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INDIAN OIL CORPORATION LTD. (MD)/HO INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Vascofstiumen (Bh sor'2022 Sub: Concept Note for development of facilities for handling Bitumen, VLSO & Lubes at Vasco Terminal 1.0 Background 1.1, This is further to ECMS note ref Administrative Approval/3200/SL06/2021-22 dated 13.08.202for approval to concept note for development of facilities for handing at Vasco Terminal. 1.2. At present, Vasco Terminals handling Normal FO, VLSFO being rebranded as LSHS(P}, ATF, SKO and HFHSD. Product wise throuighput for last three years with Tankage is as under men, VLSFO and Lubes Annexure A S [Tankno | Product | Capacity (Kt) | Throughput (Kt) ae 1819 | 19-20 | 20-21 1 6 FO 15369 cH 2 [ou 70 2679 | a7oe2 | s2%e2 | 2saer 3 | 19 | visto 2766 [4 [10.|_ At 2643 5 | 1s | Ar Yo260 | 97987 | 117223 | 47204 6 | 18 | ar 6209 7 [_7_| seo | 4149 | azav | 609 _ | 1164 a | 16 | fFHSD 7620 9 | a7_| nFHsD reeseeee| cence eae 1'3. IB, HO has propounded the business requirement of handling Bitumen, VLSFO & LSHS(P) separately at Vasco Terminal. The requirement of handling VLSO & LSHS [P] has arisen in view of ban on use of Normal FO in Goa state, While Bitumen handling at Goa Terminal is intended to exploit market potential and gamer additional volumes through scles in area, which is primarily being supplied by OMCs and imports by Pvt player. 1.4. There is h cost involved in continuing with. Lube handling for industrial customers in Goa State from hired warehouse. In order to compete in the marke! with attractive rate offer, its proposed by Lube group fo develop lube storage at Vasco Terminal in order to discontinue with hired warehouse. 1.5. Expected sale of VLSO, HFHSD & Bitumen Ex Vasco Terminal is projected as under Product Expected Sales (TMIPA) [ Remarks Bitumen 95 Sale in Goa, Kolhapur, Ratnagiri & — Sindhugarh disticts of Maharashtra, | Belgaum & Dharwad districts of Karnataka iewsen Vaso Proposal INDIAN Oil CORPORATION LtD. (MD)/HO- INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Vosco/situmen ‘Bh sor'022 Sub: Concept Note for development of facilities for handling Bitumen, VLSO & Lubes at Vasco Terminal Product Expected Sales {TMTPA) Remarks LSHS [P]- Replacing FO 36 to 42 VLSFO ~ for Bunkering 18 t0 24 1.6. Product Sourcing 1.4.1, Presently Haldia Refinery is producing 75:TMI per month which is being increased to 100 TMTPM. After meeting demand locally, there is expected to be surplus product of around 400 TMT which can be moved coastally to Vasco Terminal and other situmen locations been developed at tuticorin, Kakinada & Mangalore. 1.6.2. LSHS{P] will be moved from Kandla/IOT Navghar while VLSFO from Kandla coastally. 1.7. Proposal 17.1, Tonkage After deliberations by IB, HO, regional $&D, Operations, to facilitate handling of additional products at Vasco following realignment of existing Tank and construction of New Tanks are proposed New Tanks {a} 17730 kL (Sate Capacity } for Bitumen {b) 1 x200 KL. U/G SKO Tank for down-gradation of any ATF during receipt Realignment of existing Tanks st | Tankno | Capacity (KL) | Existing Proposed | No Product product to be serviced serviced 1 6 15369 ro | USHSiP) 2, ou 8679 FO. Bitumen 3 | 2766 | ISO | VISFO 4/10 8643 AE ATE 5 | 5 10280 ATE ATE 6 | 6 6209 alr NF 7 7 | #4 | skO HFHSD 3 16 7820 HFHSD | _VLSFO 3 778 [ris | ars] ‘Vewson Vaso Proposal peers INDIAN O1L CORPORATION L1D, (MD)/HO IFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Vosco/Bitumen 2 hor'2022, Sub: Concept Note for development of facilities for handling Bitumen, VLSO & Lubes at Vasco Terminal, New Bitumen Tank fo be constructed in the vacant area available in front of Admin Area and near Water Tank no k-09, Conversion of existing SKO Tank to be taken only after dedicated Dockline for ATFs provided., There wil be single Tank on LSHS(P]. During the time when tank is out of service for routine cleaning /M&R works, rebranding of VLSFO fo LSHS(P) would have to be resorted, for which IB needs fo take separate approval. 