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Surface Area Measurement of the Female Breast:

Phase I. Validation of a Novel Optical Technique
J. Grant Thomson, M.D.,
Background: Breast shape is largely determined by the volume of tissue and
M.Sc. surface area of the skin envelope. Values for breast surface area have never been
Yuen-Jong Liu, B.A. published in the literature. The investigators have developed an inexpensive,
Richard J. Restifo, M.D. noninvasive optical method to objectively measure breast volume and surface
Brian D. Rinker, M.D. area, and its accuracy is determined.
Andrew Reis, M.D. Methods: An optical grid is projected onto the breast, and two images are
New Haven, Conn. captured to create a computerized three-dimensional model from which vol-
ume, surface area, and maximum vertical projection are calculated.
Results: To assess accuracy, simple geometric shapes (n ⫽ 22) were analyzed,
and the actual volume, surface area, and maximum vertical projection were
compared with the imaged values using least-squares linear regression. There
was excellent correlation in all three parameters (r ⬎ 0.995, p ⬍ 10⫺14). The
mean differences in volume, surface area, and maximum vertical projection
were 28 ⫾ 28 ml (mean ⫾ SD), 2 ⫾ 9 cm, and 0.4 ⫾ 0.5 cm, respectively. Female
breasts (n ⫽ 14) were then analyzed, and the actual volume and surface area
were measured using plaster casts. Based on least-squares linear regression, there
was excellent correlation between the imaged values and actual values (r ⬎
0.992, p ⬍ 10⫺11), and the mean differences in volume and surface area were
32 ⫾ 22 ml and 3 ⫾ 11 cm2, respectively.
Conclusions: For the first time, an optical method has been demonstrated to
measure volume and surface area with accuracy. When the method is applied
to the breast, measurement errors are small and clinically insignificant. The
ability to facilitate quantitative breast surgery will be investigated in future phases
of this experiment. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 123: 1588, 2009.)

“Many surgeons only use their eyes and digital ship between volume of tissue and surface area of
estimations in a mammaplastic procedure.” skin envelope. The importance of the surface area
–-Gustave Aufricht, M.D., 1949 component of this equation has been under-
scored since the early history of breast surgery,

he goal of cosmetic and reconstructive breast when the concept of the “skin brassiere” was in-
surgery is to provide symmetric breasts with an troduced by Aufricht in 1949.3 In fact, most sur-
aesthetically acceptable shape, incorporating geons today use a technique of breast reduction
considerations of volume, ptosis, and glandular con- that includes a skin envelope design originally
figuration. Investigators have attempted to define based on a pattern used by brassiere makers.4,5
these criteria both subjectively and quantitatively.1,2 Despite the importance of surface area in the de-
Breast shape is largely determined by the relation- termination of the shape of the breast following

From the Section of Plastic Surgery, Yale University School of

Received for publication August 22, 2008; accepted October
20, 2008. Disclosure: This research was supported by an
Presented in part at the annual meetings of the Plastic Ohse Research Grant from the Department of Sur-
Surgery Research Council (poster), in New York, New York, gery, Yale University, School of Medicine. Addi-
May of 1995, the New England Society of Plastic and Re- tional support came from a Yale University School of
constructive Surgeons, in Boston, Massachusetts, June of Medicine Medical Student Research Fellowship and
1995, and the Northeastern Society of Plastic Surgeons, in James G. Hirsch, M.D., Endowed Medical Student
Boston, Massachusetts, November of 1995. Research Fellowships. The authors have no other
Copyright ©2009 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons financial information to disclose.
DOI: 10.1097/PRS.0b013e3181a076ad

