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The machine

learning journey
The path toward leveraging the full power
of machine learning technologies
Forging ahead
When deployed with the right strategies, machine While machine learning has been around for decades, its
learning (ML) can increase agility, streamline processes, accessibility as a tool to transform businesses is relatively
boost revenue by creating new products and improving new. And the lack of a singular, proven path to machine
existing ones, and enable better, faster decision-making. learning success is keeping some businesses waiting on
the sidelines, unsure of how to take the next (or even
e,r nodoubtmachinelearningandar ti0cial
the0rst)steponthejourne.Thy iseBookisdesignedto
intelligence (AI) can help companies achieve more—in
help businesses forge ahead, outlining a proven path—
a recent survey by McKinsey, 63 percent of respondents
fr e0rststeptomeasuringesults—
r withinsights
reported revenue increases from AI adoption in the
from Amazon’s own machine learning heritage and its
business units where their companies use AI.¹ It’s also
experience helping thousands of customers realize their
clearthatadoptersontic nuetoveha on0c denceinAI
own initiatives.
technologies’ ability to drive value and advantage.
According to Gartner, 75 percent of enterprises will shift It’s time for organizations to overcome their machine
from piloting AI to operationalizing AI by the end of learning worries, stop playing catch-up, and forge
2024,² and according to Deloitte, 57 percent say AI will ahedwithon0c dence.Nomatteganieorwh zations
transform their organization over the next three years.³ eonar theirmachnelearningpaths,they,ll0ndthe
guidance they need to take the next step to machine
learning success.

/w om/featur
.c y ed-insights/arti0cial-intelligencglo
e/ bal-ai-sur veveoy-aipr s-its-orwth-but-few-scale-impact
2 https:.gar/wtneen/om/.c r newsress-
pr om/ ele
r ases/20-6-2-gartner-identi0es-top-10data-and-analytics-technolo
ahW rti
ae l
aic nte
i llinceg e
and machine learning?
Y veobaly
pr darheti0cialintelligence(AI)andmachinelearning(ML)describednanumberof
wa solet,staeaste k pbackndevir ewtheirxactde0nitions:

aw describeanysystemthatcanepli
r catetasksthatevipr ously
required human intelligence.

Almostalwys, a thisisela r teto d sokindme omplecf decisi

x on-makingtaskhum
ewr anjudgment
would normally be required. Most use cases for AI are looking for a probabilistic outcome—making
edicprtions,classi0cations,ordecisionswitherofcahigdtaintyandinys wa thatesi ar milar

Almost all AI systems today are created using machine learning. Machine learning uses large
amounts of data to create and validate decision logic. This is known as a model. The AI system feeds
prk onsorclassi0cations.
Essentially, machine learning is the underlying technology that powers intelligent systems.

AI can be created without machine learning, but right now, machine learning is the primary method
for creating AI systems. Similarly, machine learning can be used for more than AI, but right now, the
r ted.

Why machine learning?
Beedigngfor intothestepsofthemachinelearningjourne,le
y t,sexploybusi
ewhr nessesshouldgonthat
j neyinthe0rstplae.Af
our c terall,evenwiththeguidanceinthiseBoomple
k,c tingthestepsoutlineewill dhr
equir onti
ecr nuedinvestmentandunwvea ringdeication.Businesseswillneedtoegula
r rlyemindr themselveswhat
ry, ngepingfor—k thes
iry onthecise
pr businessbene0tsthatcanbeunloyfully
edbck leveraging
machine learning technology.

dyr eth
z eimpactof:

1 2
Optimizing business with Smarter, faster decision-making
nenceic w s
ei Informed by data and analytics sources that grow
smarter through machine learning, businesses
Machine learning can be used to create greater
and their workforces can make more informed,
e2cincythoug r hsophisticatedemandplanning
faster decisions that allow them to act on
and forecasting models. While this is true in almost
opportunities sooner and get better results.
ever yindustreta ,r y ilviopr dessomespeci0vidence.
T-Mobile customer service agents use AI to
AI-based forecasting is reducing lost sales due to
quickly access the information most salient
product unavailability by up to 65 percent and
tocustomerneeds.Byviopr dingagentswith
resulting in two million fewer product returns per
contextual information in real time, T-Mobile
eary UsinganAWS-baseedicti pr vederingo
helps guarantee that each customer’s issues are
solution, Domino’s Pizza Enterprises Limited is
quickly and accurately resolved.
delivering on an initiative to have pizza ready for
pickup within three minutes of ordering or safely
delivered within 10.

