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Course: Business Research Methods

Course Code: MB 611

Research Proposal on the Title of: The Causes and Consequence of

Unemployment in Addis Ababa: The case of Yeka sub city Wereda


Students Name ID No
1. AbyiotTadesse MBA/022/12
2. Ahmed Hussein MBA/021/12
3. AlamnewWorkalemahu MBA /039/12
4. AlemayehuTora MBA/010/12
5. Bethlehem Daniel MBA/054/12
6. GossayeGomole MBA/011/12
7. MengistuTadesse MBA/037/12

Summit to:-Asaye(PhD Candidate)

December 2019

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Table of Contents
Title Page

Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... II

Abstract ........................................................................................................................................................ IV
CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................................... 1
1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Background of the Study............................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Statement of the Problem ................................................................................................................... 2
1.3. Research Questions ....................................................................................................................... 3
1.4. Objectives of the Study ...................................................................................................................... 3
1.4.1 General objective ....................................................................................................................... 3
1.4.2 Specific objectives ....................................................................................................................... 3
1.5. Significance of the Study .............................................................................................................. 4
1.6. Scope of the Study ........................................................................................................................ 4
1.7. Limitation of the Study ................................................................................................................. 4
1.8. Structure of the study ......................................................................................................................... 5
CHAPTERTWO ........................................................................................................................................... 6
2 Literature Review..................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1. Definition of concepts ........................................................................................................................ 6
2.2. Theoretical Approaches of Unemployment ....................................................................................... 6
2.2.1 Monetarists Theory ...................................................................................................................... 6
2.2.2 Marxist Theory............................................................................................................................. 7
2.2.3 Classical Theory........................................................................................................................... 7
2.2.4 Neoclassical Theory ..................................................................................................................... 7
2.3. Types of Unemployment.................................................................................................................... 7
2.3.1 Frictional unemployment ............................................................................................................. 8
2.3.2 Structural unemployment ............................................................................................................. 8
2.3.3 Cyclical Unemployment .............................................................................................................. 8
2.3.4 Seasonal Unemployment.............................................................................................................. 8

2.3.5 Technological Unemployment ..................................................................................................... 8
2.4 Major causes of Unemployment ......................................................................................................... 9
2.4.1 Population Growth ....................................................................................................................... 9
2.4.2 Slow Economic Growth ............................................................................................................... 9
2.4.3 Patterns of Investment .................................................................................................................. 9
2.4.4 Migration...................................................................................................................................... 9
2.4.5 The Education System ............................................................................................................... 10
2.5. Consequence of Unemployment ...................................................................................................... 10
2.5.1. The Effects of unemployment on the youth .............................................................................. 10
2.5.2. The Effects of Unemployment on the Personal ........................................................................ 10
2.5.3. Emotional and Social Effects .................................................................................................... 10
2.5.4..The impact of unemployment on the political and Economic .................................................. 11
2.6. Empirical Literature Review ............................................................................................................ 11
2.6.1. Nature of Unemployment in Developing Country .................................................................... 11
CHAPTER THREE .................................................................................................................................... 13
3. Research Methodology ........................................................................................................................... 13
3.1. Research Design............................................................................................................................... 13
3.2. Methods of Data collection .............................................................................................................. 13
3.2.1. Primary Data (Key Informant interview & Questionnaire) ...................................................... 13
3.3. Target Population ............................................................................................................................. 14
3.4. Sample Techniques .......................................................................................................................... 14
3.5. Data Collection Tools ...................................................................................................................... 14
3.6. Methods of Data Analysis and Discussion....................................................................................... 14
3.7. Ethical Consideration ....................................................................................................................... 14
3.8. Time Schedule and Budget Plan .......................................................................................................... 20
3.8.1 Time Schedule ............................................................................................................................... 20
3.8.2 Budget Plan .................................................................................................................................... 21
References ................................................................................................................................................... 22

The research will conduct in Yeka sub city wereda 05 which is found in Addis Ababa city with
the aim of finding out the cause, effect, and trend of unemployment since 2017 to 2019.The
research will uses mixed approach that a systematical and simple random sampling technique
additional with primary and secondary source. These dates will present in respondents narration,
table and percentage and finally give recommendation for the study.