Volume 123, Number 5 • Breast Surface Area

cosmetic or reconstructive surgery, the correct re- using this method to answer clinical questions, it
lationship between volume and surface area is still was necessary to obtain information about its ac-
poorly understood, and currently, breast opera- curacy in measuring the parameters of interest,
tions are usually performed with only a visual es- namely, volume, surface area, and maximum ver-
timation of volume and no measurement or esti- tical projection. If the technique proves to be ac-
mation of the surface area of overlying skin. Most curate in the measurement of these parameters in
publications continue to stress the importance of geometric solids, then the second goal is to de-
an adequate skin envelope,6 –10 but surprisingly, termine whether measurement of these parame-
there is no quantitative information to guide the ters in the female breast in the prone position
surgeon in the design of the skin pattern. Values accurately corresponds to values in the upright
for breast surface area have never been published position.
in the plastic surgery literature. The goal of this study was to validate this new
Several investigators have reported measure- imaging method for measuring volume and surface
ments of breast volume and other anthropomor- area. This was achieved in a two-part approach, by
phic values in normal and “aesthetically perfect” measuring (1) geometric solids and (2) actual fe-
women.1,2,11,12 Plaster casts have been filled with male breasts in the prone and upright positions.
sand, and breast volume has been calculated from
the weight of the sand.2,13–15 This technique should MATERIALS AND METHODS
be considered the accepted standard of volume Breast Imaging
measurement to which all other techniques be Each breast is imaged separately. While the
compared. While it is useful experimentally, there subject lies prone on an examining table, one
are significant drawbacks that limit its routine clin- breast is allowed to project dependently to gravity
ical use, including that it is messy and uncomfort- through an opening in the table (Fig. 1). A slide
able for the patient and may furthermore be dif- projector projects a lattice grid of light onto the
ficult or impossible to use on pendulous breasts. breast at a right angle after reflecting off a mirror
Most previous methods of breast volume assessment below the table. The projector is adjusted so that
have relied on measurement of water volume dis- each edge of the grid is 1 cm, where it intersects
placed by immersing the breasts or some other vari- the undersurface of the table. The grid is distorted
ation of Archimedes’ principle.16 –21 These methods by the curvature of the breast, and this informa-
involve contact with the breast and distortion tion is captured by two video cameras positioned
thereof. Others have purposely distorted the breasts cranially and caudally. Any viewing angle apart
to aid in volume measurement22–24 with questionable from 90 degrees will provide information about
validity.15,25 Noncontact methods, such as magnetic the depth of breast tissue at each vertex of the grid.
resonance imaging,26,27 stereo photography,11,12,28 –31 An angle of 45 degrees is usually approximated.
and laser scanning,27 are limited by expense and the Positioning and alignment of the cameras and the
need for a precise geometric apparatus. Further- subject are not crucial as image analysis automat-
more, surface area measurement either has not ically compensates.
been possible or has not been attempted with any The images are transferred through an an-
previously described technique. Because breasts alog-to-digital converter (Computer Eyes/RT
with different volumes can have equally aestheti- SCSI Video Frame Grabber by Digital Vision, Inc.,
cally pleasing shapes, volume measurement alone Hong Kong) to an ordinary personal computer
is insufficient to classify their aesthetic value. (Apple Macintosh PowerBook, Cupertino, Calif.)
The investigators have developed a simple, in- as PICT files. The total time to image four images
expensive, noninvasive optical method that does of two breasts is approximately 1 minute, includ-
not require complicated geometric alignment and ing the time used to position the subject.
provides quantitative measurements of volume
and surface area without contact or distortion. Computerized Three-Dimensional Model
Because of the need to visualize the entire breast The PICT files are imported into graphical
surface, the subjects must be analyzed while prone. analysis software (NIH Image v1.52, public do-
When the subject is upright, ptosis may occlude main software from the National Institutes of
full visualization of the inferior surface of the Health, Bethesda, Md.), where first the images are
breast. In the prone position, the breast retracts scaled from pixels to centimeters such that each
from the chest wall by hanging from gravity, and edge measures 1 cm and then vertices of the grid
the entire skin surface may be visualized. Before are labeled. The viewing angles of each video cam-

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • May 2009

Fig. 1. The imagingapparatusconsistsofatablewithanopening,throughwhichone

breast is allowed to project dependently. The image of a lattice grid is projected hor-
The magnification of the grid is adjusted so that each edge measures 1 cm on the
undersurface of the table. The grid is distorted by the irregular surface of the breast.
Two video cameras capture images directly into a computer. Analysis of the digitized
image provides the vertical projection of each grid coordinate.

