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UCSP- Module 7

Name: Yukan Irish Dulatas

Section: HUMSS 11-D


1. A 6. B
2. C 7. C
3. A 8. D
4. C 9. A
5. A 10. B

Activity 1

1. State 6. Cooperatives
2. Corporation
3. Government
4. Banks
5. Trade Union


Nonstate constitution Structure Functions

Banks Is a financial institution licensed to provide It operates mainly for its deposits and lending
several services to different types of functions. Customers are allowed to deposit
customers. There are two major forms- their money which grows through an interest
commercial banks, and investment banks. rate.
Corporations A corporation is mainly composed of Corrporations’ largest and most significant
individuals, officers-known as the board of function is to generate wealth. Corporations
directors, and shareholders or must also increase earnings to improve those
stockholders. of their shareholders. A corporation is owned
by its shareholders. They profit from their
very first and subsequent investments.

Cooperatives Cooperatives are member-owned, Cooperatives foster bonds by retaining tight

member-controlled businesses that put the citizenship in society. Cooperatives are
needs and ambitions of their members first created to obtain low-cost loans, purchase
to meet their common economic, social, supplies and machinery for farming and
and cultural goals. domestic requirements, sell products, and
further secure a variety of services such as
electricity, agriculture, healthcare, and

Trade unions Trade unions are organizations founded by They support employees with concerns
employees from related fields to strive for about things like benefits, good working
the common good of their members. conditions, hours of work, and wage equity.
They serve as a liaison between
management and employees, represent a
group of workers, investigate worker
complaints, and speak on behalf of the
group before management.

Transnational Advocacy Research and advocacy NGOs (local, TAGs function as international change
Groups national, and worldwide), activists, agents, trying to effect international policy
regional social movements, religions, trade and practice reforms. TAGs are defined by
unions, consumer organizations, divisions the creation and growth of their advocacies
of state bureaucracy, academics, etc. make and campaigns, which reflect causes, ideas,
up transnational advocacy groups. It is values, and beliefs.
defined as "self-organized advocacy groups
that take voluntary actions within state
lines in favor of what they perceive to be
the greater public good.
Development Agencies The Ministry of Industry and Technology Development agencies have been
administers legal organizations known as established to develop the cooperation
Development Agencies. There are two between the public sector, private sector,
types of development agencies, these are and civil society. These agencies
international organizations and non- concentrate on the growth, progression,
government organizations and advancement of specific concerns,
which can be infrastructure or social


Name of the organization you will Charitable Organization Addressing Hunger (COAH)

Purpose of the organization COAHs goal is to build a powerful and resilient anti-hunger
movement and provide support to the frontliners fighting against

Organizational structure The organization will consist of a founder- known as the leader of
the organization, a co-founder, and a secretary, and the rest are

Funding sources Since we are a nonprofit organization and an NGO, we can able to
raise money for our operations by selling goods and services as
well as collecting membership fees. Individuals, for-profit
businesses, nonprofit foundations, and governments of all stripes-
provincial, state, federal, and even international- can also donate
to us.

Organization’s project and activities.  Supply relief goods to those who are highly affected by
-people have been unable to go outdoors and work to
support their families since the lockdown. Addressing
hunger becomes difficult to prevent for people who have
nothing and are unable to do anything to survive the
pandemic. As a result, our group will work hard and collect
funds to assist them in meeting their needs.
 Donate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- the supply of PPEs like a facemask, face shields,
gloves, goggles, head covers, etc., and even alcohol
are all in demand and have experienced shortages
during the pandemic. And donating some of these is
the only thing our group can do to help and survive
this pandemic.



1. A
2. C
3. A
4. C
5. A
6. B
7. C
8. B
9. A
10. D


1. True
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. True
6. False
7. False
8. False
9. False
10. False

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