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Q.1. State true or false:

i. If a number is divisible by both 4 and 6 then it must be divisible by
ii. If a number is divisible by both 40 and 60 then it must be divisible
by 120.

Q.2. There are two numbers a & b, such that their L.C.M. is 161. If b > a,
a > 1. Find the value of (8a – 6b).
1) –50 2) –32 3) –82 4) –65

Q.3. Arjun takes 6 minutes while Parth takes 7½ minutes to take a walk
around Simmons Circle. If they started together at 10:00 am from the
same spot in the same direction around the circle, at what time will
they both be at the starting point again?

Q.4. How many numbers between 400 and 800 are divisible by both 88
and 72?
1) 1 2) 2 3) 4 4) 5

Q.5. Find the largest 3-digit number which leaves remainder 2 when
divided by 14 or 35.

Q.6. In a class when only Arjun was absent, the students could be divided
into groups of 6 students each. But when both Arjun and Parth were
absent, the rest could be divided into groups of 7 each. What is the
minimum possible number of students in the class?
Q.7. Find the least number which leaves remainder 1 when divided by 2, 2
when divided by 3, and 3 when divided by 4.

Q.8. There are two traffic signals. The first one stays red for 5 mins and
green for 2 mins, whereas the second one stays red for 6 mins and
green for 2 mins. If both the signals just turn red simultaneously, after
how much time will they turn green simultaneously?
1) 32 mins 2) 56 mins 3) 54 mins 4) 26 mins

Q.9. I have 132 oranges, 84 apples and 144 guavas. If each type of fruit
can be distributed equally amongst all the students in my class, what
could be the strength of my class? What is the maximum possible

Q.10. Three wheels can complete 60, 36, 24 revolutions per minute
respectively. There is a red spot on each wheel that touches the
ground at time zero. After how much time, all these spots will
simultaneously touch the ground again?
1) secs 2) 5 secs 3) 6 secs 4) 7.5 secs

1 3 1
Q.11. Three pieces of cake of weights 4 lbs, 6 lbs, 7 lbs respectively are
2 4 5
to be divided into parts of equal weights. Further, each part must be
as heavy as possible. If one such part is served to each guest, then
what is the maximum number of guests that could be entertained?
1) 54 2) 20 3) 36 4) None of these

Q.12. Find the greatest number which leaves remainders 10, 8 and 6 when
it divides 70, 80 and 90 respectively.
Q.13. Sum of two numbers is 1350, and their GCD is 90. Find the number
of pairs of such numbers.
1) 18 2) 4 3) 3 4) 11

Q.14. Find two 2-digit numbers which have GCD = 6 and LCM = 432.

Q.15. When a number is divided by 120 the remainder is 48. Find the
remainder when the same number is divided by:
1) 15 2) 12 3) 9 4) 6

Q.16. A number leaves a remainder 2 when divided by 9. Which of the

following could not be the remainder when it is divided by 45?
1) 20 2) 30 3) 29 4) 38

Q.17. A three digit number is divisible by 7. What could be the possible

remainders when it is divided by
i. 21
ii. 49
iii. 3

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