1.7.2. Dock tines, AS per ECMS proposal, following existing dock lines are proposed for shift 4) Piggaable While Oil Rece’pt Pipeline - (ATF.SKO, HF-HSD) 16 inch Dia. b) Black Oil Receipt Pipeline (FO) ~ 14 inch dia. cc} Bunker Delivery Pipeline (HF- HSD) ~ 8 inch Dia. 1.7.22, Considering the need to handle Bitumen and VLSO bunkering through Barge creation of following Dock lines at Jetly No & on insistence of Port Authority is proposed @) Providing dediccted dockline tor ATF receipt. With dedicated ATF pipeline, SKO tank required for flushing of existing mutt product pipeline will be spared. bb} Piggable Pipeline for bath receipt as well as Pipeline Bunkering/Barge loading dedicated for VLSFO & ISHFHSD. ¢}_ Laying of Single Dock Line for Bitumen 1.7.23. Based on detailed Engineering sizing of Dock tine & utilzation of existing section of Pipeline to be finalized., The specification of VG40'is superior fo that of VG 30. Itis possible to downgrade VG 40 to VG 30. Since single Line is proposed for handling of VG40 & VG 30, to maintain quality between two different grades of Bitumen, following methodology for Bitumen discharge is proposed The line wil be kept filed with VG 30 Grade. Coastal Vessel will cary both the grades of bitumen. Fist VG 40 will be discharged, and line content will be displaced in VG 30 designated Tank, Later, VG 30 will be discharged, and Pipeline will be kept filed with VG 30. Same process wil be repeated every time during each receiot. 1.7.3. Lube Godown Space about 400 mits for Lube Gadown, as marked in attached layout, with independent ‘access is proposed fo be carved out from existing Terminal Area near Water Tank (TKO9) as marked in the attached layout. Only Plot enclosed with Boundary wall will be handed over to Lubes group. Réquired facies to be developed inside the plot to be taken separately by Lubes group. 1.7.32. Proposed Lube Godown fo be managed independenty by Lubes group. Vewion Vaso Proposal meats INDIAN Ol CoRPORATION LTD. (MD)/HO- INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Vorcorstumen em Mor'2022 Sub: Concept Note for development of facilities for handling Bitumen, VLSO & Lubes at Vasco Terminal 178. 178. 177. 178. 179 ii sting FO Pumps and loading points at TLF to be converted to LSHS(P}. Loading facilities to be provided at 4 existing /unutiized bays as per following configuration BayNo7 | VG30& VG40 Bay No8 © | VG30& VG40 BayNo9 _| VLSFO & VG30 Bay No 10_| VLSFO & VG40 Electrical Augmentation: As per requirement for increased load for electrical heat tracing & pumping Heat Tracing: Fluid hea! tracing for Tanks and electrical heat tracing for Bitumen pipelines, Lab Equipment: Necessary Lab equipment as per QC requirement for handling Bitumen, ‘Automation: 4 inch Top loading arm through 4 inch MFM for Bitumen and VLSFO along with necessary infegraticn with existing Terminal Autornation system. Pumping: Minimum One main pump+ | standby pump of same capacity for each grade of Bitumen and VLSO fo take care of flow requirement of 75 % bays at flow of 1500 Ka/min for bitumen and 2000 LPM for VLSFO, 17.10. Fite Fighting: For existing locattions, in case excluded product is stored in same dyke along with 18, 18.1 18.2, 18.3, 1.8.4. Class A, or Class B or Class C, then firefighting system (both fixed foam pouter & sprinkler) for the excluded product tank to be provided irrespective of tank. For