/w mckinse
eda/ o~. y /indy ustries/advanced%20electronics/our%20insights/w%2
ho 0arti0cial%20
intelligence%20can%20deliver%2eal%2 0r 0value%20to%2ompani0c es/mgi-arti0cial-intelligence-discussion-.ash
per x
3 4
Multinational television company Adding new capabilities to existing
Discovery, Inc. (Discovery) has a wide range of content
that appeals to a broad base of customer audiences. Machine learning can enrich existing products, improving
Thompanyec wantedtohelpcustomers0ndcurated customer engagement and attracting new users through
c ntthatmatchedtheirspeci0nteests r and deeper experiences. For instance, Livongo is a platform
turned to Amazon Personalize to enable tailored and mobile app that works with smart devices, such
content suggestions for their Discovery+ streaming as a connected blood glucose monitor, to help people
w generic manage medical issues. It uses machine learning to
content, Discovery used the machine learning–powered translate data from blood glucose readings, physical
recommendations of Amazon Personalize to customize activity, and meal logs, in addition to smartphone data
the viewer experience and improve the overall and other important data, into timely and actionable
customerjourne. y “health nudges.“ These personalized messages around
diet, exercise, medications, and more—delivered in real
time to members on their connected devices—help them
avoid complications that could land them in the hospital,
saving the system (and themselves) money.

5 6
Inventing net-new products Staying relevant
In its drive to make healthcare technology better serve Machine learning is not a niche choice anymore—it’s a
individuals, Cambia used Amazon Web Services (AWS), necessity to stay relevant and competitive, irrespective
including machine learning technology, to develop ofthe0ldanddomain. OnPoint Digital Solutions,
Journi, a digital all-in-one health solution guided by a subsidiary of Koch Engineered Solutions, recently
data-driven intelligence and human expertise that helps collaborated with AWS to codevelop an intelligent
health plan members and their families make the most of process optimization platform (IPOP). The platform—
theirhalthbene0ts. designed to enable OnPoint’s solutions—utilizes cloud
and edge digital infrastructure to provide advanced
machine learning and industrial computing capabilities
for OnPoint’s connected ecosystem. This enables
industrial operators and their preferred partners to
integrate and act upon the best available knowledge
anywhere, anytime, at scale.

Now that we’ve outlined the “why” of machine learning, it’s time to explore the “how.” The next sections will
y ngAmon,az swno pathandthoseofAWScustomers
to exemplify the necessary changes that must take place in order to successfully implement, deploy, and scale
machine learning.

The machine 1
learning journey Championing a machine learning culture
Acdingorc toGar tne,th
r eglobalbusinessvaluederiveomardfti0cialintelligenceis
Themachinelearningjourneyisnotalwysa a ojecte
pr dtoeach$3.
r 9trillionin20. 5

straightforward path. Achieving success with

r esr eth
mor anjust Unlockingthefullbusinesspotentialofmachinelearningwillequi
r ecultur
r alchangesin
great technology—it also means ensuring teganimor zation,objectives,andoutlook.
the organization is aligned to the right
In order for machine learning to proliferate through the organization, both business and
goals. Identifying and reaching those goals
technical teams must work together and share the same priorities. To achieve this at the
will necessitate broad changes in processes,
outset,themachinelearningeortmustbesuppor teomth
dfr ehigstlevels,withgoals
management, and culture. The next sections will
set by executive champions and an investment in the technology and the processes that
explore how organizations can overcome common
enable success.
challenges that often impede progress and take
the right steps to implement machine learning in It’s important that management take a wide-scale view while fostering machine learning
e2cint,sustainableys. wa initiatives.ecuti
Ex vesmustbe0rmintheirgoalsbut1exibleinwth
ho ganieor zation
r them.Mistaes
k esur
ar etobemad.Bystayingfocusedonthelong-termoutlook
and not allowing discouragement, organizations can glean wisdom from every error and
apply those learnings to champion a machine learning culture throughout the business.