According to the researchers will bestudy the cause of unemployment that will identify by
investigation are low payment, choice or work, lack of job, choice of work area and being
illiterate. The major consequence of unemployment people will psychological, economic,
political, and social and health related problems. Finally the researchers willbe recommend that
effective control of population growth, encourage investment, reduce rural to urban migration,
improving educational system and active participation of governmental and other concern bodies
will be the solutions forward by the researchers.

1. Introduction

Unemployment is a term referring to individuals who are employable and seeking a job but is

unable to find a job. Furthermore, it is those people in the workforce or pool of people who are

available for work that does not have an appropriate job. Usually measured by the

unemployment rate, which is dividing the number of unemployed people by the total number of

people in the workforce, unemployment serves as one of the indicators. The part of the study

contains background of the study, statement of the problem, research questions, objectives of the

study which are general and specifics, significances, scope, limitations, background of the study

area and structures of the study. All of them are as follows.

1.1. Background of the Study

Ethiopia is one of the developing countries with high population growth rate. From the historical
perspective, Ethiopia population tends to show increment from time to time (WB, 2017:20-3).In
most developing countries, including Ethiopia, agriculture is the backbone of their economy.
Specifically, it plays great role for the growth of domestic production, feeding of the population,
providing employment opportunities, source of income and raw material for others economic
sectors. But, still it is traditional in productivity due to inadequate, variability and seasonality of
rainfall, lack of improved technologies, poor infrastructures, low soil fertility, absence of surplus
markets and so on (Henok, 2006 p 13-5 ).

The high growth of population and low performance of the economy have created gab between
the producer and the consumer of goods and services such as food, shelter, clothing, and
education. The major determinants of development in Ethiopia are unemployment, population
growth, underemployment, inequality, low level of education, lack of finance, weak institution
and natural and human factors (Abebe, 1990 p41-5).

Ethiopia is characterized by rapid population growth, migration and its mismatch with economic
growth. The real gross domestic product was growing less than two percent per annum during in
the 1990’s while, population expended by about three percent per annum on average. As a result,
the country’s economy could not generate adequacy and well-paying job opportunities for the
labor force and tend to increase unemployment. The youth seem to suffer the most from this
socio-economic problem was those who complete the 10th and 12th grades in Ethiopia, only
limited number of joins colleges and universities. Even of those who graduate with diploma and
degree, many stay for long in search of job. The problem of unemployment has many adverse
ramification of on the unemployed and the society at large. Desperation and disappointment may
lead many to self-destructive and anti-social behaviors and actions, such as drug addiction,
alcoholism, organized crimes (like robbery, tariffing), suicide and violence against women, theft
and begging (Zerihun, 2005 p207-8).

Today, unemployment is one of the controversial issues and it has emerged as the most symptom
of lack of development in almost all developing countries. Unemployment mostly occurs in
youth people and urban areas (Samuelson, 2002:81-4).In the case of Ethiopia, unemployment is
one of the alarming problem in all urban centers, one of these is Addis Ababa city. This study
will be try to assess the causes and consequences of unemployment in Addis Ababa city, taking
in the Yeka sub city wereda 5 as a case.

1.2. Statement of the Problem

Unemployment is almost a feature of capitalist and socialist society. It is not only for the
developing countries that affected by unemployment is a problem but, it also for developed
countries. The extent, feature, and causes of it vary from country to country. In Ethiopia,
particularly in Addis Ababa city, there is a high degree of unemployment and underemployment
that challenge the development of the city (Henok, 2006 p456-59).