proposed conversion of Tank from FO to Bitumen, both fixed foam pourer and sorinkier io be considered. Layout [As per OISD 244, Excluded petroleum should be treated as Closs-C petroleum for the purpose of separation disiances and Table~4 shall be applicable for their separation distances. As per Table-4, no separation distance from Fire Storage/ Fire pumps has been specified, However as per clause 9.2.7 (e). minimum separation distance of 30 mirs from equipment or where hydrocarbons are handled or stored is specified. Accordingly, while developing the layout, 1um separation distance of 30 mirs is kept between new Bitumen Tank and Water Tank, Proposed New Bitumen Tank meets inter distance requirements. However, existing tank proposed for conversion do not meet required separation distance. As per HO guideline (HO/ENGG/BITUMEN, dt 12.01.22) on the modalities of the development of bitumen storage, finalization of layout isin purview of HO (Engg) The proposal is being routed through HO Engg for review of annexed layout with proposed bitumen facilities. Annexure B mini ‘vewaon Vaso Proposal * meets ele IwDIAN Ol, CORPORATION L1D. (MD)/HO INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Vosco/arumen 8» Mor'2022 Sub: Concept Note for development of facilities for handling Bitumen, VLSO & Lubes at Vasco Terminal 2.0 Recommendation 2.1 ED I/C supplies) is requested to accord approval to above concept of adciltional factities as proposed at Vasco Terminal for handling Bitumen, VLSFO & handing over of plot after carving oul space as marked in layout from ex’sting Vasco Terminal land as proposed in para 1.7, Lele — {Vishal Gupta) DGMIID) ~ (Nine com zp H° wet Sir oye Bao i hos no Fete En apphorpe & roneepr i LL ONE vip Meg Wed fun vseh - . Assey apt ind Contre nike lagoyt pete 7 oa rt bee fe hen ip te (ole: To ine Cortcpt ote ED YersCopies} BATS pr ‘enson Vaso Proposal resets “graze, 5:01PM Noles and Deotion Indi 120 Ol forporation Limited ‘aRFaIDate : [ez S—=*™d; » frra/ Subject « Concept Note fordevelopment of facilifies for handling Bitumen, VLSFO and Lubes at VascoTerminal © Ygyfir/ Background: 1.1 Vasco Terminal was commissioned in 1916 by M/sBurmah Shell and indian Oil took over the termincl in 1970. Total area of VascoTerminal is 12.8 Actes. Presently Vasco Terminal is handing ATF, SKO, FuraceOil and HFHSD. MS and 4SD were shifted to ZIOTL, Goa in 2013 due to noncomplianceof OISD noms. Receipt is through Vessel. 16" pigable pipeline is laid foreceipt of ATF/SKO/HFHSD ‘and 14" pipeline for Furnace Oil. 8” pipeline is laidfor delivery of HFHSD [bunkering). Vasco terminal is a pre-OlsDiocation and having space consiraint. Road cll around tank form grea is notavailable. Also, inter-iank distances, distance of tank from boundary wall anddyke well for few tanks are not meeting as per OISD 244. However, watersprinkler in tanks and water curtains ‘are provided as mitigation measures. 1.2 Existing facilities at Vasco Terminal areas follows: Tankages & Throvshput. SRNo | Tank No'| Product | Capacity (kl) Throughput (KL) 2018-19 | 2019-20 2020-21 1 6 FO 15369 2-[ | Fo 2é73__] a7oe2'| 22962 | 25447 3 Wy VLSFO. 2766 4 10 ATF 8643, 315 Are 70280] 97907 | 72x | 7204 6 18 ATF. 6209 7 [7 | ko Ai 2e_| way | Tee 8 16 HFHSD 7820 gf} 16 rns {7820 1 ayes | acowo | aver 109 | Woter_ [18578 73 Lweter |_s00 Pumps: Fe | ps Tunnayan indlanol.o.nfagoviactonteminotes/notasview jsp?rd= 1646730082000 wns sz 01 pa sets anon Tomo nese rong Honea Pon Bem [sie | ware [ARS Lae Ea | | [ears [as ps a 3 3 » [2 | |[nowearenrnr| ao [20s [ano aot won [wat nen [2 | | [aaaxe KIRLOSKAR | KIRLOSKAR | KIRLOSKAR | KIRLOSKAR | KIRLOSKAR | KIRLOSKAR | FLORNE | FLOR{TE | [Eee 120 sna | aon _[ee> ean | MPO isoraan [eo