era are calculated from three coordinates along v1.00E1 (Redmond, Wash., for Apple Macintosh
one side of the lattice grid. In Equations 1 to 3, the computers) to transform the vertices into a com-
actual vertical projection zij of the vertex at the i-th puterized three-dimensional model of the breast
row and j-th column (i,j ⑀{1, 2, . . ., 25}, rows enu- and chest wall. The boundary between breast
merated from bottom to top and columns from mound and chest wall is identified by comparing
left to right) is calculated from the angle of ele- the digital images and photographs, and grid
vation of the video camera ␪ and vertical distance squares within the boundary are highlighted on
within the image zi,j=
between the vertex and the the model to be measured for breast volume, sur-
first row. Here, distances are measured in milli- face area, and maximum vertical projection (Fig.
meters and f is an intermediate value in the cal- 2). The position of the underlying chest wall can-
culation. not be determined exactly without computerized
radiography. Therefore, the chest wall contour is
␪ ⫽ sin ⫺1 共 =
z25,1 兲 2

(1) approximated by connecting the grid lines at the

⫺ z13,1
兲 superior and inferior limits of the previously de-

f ⫽
⫺ z13,1
兲 · 240 cos ␪ (2)
termined breast boundary, and the height of the
contour is subtracted from the height of the
2z13,1 ⫺ z25,1
model to yield the vertical projection of each ver-

zi,j ⫺
2 冊冉
· 1 ⫹
icos ␪
f 冊 tex from the chest wall. The maximum vertical
projection is recorded. In Equation 4, the volume

冉 冊
over each grid square is calculated by considering
240共z25,1 ⫺ z13,1
= =
兲 sin ␪ it as a square prism with an uneven top, where the
⫺ i ⫺ = length of each side of the base is b and h1, h2, h3,

冉 冊
zi,j ⫽ (3) and h4 are the heights at the lower left, lower right,
z25,1 upper left, and upper right corners, respectively.

冉 冊
z ⫺
i,j sin ␪
2 1 1 1 1
cos␪ ⫹ V ⫽ b2 h1 ⫹ h2 ⫹
h4 h3 ⫹
f 3 6 3 6
Using these equations, the investigators have writ- In Equation 5, the surface area is calculated
ten computer programs in Microsoft QuickBASIC by dividing each grid square into two triangles,

Volume 123, Number 5 • Breast Surface Area

Fig. 2. Description of subject 31. Left breast total surface area is 263 cm2, total volume
is 429 ml, and maximum projection is 5.97 cm. A sample of the computer analysis of the
images showing the digital model, which can be rotated in two planes, and the quan-
titative analysis. In this view, the head of the subject is to the lower left. The shaded area
is defined by the investigator during the data analysis by visualizing the boundary of
the breast on the digitized image. It represents the part of the model from which
surface area and volume are measured. The actual surface area measured from the
plaster cast of this breast is 263 cm2, and the volume is 404 ml.