Hence, some researchers who studied the problem of unemployment in Addis Ababa city can be
noted here. For example, Tamiru Abate (2005 ) in his study, “The attitude and job expectation,
particular among the younger and educated “ in Addis Ababa city the case of Yeka sub
citywereda1 argued that the choice of youngster and educated person toward the jobs and
other persons attitude toward the jobs that causes the raise of unemployment, TayeAbebe
(2007)in his study, “Unemployment and underutilization of labor force” in Addis Ababa city
the case of Arada sub citywereda 07 argued that most of the time the causes of unemployment
and underutilized are raise from the government side, i.e. the government cannot available job
opportunity for the labor force , and GetaweyKebede (20099 ) in his study, “The shortage of
additional job opportunity” in Addis Ababa city the case of Gullele sub city district 02 argued
that like the idea of the above Taye. This study will may be filling the knowledge gab between
the above researchers to assess the causes and consequences of unemployment in Yeka sub
citywereda5, Addis Ababa.

1.3. Research Questions

These studies will beaddressing the following major questions.

 What are the major factors that give unemployment in the study area?

 What are the effects of unemployment in the study area?

 What are the effects of unemployment on the socio- economic development

efforts in the study area?

 What policy measures need to take in order to tackle in these problems

1.4. Objectives of the Study

1.4.1 General objective
The general objective of this study will be to examine the causes and consequences of
unemployment in Yeka sub city wereda5, Addis Ababa.

1.4.2 Specific objectives

Base on the general objective, the specific objectives of the stud will be:

 To will be examine the causes of unemployment in Yeka sub

citywereda5, Addis Ababa.

 To will be assess the consequences of unemployment in Yeka sub

citywereda 5, Addis Ababa.

 To will be assess the consequences of unemployment on socio-
economic activities inYeka sub citywereda5, Addis Ababa.

 To will recommend some possible measures to solve the tackle

problems of unemployment in Yeka sub citywereda5, Addis Ababa.

1.5. Significance of the Study

This study will may be significance for:

 For government, it will be provide information about the sub city, unemployment and it
helps to design strategies and policies at the government to reduce the rate of
unemployment within the sub city in particular and the country in general.

 For sub city, this study will be creating favorable environment to identifying the major
factors that leads to creation of unemployment.

 For community, it will be creates awareness about the causes and consequences of
unemployment in the society.

 For other researchers, the study will be also down benefits from it for other researchers
who like to conduct further research on this topic.

1.6. Scope of the Study

Taking time, financial, data source, and other constraints in to consideration, the study will be
delimiting to the Yeka sub citywereda5, Addis Ababa.

1.7. Limitation of the Study

During conducting this research, the researchers will be facing some problems. Among some of
the problems are; financial constraints, shortage of written documents on the problem,
inaccessibility of computer and internet services, shortage of time and unwillingness respond of
respondents on the questions.

1.8. Structure of the study
The research paper will beorganized into five chapters: Chapter one deals with the introduction

part of the paper and the second chapter discussed the review of related literatures about the

subject matter followed by chapter three deals with research methodology used in the research.

In chapter four data analysis performed in the research will be extensively covered. Finally, in

chapter five of the document the summary, conclusions and recommendations of the research

with recommendation for future research will be included.


2 Literature Review
2.1. Definition of concepts

The greatest sociologist and economist Karl Marx (1976:143-4) defined the term unemployment,
it is not a permanent features, it is the state of affairs which can be observed at a particular period
of time, it can be removed by appropriate government fiscal and monetary policies measures and
applies only able bodied people of working age (Marx 1902:143-4 quoted in Zerihun, 2005

From these different point of view authors generalized that unemployment is restricted only to
the number of the labor force who has ability to work and willingness to work, but does not get
work at the current normal market wage rate in the given period of time (Henok, 2006:458-9)

Many factors influence the size of labor force at a given time. Some of the more, size of total
population, age composition of the population, activity rate, and ability of the work force. The
total labor force is classified into unemployed and employed. Those who are actively searching
but unable to get a job are unemployed. Therefore, employment refers the portion or labor force
that have job while unemployment refers to the portion a labor force who have not but actively
searching for a job (Henok, 2006 p452-3).