woRn | eo woraN [oss [or WAI 28 [ae 2% 26 2 ms 5 rm vamos [ews [oon oem | 280 an verona [am vas [20 0 0 2 [i EINER nd 10 ree 0 12 5 ve veo | 10 ca vws [ao wes as is Ls aes [2 Electrical load: Connected load o7aKW Sanctioned load 255 KW Peak load 220 KW j Transformer 1x1000 KVA Diesel Generator Set 13500 EVA Fire Fighting Facilities: Fire pumos ‘9x10 m3/he Jockey pump 2x83 m3/hr High Volume Long Range Monitors Snes 3} tps:tunia Receipt/Deliverytines: Presently, IOCL VascoTerminal is having following POL Pipelines at Mormuggo Port Trust (MPT) BerthNos, 10 & 11: MPT Type of Pipeline Pipeline Dia. | Pipetine Length Berth No. 10 White Oil Receipt Pipeline (ATF, SKO, HFHSD)_—_| 16 inch. 1.25 km 10 Black Oi Receiot Pipeline (NFO, VLSFO) 14inch 1.25 km, n Bunker Delivery Pipeline (HFHSD) Binch 0.9 km Now. there is an urgent need to. handle Bitumen, VISFO and lubes from VascoTerminal deliberated as uncer: Handling of Bitumen at Vasco Terminal RefineryDivision have drawn comprehensive plans to maximize bitumen Product across Isai Refineries which was presented to Chairman, indian 20 nlagaviactiontaminctasinctesvewjsp?eK== 1546730083000 205 ‘yar, 5:01 PM Notes and Desssen AS per Refinery BitumenMoximization Plan, Bitumen Production 2024-25 (for all three grades put together-VG-10, VG-30 & VG-40) is as under: [i] Haldia Refinery (HR): Presentty Haldia 's producing around 75 TMiper month and mainly catering Eastem region. Production of Btumen wil be increased from 75 TMT/ month to JOOTMT/month by 2024-25. Once Paradip Refinery starts producing Bitumen and with the increased capacity at Barauri,presentty market catered by Haidia wil be realigned and hence. surplus Can beshifted to Vasco ond Tuticorin due fo availobilty of coastal route movement. {i} Paradip Refinery (PDR): Presently, the bitumen requirement in Orissais fed from Haldia os there Is no production of Bitumen at Paradio Refinery. However Bitumen (Two Grades G30 & VG40} of 70 TMT per month will be produced byParadip Refinery by 2024-25. At present the propose Bilumen plan is in tneapproval stage and as per proposal, stock transfer will be through rail routeonl. (ii) Barauni Refinery (BR): Presently the production of Barauni isoround 5 TMT per month and catering mainly Bihar and North East. Production ofsitumen willbe increased to 25 TMT per month from § TMT pet month by inland refinery, Bitumen can be moved for stock transfer through railoute only. With increased production, the market will be realigned for meetingthe requirements in Eastern Region Monthly demandprojections Ex Haldia Refinery by 2024-25 would be os under: Produet | Local | Local ] Stock] Total Availgpt | Dama | Dema | Transfe | Evacua | surpius Month | Capacity | f) nd fnd |r tion Planea | (Bulk) | (Pack | (Pack)- | E=B+c | FRA-E 6B ye |D 4D Apraa [100 | 100 | 20 [5 é 3 Ec) May2a | 100 | 100 | 20 | 6 6 aH Eo Junezal 00 | 100 | 18 | 5 6 26 74 Tur2a | 700 s | to | 4 3 7 2B Aug24 | 100 a a 8 2 2B Sep24 | 100 so | 1 | 4 6 20 30 oatz4 [fo | 100 [20 | 4 6 30 70 Novae | 100 [| 100 | 20 | 3 6 2 i Deez | 100 3 | 1 3 6 2 6 from Jan25 [100 30 | 20}. 3 6 2 21 | the above Feb | 100 oo | 2% | 6 6 36 24 | monthwise si Mars | 100 | 100 | 45 | 5 6 56 | banend TOTAL | 71200 [910 | 230) 50 | 76 | 356 | 564 | Balance by 2024-25, it is seen thai there is surplus productavailable during the Peak as well as during lean Bitumen Demand months exHaldia Refinery. Surplus available can be moved to proposed location Vasco analluticorin where projected demand is expected to be 150 IMT per annum by 2024-25, ‘The presont demand potentialof approx. 