Perhaps the largest cultural change organizations must undergo is utilizing the
opportunity inherent in mistakes. Machine learning is an iterative process, one which can
only succeed through constant experimentation. More often than not, these experiments
will result in failure. Only by learning from mistakes—and refusing to grind progress to
a halt in the name of determining “what went wrong?”—can organizations consistently
reach the breakthrough successes waiting on the other side.

5https:.gar/wtneen/om/.c r newsress-
pr om/ ele
r ases/2018-04-25-gartner-says-global-arti0cial-intelligence-business-value-to-
reach-1-point-2-trillion-in-2018 7
How Amazon did it (Machine learning) will empower and
improve every business, every government
Amazon has been using machine learning in the business for over 20 years.
organization, every philanthropy—basically
Buteth mor anears
10y ago,tofurtheradoptionofmachinelearningoss
the company, Amazon’s leadership team asked every business leader in the there’s no institution in the world that cannot
ganior zation—esp
ir ectiveofwhethertheyranese
ar chte
ar am,ful0llment be improved with machine learning.”
center, or an HR department—to answer the question of how they planned to
z FounderandOCE ofAmonaz
leverage machine learning in their businesses.

In most cases, “We don’t plan to” was not an acceptable answer. This forced
leadership, domain experts, and technical experts to collaborate on machine
learning initiatives and to let nothing halt their progress—even in instances
whr ngiblebene0tsesti
rw llears
y wndo
“We forecast millions of products every single day across all of our Amazon
In addition to hiring data scientists externally, Amazon also created the sites worldwide,” said Jenny Freshwater, director of forecasting
MachineLearningUniversity,whictrainedmanyofitsdeveloperstouse at Amazon. “And without machine learning, we would not be able to produce
machinelearningecti mor vely.Thompanyec builttoolslieAm k onaz those forecasts.”
erk mpli0esthess
ocpr eati ofcr ngmodelsandloers w the
Amazon has also developed technology to give consumers an entirely new
barietoentr y—somachinelearningould c scaleecti
mor vely.
way to interact with technology through Alexa. The company has developed
,mor wN an1ears 0y late,th
r eisn,
r tasingledepartmentatAmonaz ound
gr eakingbr technologywithautonomous1ightviaAmonaz Prime
that hasn’t been touched by machine learning. Amazon’s personalization Aionerd sandusesobti r csinitsful0llmentente c rstogetpackgesto
technologythatviopr desomendcr ationstocustomershassigni0cantly consumers faster. Plus, Amazon is using machine learning to minimize the
veoimpr dsinceits0rstmodelears 20y earlierandhasbenapliedtoother amount of packaging that customers have to dispose of, reducing the weight
areas of the business. oftheiroutboundpackgingy33b ent
cpr andeliminating915,0tonsof
packaging material worldwide.
Thompanyec usesmachinelearningthoug
r houtitsful0llmentess
ocpr and
leverages a forecast system that can predict demand for nearly every product Achieving these successes required great investments in technology,
in its enormous inventory. These prediction models allow Amazon to better ese
r ch,andr talent.Butthoseinvestmentsould
w veha gonetowaste
deliver on customer expectations of convenience, cost, and delivery speed. without the cultural change that pushed them forward through many
failures and unexpected challenges. Every organization must foster this same
fault-tolerant culture of experimentation and innovation before

Reinventing data strategy
Machine learning successes are highly dependent on Once stored, the data can be analyzed by many types of
quality data. Without a proper data strategy in place, analytics and machine learning services—faster and more
ogrp willslowtowl
acr andhamperthectiveness e2cintlythanwithtraditional,silooaches.
dpr Data
W et,
y ifthemodlisinfyormedb lake architectures also enable multiple groups within the
bad data, the results it generates may be misleading—or ganior zationtobene0tomanafr lyzingonsi
ac stentpol
even1at-outongwr . of data that spans the entire business.