2.2. Theoretical Approaches of Unemployment

2.2.1 Monetarists Theory

Monetarists explain unemployment as the existence of natural rate of unemployment which is

consistent with price level stability or with constant rate of inflation. Natural rate of
unemployment is also a rate of voluntary of frictional unemployment consistent with long run
equilibrium in the labor market. The natural rate is not necessary fixed; anything that increase
labor market fiction will increase the natural rate. For monetarists only continuous monetary
expansion and accepting inflation will keep marginal workers in employment, so they advise

directing macroeconomic policies to control inflation while using microeconomic policies to
reduce the long run natural rate of unemployment (Todaro and Smith 2006 p312).

2.2.2 Marxist Theory

According to Karl Marx, unemployment is inherent within the unstable system of capitalist and
periodic crises of mass unemployment are to be expected. The function of the proletariats within
the capitalist system is to provide are serve to army of labor “that creates down pressure on
wage.” This accomplish by dividing the proletariats in to surplus labor (employers),
underemployment (unemployment) and unemployed (Hyman, 1998 p167-8).

2.2.3 Classical Theory

The essential feature of this theory is that the labor market forced of supply and demand
responds to change in real wage. Thus, unemployment is the consequence of real wage being
and remaining too high to allow the labor market clear. Government wage regulation and
especially powerful trade unions are identified as significant causal factors. This unemployment
in the classical system relies upon market not clearing (Elliott, 1997 p419).

2.2.4 Neoclassical Theory

Neoclassical has concentrated on the so called “choice of teaching us “by explaining
unemployment as a technical problem of “cost minimization.” This approach avoids focusing on
the social process which determines the incorporations of labor power to production and capital
are viewed as “factors of production.” as objects and not as social relation with one another.
Unemployment is explained either as a result of factor price, i.e., the relative cheapness of
capital in relation to labor, or in terms of technological considerations related to the substituted
ability of capital for labor or what has been dynamited of the “factor proportion problem”(Elliott,
1997 p421-3).

2.3. Types of Unemployment

The problem of unemployment occurs because of different reasons. Economists use the reasons
to classify the types of unemployment. Accordingly, there are three commonly known
unemployment types. These are frictional unemployment, structured unemployment, and cyclical
unemployment and the others are seasonal and technological unemployment.

2.3.1 Frictional unemployment
Frictional unemployment is a temporarily phenomenon between jobs and looking new jobs. It
may take place in various ways when some workers are temporarily out of work while others are
changing jobs. The imperfect mobility of labor due to lack of labor market information exist for
the time being and inhabiting geographical or occupational movement of unemployed workers
into vacant jobs are the cause of frictional unemployment (Mitanni,1998 p434)

2.3.2 Structural unemployment

Structural unemployment is unemployment resulting from permanent shifts in the pattern of
demand for goods and services or from change in technology such as automation or
computerization. Structural unemployed workers have skills that are not in demand by employers
because of permanent change in the economy. Structural unemployment often requires that
workers who lose their jobs as a result of such changes learn new skill or move to other locations
to find satisfactory new jobs (Hyman, 1998 p166).

2.3.3 Cyclical Unemployment

Cyclical unemployment is the amount of unemployment resulting from declines in real gross do
domestic product during the period of contraction or recession, or in any period when the
economy fails to operate at its potential (Hyman, 1998 p166-7).

2.3.4 Seasonal Unemployment

It is found in a country, Weather is developed or underdeveloped. It implies not only
underutilization labor power, but also capital stocks used in industries of seasonal nature. This
poses a serious problem or wastage of productive resources for an underdeveloped country
which is already deficient in capital resources (Hyman, 1998: p13-14).

2.3.5 Technological Unemployment

It is a type of unemployment takes place in an economy as a result of technological
improvement. Due to the introduction of new machinery improvement method of production
labor saving devices, etc. some workers tend to be replaced by machines, so workers leave from
their jobs (Hyman, 1998 p168-9).

2.4 Major causes of Unemployment
Unemployment occurs when the economy fails to absorb the labor force. There are varies cause
that contribute the rise of unemployment. Some of them are: rapid population growth, migration,
low level of investment, slow economic growth, low level of education, technology, inflation,
political problems social problems…etc.