the area of which can be calculated from the Those whose breast geometry allowed application
length of the three sides, a, b, and c, and their of plaster casts were recruited for the second stage
a⫹b⫹c of validation of the optical method. Imaging mea-
average s ⫽ , using Hero’s formula. surements were taken in the prone position and
2 compared with plaster cast measurements taken in
A ⫽ 兹s共s ⫺ a兲 共s ⫺ b兲 共s ⫺ c兲 (5) the upright position. Casts were made according
to previously published techniques.13 In brief, a
The total volume and the total surface area are thick layer of petroleum jelly was applied to the
recorded. The total cost of the examining table,
skin to prevent adherence of the plaster. As the
video cameras, and digital interface was less than
patient stood, three to four layers of 4-inch plaster
$2000 in 1993, and the total cost for an equivalent
strips were applied, diligently avoiding excess pres-
setup using today’s technology is expected not to
exceed $500. sure that would cause distortion. Once the plaster
had hardened, the cast was removed, and the
breast boundary was outlined on the inside surface
Validation by Geometric Solids of the plaster cast. Volume was initially measured by
The optical method and subsequent computer filling the casts with sand and weighing the sample.
image processing were applied to geometric solids, The sand, however, could be compacted to varying
including hemispheres, cones, and truncated cones, degrees, and therefore, its density did not remain
whose volume, surface area, and maximum vertical constant. Modeling clay (Play-Doh from Tonka Cor-
projection could also be calculated exactly by math- poration, Playskool, Inc., Pawtucket, R.I.) was found
ematical formulas. Hemispheres were made from to be noncompactable and better suited volume
hemisected styrofoam balls. Cones were made from measurement. The clay was pressed into the mold
cardboard, and truncated cones were constructed to following the chest wall contour. The weight of the
be a closer approximation of the shape of a breast. sample was then divided by the density (D ⫽ 1.30
Height, base diameter, and apex diameter were var- g/ml) to obtain the volume.
ied to generate a range of sizes and shapes. Surface area of the plaster casts was measured
by a tiled method. The entire inner surface was
Human Female Subjects divided into small triangles. After the sides of all
Under an institutional review board-approved the triangles had been measured, the total surface
protocol, volunteers were recruited through clas- area was calculated from repeated use of Hero’s
sified advertisements for breast surface imaging. formula, as in Equation 5.

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • May 2009

Anterior projection was not measured from ranged from 100 to 350 cm2 (mean, 213 cm2), and
the plaster casts because this is a conceptually dif- volumes ranged from 80 to 600 ml (mean, 271 ml).
ferent parameter from vertical projection in the There was excellent correlation between measure-
prone position. Statistical analysis was performed ments by the optical method and by plaster casting
using least-squares linear regression analysis. (r ⬎ 0.992, p ⬍ 10⫺11) (Fig. 4), and the mean errors
(optical-actual) in volume and surface area were
Repeatability 32 ⫾ 22 ml (mean ⫾ SD) and ⫺3 ⫾ 11 cm2,
One volunteer was imaged on multiple sepa- respectively. No subjects complained of any dis-
rate occasions to demonstrate repeatability of the comfort during the procedure.
measuring instrument under the same procedure
and conditions. Repeatability
To assess the precision of the optical method,
RESULTS measurements of volume and surface area were
Geometric Solids repeated on one subject under the same proce-
Twenty-two objects (four hemispheres, three dure, instrument, observer, conditions, and loca-
cones, and 15 truncated cones) with volumes rang- tion. As shown in Table 1, measurements of vol-
ing from 50 to 1300 ml (mean, 414 ml), surface ume, surface area, and maximum vertical projection
areas ranging from 70 to 600 cm2 (mean, 230 cm2), are within 5, 3, and 9 percent of the mean, respec-
and vertical projections ranging from 1.5 to 20 cm tively. The standard deviation of the error in mea-
(mean, 8.7 cm) were imaged using the novel op- surements of volume, surface area, and maximum
tical method. There was excellent correlation of vertical projection are 4, 2, and 6 percent, respec-
all three measured parameters with the calculated tively, which are clinically insignificant. In a female
values for each geometric shape (r ⬎ 0.995, p ⬍ patient with 36C breasts measuring 1000 ml in
10⫺14) (Fig. 3). The mean errors (optical-actual) in volume, 500 cm2 in surface area, and 10 cm in
volume, surface area, and maximum vertical pro- maximum vertical projection, the optical method
jection were ⫺28 ⫾ 28 ml (mean ⫾ SD), 2 ⫾ 9 cm2, can be expected to vary ⫾50 ml, ⫾15 cm2, and
and ⫺0.4 ⫾ 0.5 cm, respectively. Thus, the optical ⫾0.9 cm between measurements.
method tended to underestimate volume, overes-
timate surface area, and underestimate maximum DISCUSSION
vertical projection. The largest errors were seen in Previous attempts at quantification of breast
the vertical projections of the pointed cones surgery have focused primarily on nipple position
(mean difference, 1.3 ⫾ 0.5 cm, n ⫽ 3), as the grid and volume measurement. An evaluation of 20
did not always align with the point of the cone. “aesthetically perfect” female models published in
1955 attempted to determine the “ideal” relation-
Human Female Subjects ship of the breast to the chest wall.1 More recently,
Seven volunteers were recruited for plaster cast- anthropomorphic measurements and volume
ing of 14 breasts, and the volumes and surface areas have been collected in “normal” women.2,11,12 Other
of the casts were compared with optical measure- investigators have attempted to improve the re-
ments using linear regression analysis. Surface areas sults of breast surgery using various techniques of