“(Machine learning models are) highly sensitive to data For help developing a more holistic data strategy that
quality,” Freshwater said. “So we learned—in many cases includes data lakes, visit the reinvent your business with
the hard way—that the time spent on getting data of high data site.
quality on the way in paid dividends in our models on the
way out.”

The right data strategy for machine learning should aim

to break down silos, enabling IT teams to easily, quickly,
and securely access and collect the data they need.

While modern data strategies take many forms, data lakes

are becoming an increasingly popular core component of
themoste2cintmodels.Datalaes k eagili
orm ty
allowing companies to manage multiple data types from
a wide variety of sources and to store the data—whether
structured or unstructured—in a centralized repository.

We are using AWS data-analysis technologies to HoGew Pa-aigrco i
predict . . . precisely how fast converting lines
should run to avoid tearing. By reducing paper did it
tears, we have increased profits by millions
of dollars for one production line.” Hundreds of paper and tissue parent rolls are produced
d Gegia-Paor ci0manufacturingfacilities
SteveBakala,VPr –IT:DigitalTransformation,
acr NorthAmerica.Iftearseaks orb cur
o eque
fr ntly,
Gegia-Paor ci0
it leads to paper-machine and converting-line downtime
thatcanost c Gegia-Paor ci0mllionsofdllarsearpy
per line.

Gegia-Paor ci0starteymigrati
db ng50TBofstructured
and unstructured production data from a legacy database
infrastructurto e clo
a ud-basedatalaBy e.k laeringy AWS
databases and analytics tools on all of that data, Georgia-
Paci0wasabletooptieymanuf kiz acturingesse
ocpr s
toedict pr equipmentfailure60–90ys da inadvance.
Byeduc r ingpaertearsandunplannewnti
do me,the
ompanyc wasabletoincease
r o0ts
pr ymilli
b onsof
dollars for one production line.

Read the full story ›

Finding the right business problem to address
Onemistaganieork zationsofteneinmak theirmachnelearningjourneysisemploying
discrete data scientists who work in silos to build machine learning models as proofs of
oncc ept—ratherthantosolveeal
r businessoble pr ms.Withnospeci0businessoble
pr m
tosolve,ITecuti x veswill0nditinceasi
r nglydi2culttodemonstratethevalueofmachine
pr totheirbusinessecuti
x veounte
c rpats.Thiscanstallorevenstop
progress on machine learning initiatives.

Here are some important u

q estions organizations should
ask before embarking on their machine learning journeys:

1 Is the project important enough to get attention and adoption?

) Does it solve a real business problem?

3 Are there places where the organization already has a lot of untapped data?

4 Does the project require machine learning?

5 Can it be done by a single business?

6 Can it eventually be operationalized?

A first step is to identify a problem that Together, these teams should also work through
is rich in data, but (one that) you haven’t how to measure success. “Make sure you . . .
have very crisp and clear metrics as you embark
been able to solve through traditional
onthemachinelearningjourneFr, y eshwater
methods,” Freshwater said. said. “Many times, your models are taking over
for something existing and you want to make
Inasuccessfulmachinelearningjourne, y
sure that they’re actually better and that you
organizations create machine learning teams that
can measure it.”
This requires including both technical and domain For more on measuring the success of machine
experts within these teams. While the technical learning initiatives, refer to Step 6inthiseBook .
experts will take on the brunt of model creation,
theyneedthe0ldknowledgeofmainexpr tsto Some organizations have the talent in-house
de0neprecisebusinesschallengesandidentif ythe to identify the problems that would be
datamostimpor tantto0ndingasolution. best addressed by machine learning and to
implement the appropriate pilot programs. AWS
This approach is also critical to change o er stheAmaoznMachineLearningSolutions
management—when technical and domain experts Lab to help customers “work backward” from
collaborate to create machine learning models, business challenges—and then go step-by-
employeswillfelmorecn0dentinmaking step through the process of creating machine
decisions based on the algorithm’s logic. learningprojec tstosolvethem.