2.4.1 Population Growth

One of the fundamental factors attributed to high unemployment in Ethiopia is rapid growth of
population and mismatch with economic growth. Population growth is the major cause of growth
of the labor force. Hundreds of thousands of young people join the labor force every year,
putting preserve on the economic to create jobs that should absorb the additional labor force.

2.4.2 Slow Economic Growth

Insufficient economic development in the country is responsible for the occurrence of
unemployment. Growth of output is a precondition for the growth of employment and the
economics of growth largely depends on the nature of growth .Growth strategies may employ
technologies that could be labor intensive or capital incentive in nature (Hyman, 1998 p 321).

2.4.3 Patterns of Investment

The poor facilitation of investment in Ethiopia is a factor that extends the problems of
unemployment. The growth of investment in Ethiopia is not satisfactory due to different factors,
such as low saving, low infrastructure, political instability, lack of good governance, low market
development (especially in rural areas), problem relate to land acquisition, low interest rate and
others. Due to these factors, foreign investors no attract to invest the country as a result there is
no chance to create new job opportunists for the job seekers (Henok, 2006 p504-5).

2.4.4 Migration
One of the most important components of population dynamics that has serous implication for
the level of employment is the direction and volume of migration. The urban labor grows as
result of the combined effect of the natural increase in urban areas and from rural-urban
migration. Migration is one of the factors which aggravate unemployment. Rural-urban
migration to day should be viewed as a major contribution factors to urban surplus labor force
which continues to accelerate the serious of urban unemployment problem (Birhanu, 2001:11-3).

2.4.5 The Education System
The educational system of the country is designed on the ground that it does not provide the
students with marketable skills is being more of theoretical. Because students lack of training
faculties, lack of vocational and professional guidance. The economic sectors could not provide
employment for all graduates from higher education. Moreover, those employed could from not
be produce as expected. Graduate have the political to acquire skills but they are generally very
little practical skills needed in the work place. There is also a mismatch between the type of work
for which people are trained and willing to work on one, and the job opportunities available on
the other (Birhanu, 2001 p15-7).

2.5. Consequence of Unemployment

According to Martin Kornblum (1999 p412-19) noted that, unemployment has many effects on
the society. Some of them are:

2.5.1. The Effects of unemployment on the youth

As he identified, unemployment is a particular serious problem for the young .Unemployment
disrupts the normal transition to adult hood the young unemployed are denied the opportunity to
be independent from parents and often experience long period poverty (Kornblum 1999 p397).

2.5.2. The Effects of Unemployment on the Personal

Isolation of most unemployment peoples has no close friends, never visited neighbors and few
belonged to organizations or engaged in organized activities (oilmen 1993:35 cities in Kornblum
1999:398). When work times are cut, participation in community life declines and the sense of
isolation grows. Thus, those who have been squeezed out of the labor market, and those who
seldom get in to it are often isolated from their communities and from society at large.
Unemployment causes low self-confidence and low self-esteem are at the risk to lose their place
in the society and turn to seclusion, drug abuse and sometimes even criminality (Hyman, 998

2.5.3. Emotional and Social Effects

Prolonged joblessness causes serious psychological and social change. Significant part of today
works force has been denied not only the benefits of a regular and sufficient income but also
emotional rewards of the a steady jobs the sense of self-worth that comes from doing a job wall

and having other value that performance, the sense of community of stared by daily association
with colleagues is sum the feeling that one is participating in society and contributing to it.
Unemployment is a major social problem because enormous suffering as unemployed workers
struggle with reduced incomes. It is a well-known fact that unemployment has a direct
relationship with some social problems or anti-social activities like increase poverty, social
unrest, theft, robberies, violence potential psychological harm, loss of motivation and increase in
crime rates (Zerihun, 2005 p210).

2.5.4..The impact of unemployment on the political and Economic

That millions are permanently exclude from the productive process is s condition, which cannot
be tolerated for any length of time. The unemployed individual wants work. He wants to earn
because he considers the opportunities, which wages afford higher than doubtful value of
permanent leisure in poverty. He despairs, because he is unable to find work. From among the
unemployed, the adventures and the aspiring dictators select their storm troopers (Sernessls,
2004 p127-8).