Fig. 3. There was strong correlation between the imaged and actual parameters for geometric objects of varied shapes and sizes.
The straight lines were calculated by linear regression (r ⬎ 0.995, p ⬍ 10⫺15, n ⫽ 22).

Volume 123, Number 5 • Breast Surface Area

Fig. 4. There was excellent correlation between the imaged and plaster cast measurements. The straight
lines were calculated by linear regression (r ⬎ 0.992, p ⬍ 10⫺11, n ⫽ 14).

Table 1. Repeated Measurements of the Same Subject’s Left and Right Breasts*
Left Breast Right Breast

Volume Surface Vertical Volume Surface Vertical

(ml) Area (cm2) Projection (cm) (ml) Area (cm2) Projection (cm)
Measurement 1 118 (⫹4.73%) 142 (⫺1.84%) 5.52 (⫺6.65%) 116 (⫺4.13%) 150 (⫺2.39%) 6.26 (⫹3.47%)
Measurement 2 110 (⫺2.37%) 146 (⫹0.92%) 6.09 (⫹2.99%) 122 (⫹0.83%) 157 (⫹2.17%) 6.33 (⫹4.63%)
Measurement 3 110 (⫺2.37%) 146 (⫹0.92%) 6.13 (⫹3.66%) 125 (⫹3.31%) 154 (⫹0.22%) 5.56 (⫺8.10%)
*Under the same procedure, instrument, observer, conditions, and location, repeated measurements were taken of the same subject’s left and
right breasts. Percent deviation from the mean measurement is shown in parentheses.

breast volume measurement.20,21,32,33 The draw- and analysis and they are provided with sophisti-
backs of previous techniques include distortion cated software for image display and manipula-
causing variable results and equipment complex- tion, no scientific reports of their use have been
ity and expense. Although it is well recognized that published. The reason may be that imaging us-
skin surface area is an important parameter in the ing these systems is performed with the subject
determination of breast symmetry and shape, positioned upright, limiting their use to non-
there are no quantitative data in the plastic surgery ptotic breasts. To the authors’ knowledge, none
literature documenting normal or abnormal val- of these systems has been programmed to mea-
ues. Indeed, until now, there has been no method sure surface area, although it should be techni-
available to measure these two parameters simul- cally feasible to do so.
taneously without breast contact or distortion. The This experiment has shown that the optical
authors have described an optical method of method is accurate in the analysis of simple geo-
breast volume and surface area analysis that is metric shapes. The accuracy is limited by the use
simple to perform and is associated with minimal of a grid for imaging which, through random
patient discomfort and inconvenience. The appa- alignment, does not always coincide with surface
ratus can be assembled from components that are landmarks, with the result that sharp projections
readily available, can be kept in a physician’s of- are poorly imaged. Natural breast shape is not
fice, and are relatively inexpensive. These are ad- acutely pointed, more closely resembling a trun-
vantages over other surface imaging systems that cated cone, for which the vertical projection mea-
have been developed with specialized cameras and sured in this study was accurate to within several
computer equipment for facial analysis.34 The sig- millimeters. Despite this limitation, the errors be-
nificantly higher cost of this technology can be tween optical values and actual parameters were
expected to limit widespread clinical availability. small and clinically insignificant.
Furthermore, although this and other stereopho- It is natural to believe that breast volume and
tographic systems are available for breast imaging surface area may change with positioning of the