How the NFL did it
orkw viopr de NGSalsousesmachinelearningmodelsto
deeper insights into its players and teams to calculateeth
mor anent
20dir advanced
satisfy both the need for improved player statistics that are compelling to fans. One example
safety and the insatiable fan appetites for data is the Expected Rushing Yards stat, which is
and statistics. designed to show how many rushing yards a ball
carrier is expected to gain on a given carry based
adr thisneed,theNFLedwith
ork AWS on the relative location, speed, and direction of
cr themachinelearningedNFL
rw-po Next blockers and defenders.
ar lyent
dir disciplines,theNFLwisely InsightslieComple
k tionProbailityould
w n,t
included both technical and domain experts in exist without the partnership between technical
cr onofNGS,ensuringbothoup
gr sould
c experts—who can build and train the models that
work hand in hand to identify the right data and crunch the necessary data—and domain experts—
develop stats.6 who know what data to measure to create the
most exciting statistics.
Leveraging RFID tags to track player movement,
NGSviopr deseal-r timelocationdata,sped,and This partnership also helps to build acceptance
acceleration for every player during every play forNGS,asoadcste
br rseli
mora ely
k tocite
onever yinchofthe0ld.Bysimulatingent dir advanced stats that football experts (and in some
situationswithinagmenvionmr ent,theNFL cases, the broadcasters themselves) had a hand
aims to foster a better understanding of how to in creating.
r tateinjuriesinthenearterm
and eventually predict and intervene to prevent
Read the full story ›

a / on.amz n1om/c 13
Upskilling your teams
In parallel with creating a data strategy, organizations These methods include:
must focus on arming their engineer teams with the
De ningtheskillsgap: Beforeclosingtheskillsgap,
right skills.
anorganizationmustidentif ytheprcisedi ernces
Organizations are growing increasingly aware of the between what it needs or wants its employees to do and
machine learning skills gap—the expanding separation what its employees currently have the ability to do.
between technologies and the ability of internal IT
Understanding how skills are mapped: Since machine
specialists to take full advantage of them. The O'Reilly
learninginitiativesareinterdisciplinar ye or ts,an
2021 AI Adoption in the Enterprise 2021 report,
organization should map the skills needed across data
which surveyed more than 3,500 business leaders,
scientists, machine learning specialists, application
developer s,statisticians,andothersubjec tmatter
topedthelistofchallengesinAI,with9 1 percntof
experts in the business.
respondentscitingitasasigni0cant bar.Clo
ie sing
this gap for machine learning will require a combination Customizngtrainingforspeci needs: If an
of training and recruiting. The reality is, there aren’t organization has existing training curriculums that
enough data scientists today to lead the machine could be useful, it should work to tailor those materials
learning transformation that is coming. This requires tothebusiness,speci0mahnelearningneeds.
organizations that want to leverage machine learning to Leaders should also investigate pre-trained AI services
0r stinvestindevelopingtheirtalent. that provide ready-made intelligence for business
aplicationsandwork 1 s.
Whiletherisnoone -size -0ts-allsolutiontothe
machine learning skills gap, there are proven methods
the need to make large investments in buying or
borrowing pre-trained expert talent.

In addition to training, you’ll need to align teams to successfully
tackle machine learning problems. This includes:

Promoting a culture of empowered teams: Machine learning project teams must be cross-
functional, possessing the authority to execute individual objectives and the freedom to
organically cross-pollinate with other teams as demands dictate and opportunities arise. To
make this kind of teamwork possible, management will need to embrace new structures—letting
go of the strictly hierarchical and departmentally siloed organizational models of the past.