Persistently high unemployment create huge cost for individuals and for the economy as whole
some of these costs are difficult to value and measure especially the longer term social costs.
Some of the impact of unemployment on economic are, loss of income, negative multiplier
effect, loss of national output and fiscal output.

2.6. Empirical Literature Review

These sections assess the evidence finding of various studies from the literature in general and
those with particular emphasis on the nature of unemployment in developing countries.

2.6.1. Nature of Unemployment in Developing Country

The nature and magnitude of unemployment is different across in different geographical areas.
According to Mitanni (1998:89-90) noted that the nature of unemployment in developing
countries is differ from that of the advanced countries. In economically advanced countries,
unemployment occurs due to trade cycle, thus, the majority problem is that demand deficient, it
arises during recession or depression period. Unlike developed countries, developing countries
are characterized by large scale disguised unemployment, especial in agriculture sector of rural
areas the problem of in developing countries is that of under employment in one country, the

incidence of unemployment in poor country is speed over the bulk of the population instead of
narrow range of in particular group of works.

ILO (1998:34-5) reported that the number of unemployed people throughout the world has 150
million people that were seeking and available for work but could not find it. But few years
earlier, the number of unemployed people in the world has been 140 million people.
Unemployment has now in the third world countries become one of the serious and chronic
problems in ever developing country.

According to Efere(2004:245) state that the type of unemployment in under developed countries
in Africa, Asia and South America were structural or cyclical unemployment (economic
recession) may be the closest description. It is difficult to describe it as such as some countries
like Mali in Africa and Bangladesh in Asia have been in the same state of high unemployment
such unemployment in developing countries are a result of infrastructural skilled work force and
investment in the economy. This intern is result of lack of political instability, mismanagement,
lack of foreign currency reserves and problem with debt financing.

According to Todaro(1992:215-16) mention that today many developing countries are plagued
by a historical unique combination of massive rural to urban population movements, stagnation
agricultural productive and grouping unemployment. Substantial unemployment in under
developed economies is probably one of the most striking symptoms of their inadequate
development. It wide spectrums of poor countries open unemployment. In urban areas new affect
10-20% of their labor force, it is because of its relationship to the problem of third world
poverty, therefore, that the unemployment issue occupies such a central place in the study of
under development.


3. Research Methodology

In this study, the researcher will be employing both qualitative and quantitative (mixed)
approaches, to be drawn from primary and secondary data sources.

3.1. Research Design

Research design is plan or collecting and analyzing data in economic efficiency and relevant
manner. It facilitates smooth sailing of research operation (Solomon, 2005:14). Accordingly, the
researchers will be use descriptive type of research design. The rationale behind for the
researcher using this type of research design is that; enable the researcher towill obtain complete
and adequate information on the intend problem.

3.2. Methods of Data collection

3.2.1. Primary Data (Key Informant interview & Questionnaire)
Every community has people who by accident, experience, talent, or training can proved the
most complete or useful information about aspect of life. These people are key cultural
consultants, also called key informants (Kottack, 2011 P54). The researchers will be selectpeople
who are knowledgeable about unemployment and its effects on the society, economic and

Questionnaire producer tend to become indirect and impersonal; often the respondents fill in the
form (Kottack, 2011 p54). In this study, the researcher will be use questionnaire paper question
to gather data from the sub city community by distribution the question paper of the problem.
The question papers will be distributing among literate people who able to read and understand
and give meaning to the question in hand.

3.2.2. Secondary Data

In this study, the researchers will be use secondary data sources to gather data about the problem
that helps to our fill gab of the primary data sources to have more understanding and organize the
problem and the researchers will be review written document such as books, magazines,

newspaper, annual reports, official documents and we will use website to connect more data on
the problem.

3.3. Target Population

The study will be focus on one of the wereda of Yeka sub city. In the sub city thereare 14
weredas, out of these the study will be concentrates on the wereda5. So that the target population
of the district will be concentrate with the people who live inyeka sub city wereda5, the wereda
official and employees within the district.