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • May 2009

breast in the upright or prone position. As the sur- a tissue expander may provide data that will allow
geon is primarily interested in the shape of the construction of a flap or insertion of an expander
breast in the upright position, one could argue with the proper dimensions to improve symmetry
that all measurements should be performed up- of size and shape.
right. Unfortunately, optical analysis of the up- Postoperative breast asymmetry is one of the
right breast is usually impossible secondary to pto- more common problems following reduction
sis. The inferior surface can be hidden by close mammaplasty.32 During breast reduction for gi-
proximity to the chest wall. Previous investigators gantomastia, a small volume difference may go
have shown that volume measurements performed unrecognized without quantitative analysis, and if
in both positions are identical.13 The results of this the same volume is removed from each breast, the
study have confirmed these findings by comparing volume difference may become clinically signifi-
prone optical imaging with upright plaster cast- cant at the smaller revised volume. For example,
ing. Moreover, it has been shown for the first time the difference between 1500- and 1700-g breasts
that the differences between surface area mea- may not be subjectively obvious, but once each
surements performed in the two positions are breast has been reduced by the same amount, the
small and within the measured accuracy of the difference between the final volumes of 600 and
technique. 800 gm may be clinically significant. Preoperative
Therefore, it has been demonstrated that it is volume measurement may alert the surgeon to
possible to accurately measure breast volume and such differences so that the surgery can be ad-
surface area in the prone position and that this justed appropriately.
information is clinically relevant. A few obstacles In the planning of an augmentation mamma-
remain, however, to full clinical implementation. plasty, surface imaging is important for two reasons.
First, the data analysis is cumbersome, requiring First, patient satisfaction of postoperative breast size
significant time-consuming human intervention. may be more easily attained through quantitative
Future improvements will allow fully automated knowledge of preoperative volume integrated with
data analysis after image capture. Furthermore, the patient’s desired size. Second, if the “ideal”
even though it is now possible to measure breast relationship between breast volume and surface
surface area, the clinical meaning of variations in area is known, then knowledge of the preaugmen-
this parameter is yet poorly understood and will be tation skin surface area may allow determination
elucidated in subsequent experiments using this of the volume required to provide an aesthetic
optical method. breast shape. Thus, quantitative analysis should
Under many circumstances, breast surgery can improve the surgeon’s ability to perform a breast
be performed successfully without preoperative augmentation that satisfies the patient’s and sur-
quantitative analysis, but there are several clinical geon’s concepts of postoperative size and shape.
situations in which surface area measurement may During surgical planning to correct breast
improve the results of breast surgery. An imbal- asymmetry, knowledge of the volume and surface
ance between volume and surface area can result area differences can yield improved postoperative
in an unacceptable cosmetic appearance, leading results. If quantitative values for both volume and
to a ptotic or a constricted breast. The proper surface area are known for each breast, then it will
relationship between volume and surface area be possible to alter these two parameters to
needed to obviate these deformities is currently achieve identical values. It is hoped that the op-
unknown. Phase II of the experiment aims to cor- tical method will thus improve symmetry not only
relate subjective aesthetic features with objective in volume but also in shape.
breast measurements. Knowledge of the “ideal” Current programming displays a three-dimen-
relationship between volume and surface area may sional digital model of the subject’s breast. Future
yield improved results following breast operations improvements may allow alteration on the fly by
such as mastopexy, reduction mammaplasty, con- changing volume and surface area. This feature
stricted breast reconstruction, or reconstruction may aid in preoperative planning, patient educa-
following mastectomy. tion, and management of patient expectations.
A significant problem following breast recon- In phase II of the experiment, nonoperative
struction is that 40 percent of patients may have an normal volunteers and preoperative and postop-
asymmetry of breast shape, and 23 percent may erative patients undergoing breast surgery for
have an asymmetry in size.35 Imaging of the mas- asymmetry, augmentation, reduction, and recon-
tectomy site and the contralateral normal breast struction have been quantitatively assessed by the
before reconstruction with an autologous flap or optical method, deriving objective measurements

Volume 123, Number 5 • Breast Surface Area

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