Starting with a pilot team: Establish a pilot team of engineers and task it with a machine
pr I,omendcdr puttingoup
ac leeally
ofr smar tpeoleontr yingto0gureout
what metrics you want to optimize for or predict . . . just start really small,” Freshwater said.

Enabling organic transformation: Once the pilot project is complete, the business can split
up the team, add new engineers to create new teams, and task them with new projects. This
process continues, allowing knowledge to organically spread from veteran team members to
new recruits and pollinate between teams.

Byfollowingthisguidance,manyganior zationse0ndar ingthatthepoletheycurently

r veha actually
are the people they need to close their machine learning skills gaps. While some recruiting may still be
required, organizational, process, and management changes can do much of the work to upskill talent for
machine learning success.

It's also important to ensure that business leaders are trained to understand machine learning, including
what makes a good use case and how to speak the language of machine learning. Many courses are
available for business leaders, including Machine Learning Essentials from AWS.

How Morningstar did it
r ch0rmMoa rningstaruses
machine learning to automate data collection
processes and expand the number of funds it
covers. The company does this by leveraging Our DeepRacer challenge harnesses our
predictions from a machine learning model
employees’ enthusiasm for machine
trained to emulate Morningstar analysts’ fund
learning and artificial intelligence.
evaluation process.
It provides hands-on training
To train its employees and accelerate machine across the company and accelerates
learning application, Morningstar uses AWS
Morningstar's practical application of
DeepRacer—a tool that facilitates hands-
on machine learning training through a fully
machine learning across our investing
autonomous 1/18th scale race car driven by products, services, and processes. The
reinforcement learning, a 3D racing simulator, response from our teams has gone
and a global racing league. More than 445 well beyond my expectations, and it
Morningstar employees from multiple functions
has been a fun way to unite our global
and eight countries—including 35 percent of its
technology function—have been engaged in the
teams, whether in technology or other
DeepRacer League.7 functions.”

Morningstar has dozens of machine learning JamesRhodes,ChiefTechnologyO2,Moerc rningstar

a reinforcement learning program that searches
forpatternsinregulator y0lingsandanalgorithm
thatidenti0esand0xesberonk linkstothe

7https:ne/ wsrom.rningstaneom/.c r wsrneom/ ws-chivear ess-

pr / ele
r ase-details/2019/Morningstar-Launches- 16
c -Competition-toAc - ele
c rateAp
- plication--Maof chine-Learningdefault.
/ aspx
Scaling beyond pilot projects
c ulpilots,ganior zationsmusttaeth
k enextsteponthejourney:
sustainably scaling machine learning across the business. This is both a technical and a
cultural challenge.

Achieving scalability requires organizations to make it easier for their developers to use
complex, which can slow innovation.

Many organizations are solving scalability with Amazon SageMaker, an end-to-end solution
thatveoc rsthentiemachiner learningwto
ork1 build,train,anddeploymachinelearning
models.ByusingAmonaz SageMagani,or ek zationscangettheirmodlsintooduc
pr tion
faster and at a lower cost, enabling sustainable expansion of machine learning initiatives
ondbey pilotojects.

There are several ways companies approach the cultural shift necessary to scale machine
c eati
ycrb ngente
ac elle
crofx ncethatralliesthe
community and continues to push for new initiatives. Or, like Amazon, organizations can make
machine learning an integral part of yearly planning processes, continuously bringing domain
and technical experts together to brainstorm and determine the company’s next step.

How Intuit did it
UsingAmonaz SageMa,Intui
erk teduc
r edmachinelearningdeployment
meb ent—
cpr omsi
fr xmonthstooneek.By
w entr
c alizingits
machine learning initiatives, Intuit fosters innovation and deploys AI and
machine learning techniques at speed and scale—achieving business
value that goes beyond its products and services.