100 TMT per annum (VG30 & G40) of bulk bitumen for themorket/customers that can be catered from Vasco Terminal are given below: _nps:tunnayanindanol.o nlegoviectontaminotasintesviewjop?rd=1646730083000 sp. ‘yatz2, 5:01 PM Notes and Decision b) ¢) District & State Approx, QI in TMIPA, ‘Goa State: 165) Kolhapur, Maharashtra 16.1 Rainagir, Maharashira 67 Sindhudurg, Mohorashira 87. Belgaum, Kamatake 25 Dhorwar, Kamataka: 24 Total 95, Presently the demand ofthe area is primarily met by OMCs including imports. IB Group is reckoningimports to exploit market potential and to gamer additional volumes. Creationot Bitumen hanaling facilities on Western coast at Vasco Terminal forfacilitating bitumen imports andl stock transfer of Surplus Bitumen has beenproposed to tap Bitumen market in this area. Handiingof VISFO at Vasco Terminal: Department of€nvitonment & Cimate Change, Gevemment of Goa vide notification No:2-29- 2OIB/ENVT 216 dated 30/06/2021 (Annex-I) has extended the use offuinace Oil in the stale upto 31/12/2021. Further, Goa PollutionControl Boord [GSPB| vide Circulor ref. No 4/142/21- PCB/Tech/358) dated 1/06/2021 (Annexll) has included. VLSFO along with LDO, LSHS etc. ‘asopproved Fuel for use in Industries in the state. Among the approved fuels for Industrial Usein Goa, LSHS (premium) and VISFO are the viable ‘option, However, Vasco Terminals not having rake loading/unloading facilities. At present LSHS(Premium) isproduce only at Matnura and Panipat refinery for which the products ore movedby rail for stock transfer to IOCL locations. Hence, ISHS(P} cannot be stockiransferred to Vasco Terminal. Inview of the ban of use of FOw.ef. Ist Jan’2022 in the State of Goa, its now proposed to handle singleproduct VLSFO at Vasco Terminal for both punkering as well as for Industrialuse. Presently the furnace oil sales fromVasco terminal is 2-2.5 TMT which will be converted to VLSFO for use inindustries w.e.. 07.02.2022, There is no bunkering activifies at Vasco Terminalior VLSFO. Potential of VLSFO forbunkering 's projected fo be around 2.0 TMT per monih. Therefore, tne projectedmanthly demand of VISFO fer Industrial and bunkering would be 4-4.5 IMT permonth. Handling of Lubes at Vasco Terminal: {OCLis having lube storage go-downat Central Warehousing Corporation [CWC}, Goa for catering direct industralube customers of Goa Sales Area. [OCL has rented a space of 1060 square metersat CWC Goa for the storage of lubricants and greases. Alter 5an on miningactivties in Goa, sales volume has gone down and the space hired for storageis underutilized. Currently, the soles from CWC Goa is 25 KL per month i.2.around 300 KL on annual basis. Total expenditure for handling lvbesat CWC Goa is approx. Rs 39 lakhs annually as per the following details: i) Fixed Charges for Go-cown & Racking facilty:Rs. 37.44 Lacs annually (FY 2020-2021) i) Insurance Charges : Rs. 1.44 Lacs annually(average} | Due to the low sales volume, lube operation from CWCGoa has become uneconomical and this | is leading to higher cost of lube storage and making our offeredrates fo customers uncompetitive. | Hence, shiffing of lube storage facifly to Vasco Terminal is proposed | Ufiizing the space available atVasco Terminal will help in reducing the lube storage cost and with lesser peritre overhead cost, more business can be obtained. /ntpstunnayan indlanoloJnlegoviactorstominotwsinctesviw jsp?nd=1645750083000 ‘78/22, 8:01 PM Noles and Decision ‘nttps:funnayan indian. indegoviactiontamvactesinotesview spe: 14 In principle approval forfecsibiity 10 develop Bitumen storage/handiing facilities at Vasco Terminaiwos obtained vide reference 3200/SL/06/2020-21/01358 == a ape men a : — Rios [a = t ie, (p=: rl areata = ee = —— = lr i i li | poyury ueipuy Pe alia sft i q | i ell ls : ‘a i : E lEUl4 LdO Zz0z -2- gz | °° [wae

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