3.4. Sample Techniques

To conduct this study, the researchers will be use different sampling techniques among the
sampling techniques; the researchers will be mostly select simple random and systematic sample
techniques to avoid biasness among the different groups and to make the result of the research
more acceptable.

3.5. Data Collection Tools

As data collection, the researchers will be intending to use both open ended and closed ended
question and semi structure personal interview.

3.6. Methods of Data Analysis and Discussion

To conduct this study, the researchers will be use descriptive research method. For the reason
anal size will the present data to form that easy to understand and supplement by using a simple
tabulation of table and percentage used appropriately.

3.7. Ethical Consideration

In this study, the researchers will be considering the following ethics.

 We will be keep personal confidentiality while conducting the research.

 We will be free from personal bias when collecting, organizing, and analyzing the

3.8. Time Schedule and Budget Plan
3.8.1 Time Schedule
No Activity
Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov
1 Topic Approval *
2 Proposal preparation *
3 Proposal presentation and *
4 submission of
Preparation *
5 Review of literatures *
6 Data collection * *
7 Data organization *
8 Data analysis *
9 Paper writing *
10 First draft submission *
11 Final draft submission *
12 Defense *
Annex 2.

3.8.2 Budget Plan
No. List of Items Unit Quantity Unit price(Birr) Total price
1 Stationary and materials
A4 paper Packet 4 500 2000
Pen Packet 1 300 300
Clip board No 3 50 150
Note book No 3 50 150
Mobile card - -- -- 500
Photo copy Page 500 1.50 750
Printing Page 500 2.00 1000
flash-disk No 2 200 400
CD No 5 30 150
Binding No 4 20 80
2 Respondents expense Birr -- -- 500
3 Transportation Birr -- -- 800
4 Personal expenses Birr -- -- 2000
5 Advisors Birr -- -- 8000
Sum total Birr -- -- 16780
6 Contingency rate (10%) Birr -- -- 1678
Grand total Birr -- -- 18458
Annex 1.

Abebe, H. (1990).Performance and Evaluation of Ethiopian Economy. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia:
MankusaPrinting Press.
Brihanu, N. ((2001). Ethiopian Economy. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: GMA Printing Press.
Effere,D. (2004).The Impact of Unemployment on the Youth. New York, USA: Merrill.
Elliott, T. (1997).The Nature of Unemployment in Urban Area. Ann Arbor: USA: University of
Michigan Press.
Henok, A. (2006).Principles of Economics: Theories of Introductory.Wellaga, Ethiopia:Wellaga
University press.
Hyman, R. (1998).Macroeconomics. London, England: CRC Press.
International labor Organization (2004) labor Force and Unemployment. New York, USA:
Pergamum Press
Kottack, P. C. (2011). Globalization and World Economy Class: 14th ed. Tokyo, Japan:Mc Hall
Marx, K. (1976).Theories of Surplus Value.Stanford, England: Basil Blackwell.
Mithan, B. (1998) Money, International Trade, Banking and Public Finance. Manchester,
England: Stanford University Press.
Samuel, P. (1998).The Nature of Unemployment in Developing Countries: The Case of
Ethiopia. 5th ed. Oxford, England: Queen Elizabeth Press.
Serenely, K. (2004).Macroeconomics and labor Relations. Washington, DC, USA: Pergamum
Press.Vo 12
Solomon, A. (2005).Research Methods in Social Science.Bahirdar, Ethiopia: Tana blue
Puplishing Press.
Todaro, H. (1992) The Expansion of Unemployment in Africa. Washington DC, USA:
Michigan University Press.
Todaro, G. and Smith, Z. (2006).Economic Development and Growth in Latin America.
Cambridge, London: Cambridge University Press.
World Bank (2005).World Economic Development. Washington, DC. USA: Washington
Publishing press.
Zerihun, D. (2005).Introduction of sociology. Hawassa, Ethiopia: Central Printing press.


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