“AWS gives people within Intuit a common platform to share and

collaborate with data in a secure environment,” said Ashok Srivastava,
prc dentandchiefdataerat
o2c Intuit.Forexample,
Amazon SageMaker gives us the platform and infrastructure we need to
apply our sophisticated AI and machine learning technologies.”

Watch the video ›

AWS gives people within Intuit a common
platform to share and collaborate with data in a
secure environment.”
AshokSrivastava,SenieProrVic esidentandChiefDataO2,Intui
erc t

Measuring the results
When measuring the results of machine learning will we fall behind our competitors in X years when the
e or ts,thetraditionalprojec tROI viewpoint— wher technology matures?”
aprojec thasade0nedstar tandendpoint,abudget,
While traditional ROI metrics may not be the best
and a return—is reductive and can be detrimental to
approach, the business impact of machine learning
, success.Iftheprojc tdoesn,tgeneratea
initiativescanstillbemasured — itjustrequiresa
positive return within the given time frame, the business
di er ntoutlook .
may lose interest and miss out on critical opportunities
down the line. Machine learning results can be measured through
something resembling a “value tree,” where the main
Instead, executives and IT alike must measure machine
trunk of the tree represents the traditional “revenue
learninge or tsbasedonwhatsuccessmeansfortheir
return” and branches extending from the trunk
business with regard to the processes being optimized.
recognize the value of other business outcomes.
Inadition,theymustviewmachinelearninge or ts
as long-term investments, acknowledging that a true Thespeci0branchesofthevaluetrewilldepnd
“return” may not be realized for several years and after on the organization, the industry, and the initiative,
countless iterations. but they might be things like “time saved through
automated processes,” “new leads, markets,
When planning machine learning initiatives, it’s better
andop r tunitiesidenti0ecusto
d, merser vice
to view the process through the lenses of agility,
improvements,” and/or “increases in upsells.”
competitive advantage, and/or risk tolerance rather
than expected return. Organizations will have greater Measuring the success of machine learning through
success if they disregard the question of “What will a more holistic and long-term model will keep your
be my return on investment in X months?” in favor of teams focused on the best outcomes for the future of
something more like “If we don’t invest in this now, the company.

Taking the next Personalization: Improve customer engagement
and conversion by creating personalized web
Amazon SageMaker: Amazon SageMaker
enables developers and data scientists to quickly

step with AWS experiences—tailored to individual customer

preferences and behaviors across channels.
and easily build, train, and deploy machine
learning models—thus simplifying scalability
across the entire business. Amazon SageMaker
Intelligent document processing: Instantly
N ganieorwh zationseinar their removes the complexity that gets in the way
extract text and data from virtually any
machinelearningjourneys,AWSviopr des of successfully implementing machine learning
document, such as loan applications and
products, solutions, and services that can help across use cases and industries—from running
them take the next step. Featuring the world’s models for real-time fraud detection to virtually
broadest and deepest set of machine learning Intelligent search: Boostbusinessoduc
pr tivity analyzing biological impacts of potential drugs to
and AI services, AWS has worked with over ten identifying the best driver in F1.
and customer satisfaction by delivering accurate
thousand customers to help them successfully and useful information faster from siloed and
implement machine learning. unstructured information sources across the
AWS is dedicated to putting machine learning
in the hands of every developer and is working Fraud detection: Imveopr o0ta
pr bilityyb
tirelessly to solve the toughest challenges that automating the detection of potentially
stand in the way of that goal. AWS capabilities are fraudulent online activity, such as payment fraud
built on the most comprehensive cloud platform, and fake accounts, using machine learning and
are optimized for machine learning with high- your own unique data.
performance compute, and compromise nothing
in security and analytics. Media intelligence: Maximize the value of media
content by adding machine learning to media
Let,sexploecur r ent
r machinelearningoerings ws
ork1 suchassechandr discveo onte
,cr y nt
from AWS—and see how they can help localization, compliance, monetization, and more.
ganior zationsess
ogrp intheirjourneys.
Business metrics analysis: Accurately
Intelligent contact center: Enhance your predict demand forecasting and streamline
customer service experience and reduce costs supply-demand decisions to combine historical
by integrating machine learning into your time-series data with additional variables such
contact center. as product features, pricing, and holidays.

