 10213 kg

Proposed 12 t capacity Rope Drum Hoist for the Operation of Gates.


Highlighted points are assumed as per the drawings and information gathered from site.
From the above calculations it is clear that weight of the gate is not sufficient for self closing
of gate in flowing water conditions.

An additional ballast of 2600 kg may be required in gate to make it self closing under
flowing water conditions.

If we replace the seals from rubber to Teflon cladded than there is no requirement of ballast.
Calculations for the same has been carried out below

Please get it vet form AIZ engineering for their observations and comments if any.

4.0 Hoist Capacity Calculations for TFC seals

1) Total Weight of gate: (Gate Weight) +(roller weight) + ballast

Total Weight of gate: 3.4 t

2) Roller friction:

F = P/R (fa X r + fr)

Where F = Roller friction in kg

P = Water thrust = 12887 kg

R = 15.0 cm ( 300 mm assumed)

fa = Coeff. of friction = 0.015 for Antifriction bearing

r = 6.25 cm (Bearing ID 90 OD 160) (Assumed)

fr = 0.1

\ F = (12887/ 15.0) (0.015 X 6.25 + 0.1) = 167 kg

3) Seal friction: (PTFE Rubber seals)

Projected Length of Seal = 28 mm ( 100-50-44/2= 28)

Side seal friction: 2 X mX b X h X l

= (2 X 0.2 X 2.8 X 0.4745 X 191) = 101 kg

Top seal friction: 1 X mX b X h X l

= (1X 0.2 X 2.8 X 0.379X 271.6) =58kg

4) Guide friction

= 5% of gate weight = 0.05 X 3.4= 0.17 t say 170 kg

5) Friction due to pre compression of seals

As per graph shown in IS 11855, our value for A=28, Deflection =5 mm

for interpolation we assumed C= 12 & A = 50 value is 10 N per linear cm

Force given is 10 N/cm of seal i.e 0.1 T/m

(2x1.91+ 2.716) x0.2x 0.1 =0.130 t = 130 kg

6) Buoyancy = 3.4/7.85 = 0.433 t

7) Apparent weight of gate in water = 3.4 – 0.433 = 2.96 t

Frictional and other forces opposing the downward motion of gate during

Lowering cycle =(seal friction+ wheel friction + guide friction)

= (289+167 +170)=626 kg

Check for Lowering under flowing water condition: -

Water pressure Bottom horizontal girder of the gate = 5.7 – 0.215 = 5.485 t/m2

Water pressure Top of gate = 5.7 – 1.91 = 3.79 t/m2

Upward force acting on bottom of girder = 2.93 x (5.485-3.79) x 0.25 = 1.241 t =
1241 kg

Upward forces =0.626 + 1.241 = 1.867 t

Total upward forces = 1.2 X 1.867=2.2404 kg

Seating Load Required: - 2.5 X 0.102 X 2.93 X 1000 = 748 kg

Closing force available =2960 -2241=719 kg

Therefore No ballast required

Hoist capacity required:

Self-weight of gate with ballast : 3400

Roller Friction : 167

Seal Friction due to water thrust : 289

Guide friction 5% of gate weight : 170


Add 20% reserve capacity : 4831kg

Proposed 5 t capacity Rope Drum Hoist for the Operation of Gates.

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