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Part-A MiGrO'f>roj1ct


1.0 Alma/Benaflta of the M~jlct "pr09"am to perform Speach To TC1Xl application

2.0 Car• Oitcomu Mlrwad

In this projact I loam about what is Ewnt Handl Ing and tag45 of java Script.
3.0 Pl-cpGNd M.thodolog,
We completoo our worlc In good co-ordination and hardworldng.. First wo started
col lecting Information about .)Iva Script and html programing And we started to form
report on that concapl Finally we complctoo the project with good out.comas.

,n A.•1-DI- / (, --~ .,__ · • f r- --t-..,. .. ~,1 1•• 11..\

Sr o.t..11. of activity Pllllllad Pt... Nam.of
Start d Flnlah lapo111ible
N data
.. T..n
1 Solcction of topic 05·10·21 06·10· ALL M>\M!ERS

2 C.Olloctlng Information 06·10·21 10-10·21 KIRA

3 Typlng In word 11·10·21 12·10·21 ALL MAMBERS
q Coding 13·10·21 13·10·21 RITESH

6 Sotting In word document 11,-10-21 15·10·21 RUD


5.0 R-rc..R.qund (major NSOUl'C4S such as raw material, some machining facility,
. ... \
Sr. Nam.of Sp.:ifla!Uonl Qty Ranrit
No. Ra.awu/matr
' '
1 MS-Word MS-2010 1
2 Laptop AMO RYZEN 1
3 Appli&ition Sub·limt i...t 1

Part - B Micro-Project
R.poe-t To Tact

LO AlnwlBlnlftta ti th. MlaoA-ojlct

Simple Appllc:atla, Speech To Text.

2.D C-.o.tmm..Addraad
In this projcGt I lcam about what is Ewnt Handling and tagcs « jaw Script.

3.0 Wt.......AM•
The main f18rt of this project is to dcwlop a various Aplliatlon

ll.D Adu.I Mithadclogy Fcl lo•d.

We canplctcd wr work In good co·ordinatlon aid hrdworklng. First 1 strtcd

collcctlng lnform1tlon about Java Salpt and html programing. And 1 started to form report
on that =pt. Fin1l ly we completed Iha projcct with good outcomC1S.

5.D Oitp,ta of the Mltro-Pi-ojclll

successfully mado Speach To Ten conYGl'tcr.

6.0 511111 0-loped / Laming - - of tH• Mao A-oject

From this project I lcarnod about.Java Scriit, ■nblg .

L Ad..! Motbxlology followed.

1. Discussion about glwn tq,lc

2. Scloctlon of Google and distributions on rcsponsibllltlos
3. Collection of information using diffcrant rascurms
ll. Analysis of information porfcrmanca glwn
5. Rcproscrtatlan information in a rcqulrod format
6. Prq,aratlon « pro Joct report
7. Computation and sibmlsslon of assign task
1. Canmuni catJ a,
2. Problam-solving
3. Teamwork
Ll. Adapt.ability
5. veal.I vi ty
6. IT skills
7. Pro!ramming skill
I wish to express our profound and Sil'ICAINI 9r9tib.id4 to our guide.

Who guided us into the intricacies of this miavprojcct non-chal.,tly with

matchless magnanimity. Wa aro indabted to his c:onst..l ancouregamant.. co operation
and holp. It was his cmthusi■stic support that halpod us in owrcoming him various
obstacles in this projecl
I would also likAI to Gp"CSS our to our balOYOC! Principal, H.OD,
and othar faculty mambars our Fifth Var Department for met.anding their support
and moliv■tion.


Java script is limited feature client side

programming language .java script run at the
client end through user's browsers

without sending massages bade and forth to the

server. It is widely used by the web developers to do
things such as build dynamic webpages, respond to
events, create interactive forms, validate data that
the visitorenters into a form, control the browsers,

JavaScript is most commonly used as a client

side scripting language. This means that JavaScript
code is written into an HTML page.When a user
requests an HTML page with JavaScript in it. the
script is sent to the browser and it's up to the
browser to do something with it.
, 1doct~,


r css comes hoN

' /body{

ront·fomily. arllll,

button {
backgl"OUf'd-color ii6a6 7ce;
color #FFFFFF,

f o.,lpot {

ba.:kgn,und·color# F9F9f9;

width: 100%


.hide {

display none.

Jh°" (
d, splayhl«lc:
<title,Je..aScr,pt Speech to Tat,/titlo

<h2,.Ja-.'35.:ripl Spee,:h to Tett,/1,2,

<p,Oidt on tht be low bull.on and speak samith11'9 ,/p,

<p><butt.,n type-"ldt.on· onclki~'r-unSJ-d,Racogn,UonCY,Speec.h to Tut,/b,,t.ton,

&nbsp: ,span ,do-'IICl.ion"><l5"9'><lp,


/' JS COfflO$ here 'I

function ~,Uon() (

I I gtl output. J,v n : f ~

I I get 11etu,n ~I~!

,..,. action • ~tElcmrtB),ldC·acti<Jn'),

II naw 'fMN'<h ,..cogmUon obj><l

wr 5r-:"R«ogn,Uon • Speed,R.:ogn,uon I ....t,ki~tlion,;

_. recogn,Uon • ,_ ~ • l i o n O ;

I I This run$-..+- the speech ,-ecog,,tion Sll"'Vic. stMts

....:ogn,ttonanstart • fwncl.lonO {

recogn,t,on.~ . funct>or,() {

action.,.,.,.+ITML • ' ,small>stoppecl list.n,ng, hope )'01' arc donL.dsmalh';


// llus runs wh.n the spe«h recogntion 5'1'\11Ca rQt.rns ruult
....:ogn,l1ononre&Ult • f.....:tion<e\Cl'll;) {

\.'llr t.ranscr,pl • .-.t.resultsCO]{Oll.nmscr,pt; _.

confldm.:e • II\WILr,asult.sIOllOJ c.onfld,.,ru.

°',tput."'nerHTML • ',t,,Tat.,/b, ' • tramc.r,pt • 'hr/, <b.coofidence:,/b, ' •

confid nc,,'100+"%',


// r«ag11ilion

r«<>gnil10<1 .st.art0.

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The projact lm,,olva a good lcnawledge of JavaScript
and htmlogNfflffllng language. We 1..-nt about html tags.
Ewnta .
Speh to Text Recognition system Provides the abi Iity of convert into
well understandable wOt"ds Due to its ability of real time speech
conversion thi stem used in various fields like .
Automated Car Environment. ASR System for Air traffic control uses
the hidden Markov model . Speech recognition used for route


www f iccwol lex corn

www wiki pedi o cwn

Thank You!!!!!_..

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