Machine learning AI Key Use Cases: Explore the key use cases of machine learning to improve customer
miz nessoperations,andele
ca rateinnovation.Nomachinelearning

with AWS, by the experience is required.

• Add intelligence to the contact center • Identify fraudulent online activities

numbers • Personalize customer recommendations
• Automate data extraction and analysis
• Analyze media content and discover
new insights
• Discover accurate information faster • Improve business operations
with intelligent search and forecasting
AWS machine learning solutions:
Machine Learning Frameworks: AWS customers can choose from TensorFlow, PyTorch,
Reduce training time by 50%⁸
famew toexprimntwithandcustoemachinez
Provide 90%scli
a ngnceic2 ⁹y learning algorithms. They can use the framework of their choice as a managed experience in
Deliver 3x faster network throughput
10 Amazon SageMaker or use AWS Deep Learning AMIs (Amazon Machine Images), which are
fullyon0c guredwiththelatestversionsofthemostpoulardeplearningorks
famew and
Improve price and performance by 25%11 tools.AWScustomersalsobene0toadse
mbrf terwofpulompute
c options,ranging
91% of cloud-based PyTorch runs on AWS from GPUs for compute-intensive deep learning to FPGAs for specialized hardware
acceleration to high-memory instances for running inference.Amonaz vioC2prE desa
92% of cloud-based TensorFlow runs on AWS
miz 0tmachinelearningusecases—dle
egar ssof
whether customers are training models or running inference on trained models.

Implementation Support: The Amazon Machine Learning Solutions Lab pairs your team
with machine learning experts to help you identify and build machine learning solutions to
address your organization’s highest return-on-investment machine learning opportunities.
W oertrainingtoaugmentthelevelofmachinelearningexpr tiseonour
y team,
including developer training, business leader training, and a hands-on event through the
Machine Learning Embark Program.

Learning Tools: AWSalsooersanumberoflearningtoolsandser vies

c tohelp
organizations improve their machine learning capabilities, including:

• AWS DeepRacer
• AWS DeepLens
• Machine Learning Training and Certification
• Amazon Machine Learning Solutions Lab

8 As measured in the ResNet-50 benchmarking test, AWS-optimized TensorFlow recorded the fastest training time, by over 50 percent
9UsingAWS-optiedTemiz nsorFlowallowsfornear-linearscalinge2cinc,up
y to90ent
cpr edto
omparc 65ent
cpr usingstockTensorFlow 21
10 than other providers using P3dn instances
11 using C5 instances powered by 3.0GHz Intel e X on compared to previous generation instances
Solving the biggest Challenge Solution

machine learning Discouragement Developing a fault-tolerant culture

challenges from failures

Siloed, unprocessed eati

Cr ngamoderndatastrategythatincludesdata
Most organizations have made some investments in data lakes
r somestageofthejourne. y
Butmany0ndthemselveshittingstopgasalongth, yewa Finding the right Buildingblendedteamsthatincludebothtechnical
worried that costs and complexities will grow too high as business problems and domain experts
they progress.

ok,w edth
r estepstogingdforwa ahed The machine Adopting new organizational models, processes, and
and realizing the full power of machine learning. To recap, learning skills gap team management philosophies
let,slookatthebigstchallengeseidnti w 0edalong
the way—with a brief descriptor of how organizations can
Sustainably scaling Leveraging end-to-end tools like Amazon SageMaker
solve them.
beyond pilot to simplify machine learning development

To learn more about how Measuring the Forgo traditional ROI metrics in favor of agility,
organizations can overcome obstacles results competitive advantage, and risk tolerance; use the
value tree model
and accelerate their machine learning
journeys, visit the AWS machine
learning resource hub.

Get started ›

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c Inc.oritsa2liates.Allrightsese
r r ved.

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